Keep in mind that each lantern archon variety could have multiple abilities, so we wouldn't have to sum up a virtue in one ability. Two would be good, at least for now, since these are the weakest archons, but variety is good.
  • Temperance, in the vein of self-control and moderation, could have something similar to damp power, where it minimizes (or perhaps averages?) variable effects in a small radius.
  • Charity could have a handful of those "sacrifice X HP to do Y" abilities.
  • Diligence could prevent fatigue and turn exhaustion into fatigue, and then do something with take 10 or take 20 to represent caution and dedication.
  • Patience should probably have the calm emotions effect, given the peaceful resolution and mercy aspects. Maybe something granting additional skill checks over time after one is failed, along the lines of "if at first you don't succeed..."?
  • Empathy and trust...Kindness might have some sort of telepathic bond/affinity field thing going on with other LG creatures.
  • For Humility, anti-fear effects would be good.