Quote Originally Posted by Thufir View Post
I'm curious as to why. Do you enioy having control over the arrangement of other people's possessions?
I don't know. I iust like helping people unpack. I've been told (by Uni Husband and his Little Brother (aka: jebob)) that when I pack I'm scarily efficient, so I like being able to help people unpack so they can get the onerous duty out of the way.

Quote Originally Posted by Thufir View Post
Also, I iust realised I didn't actually read most of that post before quoting it.
I'm better now, so everything's fine. Heck, I'm even making a sandwich in a minute.

Quote Originally Posted by Thufir View Post
Oh, and first night of Ruddigore went well. People in the audience mentioned my bits among their favourite parts of the show. My ego is sated. For now.
Congratulations. I hope there'll be cast photos later on, and that every night goes as well, or better than the first.

Quote Originally Posted by KuReshtin View Post
Well, that's your problem right there. Should've eaten something before helping someone moving in and unpacking.
takes a whole lot of energy to do that, and if you haven't had anything to eat, then a headache is very possible.
Uni Husband came down at lunchtime. The grapes were my breakfast (how on earth did I use an entire loaf of bread in three days?!) and the chocolate was effectively lunch.
It's probably why I got the headache, but when you get a headache that bad eating flies right out the window.

Quote Originally Posted by KuReshtin View Post
ION: I've got the end credits song from portal stuck in my head now.
Mostly cause I can't stop replaying it on YouTube, but also becuase it's so damn catchy and upbeat while also being so sinister in it's undertones.
Well I know what I'm listening to now as I eat lunch.

Quote Originally Posted by Thufir View Post
That there is a weird coincidence, because Tasroth iust put it on on the main computer on the other side of the room to me. It finished right before I read this post.

Edit: OK, not a coincidence, he put it on after reading that post.

I don't know why, but this amuses me so much.

There are now people moving in and unpacking right across the street from me. I can see into their rooms.
Should I wave?