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Thread: Fun Down On the Farmpunk: Join in!

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Aug 2006
    Portland, OR

    Default Re: Fun Down On the Farmpunk: Join in!

    I think prohibition, in this setting, would be more enforced by the Government Man, under the pretenses of Religion, but as with the Government Man, no one truely knows his motives. (Or who "he" really is). Best guess is to wipe out the Farmman and take over their frontier. How better to do that then take away the moonshine? A'course, that's just a guess, I reckon we'll never really understand the Government Man. Womans suffrage? How about Peoples suffrage? Dosn't matter if you write Erik John Joman, or Elisha Smith on your ballot, your still voting for the same Government Man.

    As for Labor Strikes, there will always be people who are motivated to travel the long lines of the steel rails on the Iron Horse, regardless of economical climate. Always be the traveler, making sure the Slikker stays in the city, and Farm boy in the country. Its a tough life, living on what you can carry and steal, but it keeps the balance.

    I also think it'd be better to romantasize the hobo rather than explain its existance, this is Folklore, not economics.
    Last edited by AugustNights; 2010-11-24 at 09:10 AM.
    Come with me, time out of mind...