Quote Originally Posted by IcarusWings View Post
I also like how you did Phasma Pyre. I like how each emotion leads to negative emotions. But I'm thinking that it might be better if Phas just only covered the negative emotions. So rather than having love, joy, and surprise, you would have envy, misery, and anger. But people still get hooked.
I disagree, I think basing emotions off of positive emotions is better then basing them on negative ones (but there should be one of guilt).
For exemple, hope sounds like a good feeling, but false hope is dangerous. The best exemple I found for this is a reballion. Every participent hopes that their reballion will succseed and takes great risk. If the reballion fails, they end up worse then how they started - dead or imprisoned. Hope can push people to act in a destructive manner if there is a slim chance of succsess, and lead to their downfall.
Courage can lead to self destruction in a similiar way, but technically not an emotion but ignoring fear.