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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Aug 2008

    Default A barbarian fix PEACH

    Yeah the problem with the barbarian is the fact it has very little options other than rage + charge the [Insert Expletive Here] out of enemies. Also Trap sense never made sense to me so

    Trap sense goes away. Instead at first level the barbarian gets savage survivalism

    Savage Survivalism
    The Barbarian is an expert of surviving or tracking in the hard wild
    Once per day a barbarian can add half his class level (rounding up) to a survival check.

    And then he gets this

    Savage Maneuvers
    Barbarians have a special way of fighting. It involves applications of brute force few other classes can replicate.

    Savage maneuvers are all usable once per encounter

    Consult above table for maneuvers known per level

    Savage Maneuvers

    Flying Smash
    The name of this ability comes from the fact that it is literally used to knock your opponent flying. The barbarian can declare any single melee attack against a target of his size category or smaller to be a Flying Smash. If this attack hits, the barbarian and the target must roll opposed strength checks. If the barbarian wins the strength check, the target of this ability is propelled 1 feet directly away from the barbarian per point of difference in the check results (round down). If the target collides with an object, he takes falling damage as if he had fallen the amount of feet the difference between the strength check results were.

    Absorb Blow
    The barbarian is a master of endurance. He can channel that to a great effect in combat.
    Prerequisite: Barbarian level 15
    As an immediate action you can absorb a melee attack that has hit you completely nullifying it. No effects persist. You must be aware of the attack to use this ability

    Ancestral Power
    The barbarian calls on the spirits of his ancestors to drive back his foes.
    As a swift action all enemies within 30 feet of the barbarian must make a will save against DC 10 + half barbarian level (rounding up) or be shaken for two rounds

    Perfect Blow
    The Barbarian sees the perfect position to srike. As a free action he confirms one hit. A roll is still needed the check for a critical. He also gets a +10 on critical hit confirmation

    Burst of Speed
    The barbarian calls on his experience to run faster
    as a free action the barbarian gets a +30 unnamed bonus to speed for one round.

    Battle Cry
    The barbarians savage cry for battle inspires others to do great deeds.
    As a free action the barbarian may shout a battle cry. Every ally within 30 feet gains a +4 morale bonus to attack rolls for two turns.

    Powerful Strike
    The Barbarian focuses and strikes with great power.
    As a swift action you can use powerful strike so your next attack will use double your Strenght modifier.

    Raging Deflect
    Prerequisite: Barbarian Level 5
    Your rage fuels your ability to dodge and block as the combat surrounds you.
    As a free action when raging you can start Raging Deflect. For one turn you will have a +5 dodge bonus to AC

    Mighty Combatant
    All your experience focus onto this one battle you momentarily gain greater effectiveness, but at a cost
    Prerequisite: Barbarian level 20
    As a swift action you gain a +5 to attack rolls, +4 to all damage, +2 to all saves and +4 to Con for one round. After that the barbarian is winded (see rage)

    Might of Heroes
    Your blood calls on you to do great deeds this day.
    As a free action you gain a +2 morale bonus to all saves for two rounds.

    All Savage Maneuvers may be used while raging and the morale bonuses stack.

    So this is my attempt to give the barbarian some more options at combat. Also a bit of added power to maybe stand up to the ToB classes. I'm still thinking of doing more Savage Maneuvers when the ideas strike me. Ideas and Comments are welcome.

    Warrior's End
    You may die soon, but so will your enemies.
    As a swift action when reduced to 10% or less of your original Hp you may execute this maneuver. Upon activation you gain a +4 bonus to fortitude saves, +2 to strenght and a +4 morale bonus to attack rolls.

    Warrior's Strenght
    Your rage enhances you in a specific way
    While raging you may substitute all bonuses from raging for a +8 to strenght
    Note: You may not use this in conjunction with Warrior's Endurance.

    Warrior's Endurance
    Your rage enhances you in a specific way
    While raging you may substitute all bonuses from raging for a +8 to constitution
    Note: You may not use this in conjunction with Warrior's Strenght.

    So this is my attempt to give the barbarian some more options at combat. Also a bit of added power to maybe stand up to the ToB classes. I'm still thinking of doing more Savage Maneuvers when the ideas strike me. Ideas and Comments are welcome.
    Last edited by Frog Dragon; 2010-12-17 at 07:17 AM.
    Frog in the playground.

    My homebrewer's extended signature.

    I have Str 5!

    Quote Originally Posted by BobVosh View Post
    Wall of text attacks! CRITS!

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Oct 2007
    Some kind of hell

    Default Re: A barbarian fix

    I like your ideas and will subscribe to your newsletter.

    I might tone down the amount of maneuvers they get, myself, and perhaps work out a similar system to help out Fighters and Paladins with something like this. Good effort, I like it.

    Trap Senses exists for three reasons: Barbarians are characteristically none to smart, have a high Constitution, and tote d12's for hit points.

    When you don't have a rogue, send the meaty trap springer forward.

    Man I want to punch who thought of that idea./grumble

    Last edited by ErrantX; 2009-01-01 at 03:11 AM.
    Chris Bennett
    Author and Lead Developer of Path of War

    My credits:
    Path of War and Path of War Expanded: An OGL Tome of Battle for the Pathfinder game system, for Dreamscarred Press.
    Psionics Augmented: Psychic Warrior and Psionics Augmented: Soulknife for Dreamscarred Press.

    My extended homebrew signature!

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Aug 2008

    Default Re: A barbarian fix

    I see no need to make a fighter or a paladin fix when these exist (A paladin fix) (A fighter fix)

    They're better than what I see myself able to do. There just isn't a decent barbarian fix around so I tried to make one. Oh and the powers? I was aiming for giving the barb some variety. Each is usable only once per encounter which means he can't just spam one maneuver. And the one that might be a bit much is Mighty Combatant, but that's a level 20 ability. Yes its powerful, but so is everything in lvl 20 games. Oh and just look at the basic barbarian. It's class abilities are basically

    Permanent shiz
    More Rage
    More Permanent shiz

    They don't get any bonus feats so they're hard to customize. I'm going to need to do more Savage Maneuvers for some customization. The amount of maneuvers known is to give them the tactical variety they desperately need. Plus It's balanced to at least somewhat keep up with ToB classes.
    Last edited by Frog Dragon; 2009-01-01 at 03:39 AM.
    Frog in the playground.

    My homebrewer's extended signature.

    I have Str 5!

    Quote Originally Posted by BobVosh View Post
    Wall of text attacks! CRITS!

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Dec 2007

    Default Re: A barbarian fix

    Quote Originally Posted by Frog Dragon View Post
    I see no need to make a fighter or a paladin fix when these exist (A paladin fix) (A fighter fix)

    They're better than what I see myself able to do. There just isn't a decent barbarian fix around so I tried to make one. Oh and the powers? I was aiming for giving the barb some variety. Each is usable only once per encounter which means he can't just spam one maneuver. And the one that might be a bit much is Mighty Combatant, but that's a level 20 ability. Yes its powerful, but so is everything in lvl 20 games. Oh and just look at the basic barbarian. It's class abilities are basically

    Permanent shiz
    More Rage
    More Permanent shiz

    They don't get any bonus feats so they're hard to customize. I'm going to need to do more Savage Maneuvers for some customization. The amount of maneuvers known is to give them the tactical variety they desperately need. Plus It's balanced to at least somewhat keep up with ToB classes.
    I do still see a need for a Paladin fix. I didn't much care for the mantle -- although I loved your Barbarian fix. Could you go to my Paladin overhaul 3.5 thread?

    I don't like the Paladin fix for the reason I said in my thread -- it's too ''resist all; damage little.'' That said, any of your suggestions would be great.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Aug 2008

    Default Re: A barbarian fix PEACH

    I added another maneuver. It seems powerful, but it pretty much requires that you're getting you're ass kicked. Anyone got ideas for more maneuvers. I'm looking at making the list quite big so there's stuff to choose from.
    Frog in the playground.

    My homebrewer's extended signature.

    I have Str 5!

    Quote Originally Posted by BobVosh View Post
    Wall of text attacks! CRITS!

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