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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Masters of the Sword: A Warblade's Handbook [Under Construction]

    Quote Originally Posted by Elfin View Post
    I was going to post them all in one go, but I think I'll stick to the bit-by-bit method. I decided to make IHS and WRT gold rather than cyan - do you think that was a good choice, or should I make them cyan instead?
    Personally, I'd say WRT = gold, IHS = "only" cyan.

    Edit: I do sort of feel like I'm being harsh on Stone Dragon. What are your guys' thoughts?
    Hmmm, the only one I've thought was entirely the wrong color was Charging Minotaur. It's awesome damage at low levels and never entirely loses value as a cheap way of getting "temporary Improved Bull Rush" (unless, of course, your Warblade takes the actual feat).

    In general, I think you're looking at Stone Dragon too much in terms of how they scale, when they're actually decent at the levels you can first get them. You keep calling Save DCs "low" (Bonecrusher, Exorcism of Steel), but they're not, when you first get them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Black_Zawisza View Post
    Nope, you're being perfectly fair to Stone Dragon. Pick up Mountain Hammer, Mountain Tombstone Strike, and completely ignore the rest.

    Mountain Hammer is excellent in any case, yes. Every Warblade should take it. Mountain Tombstone Strike? Not so much. It's decent if you get to ignore the "must not be flying" thing, or if you're in a campaign where not many things fly. But even then, I wouldn't call it a must-have.

    And if you're in a campaign where the flight thing isn't a problem, there are a few other Stone Dragon maneuvers that are decent, if not amazing:
    • Charging Minotaur
    • Stone Bones (an incredible choice to take at Level 1, swap out at Level 4)
    • Roots of the Mountain -- good battlefield control if you're too feat-starved to pick up Thicket of Blades
    • Bonesplitting Strike
    • Elder Mountain Hammer
    • Mountain Avalanche
    • Crushing Vise
    • Irresistible Mountain Strike
    • Ancient Mountain Hammer

    Elfin just hasn't gotten to the levels where most of these decent maneuvers are at.
    Last edited by Draz74; 2010-12-11 at 03:32 PM.
    You can call me Draz.

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