Raen the Oblivious:


Human fighter with 8 Wisdom. The -1 he gets to spot and listen shouldn't be too bad, but my dice decided otherwise. It all started when our party was sleeping in an inn where a patron got kidnapped out a second story window. At three different points during the kidnapping and by three different party members the door to my fighter's room was banged on very loudly. He did not wake up until the whole ordeal was over when someone came into his room and physically woke him up.

It happened again while taking watch in the wilderness. Raen failed his spot listen checks until one of the other party members woke up screaming as a starved wolf was biting their legs. Needless to say they didn't put him on watch duty during the night anymore.

We came across depressions in the ground and my character decided to walk into one. The party had the chase down the Ankheg that was now carrying off my fighter. Later that day we found a puddle of ooze that needed a good poking. Raen ended up in the middle of some sort of slime (dont remember which). Lucky for him he had enough time to get air and enough con to last until the party killed the thing. They don't let him poke things anymore either unless it is actively trying to kill the party. (This is more a side effect of low wisdom than bad rolls)

To top it all off, the only listen check he ever passed was the hear a harpy's song. Sadly my party wasn't able to stop Raen from walking off a cliff due to the enticing song. At least he landed on a ledge close enough to keep him alive (rolled a D% to see if he hit the bottom of the 200+ ft cliff or landed on a ledge somewhere).

Every listen/spot roll this character has had ended up being below 5 except for the one to hear the harpy.