80. If you need the players to do something - like work together, let them know. If you're happy for them to go widly off-track, then let them know. Railroading, or wandering around trying to find plot, are mainly annoying when they're unexpected. Give the players a chance to cooperate with you and they might suprise you*

*(They probably won't, but it's so nice when they do)

81. Balance needs to be tailored to the party. Some parties really won't be bothered by 1000hp monsters, but will be helpless against something that flies. Design the encounters with the players in mind.

82. Build a random encounter or two, that can be slotted in anywhere, and use it when you need to. If a session is lagging, or you need something to bridge the gap between one big structured encounter and another big set-peice encounter, hit them with your random back up encounter. It doesn't need to be really tough, it doesn't need to be well-rewarded, and feel free let the party find a clue on their corpses that will get them back on track.