I suppose I'll repost my character from the other page, with a nice single sentence Hope. And replacing Zack on my relationship table with someone I think he'd also have an antagonistic relationship with.

Name: Tobias Hawkins
Type: Devoted Lover
Age: 15
Bliss: 15

Special Abilities:
Starts with a very powerful relationship (already included).
Add one stress to any two relationships.

5|3|| Amy Sullivan
3|2|1| Riley White
2|3|| Christina Freeman (Anchor)
2|3|| Logan White
2|1|1| Julius Jacobs
1|3|| Thomas Winters
1|2|| Everyone Else[/table]

Tobias looks like an average looking teenager with brown messy hair. His eyes are a shiny sort of jade and look hard from years of conflict. He is a tall skinny guy at 5'7 and 120 lbs but you wouldn't know it from the way he carries himself- as a disciplined fighter. Deciding that the end of the world was no reason to change his wardrobe he still wears the jeans and t-shirts (with an open long sleeve shirt over it if cold) he wore when he went to school here.

Tobias is a rather stoic individual, but easygoing more than harsh. IF you do happen to be goofing off instead of acting like we're at war he'll give you a stern reprimand and a harsh lecture, but not much else. His relationship with Amy Sullivan is legendary both for how long and how faithful they've been and how much Tobias loosen up around her- shes his life and soul and without her he'd be an empty husk. Tobias is a fine believer in a justice system to tries to keep students in line. He wanted to be a cop when he grew up.

Likes and Dislikes
Tobias loves order and everything being in its place. He loves Amy and all of his close friends, and trying to keep moral high. He dislikes people that don't respect the authority of the kids 15 and up and how chaotic everything has gotten. His biggest fear is claustrophobia.

-I hope there's a future for humanity.

More than any other, he'd say, Tobias wants the end of the war. After it ends and they can bring the adults back (or even if they cant) he plans to build a new society and try and make humanity grow again. With hope more than anything else as his guide, belying his stoic nature, he believes anything is possible with all of them and truly believes they can win.

Amy Sullivan
Generally seen in a skirt and dressed modestly with her long blond hair hanging free, Amy is a rather timid girl that generally shys away from combat and the realties of the war. With a serene expression she continues to embrace manners and politeness even in these dark times. When around Tobias she opens up quite a bit, but is still very sweet and meek-voiced. She has a ten year brother she takes care of and defends furiously. Amy also seems to be very naive and all around just a sweetheart. A lot of the time she either helps out with the main Nurse or the main Cook, although she can't do either very well. (Though she is getting better at Nursing.. not so much her cooking) At her darkest times, she deludes herself into thinking there is no war and its just a school day that never ends.

Riley White
Red Headed. The official unofficial mechanic of the team, Riley is a true Wrench Wench. Even before things went bad she was taking apart engines with her Dad in his workshop. She has a gruff and really tomboy personality, always wearing tight shirts and pants and getting in peoples faces. More than anything she wishes she could be out there fighting too. Riley and Tobias had been friends for a long time till one day one of them admitted to the other that they loved them. No one is really for sure who turned who down, but they both took it hard when both of them were dating new people the next week. Riley broke up with hers three weeks later, but Tobias' new date was Amy. She is also Logan White's sister.

Christina Freeman
Anchor Type: Driven
Christina will be one of the first to speak up when matters of morality are concerned. She considers any life to be extremely important to save and will go to any lengths to make sure life is preserved. Christi is not cruel and is very cordial with everyone, but enjoys her alone time away from the battles. She knows that they are important and does her part to her full extent, and never takes any smack from anyone or anything. She usually has her brown hair tied back out of her face to show off her rather cute face and small framed glasses. Her and Tobias mesh so well people think they're brother and sister, although they aren't related in the least. Never the less, the small barbs and teasing they do makes it seem like Tobias is the older brother of the slightly younger Christina.