Spoiler'd for length:

So, where to begin. I suppose this all started a month ago when I discovered a new website. I found a lot of the content on this site entertaining. I prefer to keep the site anonymous (you'll understand why later in this post). It has nothing to do with inappropriate material. I just prefer to not name the site as you'll see later in this post.

Anyway, the site mostly has videos and reviews. Now, I noticed in one video, for a few seconds, the camera cuts away from the main character in it to some cameos, and one of the people looked a lot like an old friend. I double checked and did discover that that was said friend (this is the reason I prefer to keep the site anonymous, for my friend).

Now, I love said site and all the stuff they make, and I was pretty excited to learn a friend had connections to it. I eventually concieved the notion to perhaps have said friend introduce me to some of creators of said site. I love the content, the people behind it seem really cool, and maybe I could contribute (I have talents).

I eventually dismissed this idea for two reasons: firstly, it would be incredibly selfish and rude to ask such a thing of a friend. Second, I am not entirely close to said friend. It's not that there's hostility between us, I simply don't know them that well. They were more a friend of a friend, and they graduated school last year and have since moved on to I'm-not-sure-what (like I said, I didn't know them too well).

Anyway, in the past week I saw that the site was actually asking for contributors. I was of course excited and decided I would apply. They were asking for specific roles. I maybe fit one they were asking for, but they also asked that applicants could make up their own position and apply for it. I submitted to the site a few hours ago. Like I said, I made up a position, but I hope the examples I provided will be satisfactory.

Now, my question if it isn't obvious, should I get said friend of a friend to recommend me to said site? Yes, I know how incredibly rude and selfish that is especially for someone I barely know. I hung out with them only a few times the two years we were both at college. I'm not even sure I exchanged a line of dialogue with them. Yeah, it would be really rude and selfish to ask this. I did mention in the application which college I went to so maybe they're think to ask said friend if they know me and maybe that'll be enough for a recommendation.

The only reason I am thinking of this is because I have pretty much nothing else going on for me right now. Some of you may remember a thread I made about two months back explaining my position as a college drop out. I received word and looks like I might only be going back for one more semester and then maybe I'll have to transfer. It all looks kind of hazy.

This position I applied for might be just the thing to turn my life around. I have no idea if I'll get it (I'm sure a lot of people applied) and I have no idea what a recommendation could do. So, there's the facts: ask someone I barely know for a favor or just have faith in my application and hope for the best?