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Thread: Halp With Dorfs (Kobold Run stay out)

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Aug 2010

    Default Re: Halp With Dorfs (Kobold Run stay out)

    The last time I DM'd a game (two years ago?) the party was sent by a local lord to investigate the usually amiable Eaglehammer Clan in the nearby Spidercrown Mountain (I'll give you one chance to guess what lived on the mountain. Yep, you guessed it. Rocs and Stone Yetis.)

    At this point, my party had only heard of dwarves. All were either humans, elves, or halflings (and one accidental bugbear) and had never even seen a mountainhome, and also seemed to love was when I would pull out something they had never done or seen, and I was happy to oblige.

    They also had never seen the Stronghold Builder's Guide...but I had.


    Stone golems.
    Dwarven defenders four deep in 10-ft wide tunnels.
    Sigil traps.
    Minecarts full of fire and explosives.
    Controlled cave-ins.
    More Ballistas.

    Put a ballista with flaming bolts at the ends of all the long, thin corridors. And explosives. And Stone Golems. Show your party that you really care.
    Last edited by DrWeird; 2010-10-21 at 11:14 AM.
    Et tu, Brute?

    My home-brewed bootleg Homebrew

    I tried to be reasonable and nice; but everybody wouldn't quit trying to turn every spellcaster into a Tier 1.