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Thread: Shining moments in tabletop gaming.

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    Titan in the Playground
    Aotrs Commander's Avatar

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    Jan 2007
    Derby, UK

    Default Re: Shining moments in tabletop gaming.

    One of my personal favourites was with my Necormancer/Pale Master. I traded out my familar for proficiency in scythe at level one, and early on, picked up a keen scythe. (He actually has two, worn across each other, his magic one and his old one with a continual flame cast on it. Invagrion personally thinks it makes him look imposing. However, as Invagrion had more in common with Undead in appearance and personal hygiene - and the same person who thought that covering a giant skeleton in thick canvas and calling it a "robe golem" was a good idea - you can draw your own conclusions...)

    Now, as you can imagine, in general, as primaru (in fact only) arcane spell caster in the party, Invagrion had better things to do that use his scythe. (Even though he is passably spec'ed for melee (Str 12, do to very high points buy), since I knew at later levels I'd have all the Pale Master class features.) But, the scythe came out a couple of times, but that was it.

    Until one day, during a fairly pitched battle. The front line, held by the barbarian, the Dwarf fighter and my own giant skeletons had been breached, despite our best efforts. We'd got a few buffs up, most notably Mass Enlarge Person. One of our barbarian enemies manged to get into a position to charge Invagrion.

    Who, now Large, now had reach. And a scythe.

    He swung.

    He critted.

    And enough damage to split the barbarian in twain. (44 damage is a fair whack for a wizard in melee!)

    As Invagrion shrieked at the time: "You. Do. Not. Hit. The. Wizard!"

    Made all the previous umpteen levels toting round the scythe totally worth it, even if he never uses it again.
    Last edited by Aotrs Commander; 2010-09-27 at 05:46 PM.