Quote Originally Posted by Neftren View Post
L4D2 is worth every penny. Well, maybe not every penny, but I got 120+ hours out of it so far, and I only paid $7 for it, so it's even cheaper now.

Also, MAJOR sales spoiler found here. It's been spot on so far, so... don't look if you want to be surprised.
Oh, I know. I got L4D, and it's a good game.

Suffers from the same issue as TF2, though, even when playing with friends. I just think "this is a good game. It should be fun. Why am I not having fun?"

That said, I already own it - my problem is more that I'm not going to spend $20 or more on a pack just to hand stuff out to people when I have already done so twice. Semi-broke, after all.