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Thread: Nexus OoC IV: We're All Mad Here

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    Troll in the Playground
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    avatar by Ashen Lilies

    Default Re: Nexus OoC IV: We're All Mad Here

    Two years ago next month, I came down with CFS/ME. Emotionally I handled it pretty well. Too well, really, considering how severely affected I am. It seems all the emotional avoidance and bottling up hit me finally, and I've been doing a lot of ranting and crying and stuff.

    Just so no one will worry too much about me, I'll just say that I'm really really miserable, but I'm not in danger. Mr HT is looking out for me, and I have an appointment with my CFS therapist this week, and I've been taking my meds, and I have a giant pot of cabbage soup, so at least I shall be well fed in my misery. But I might not be around or I might be here but being overly emotional or who knows.

    But I will get better. I've been at rock bottom before so I know two things. 1) This ain't it. 2) I'm one tough turtle.

    So... yeah. But thanks everyone for being supportive and putting up with my self-pity and listening to me rant and stuff. And for just generally being awesome.
    Last edited by happyturtle; 2010-10-18 at 03:54 AM.
    My avatar! Isn't it just utterly diabolical? Ashen Lilies made it!

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