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Thread: Halp With Dorfs (Kobold Run stay out)

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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Default Re: Halp With Dorfs (Kobold Run stay out)

    If you only have 8 dwarves, you should have some of them be minion raisers. Remember, these are NPCs and are not bound by Leadership scores or restricted by in class granted companions.

    Some examples:
    A druid who raises killer fungus to protect the mines. And for food and booze.
    A Rogue that rears beasts from the depths of the mountains for protection and food.
    A Priest of [insert dwarfiest god in the setting] with a congregation with a militiantly suicidal congregation.

    Don't be afraid to make up some minions either. For example: A wolf isn't exactly scary because, lets face it, everyone knows what a wolf is. But give it 8 legs and a climb speed and you've got a scary beast fit for running from by only adding a movement mode. Give it webbing and/or camouflage if you want to go for overkill.
    Last edited by Beelzebub1111; 2010-10-17 at 08:03 AM.