
I'm currently playing a wizard for the first time (this is actually the first time I've really played 3.5 rather then DMing). The game's been going on for a few weeks, and we're currently at level 11, having started at level 8.

In the campaign my allies and I own a nice house in a large city and spend much of our time going about our business in between adventures. One of the things my character has been doing has been rising in power in the local Mage's Guild, having attained the highest level of membership short of elected or appointed office. I've ambitiously set my sights on such positions, hoping to eventually elevate myself through the ranks...but I have some problems.

First off, because the campaign was an evil campaign from the beginning, I play a Neutral Evil Diviner who worships Vecna. I do wear a ring of mind shielding in order to avoid pesky Paladins, but I would like to craft a Robe of the Archmagi. I know it's not a great item, but this is mostly for flavor, we stick near core elements in the game, not really accessing books beyond PHBI & II, DMG, MM, CArc,CAdv,CDiv,and CWar.

How do I disguise my black robes from being identified as Robes of the Archmagi (Evil)? Is it possible?

Additionally, I'm interested in becoming a Lich one day. Is there any way to disguise this? Will trueseeing blow up my illusions? Is a mundane disguise the best route, and will it sufficiently hide my lichyness? Is Gentle Repose of any help? Being a secret Evil Lich who Masquerades as a Neutral Wizard leading a Mage's Guild sounds awesome, but I'm not sure if it's possible. I don't want to approach my DM with the plan until I have some ideas to back it up.
