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    Barbarian in the Playground
    Steilos's Avatar

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    Jun 2009
    Somewhere in in the UK

    Default Re: [BitP:R] BleachitP: Reborn: OOC Thread 13

    Alright. I'm going to try and make Idea No. 2 work. To ze lab!


    Substitute Fae - Alternative title: "Why I hate England" By Henry Rheims Coleby

    20 years ago, Henry wandered into something that he really shouldn'tve. All he can remember was a flash then waking up in hospital. But there was more to the incident than a simple flash of light, and Henry gained more than just spiritual sensitivity from it.

    The Full Story


    For Henry was not actually knocked unconscious by the flash. He was momentarily stunned, and when he came to he could... see something in front of him? Something big, and something person-sized... doing something. Fighting, maybe. It was rather hard to tell, considering he had had about 5 seconds to adjust to his new spiritual senitivity. So, with this limited information, Henry makes quite possibly the worst decision in his life ever.

    He approches the pair, cautiously trying to get their attention. He caught their attention alright, and an arm across the face from the large figure. After picking hismelf up sans a few ribs from a nearby tree, Henry against all advice tried to limp back up to the pair, this time shouting. He manages to distract the smaller figure enough to get it punched through a tree, and is rounded on by the other figure. A rather unlikely way to die all told, but Henry looked to be going that way anyway.

    Until he realises that the smaller figure dropped something - a sword. As the monstrosity in front of him prepared to turn him to mush, he scrabbles over and hacks desperately at the creature with all his strength. This proved to be surprisingly effective, inflicting deep gashes in the Hollow's leg...

    ...Distracting it just enough for the other figure to reenter next to Henry. He didn't know this at the time, but the form above him was a Fae, more precisely a Fian. And according to the rules of his kingdom, he really shouldn't involve mortals in his business. But this particular Fae is not under the rules of his kingdom, having left it as a Fian, and he figures he needs the help. He didn't even like the rules anyway.

    Henry is no longer sure what the hell is going on, and his confusion is further compounded by the figure he had just helped out wrenching his sword from him and plunging it into his chest. Next thing he knows, he's standing next to the Fae that stabbed him with a flanged mace in his hand. With thousands of questions surging through his mind, he attacks the beast in front of him with his inexplicable new weapon. With a satisfying crunch, he lays the beast low with his 'friend's' help.

    But the Fae is having second thoughts about giving power to a mortal. As Henry turns to ask him what is going on he is stabbed again, there is another flash of light, and he is back on the floor. With a gaping hole in his lung. He soon loses consciousness.

    This may all seem irrelevant to Henry today. But if the impetuous young Fae had actually listened to his elders about the subject, he'd have known that you can't really do what he tried to do. So his attempt to stab Henry in a spiritual focus point resulted in Henry's powers being sealed away, and him losing all memory of his about a minute of being a spiritual warrior. It was a pretty strong seal, all told, but it wasn't maintained at all. As it wore away over the 20 years, Henry grew more and more spiritually aware, eventually reaching the level he is now. In fact, the seal is just about ready to break... All it would take at this point would be to regain that two minutes or so of memory that he lost all those years ago.

    Treoir Anam - Túr Cruach
    A flanged mace with a long handle. Seems to be made from steel with a vine pattern inlaid with oak on the handle.

    Spirit and Inner World
    Túr Cruach takes the form of a sarcastic brown-haired woman of about the same age as Henry. She wears flowing robes of green and carries with her a huge tower shield of granite. By all rights she really should not be able to even lift that thing but she seems to have absolutely no trouble with it at all.

    Shockingly enough, the tower she resides in is indeed plated with steel although the interior is stone. When Henry is not there, she spends her time in the uppermost throne room which is fashioned entirely out of copper. This may not seem a big deal, but outside the tower is storm shattered wetland that sees constant lightning strikes. When Henry is ready to recieve Rhyddhau, he must cross the throne room to reach Túr Cruach, a sort of test of courage.

    Rhyddhau - not yet achieved

    Fae Powers - Not yet achieved either. Come on, man! He's only been a Fae for like two minutes!
    Last edited by Steilos; 2010-11-03 at 03:32 PM.
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    Ah, mon petit choux fleur.