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Thread: Criminal Charges (D&D 3.5)

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    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: Criminal Charges (D&D 3.5)

    Quote Originally Posted by golentan View Post
    Well, the problem with "Over 100" for "don't know" is they can't have been convicted on counts that are unknown, so either the counts are known and are included in the conviction count or they shouldn't be totaled unless proven. It's not an allegation count.
    Okay, each number is now set.

    Quote Originally Posted by golentan View Post
    Only a handful of people in the world have acquired murder rap sheets like those you're tossing around, and I'm assuming these guys are killing on an individual basis to prevent it being upgraded to mass murder, since you listed that as a separate count. That's multiple deaths per week, or spread out undiscovered over years, within the civilization's alleged sphere of control without getting caught. Having three of them running around stretches suspension of disbelief, at least for me.
    I've cut down the numbers slightly. Also, the prisoners do not age (to prevent their spirits from being released), so they could be from different times.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dimers View Post
    If you do end up numbering the crimes, the word to use is "counts", not "accounts". The latter makes it sound like people told that number of different stories about the crimes.
    Oops, thanks for that. Fixed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Godless_Paladin View Post
    Considered equally dangerous by who and in what sense? Perspective is important.
    All I’m really looking for is does any of the three jump out as “Why is this one with the other 2?” which no one said, but there is a pretty clear opinion on the hierarchy of the trio's evilness.

    Quote Originally Posted by Godless_Paladin View Post
    Also, if you want to make someone sound dangerous, pure numbers doesn't cut it. It's the standoffish details that give a rap sheet character and makes it memorable.
    I think this is a case where I will use less is more and let my players figure out the details. I may give them hints in the form of a list of items confiscated from them on their capture.

    Quote Originally Posted by WinWin View Post
    2 prisoners with extensive lists. One with no details at all...Perhaps their crimes are too horrible to even be recorded.
    I’m guessing the first one if the “no details” one. That was actually due to the fact that the types of magical crimes are very detailed and specific, where as others tend to be more broad.

    Quote Originally Posted by Godless_Paladin View Post
    Oh, absolutely. You can go a long way to make players paranoid with what they don't know.
    That would go against the idea that these three criminals were viewed as an equal threat to the stability of the nations. I could make all three of their rap sheet blank with the whole "too horrible to record on page" thing, but that would loose it power and desprive my players the chance to know something about these criminal's abilities.
    Last edited by Boci; 2010-10-25 at 11:24 PM.
    "It doesn't matter how much you struggle or strive,
    You'll never get out of life alive,
    So please kill yourself and save this land,
    And your last mission is to spread my command,"

    Slightly adapted quote from X-Fusion, Please Kill Yourself