Quote Originally Posted by Introbulus View Post

Sorry, but I can't accept any statement that uses the wrong "you're."

Having sparked this debate, I feel like I need to contribute.

There is nothing wrong with preferring older or newer graphics. It is a matter of preference in style. And I will accept that some Final Fantasy games that have been made since 7 could be argued to be even better. Or the argument that earlier editions were better than 7.
I think 7 was, to some extent, the big divider between new and old FF. VII was a big diversion from their earlier ones in style and theme, and it's wild success inspired others in its style, like VIII and XIII. IX is a direct attempt to get back into form, and I would argue the same for XII as well. X was sort of it's own thing, which I think is the reason for mixed opinions on it.

I would also accept the argument that they are not, and that some of the quality has left the series over time.

Not having played any in awhile, I wouldn't know how the more recent editions stack up, though I do know that in order for them to match the better ones of the past, they'd have to do better than shine. Graphics are a medium by which the game is presented, and if the game is well-constructed in every other aspect, they add to the experience. But not powerful rendering engine can save a bad game.
Frankly, I don't think graphics have much of anything to do with it. XII was one of the ones I liked, and it was also extremely pretty. I liked the prettiness, and it contributed to the game's goodness, but it was certainly not the only reason. I know for one I'd still like the game if Vaan looked like this:
I also disagree with the assertion that the newer games have to be even better than the older ones to compare. If they were of equal quality (assuming that can be quantified), it would be rated more poorly because of nostalgia, but that's not the game's fault. If anything, a game of equal quality on a new system would be better, because it's got the quality of the older game, plus better graphics.