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    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Default Re: [3.P] We know core is broken, but what breaks it, when, and how?

    Let me start out by saying that I do think core is broken big time.

    But...it all comes down to the players and the DM, while the rules are easy to break, it is up to the people involved in the game to make it fun, and core allows you to do that somewhat. I'm not saying the fighter won't be left out quite often, which brings me back to core IS broken.

    However, in my personal opinion it is the *edit*Power Gamers/Munchkins*/edit* that like to make everything about their one man army and the DM who refuses to say no when he realizes something is wrong that truly breaks the game.

    As to when, who, etc:
    If someone in the party wants to be the star then it comes down to the tier 1 and 2 classes, these allow too much damage to the fun for lower tier players. This can honestly start as early as 1st level.

    In my experience though, when players seek to use each others abilities to make a PARTY, with each class filling in for the others weaknesses, then their is no reason for rampant brokenness.

    Just my view,
    Last edited by Pyre_Born; 2010-10-14 at 03:39 AM.

    Great Avatar by Cryssandra