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Thread: Halp With Dorfs (Kobold Run stay out)

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    Orc in the Playground

    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Re: Halp With Dorfs (Kobold Run stay out)

    Might I suggest blending the Smurfs with some Comedies/Dramas for the Jerk-ass aspects.

    White-Bearded type, possibly a wizard. Should be the leader. May or may not be hen-pecked, or just arrogantly incompetent. (Papa Smurf with your choice of somebody like Fred Sanford, Archie Bunker or other evil Patriarch)

    Horribly shrewish woman. Bearded if you like. (Think Roseanne! Or Tony Soprano's Mom.)

    Horribly flirtatious woman...the kind that thinks she's beautiful but ain't, still you'd better show you appreciate her. (Smurfette with a touch of Lena Hyena from Who Framed Roger Rabbit.)

    Machine-crazy engineer. He may be part Gnome. Shame shame! (Handy Smurf at his worst.)

    Big strong Blacksmith type. (Hefty Smurf who doesn't know his own strength or...Hefty Smurf who knows his own strength and likes to use it.)

    Lazy good for nothing type who may be subverted. (Lazy Smurf.)

    Really bad musician of some kind. Obviously they should insist on making everybody listen to it. (Harmony Smurf, or Poetry Smurf.)

    Some sort of Doctor-type. You could have the incompetent, or the really creepy, or just the insane.

    You could find a way to work in Jokey-smurf with his explosions, or Brainy Smurf with his ideas, or Clumsy Smurf with his incompetence combined with an awesome luck factor. Just turn them far more evil.

    Mechanics I defer on because I don't know your game.
    Last edited by PopcornMage; 2010-10-17 at 02:27 AM. Reason: reason for no mechanics.