Thank you for the replies everyone. From the sound of it, here's what I"m planning for.

1) Ask if I can make my Robe of the Archmagi out of grey cloth intentionally, to fool people. (Follow up: It doesn't say explicitly in the description, I think...does the Black Robe actually detect as evil?)

2) Ask for a ruling on the limitations of Magic Aura.

3) Start dumping skill points in Disguise/Bluff. I'm a loremaster, so I get a good amount of skill points per level, and my Arcana and Spellcraft are both Skill Focused (For Loremaster and eventually Archmage respectively) so they can afford to lose a few ranks in the future.

4)When/If I go lich, start spamming gentle repose (I have some questions about that but I'll get my thoughts in order before I ask them).

Thanks for the help, and I'd be happy to hear any other suggestions.