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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Jun 2005

    Default Re: KuReshtin's Vociferously Ruminating Harbinger of Random Banter - #147

    Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
    Yeah. Hence the waking up with a pounding heart and gasping for breath.
    Feeling yourself die from a self-stabbing is horrific.
    I could feel myself bleeding internally, and it was making me breathe all gurgly because I think I hit the lung as well, so it was like I was choking on top of it.
    It was so breathless, and all I could feel was tingly warmth - the kin you get when you've been out in a winter gale, and then you're inside and your skin starts warming up again - and liquid inside me that was heavier than rock.

    I don't want a dream-death again.
    Quote Originally Posted by Thufir View Post
    This does not really express the full extent of my feelings. Dying in dreams bad. It happened to me once and I really badly want it to never happen again. Creepy monsters not a significant issue (Well, OK, maybe if they were real, but they're not). Dying is a scary thing.
    Wait, it isn't a regular thing for you guys?

    Happens to me like every other night...

    Maybe I should go back into therapy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Haruki-kun View Post
    I woke up from a nightmare about a week ago, heart pounding and shaking. Then I didn't remember it at all.

    How do you people manage to remember your dreams?
    I only remember the ones that don't let me sleep again, or are really weird.

    Like the other week I had a dream where I want to this zoo that had a high street on it. And there was this octopus, who wanted to work at this fashion shop but he fell in love with one of the models, so instead he started working as a security guard at what I think was the fossil exhibit, and I kept hearing noises from the dinosaur park and this other security guard kept blaming the octopus for it because he was racist against octopuses.
    Also, at the bird exhibit was a Labrador who had a see through stomach because his stomach was a budgie home and a budgie lived in there but the budgie was missing and everyone was worried the dog ate it.
    Almost died in that one too, when I fell into the tiger lake and a tiger tried to eat me. A keeper saved me by high fiving the tiger.
    Last edited by Jibar; 2010-09-27 at 03:28 AM.
    Nothing but a Nobody

    Quote Originally Posted by Cogwheel View Post
    Also, are you even human any more, or did you just transcend into some sort of in-joke singularity?