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Thread: Final Fantasy d6 (Complete System)

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Final Fantasy d6 (Complete System)

    Quote Originally Posted by Temotei View Post
    Dust said someone came up with a 45 EVA Ranger.
    Adell, the maximum EVA you could have as a pure ninja without Sunken State is 41. Max your DEX and INT and nothing else, have a Precision weapon that also has the Spell Effect: Vanish property. This build is so neat that it spontaneously caused Chaos to obtain a never-miss attack the first time someone proposed it.

    With an Entertainer and Gambler friend, you could get this up to a ridiculous 56. This is one of the things that will be fixed in the next update of the book.
    Quote Originally Posted by wiimanclassic View Post
    Hm....if you got heavy and heavy arm mk 2 do they stack or does the second cancel out the other? If the stack then 2 Mk2s should......hello 18 strength gets worse when the DM replaces it with Cyborg and you play a blue mage with mutation-construct. 1 free mk 2 and the other from your race....then a bunch of other grafts from taking the ability.

    This is level 1. You will have to min max all others stats to 1 or in the case of dex 8 leaving 1 point if your str is 10. So 2 int I god can someone tell me how good this is if it its legal? extra grafts. Mutation-Beast for a tier 2 brawl weapon at the start.
    Starting as an Android with two Heavy Arms is entirely legal if you really wanted 14 STR. It allows you to push the cap higher at the cost of your other attributes, as you mentioned. Same thing with the better version of the same item; +8 STR at the cost of -8 DEX.
    The downside, of course, is that enemies can damage both your arms, leaving you basically limbless in combat. While I kind of enjoy the idea of an android monk arguing with a GM that he should be able to use Improbable Weapons with his feet by kicking stuff at his enemies, it's a dangerous double-edged sword for min-maxers. Personally, I think you'd have to be crazy to submit a character to your GM with easily-destroyed robot arms.

    Having a Tier 2 weapon at first level is easy to do.
    Quote Originally Posted by DualShadow View Post
    I was wondering, when a caster cast his spell and roll his 2d6 for his damage or the healing and end up with a double 6, does that trigger a limit break?

    Also, if a dragoon who get his critical range down to 10-12 and roll 10 or 11 does that trigger the limit break or does it really require a double 6?
    Spells don't cause limit breaks. We could have easily written the rules differently, but it was done to be consistent with the games.

    Limit Breaks occur on critical hits when your health is low enough. So Dragoons, Reach-weapon users, and anyone else with a way to increase their critical 'threat range' will probably limit break more often. Offensive casters are less 'bursty' and more reliable.
    Quote Originally Posted by Temotei View Post
    There'll probably be more to critique and talk about once another update comes about.
    I hope a set of balance/typo fixes and general system improvement won't generate more to critique!
    Last edited by Dust; 2010-12-04 at 05:55 PM.