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Thread: Murphy's Law 4 (4 Times The Mayhem!)

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Murphy's Law 4 (4 Times The Mayhem!)

    Quote Originally Posted by Herpestidae View Post
    Caroline can be pronounced with either a short or long "i." I blame America and their brutalization of the fine English language. It's spelled Colour, damn it!
    I blame everyone who isn't familiar with phonetics and their lack of knowledge that the "short i" (as in kid, pit, trip) is one vowel sound while the "long i" (as in I, eye, kite) is actually not a distinct sound but actually a diphthong of the "a" sound in shawl and the short "i" sound!

    Also, spelling means bunk. 'color' and 'colour' both read as /kʊlɚ/ to me. Approximately.

    Coffee, if I got your pronunciation correct, it would be something like 'CARE oh line', yes?
    Last edited by MoleMage; 2010-10-03 at 04:13 PM.
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