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Thread: Criminal Charges (D&D 3.5)

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    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default Criminal Charges (D&D 3.5)

    For one of my games I plan on having my PCs arrive at an abandoned prison that is clearly made for the worst of the worst. There will be 3 prisoners left in inside, and I was planning on having the following messages inscribed on their respective cell doors:

    The following is a list of the most heinous crimes suspect S11472 was convicted of.
    3 count of conspiracy to destabilize a lawful government.
    4 counts of high treason.
    2 counts of attempted high treason.
    21 counts of treason.
    6 counts of attempted treason.
    67 counts of murder in the first degree with aggravating circumstances.
    The following is a list of the most heinous crimes suspect S11638 was convicted of.
    1 count of conspiring with a 1sr rank malicious entity.
    1 count of attempted genocide via pathogenic weapon.
    1 count of mass murder via pathogenic weapon.
    4 counts of mass murder via use of illegal magic.
    23 counts of the creation and distribution of an illegal substance.
    46 counts of the creation and distribution of an illegal magical item.
    11 counts of the casting of an illegal spell.
    18 counts of murder in the first degree.
    4 counts of murder in the first degree with aggravating circumstances.
    The following is a list of the most heinous crimes suspect S1156375 was convicted of.
    1 count of conspiracy to destabilize a lawful government.
    1 count of the creation of an unsanctioned military force.
    165 counts of the unlawful use of mind affecting magic.
    158 counts of the use of a pathogenic weapon.
    12 counts of war crimes.
    23 counts of murder in the first degree with aggravating circumstances.
    So, just a couple of questions:

    1. How is my wording of the crimes?

    2. Is it conceivable that they are all considered equally dangerous, or does one stand out from the others?

    3. What do you think is revealed about each NPC by their rap sheet?

    Edit: Well unfortunatly I can't bump this without double posting, so here the suggested alternative version:

    Suspect S11472, convicted of:

    Conspiracy to Destabilize a Lawful Government
    High Treason
    Attempted High Treason
    Attempted Treason
    Murder in the First Degree with Aggravating Circumstances
    How does this compare? I'm also thinking of adding more information such as race, DOB ect, but I'm worried that might shatter the mystery.
    Last edited by Boci; 2010-10-26 at 07:30 PM.
    "It doesn't matter how much you struggle or strive,
    You'll never get out of life alive,
    So please kill yourself and save this land,
    And your last mission is to spread my command,"

    Slightly adapted quote from X-Fusion, Please Kill Yourself