Quote Originally Posted by Introbulus View Post
"You just do. You just did, in fact."

Kris is grinning again. She feels a lot better now, and in fact...


"You might just be one of the wisest people I've ever met, Sir Butler."

And yes, she is totally serious about that.
Butler gives her hugs back! He thinks she's crazy, but she gets hugs back all the same!

Quote Originally Posted by horngeek View Post
Meidani nods, and stands just outside the conversation. Zamira notices her, and gives a short nod, but apart from that, continues watching Tobias. "...Reinholdt, did you tell the people you contacted to gather anywhere in particular?"
"Not really. I told them to move in on the area and start doing stuff. Not sure if anyone listened or not."

Quote Originally Posted by The Bushranger View Post
Quinn stands on the doorstep of the Infirmary, looking concerned/worred/relieved, and looks at Reinholdt as he arrives. "What happened to her?" she asks, reaching to take Coralie.
"Overuse of Goddess powers. Needs rest and something for those cuts." Suspiciously catlike those. Reinholdt hands her over.

Quote Originally Posted by FireFox View Post
Toby keeps pushing his broken fingers together, the pain helping him focus and clear his head. I don't really know, I was busy kicking his ass. Something about devices.
"I don't like it. Could be a trap. But we don't have anything else to go on, so that's what we need to work on. Whatever these devices are, they have to get shut down. There's a diviner in the city. Tobias, can you talk to him and see if he can't find the devices quickly? Zamira, you go help Anshu out at the Embassy. Quinn, if you can, Magtok. If anyone here has contacts with the Empire, state so now. We need to get them on it ASAP as they have the best chance of finding things quickly. I'll deal with Watchtower. Keep in touch." Reinholdt tosses out various phones. "Quinn, you use psychics to keep us connected if you can. This is our back-up. It's about time we properly co-ordinate the shutting down of one of these things."