Lady Moreta, Lord Gareth - great snippets! They're a fun read, and you start caring about the characters very-very quickly.

Lady Moreta, you asked for criticism of you third-person story. One constant mistake is in comma usage:

Basically, you need a comma most cases before closing quotations if the sentence continues, and a period where it does not and there is no other punctuation. For instance, here:


“He is such an idiot,” she muttered under her breath, “and he's jolly lucky he was still in range.

Mostly, though, I really like your writing: the beginning of the story is somewhat slower due to necessary introductions - like explaining party roles - but I find that it helped me understand your prior snippets. For instance, I couldn't figure out at a glance that Nera was a sorceress before reading this part.

I kind of got lost on the moths - a bit too much explicit talking, if you ask me. But I don't really know how to do it better without skipping the scene altogether. I can't get what you were trying to show with the moths - how Nera acts (done, and done well)? Whether the enemies they face are dangerous? How the party acts in general?

No fancy formatting is good, though. Much easier to read that way. :)