Quote Originally Posted by Trazoi View Post
It's one of the better arcs. Each of the individual elements is silly or stupid, but it involves a large number of the major cast in ways that advance their characters. If Dom and Luna's stupid substory was heavily toned back or dropped then it would be one of my top favourites.
This. I really liked the duel. Donovan and Quilt were awesome, and the Maestro was funny. The orcs were fine by then, and I liked Grench's introduction. Gregory was at his best. The concert was a nice pay-off.
I didn't care much for Serk Brakkis. Somehow, Dominic's revenge came off as cute (Melna thought so, too), though most of that part was just... kinda forced.
The ring? Meh, kinda stupid, but I guess a good Deus Ex Machina for making Barthis rich (which I can forgive, because it gave us Two Thief).

Quote Originally Posted by ThirdEmperor View Post
A question: If none of you like DD, why did you make three massive threads about it. I mean, I have my problems with it (characters suddenly switching moralities, Gregories existence, period.) but I still like it overall, you guys appear to outright hate it, so why read it?
A bit late on this one, but still. I read and snark DD because it's fun. Really, there isn't much else to it.
DD is this wonderful combination of naive, promising and incompetent. I don't hate DD - really, that'd be just stupid - but I find the comic's shortcomings both fun and interesting to study. The unfortunate implications, the plotholes, the character derailments, all that jazz. Who knows, if my eyes are opened enough, I might avoid making any glaring mistakes in my own comic.
Also, "No, Adrak! No, my brother!" Seriously? *snicker*

Quote Originally Posted by Coidzor View Post
Callanians: So evil they'll burn down tents.
Hahaha! Dunno why, but this just made my morning. Thank you!

On today's comic: Is this recapping, or are we actually supposed to learn something new? I'm not... really sure myself.