Quote Originally Posted by Internet Flea View Post
Would the 10% chance of member loss apply to the Borg on the team as well?
I rather doubt that, what kind of assassin kills himself?

Quote Originally Posted by Zanshin View Post
What I came up with was a special role known as "The Commander":

The Commander has leadership traits and abilities beyond a normal Starfleet officer, and must use their skills to not only keep the ship running smoothly, but to keep the Borg at bay until a way to defeat them can be found. He gets the option to use one of the following powers:

Away Team- Once per game, the commander can lead an away team to attempt to rescue a Starfleet officer who has been captured by the Borg. The commander must activate this power during the day, and choose 3 additional officers. All four of the away team members are unable to vote for the day. For the commander and each member of Starfleet on the team, the mission has a 25% cumulative chance of success. For every Borg member selected, the team has a 10% chance of losing a member (including the commander, choosen randomly). These percentages don't effect each other (i.e. if the commander has 2 Starfleet and 1 Borg, the mission has a 75% chance of success, but a 10% of the loss of a member).


Enhanced Training- The commander of as Starfleet vessel has training in all areas aboard the ship. When another special officer is killed or assimilated, the commander can take over their role for the next 3 cycles.
The Away Team is interesting, in that it at least provides a bit of ambiguity as to who the Captain is, but if everyone is unable to do anything that day, including voting, it might suddenly result in a villager minority if the game is small. Perhaps up the power level of the ability, such as 100% chance of success, with each Borg member decreasing it by 25%, so a failure still yields information for the Away Team. Or have special roles grant 100% chance of success if selected for the Away Team. The problem would be that a rescue attempt would result in the entire Borg network being exposed...

Perhaps instead of the rescue mechanic, do something akin to The Thing WW, where on the first night the chance of assimilation is 100%, and then every night it goes down by a certain percentage as the crew becomes more aware of the danger and prepared to fight to the death?

Also, here are the rest of the "team good guy" special roles, and their one-time powers (they can choose to use their regular OR special power during the night):

Operations (Ops) Officer- The Ops Officer runs the sensors, communications, and manages the resources of the ship. They can use the ships internal sensors to scan another person. (Seer)

Special Power- Site to site transporter: Once per game the Ops officer can rig the ship's transporters to transport themself or another officer- offering safe passage during the night (PM the narrator during the cycle you wish to use this power- and whether you want to save yourself or someone else)

Science Officer- The science officer is the jack-of-all-trades member of the crew. One day they may be assigned to realign the Dilithium Crystal Chamber, the next day spent crawling around the Jefferies tubes searching for a power fluctuation. They have access to the sensors, but sometimes are a bit distracted by their other duties. (Fool)

Power- Force Fields: Once per game, the Science officer can erect forcefields strategically around the ship, they choose 3 officers during the night (PM the narrator), and those officers can take no action during the next day or night.

Tactical Officers- These officers keep the ship safe, act as security aboard, and run the weapons console. They are in contact with one another to help protect the rest of the ship. (Masons)

Power- Photon Torpedo spread, attack plan Delta 4: The tactical officers can call upon the weaponry of the ship once per game to attack the Borg Cube, causing them to have to reconfigure their shields and disabling their communications for a short time. The Borg lose their night kill for 1 night.

Medical Officer- Trained in healing and the medical arts and sciences, this officer can save the life of another. (Baner)

Power- Emergency Medical Hologram: If the Medical Officer is killed, the EMH activates. It has a 50/50 chance of saving the Medical Officer OR cancelling the next night kill. This can only happens once per game.
Aside from the fact that the Science Officer would kind of have to know he's the Fool because his special ability is different from the Seer's, I think these are interesting roles. Should the Borg have a single special role? Maybe he can call upon the Borg Cube to do something once per game?