...A-and I just got a few minutes to write a bit.

Darkpuppy: *nods* True what you say about turning bad gaming into good stories. It's saved me any number of times. Though I prefer having good stories, and am pretty blessed with a good gaming group.

As for the text - on re-reading, I guess I should have put more description into the beginning. I tried to make it read like Bashira kind of telling a joke, but I think I failed at that. :P

As for implying world details - our DM's to thank for those. I'm just describing what he throws at us as Bashira notices it. I also think my specialty to be characters (and I run WoD games, to boot - that makes two of us, funnily enough). Then again, you always think you're good at something when you write, and then people go and notice completely different things.

And Alethor - ye gods, I'd like to meet that wizard in a game! He sounds like a lot of fun! Snarky adolescent elven wizards... Reminds me of a bit of background for Jailin - "...And the instructors at the academy know well why elves under the age of a hundred are almost never taught magic." If you have any other scenes in mind with this guy, I'd like to read more.

As for the others - they sounded like fellow PC's at first, just not developed yet, because of a snippet's time constrain. So, no, I really couldn't tell.