Quote Originally Posted by strawberryman View Post
[Fushichou High School]

Hibiki sighs in boredom as he looks down into his coffee cup, sitting in the teacher's lounge while going over some of his course plans. The previous day was a disaster... it was lucky he didn't get caught. He was, after all, still a fugitive.

Idly, he uses a finger to control his coffee, swishing it around.
Mayumi Yamashiro walks into the room, a woman of average height with an impeccable appearance. Hibiki would recognize her as the science teacher, a woman that students feared and respected in equal measure. She scanned the room quickly, saw Hibiki, and began walking towards him.

"Hamasaki-san? My name is Mayumi Yamashiro, I'm also a teacher here. I believe that you are new here, yes?" Her speech was formal, but somehow kind. She sounded like a mother.

"I was wondering if you had a few moments to spare. I had a few things that I would like to discuss with you." As she spoke, Hibiki would see a subtle change in the air around her; a green tint to the air, and the subtle hint of some woodsy aroma. It was obvious reiatsu, and it was controlled with the skill of long practice. She had skill with reiatsu; that much was obvious.

She checked around the lounge area, and saw that they were alone. The school day had already ended, so most of the other teachers had gone home. The only ones left were people who had things to think about. She sat down and looked at him, her dark eyes serious. "I was wondering what exactly you're doing here, given who and what you are."