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    Ogre in the Playground
    Thajocoth's Avatar

    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Austin TX

    Default Re: Archonic's Archaic Acronymical Antidisestablishmentarianism Random banter 148

    Dern youngins and their pokeymans...

    (Pokémon started just barely after I was too old to have any chance of ever being interested in it. I'm 27, so what was that, when I was in High School?)
    Last edited by Thajocoth; 2010-10-04 at 12:20 AM.
    Avatar by me. It's Incendius Darkscale, a Good Dragonborn Dragon Sorcerer, Demonskin Adept, Prince of Hell, worshiper of the Platinum Dragon (Bahamut), specializing in Fire and Lightning, wielding a staff in each hand.