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Thread: Erfworld, The Thread.

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    Eldritch Horror in the Playground Moderator
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    Feb 2005

    Default Re: Erfworld, The Thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gicko View Post
    only problem with erfworld i have is that evry second page is in word-only form. remember when the comic used to be a comic?

    edit; not saying that the story forms are BAD at all, they just discorage reading since they are long and more or less pictureless.
    Erfworld 1 also had word-only pages, the Klogs.

    What people seem to take for granted is that the text updates are supposed to be 'bonus' - Rob and Xin only do one comic update a week, but fill in the text updates for people who need their Erfworld fix more frequently. It's quite possible to read Book 2 completely ignoring the non-picture updates without losing any sense of the current plot, especially since they typically show something that's happening away from the 'camera'. Sure, there's lots of foreshadowing and hints about upcoming plot in them, but you can't have your cake which is a lie and eat it too.
    Last edited by The Glyphstone; 2010-12-09 at 06:40 PM.