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    Titan in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Fairfield, CA

    Default Guide To Homebrewing

    Not that it's been an issue or I've seen anything too terribly bad of late, but I thought I'd drop this into place considering a lot of questions I've received.

    Vorpal Tribble's Guide To Making Monsters
    Pifro's Monster Calclulator
    SRD entry on types and subtypes

    Monsters From The Top Down
    Name: Name your monster. Honestly, I've seen a lot of names that really just stick out as a sore thumb, even on an otherwise well-designed monster. If you're stuck for a name, I personally recommend taking one word that closely describes your creature, seeing what it looks like and sounds like in other languages, and then altering that slightly until you come up with a name that sounds interesting. You might want to try Babelfish, BehindTheName (which also has a generator, or Wehewehe if you're stuck.

    Size/Type: Keep in mind what the different sizes mean. Sizes range from Fine at the smallest to Colossal at the largest. For reference, here's a table with similar sizes for creatures of the different sizes:
    {table=head]Size | Equivalent
    Fine | Gecko, frog, tarantula
    Diminutive | Kitten, squirrel, pidgeon
    Tiny | Housecat, terrier, eagle
    Small | Younger than teenage human
    Medium | Teenage and older human
    Large | Coupe car, horse, bear
    Huge | Box truck, Hummer, train engine
    Gargantuan | Tractor-trailer (with trailer), one-bedroom apartment
    Colossal | Cessna jet, most office buildings[/table]

    As for types, keep in mind what they're supposed to entail: Aberrations are generally otherworldly in at least some sense, for instance. A complete description of the different types (and the features they carry) can be found here. Do note that your creature carries all the characteristics of its type and subtype regardless of whether you note it or not, due to the way types and subtypes work. Some creatures are exceptions to the abilities granted by type or subtype, but these special instances are specifically delineated in the monster entry itself.

    Hit Dice: Remember that HD are determined by type. Undead, for instance, always have a d12 HD. Creatures always receive average HP per die, as per the following table:

    {table=head]HD Size | Average | Types
    d4 | 2.5
    d6 | 3.5 | Fey
    d8 | 4.5 | Aberration, Animal, Elemental, Giant,<br>Humanoid, Monstrous Humanoid, Outsider, Plant, Vermin
    d10 | 5.5 | Construct, Magical Beast, Ooze
    d12 | 6.5 | Dragon, Undead[/table]

    Monsters (except Constructs and creatures without Constitution scores, such as most Undead) also receive bonus HP equal to their Constitution modifier multiplied by their HD. Constructs are a special case and instead gain a flat amount of bonus HP based on their size:

    {table=head]Construct Size | Bonus HP
    Fine | +0
    Diminutive | +0
    Tiny | +0
    Small | +10
    Medium | +20
    Large | +30
    Huge | +40
    Gargantuan | +60
    Colossal | +80[/table]

    Remember that your creature's size also affects their Grapple modifier, Hide modifier, Armor Class, and attack bonus.

    Initiative: Unless your creature has the Improved Initiative feat or an ability that directly affects their Initiative, this should be set to the creature's Dexterity modifier.

    Speed: Creatures can have several different modes of movement: Land, Fly, Swim, Burrow, and Climb. Most creatures, except under extraordinary circumstances, will favor either a Land, Fly, or Swim speed over anything else. Remember that having a Swim or Climb speed automatically grants you a racial bonus on Swim or Climb checks, as appropriate. This bonus is +8, and also allows the creature to Take 10 on the appropriate check even when threatened. Some creatures are also allowed with this ability to use a different modifier for the appropriate check (Dexterity instead of Strength for Climb checks, for instance), as they are more appropriately suited for such a style of movement.

    Also note that having a land speed in excess of 30' provides a bonus to Jump checks, and one below 30' penalizes Jump checks:

    {table=head]Land Speed | Bonus to Jump
    0' | Cannot jump
    5'-10' | -12
    15'-20' | -6
    25'-35' | +0
    40'-45' | +4
    50'-55' | +8
    60'-65' | +12
    Each additional 10' | +4[/table]

    Armor Class: I cannot stress this enough: show the breakdown for your creature's armor class. There are a multitude of effects that bypass a particular kind of armor, and on-the-fly adjucation will most likely come up with a different answer than the one you intended.

    Base Attack/Grapple: Your creature's BAB is based directly on the number of HD they have and the type they carry.

    {table=head]Type | BAB
    Aberration | +3/4 HD
    Animal | +3/4 HD
    Construct | + 3/4 HD
    Dragon | +1/1 HD
    Elemental | +3/4 HD
    Fey | +1/2 HD
    Giant | +3/4 HD
    Humanoid | +3/4 HD
    Magical Beast | +3/4 HD
    Monstrous Humanoid | +1/1 HD
    Ooze | +3/4 HD
    Outsider | +1/1 HD
    Plant | +3/4 HD
    Undead | +1/2 HD
    Vermin | +3/4 HD[/table]

    Grapple is determined by adding the creature's Strength modifier to their BAB and attaching a size modifier.

    {table=head]Size | Grapple Modifier
    Fine | -16
    Diminutive | -12
    Tiny | -8
    Small | -4
    Medium | +0
    Large | +4
    Huge | +8
    Gargantuan | +12
    Colossal | +16[/table]

    Attack: List attacks like " [Attack] +X [melee or ranged] (damage dice + damage modifiers, critical range/critical multiplier)". If a creature has multiple attacks, insert a "; OR" betewen them.

    Full Attack: See above, but also remember to include attack options like Rapid Shot as separate lines.

    Space/Reach: This is set by your creature's size. The number listed for Space is for one side of a square. Tall creatures (like a human) generally have longer reach than long creatures (like a tiger).

    {table=head]Size | Space | Reach (Tall) | Reach (Long)
    Fine | 1/2' | 0' | 0'
    Diminutive | 1' | 0' | 0'
    Tiny | 2 1/2' | 0' | 0'
    Small | 5' | 5' | 5'
    Medium | 5' | 5' | 5'
    Large | 10' | 10' | 5'
    Huge | 15' | 15' | 10'
    Gargantuan | 20' | 20' | 15'
    Colossal | 30' | 30' | 20'[/table]

    Creatures with less than 5' reach can't attack surrounding squares and do not threaten squares. They must enter an opponent's square (which provokes an Attack of Opportunity) to attack.

    Special Attacks: Any special ability not gained by feats that the creature can use to directly attack another creature (except spell-like abilities) is listed in this section and described below the statistics block. Save DCs for a creature's abilties are set at 10 + 1/2 HD + relevant modifier.

    {table=head]Modifier | Applicable Attack
    Strength | Physical trauma
    Dexterity | Accurate attacks, called shots
    Constitution | Breath weapons, poison
    Intelligence | Arcane spellcasting, telepathy
    Wisdom | Divine spellcasting, perception
    Charisma | Spell-like abilities, gaze attacks, anything not listed above[/table]

    Special Qualities: Any special ability that doesn't fit into the Special Attacks section goes here, including features like radiated auras and spell-like abilities. Again, do not include feats in this section and describe the abilities underneath the statistics block. Calculate any necessary Save DCs the same way.

    Saves: Saving throws are calculated according to creature type and the relevant ability modifier.
    {table=head]Type | Fort | Ref | Will
    Aberration | +1/3 HD | +1/3 HD | 2 +1/2 HD
    Animal | 2 +1/2 HD | 2 +1/2 HD | +1/3 HD
    Construct | +1/3 HD | +1/3 HD | +1/3 HD
    Dragon | 2 +1/2 HD | 2 + 1/2 HD | 2 +1/2 HD
    Elemental | 2 +1/2 HD (Earth, Water)/+1/3 HD (Fire, Air) | +1/3 HD | 2 +1/2 HD (Fire, Air)/+1/3 HD (Earth, Water)
    Fey | +1/3 HD | 2 +1/2 HD | 2 +1/2 HD
    Giant | 2 +1/2 HD | +1/3 HD | +1/3 HD
    Humanoid | +1/3 HD | 2 +1/2 HD | +1/3 HD
    Magical Beast | 2 +1/2 HD | 2 +1/2 HD | +1/3 HD
    Monstrous Humanoid | +1/3 HD | 2 +1/2 HD | 2 + 1/2 HD
    Ooze | +1/3 HD | +1/3 HD | +1/3 HD
    Outsider | 2 +1/2 HD | 2 +1/2 HD | 2 +1/2 HD
    Plant | 2 +1/2 HD | +1/3 HD | +1/3 HD
    Undead | +1/3 HD | +1/3 HD | 2 +1/2 HD
    Vermin | 2 +1/2 HD | +1/3 HD | +1/3 HD[/table]

    Abilities: A creature's abilities always use the Common array (11, 11, 11, 10, 10, 10) and then are augmented with the cretature's racial modifiers.

    Skills: Number of skills per HD is also set by type. A creature's class skills are usually ones that do not require training and are different from creature to creature. A good number to go with is to choose a number of "class skills" equal to the number of skills that the monster receives per level, and simply put maximum ranks in them all. Remember, creatures without Intelligence scores do not receive skills or feats. Monsters also receive four times the normal amount of skills at first level.

    {table=head]Type | Skills
    Aberration | 2+Int
    Animal | 2+Int
    Construct | 2+Int
    Dragon | 6+Int
    Elemental | 2+Int
    Fey | 6+Int
    Giant | 2+Int
    Humanoid | 2+Int
    Magical Beast | 2+Int
    Monstrous Humanoid | 2+Int
    Ooze | 2+Int
    Outsider | 8+Int
    Plant | 2+Int
    Undead | 4+Int
    Vermin | 2+Int[/table]

    Feats: Like PCs, monsters receive one feat at 1st HD and an additional feat at 3rd HD and every three HD thereafter. Creatures occasionally receive bonus feats which the creature does not meet the prerequisites for but still has access to due to natual predilection.

    Enviroment: Monsters have homes, and this line lets us know what kind of environment the creature is found in. If someone is using wandering monster encounter tables, then this line is what they use to determine where to add your monster.

    Organization: Not all monsters are solitary. Give a few examples as to how a monster is typically found, such as "Solitary, Pairs, or Mobs (4-16)". When giving a size, try to make it determinable with dice. In this example, 4-16 is 4d4.

    Challenge Rating: I've seen a variety of methods to set CRs on creatures, but I've really only found two that work 95% of the time. The first is the one I use: the creatures CR should be between a 3:2 to a 1:1 ratio for BAB:CR, generally, so that a BAB of +9 would be a CR between 6 and 9.

    Vorpal Tribble's method, slightly more accurate but requiring more work than my method is as follows:

    Quote Originally Posted by The Vorpal Tribble
    1. Divide its average HP by 4.5 to 6,
      4.5 for 5 HD or lower, 5 for 6-10 HD, 5.5 for 11-15 HD, 6 for 16-20 HD.
    2. Add 1 for each five points above 10 its AC is, minusing 1 for every 5 below.
    3. Add 1 for each special attack (+2 to +5 or more if its got a decent number of spells in its spell-like abilities).
    4. Add 1 for each quality unless you deem it worthy of more. Add 1 for each resistance and 10 points of DR it has, and 2 for each immunity.
    5. Add 1 for every two bonus feats it has.
    6. Divide by 3.
    Treasure: Let us know what kind of treasure the monster is likely to have. Some monsters have treasure lines that look like "Standard; gems only" or "Double standard; weapons and armor only". This is mostly for DMs that like to roll randomized treasure.

    Alignment: Unless this creature is unique, don't put in just a single alignment. Use the "Always," "Usually", "Sometimes," and "Rarely" qualifiers.

    Advancement and Favored Class: Give advancement paths, whether
    by HD or by class. If by class, provide a favored class.

    Level Adjustment: Provide a level adjustment as you deem appropriate. Unlike the rest of this, there's no real fixed method for setting Level Adjustment. It's best to just approximate and go with what you feel's best.

    HD HD (Average HP)
    Speed X ft. (X squares); ALT SPEEDS
    AC X; touch X; flat-footed X
    BAB +X; Grp +X
    Attack Standard attack +X (damage, critical range/critical multiplier + additional damage)
    Full-Attack Full attack +X/+X/+X (damage, critical range/critical multiplier +additional damage)
    Space X ft.; Reach X ft.
    Special Attacks
    Special Qualities
    Saves Fort +X Ref +X Will +X
    Abilities Str X, Dex X, Con X, Int X, Wis X, Cha X
    Organization Name (Number appearing)
    Challenge Rating X
    Treasure X gold; X gems; X art; X magical items
    Advancement by TYPE; Favored Class
    Level Adjustment +X

    Copy/Paste the following:
    [b]HD[/b] HD (Average HP)
    [b]Speed[/b] X ft. (X squares); ALT SPEEDS
    [b]Init:[/b] INITIATIVE
    [b]AC[/b] X; touch X; flat-footed X
    [b]BAB[/b] +X; [b]Grp[/b] +X
    [b]Attack[/b] Standard attack +X
    (damage, critical range/critical multiplier + additional damage)
    [b]Full-Attack[/b] Full attack +X/+X/+X (damage, critical range/critical multiplier +additional damage)
    [b]Space[/b] X ft.; [b]Reach[/b] X ft.
    [b]Special Attacks[/b]
    [b]Special Qualities[/b]
    [b]Saves[/b] Fort +X Ref +X Will +X
    [b]Abilities[/b] Str X, Dex X, Con X, Int X, Wis X, Cha X
    [b]Organization[/b] Name (Number appearing)
    [b]Challenge Rating[/b] X
    [b]Treasure[/b] X gold; X gems; X art; X magical items
    [b]Advancement[/b] by TYPE; [b]Favored Class[/b]
    [b]Level Adjustment[/b] +X

    Fax Celestis' Prestige Class Creation Tutorial

    When you're enumerating the skills, abilities and saves of a class, write them out. I can't stress that enough.

    After all, what looks more professional and is easier to visualize? “Saves: Good fort, bad ref, bad will,” or:



    However, certain formulas can be used as a shortcut to determine base attack bonus and saves. Always remember to round down. Hit Die is equivalent to level as well.
    • Base Attack Bonus
      • Good: Equal to HD
      • Average: 3/4 of HD
      • Poor: 1/2 of HD
    • Epic Base Attack Bonus
      • Add 1/2 of HD to 20th level/HD BAB (20 for good, 15 for average, 10 for poor)
    • Saves
      • Good: 2 plus 1/2 of HD
      • Poor: 1/3 of HD
    • Epic Saves
      • Add 1/2 of HD to 20th level/HD Saves (12 for good, 6 for poor)
    • Ability Modifiers
      • Ability score minus 10, divided by 2

    On Requirements and Abilities
    • Most prestige classes are designed to be entered at level 5, though more powerful ones are sometimes at level 8 or higher. Always set class skills in PrCs as if they would be acquired at the minimum possible level.
    • Always explain everything as clearly as possible in game terms. Cite mechanics.
    • The general format for a saving throw is 10 + class level + ability modifier or 10 + hit dice + ability modifier, though I have also seen 5 + skill ranks.

    Due to the size of these codes, each is contained under a Spoiler tag. Click “Show” to view the table and code; it is suggested you do not open all at once so the post remains relatively easy to read.

    20 Level Base Class

    {table=head]Level|Base Attack<br>Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability[/table]

    [b]NAME OF CLASS[/B]
    {table=head][b]Level[/b]|[b]Base Attack<br>Bonus[/b]|[b]Fort Save[/b]|[b]Ref Save[/b]|[b]Will Save[/b]|[b]Special[/b]

    1st|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    2nd|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    3rd|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    4th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    5th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    6th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    7th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    8th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    9th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    10th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    11th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    12th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    13th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    14th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    15th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    16th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    17th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    18th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    19th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    20th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability[/table]

    20 Level Base Class with Spellcasting
    Note that you can leave off information for the end columns if the class has not yet gained spells per day at that spell level – for example, no need to fill out anything past 1st spell level for the 1st level row on a class with the same spell progression as a wizard or cleric.

    {table=head]Level|Base Attack<br>Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|0lvl|1st|2nd|3rd|4th|5th|6th|7th|8th|9th

    |Class Ability|-|-

    |Class Ability|-|-|-

    |Class Ability|-|-|-|-

    |Class Ability|-|-|-|-|-

    |Class Ability|-|-|-|-|-|-

    |Class Ability|-|-|-|-|-|-|-

    |Class Ability|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-

    |Class Ability|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-

    |Class Ability|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-

    |Class Ability|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-

    |Class Ability|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-

    |Class Ability|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-

    |Class Ability|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-

    |Class Ability|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-

    |Class Ability|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-

    |Class Ability|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-

    |Class Ability|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-

    |Class Ability|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-

    |Class Ability|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-

    |Class Ability|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-[/table]

    {table=head][b]Level[/b]|[b]Base Attack<br>Bonus[/b]|[b]Fort Save[/b]|[b]Ref Save[/b]|[b]Will Save[/b]|[b]Special[/b]|[b]0lvl[/b]|[b]1st[/b]|[b]2nd[/b]|[b]3rd[/b]|[b]4th[/b]|[b]5th[/b]|[b]6th[/b]|[b]7th[/b]|[b]8th[/b]|[b]9th[/b]

    1st|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability|-|-

    2nd|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability|-|-|-

    3rd|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability|-|-|-|-

    4th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability|-|-|-|-|-

    5th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability|-|-|-|-|-|-

    6th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability|-|-|-|-|-|-|-

    7th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-

    8th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-

    9th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-

    10th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-

    11th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-

    12th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-

    13th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-

    14th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-

    15th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-

    16th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-

    17th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-

    18th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-

    19th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-

    20th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-[/table]

    10 Level Prestige Class

    {table=head]Level|Base Attack<br>Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability [/table]

    [b]NAME OF CLASS[/b]
    {table=head][b]Level[/b]|[b]Base Attack<br>Bonus[/b]|[b]Fort Save[/b]|[b]Ref Save[/b]|[b]Will Save[/b]|[b]Special[/b]

    1st|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    2nd|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    3rd|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    4th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    5th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    6th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    7th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    8th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    9th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    10th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability[/table]

    10 Level Spellcasting Prestige Class

    {table=head]Level|Base Attack<br>Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Spells

    |Class Ability|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

    |Class Ability|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

    |Class Ability|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

    |Class Ability|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

    |Class Ability|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

    |Class Ability|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

    |Class Ability|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

    |Class Ability|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

    |Class Ability|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

    |Class Ability|+1 level of existing spellcasting class [/table]

    [b]NAME OF CLASS[/b]
    {table=head][b]Level[/b]|[b]Base Attack<br>Bonus[/b]|[b]Fort Save[/b]|[b]Ref Save[/b]|[b]Will Save[/b]|[b]Special[/b]|[b]Spells[/b]

    1st|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

    2nd|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

    3rd|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

    4th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

    5th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

    6th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

    7th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

    8th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

    9th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

    10th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability|+1 level of existing spellcasting class [/table]

    5 Level Prestige Class

    {table=head]Level|Base Attack<br>Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability[/table]

    [b]NAME OF CLASS[/b]
    {table=head][b]Level[/b]|[b]Base Attack<br>Bonus[/b]|[b]Fort Save[/b]|[b]Ref Save[/b]|[b]Will Save[/b]|[b]Special[/b]

    1st|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    2nd|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    3rd|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    4th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    5th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability[/table]

    5 Level Spellcasting Prestige Class

    {table=head]Level|Base Attack<br>Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Spells

    |Class Ability|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

    |Class Ability|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

    |Class Ability|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

    |Class Ability|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

    |Class Ability|+1 level of existing spellcasting class[/table]

    [b]NAME OF CLASS[/b]
    {table=head][b]Level[/b]|[b]Base Attack<br>Bonus[/b]|[b]Fort Save[/b]|[b]Ref Save[/b]|[b]Will Save[/b]|[b]Special[/b]|[b]Spells[/b]

    1st|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

    2nd|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

    3rd|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

    4th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

    5th|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability|+1 level of existing spellcasting class[/table]

    3 Level Prestige Class

    {table=head]Level|Base Attack<br>Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Spells

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability[/table]

    [b]NAME OF CLASS[/b]
    {table=head][b]Level[/b]|[b]Base Attack<br>Bonus[/b]|[b]Fort Save[/b]|[b]Ref Save[/b]|[b]Will Save[/b]|[b]Special[/b]|[b]Spells[/b]

    1st|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    2nd|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability

    3rd|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability[/table]

    3 Level Spellcasting Prestige Class

    {table=head]Level|Base Attack<br>Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Spells

    |Class Ability|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

    |Class Ability|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

    |Class Ability|+1 level of existing spellcasting class[/table]

    [b]NAME OF CLASS[/b]
    {table=head][b]Level[/b]|[b]Base Attack<br>Bonus[/b]|[b]Fort Save[/b]|[b]Ref Save[/b]|[b]Will Save[/b]|[b]Special[/b]|[b]Spells[/b]

    1st|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

    2nd|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability|+1 level of existing spellcasting class

    3rd|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|[center]+x[/center]|Class Ability|+1 level of existing spellcasting class[/table]

    • Always, always, always make spells the same format you see them in the book.
    • If you're making a spell that's similar to another one, it's usually a good idea to quote the relevant text directly and then add changes and clarifications. Do note that you can't quote directly anything that isn't SRD.

    On Assigning A Level To A Spell
    First, determine who you want to cast it. Remember, adding to class lists for casters with small lists is a potentially bad idea. Classes like the Duskblade use a limited spell list as a balancing factor.

    Here's also a few guidelines for who should cast what:
    • Does it deal holy damage or only work against specific alignments? It's a divine spell and should be cast by divine casters.
    • Does it deal lots of damage or break the inherent laws of the universe? It's an arcane spell and probably shouldn't be available to divine casters at all, except maybe as a domain spell.
    • Does it have applications for martial classes that outstrip non-martial classes' ability to use the spell well? If so, it should probably go to the Paladin or Ranger...if you're feeling talented, take a shot at adding it to the Duskblade/Hexblade/Assassin spell lists.
    • Is it a mind-affecting, fear, charm, illusion, or compulsion affect lower than sixth level? Almost certainly a bard spell.

    Second, compare it to similar spells. If you're making a better fireball, for instance, it should be higher level than fireball. However, if it's not as good as Delayed Blast Fireball, stick it somewhere in the middle.

    Sometimes it's not possible to do this part, since there simply isn't a spell like it already in existence. Then you've really just got to guess.

    On Assigning A School
    Assigning a school to a spell is an interesting task, but answering the following questions should at least narrow down the schools it could go in.

    Also, remember that there are now dual-school spells, introduced in the PHB-II (well, reintroduced, since they existed in 2e).

    • Does the spell summon or fabricate a creature, object, or force? Probably Conjuration or Evocation, except in the case of undead, where it is Necromancy.
    • Is the spell mind-affecting or fear-inducing? Almost certainly Illusion or Enchantment.
    • Does the spell deal in negative energy? Necromancy.
    • Does the spell change one object, person, power, or other into another one of the same or different type? Transmutation.
    • Does the spell tell you the future, the past, about an object, person, place, or idea? Divination.
    • Does the spell protect you from harm, magical or otherwise? Abjuration.
    • Does the spell protect an object fom harm, magical or otherwise? Probably Abjuration, though it could be Enchantment.
    • Does the spell kill on a failed save? Enchantment, Illusion, or Necromancy.
    • Does the spell fail on a successful wil save? Enchantment or Illusion.
    • Does the spell require a reflex save for half damage? Evocation or Conjuration.
    • Does the spell move or transport a creature or object from one location to another? Conjuration.

    As for descriptors, those are fairly easy:

    • Does the spell have a particular element or alignment inherent in the spell? Add the appropriate descriptor.
    • Does the spell create a force effect (like magic missile, wall of force, or Bigby's hand)? Add the [Force] descriptor, and put it in the Evocation school.
    • Does the spell tinker with an opponent's mind? Add [Mind-Affecting].
    • Does the spell cause the target to become afraid? Add [Fear], and probably ad [Mind-Affecting].
    • Is the spell dependent on your words being understood? Add [Language-Dependent].

    Player's Handbook 173 to 177 is an immense help for this sort of thing, though I don't believe it’s in the SRD.

    School (Subschool) [Descriptor]
    Level: Class Level
    Components: V, S, M, F, DF, XP
    Casting Time:
    Saving Throw:
    Spell Resistance:

    School (Subschool) [Descriptor]
    [b]Level:[/b] Class Level
    [b]Components:[/b] V, S, M, F, DF, XP
    [b]Casting Time:[/b]
    [b]Saving Throw:[/b]
    [b]Spell Resistance:[/b]

    Feat Name [Feat Type]
    Flavor text.
    Prerequisites: You put prerequisites here. Skip this line if there are no prerequisites.
    Benefits: You put benefits here. You always need this part.
    Normal: If your feat alters an existing way of doing things, describe that here. If your feat grants an entirely new ability, skip this part.
    Special: Anything else you feel is important but that doesn't quite fit in the other sections. If you've covered everything, skip this part.

    [b][u]Feat Name [Feat Type][/u][/b]
    [i]Flavor text. [/i]

    *Most feats prerequisites are on odd numbers. Dodge, for instance has a Dex requirement of 13+, while Combat Expertise calls for Int 13+.

    General Information
    • Make frequent use of the bold, italic, and underline tags, instead of using capitalization.
    • Run your work through a spell checker.
    • Follow book formats as close as possible, even if you have a way that makes “more sense.” Since everyone is familiar with it, you are more likely to receive responses.

    Anyone want to add anything?
    Last edited by Fax Celestis; 2007-12-19 at 11:58 AM.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Lord Iames Osari's Avatar

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    Default Re: Fax Celestis' Guide To Homebrewing

    Looks good to me. I nominate this thread for stickyness!

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Fax Celestis' Guide To Homebrewing

    Attempt to clearly explain an ability in game terms, it makes it easier for everyone.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Guide To Homebrewing

    ZOMG THIS IS LEIK SO KEWL!!!!!!!!!!!1!

    *ahem* translated into english;

    Thanks for putting this up, now I know how to do CRs, and how to do tables. :)
    If you have made an avatar for me, do not worry. I have them saved. Your work was not wasted. The reason I am not showing them right now may be because I feel they should be shown off at a better point in time.&&&&Orange Zergling doll by Sneak.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Guide To Homebrewing

    The save DCs for many monster special abilities are based off of 10 + 1/2 HD + ability mod.

    Might be worth noting...

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Guide To Homebrewing

    Here're another few guidelines for dialing in a CR which might not lend itself as readily to your method or VT's (to reduce subjectivity in special ability mods, for example)

    1. A creature at a given CR should do no more damage per (average) attack than about 1/4 of the average HP of a barbarian 4 levels higher.

    2. A creature at a given CR should do no more damage per round than about half the average HP of a fighter two levels higher (calculated based on hit probability multiplied by average damage and added for each attack in a maximised combat round)

    3. A creature at a given CR should do damage more or less equal to what it receives in a given round, including two melee classes and one arcane caster of the same level as its CR. If it has significant abilities it should (generally) deal between half and the same as the damage it receives.

    Edit - Even if another method is used, this can provide a valuable sanity check to ensure you're not going to inflict a guaranteed TPK. If it happens, it happens, but it's our job as the DM to try to limit the possibility while retaining a sense of danger and the ability to 'luck out' into getting a single or pair of kills. Basing melee damage balance on a fighter class means that any wizard at ground zero is in deep trouble, which is as it should be.

    I'll try to remember to do the table conversions so that we've got a common reference for what rogue/fighter AC, attack and stat boosts should be at a given level; that way if people think I'm out to lunch I can amend them as necessary. ;)
    Don't bother trying to appeal to my better nature; I don't have one.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Guide To Homebrewing

    This is a *very* good thread. I'm especially happy about the advice on CRs, since it's something that doesn't come naturally to me.

    One think to note with Fax's &quot;simple&quot; method--it doesn't work, of course, for monsters with a very heavy reliance on special attacks. A nymph, for example, has CR over *twice* her BaB.

    Similarly, Fangthane's method (although it works against spell-using creatures that rely a lot on evocation-type spells) doesn't work for creatures that make heavy use of save-or-lose type abilities.

    And there's alternate damage, too, of course. An Allip can't touch your HP, but it's still CR 3.

    Those are probably good sanity checks for a *minimum* CR, though.
    My latest homebrew: Gastrus

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Guide To Homebrewing

    Added &quot;Spells&quot; Section.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Lord Iames Osari's Avatar

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    Default Re: Guide To Homebrewing

    On the spells section -specifically, the bullet point dealing with force spells. Not all of them are evcation. I can think of at least one that's conjuration (mage armor) and another that's abjuration (shield).

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Guide To Homebrewing

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Iames the Light
    On the spells section -specifically, the bullet point dealing with force spells. Not all of them are evcation. I can think of at least one that's conjuration (mage armor) and another that's abjuration (shield).
    Entirely granted. However, 90% of spells with the [Force] descriptor are Evocation. All the Bigby's, Wall of Force, Resilient Sphere, Telekinetic Sphere, Magic Missile, Blade Barrier..all Evocation.

    But there are exceptions to every rule. For instance, Mage Armor being Conjuration, or Cause Fear being Necromancy. Or hell, Command Plants as Transmutation.

    But in general, the rules posted above should apply.

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Guide To Homebrewing

    Spells - if it requires an attack roll it's usually either evocation or conjuration. (remembered enfeeblement/enervation etc)

    It might be an idea to put in a section for spells involving the maximum typical values - spells up to level 3 generally max their effectiveness at level 10 (regardless of the specifics of their progression), level 4 and 5 spells max effectiveness at character level 15 (dice) or 20 (modifier to a single die), level 6-7 spells typically max at 20 dice and so forth. Exceptions exist (scorching ray, etc) but generally that's the guideline - and even exceptions are close.

    Also - If a spell is movement-affecting or sonic-derived, it's probably a bard spell.
    Don't bother trying to appeal to my better nature; I don't have one.

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Guide To Homebrewing

    I also nominate this thread to be stickied, that way when people go to post their good ideas, they come out looking like good ideas.
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  13. - Top - End - #13
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Guide To Homebrewing

    Got my spreadsheets posted up now - for anyone interested in figuring out the damage dealt by the party against a given critter, the starting point is to add up melee and evocation potential - this chart makes the melee part easy, and also gives a nice sanity check in terms of character HP and AC. I've found them invaluable in determining quickly whether my proposed CR for a creature is within appropriate bounds; hopefully others will too :)

    Edit - I also think this might be better stickied, but what do I know? :)
    Don't bother trying to appeal to my better nature; I don't have one.

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Guide To Homebrewing

    need something for feats.

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  15. - Top - End - #15
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Guide To Homebrewing

    This should be stickied, and the format for each one should be posted.

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Guide To Homebrewing

    Formats added. Feats I have no idea on how to do. Anyone have suggestions?

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Lord Iames Osari's Avatar

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    Default Re: Guide To Homebrewing

    Feat Name [Feat Type]
    Flavor text.
    * Prerequisites: You put prerequisites here. Skip this line if there are no prerequisites.
    * Benefits: You put benefits here. You always need this part.
    * Normal: If your feat alters an existing way of doing things, describe that here. If your feat grants an entirely new ability, skip this part.
    * Special:Anything else you feel is important but that doesn't quite fit in the other sections. If you've covered everything, skip this part.

    [b][u]Feat Name[/u] [Feat Type][/b]
    Flavor text.
    [i]Prerequisites:[/i] You put prerequisites here. Skip this line if there are no prerequisites.
    [i]Benefits:[/i] You put benefits here. You always need this part.
    [i]Normal:[/i] If your feat alters an existing way of doing things, describe that here. If your feat grants an entirely new ability, skip this part.
    [i]Special:[/i]Anything else you feel is important but that doesn't quite fit in the other sections. If you've covered everything, skip this part.
    Last edited by Gorbash Kazdar; 2006-11-29 at 02:13 PM.

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Guide To Homebrewing

    Don't forget that if a feat requires an ability score, make it odd, like Dodge's Dex 13 and Combat Expertise's Int 13.

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Guide To Homebrewing

    Also, for monsters, you should add

    physical description

    descriptive text


    Combat style

    special ability name description of special ability


    [i]physical description[/i]

    descriptive text


    Combat style

    [b]special ability name[/b] descrtiption of special ability

    since this is the mnster format fof the non-block stuff,

    And I nominate this thread for stickyness!

    EDIT: Hit Dice should be spelled out, and the format for attacks should be (damage die+additional damage critical threat range/critical hit multiplier)

    EDIT2:I made a few modifications to your monster stat block to make it more like the WotC n=block in the MM. Here it is:

    Hit Dice HD (Average HP)
    Speed X ft. (X squares); ALT SPEEDS
    AC X (AC DETAILS) touch X; flat-footed X
    Base Attack/Grapple +X/+X
    Attack Standard attack +X melee/ranged (damage die+ additional damage, critical range/critical multiplier)
    Full-Attack Full attack +X/+X/+X melee/ranged (damage die+ additional damage, critical range/critical multiplier,)
    Space/Reach X ft/X ft
    Special Attacks
    Special Qualities
    Saves Fort +X Ref +X Will +X
    Abilities Str X, Dex X, Con X, Int X, Wis X, Cha X
    Organization Name (Number appearing)
    Challenge Rating X
    Treasure X gold; X gems; X art; X magical items
    Advancement by TYPE; Favored Class
    Level Adjustment +X

    physical description

    descriptive text


    Combat style

    special ability name description of special ability


    [b]Hit Dice[/b] HD (Average HP)
    [b]Speed[/b] X ft. (X squares); ALT SPEEDS
    [b]Init:[/b] INITIATIVE
    [b]AC[/b] X (AC DETAILS) touch X; flat-footed X
    [b]Base Attack/Grapple[/b] +X/+X
    [b]Attack[/b] Standard attack +X melee/ranged (damage die+ additional damage, critical range/critical multiplier)
    [b]Full-Attack[/b] Full attack +X/+X/+X melee/ranged (damage die+ additional damage, critical range/critical multiplier,)
    [b]Space/Reach[/b] X ft/X ft
    [b]Special Attacks[/b]
    [b]Special Qualities[/b]
    [b]Saves[/b] Fort +X Ref +X Will +X
    [b]Abilities[/b] Str X, Dex X, Con X, Int X, Wis X, Cha X
    [b]Organization[/b] Name (Number appearing)
    [b]Challenge Rating[/b] X
    [b]Treasure[/b] X gold; X gems; X art; X magical items
    [b]Advancement[/b] by TYPE; [b]Favored Class[/b]
    [b]Level Adjustment[/b] +X

    [i]physical description[/i]

    descriptive text


    Combat style

    [b]special ability name[/b] description of special ability
    Last edited by Gorbash Kazdar; 2006-11-29 at 02:15 PM.

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Retired Mod in the Playground Retired Moderator
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    Default Re: Guide To Homebrewing

    Have updated the first post to reflect new forum codes and standards.

    [code][/code] now does something different - I haven't yet determined everything it does. The new vB code for what you want is [noparse]. The end tag follows the same standard as other vB tag, and can't be shown for obvious reasons.

    Not exactly sure why this thread is causing horizontal scroll.

    Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please. - Mark Twain

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Guide To Homebrewing

    Thank you for the sticky and the reformat, Gorby!

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Guide To Homebrewing

    Horizontal Scroll may be caused by Lord of Narf's post above.

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Guide To Homebrewing

    I belive it's horizontal scrolling due to the fact that the spoiler dosen't collapse the width, just the length. Those tables are pretty wide

  24. - Top - End - #24
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Guide To Homebrewing

    That's probably it.

  25. - Top - End - #25
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Guide To Homebrewing

    I noticed there's no "standard" or whatever for the basic write-up for classes, or whater. Like there is with creatures.
    I use, for prestige classes,

    Name of Prestige Class
    How many levels in the prestige class
    -An image depicting some archetype of the class-

    An artsy-fartsy description of an encounter with a person who has the prestige class, or similar.

    A short description of how the class works, what it's like, that sort of thing, with an ellipses leading into...

    Alignment- What alignment the character must be
    Type- What type (and/or subtype)
    Race- What race
    Age- How old
    Ability Modifiers- Str Mod of +3, that sorta thing
    Skills- What skills, how many ranks
    Class Features- Such as "Bardic Music- Must be able to Inspire Competence" or "Smite Evil- Must be able to Smite Evil as a level 20 Paladin", that sort of thing
    Base Attack Bonus- What BAB is required
    Saves- What kind of saves
    Feats- What feats
    Spells- What spells
    Psionics- What powers
    Special- "Must wear plaid pants", that sort of thing

    Hit Die- What kind of hit die to use
    BAB and Saves- short version of later table, "Good", "As Monk", etc.
    Skills-The Class skills of the Prestige Class (and the relevant ability scores) are (whatever). The Prestige Class gains (something) skill points per level.
    Proficiencies- What proficiencies are gained, also remark on how armor or weapons affect class abilities and features
    Spells- Short version of later table, "As Wizard", "Two Spells Per Day Per Level", etc
    Psionics- Short version of later table, "9 power points per level", "As Wilder", etc.

    (tables putting all that stuff the long way)

    Special Class Ability (Ex/Su/Sp)- Description
    Feel free to delete any sections which don't apply. Most prestige classes don't require certain ages or types, for example.


    [i]Description (narrative)[/i]


    [i]Ability Modifiers[/i]-
    [i]Class Features[/i]-
    [i]Base Attack Bonus[/i]-

    [i]Hit Die[/i]-
    [i]BAB and Saves[/i]-


    [i]Special Class Ability (Ex/Su/Sp)[/i]-

    -I hope that helps. I've started reformatting my old threads to add in tables and such (previously it was "BAB and Saves- As Monk" and so on).

  26. - Top - End - #26
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Guide To Homebrewing

    So, erm, how would you calculate the value of "Construct Traits" using the slightly fancier method of Vorpal Tribble?

    Using the Immunites = +2 thing, the standard construct traits package adds a huge bundle to any creature, to wit:

    No Constitution score +1
    Low Light Vision & Darkvision +1
    Immune : Mind affecting: +2
    Immune : Poison: +2
    Immune : Sleep: +2
    Immune : Paralysis: +2
    Immune : Stunning: +2
    Immune : Disease: +2
    Immune : Death Effects/Drain: +2
    Immune : Fatigue/Exhaustion: +2
    Immune : Energy Drain: +2
    Immune : Massive Damage Saves: +2
    Immune : FOrt Save effects unless vs objects. +2

    24 points - which is a CR increase of +8 after dividing by 3....
    So a three HD construct with no other features would end up being a CR 9 critter?
    Or am I misunderstanding immunities - does that only apply to energy immunities or immunities to actual hp damage effects?
    Last edited by Helgraf; 2006-11-02 at 11:35 PM.
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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Guide To Homebrewing

    One usually balances racial immunities/resistances with racial weaknesses. Furthermore, have you seen a golem of less than CR 7?

  28. - Top - End - #28
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fax_Celestis View Post
    One usually balances racial immunities/resistances with racial weaknesses. Furthermore, have you seen a golem of less than CR 7?
    No, but almost every animated object except the Colossal sized ones have CRs of 7 or less.

    Golems get CT + virtual magic immunity (against all but a few specific spells with nonstandard results and those spells that don't allow SR); and yes with that little doodad addon, I wouldn't expect to find one with a CR less than 7, but the field of Constructs is a bit wider than golems.

    In case I wasn't clear I was not asking to be snarky or stump anyone - I'm genuinely interested in figuring out the 'value worth' of the Construct Traits package; especially as one of my creatures that I'm submitting to MitP is a Construct whose CR I'm trying to figure out.

    That said, here's the list of Constructs with Construct Traits from 3.5MM, Fiend Folio, MM2 (note this was PDF errated to 3.5), and MM3. I'm beginning to seriously think that the CR adjustment for Construct traits is essentially +1, or maybe scalable as high as +2 depending on the base HD of the creature, ((which would equate to somewhere between +2 and +7 in the pre-division by 3 method of VTs, for tracking.))

    I base this mostly on an eyeball of the many creatures on this list in basic, and in particular by looking at the templates that give the base creature the construct type (captured one and half-golem), but I'd like to know other people's thoughts on the matter. For the core Monster Manual critters, I've included the creature's HD for comparison.

    Monster Manual I
    Animated Objects: Tiny CR 1/2 HD 1/2d10, Small CR 1 HD 1d10+10, Medium CR 2 HD 2d10+20, Large CR 3 HD 4d10+30, Huge CR 5 HD 8d10+40, Gargantuan CR 7 HD 16d10+60, Colossal CR 10 HD 32d10+80
    Golems: Clay CR 10 HD 11d10+30; Flesh CR 7 HD 9d10+30; Iron CR 13 HD 18d10+30, Stone CR 11 HD 14d10+30, Greater Stone CR 16 HD 42d10+40
    Homunculus - CR:1 HD 2d10
    Inevitables - Kolyarut CR 12 HD 13d10+20, Marut CR 15 HD 15d10+30, Zelekhut CR 9 HD 8d10+30
    Retriever CR: 11 HD 10d10+80
    Shield Guardian CR: 8 HD 15d10+30

    Monster Manual II
    Automatons: Pulverizer CR 3; Hammerer CR 3
    Bogun: CR 1
    Bronze Serpent: CR 10
    Captured One (Template): Gives construct traits and shared damage ability to its victim, and modifies the CR by +2
    Chain Golem: CR 5 - and they also get magic immunity
    Clockwork Horrors: Electrum CR 4, Gold CR 5, Platinum CR 7, Adamantine CR 9
    Dread Guard: CR 2
    Golems: Stained Glass CR 5; Brass CR 10; Dragonflesh CR 13
    Half-Golem (Template): Construct Traits, DR, many other benefits - AND magic immunity. CR +3
    Juggernaut: CR 11
    Nimblewright: CR 7
    Raggamoffyn: Tatterdemanimal CR 1, Common Raggamoffyn CR 3, Guttersnipe CR 5, Shrapnyl CR 7
    Rogue Eidolon: CR 9
    Runic Guardian: CR 10

    Fiend Folio
    Blackstone Gigant: CR 18
    Carytid Column: CR 6
    Golems: Blood Golem CR 8; Brain Golem CR 10; Demonflesh Golem CR 18, Hellfire Golem CR 17
    Inevitables: Quarut CR 17, Varakhut CR 19
    Iron Cobra: CR 2
    Maug: CR 3
    Necrophidius: CR 2
    Wicker Man: CR 11
    Zodar: CR 16

    Monster Manual III
    Cadaver Collector: CR 12; Greater Cadaver Collector CR 17
    Golems: Alchemical CR 11; Gloom CR 7; Hangman CR 13; Mud CR 11; Prismatic CR 18; Shadesteel CR 11; Greater Shadesteel CR 14; Web CR 7
    Grisgol: CR 15
    Shredstorm: CR 8
    Slaughterstone Behemoth: CR 15
    Slaughterstone Eviscerator: CR 12
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    Titan in the Playground
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    Point taken. Ask VT. I think he usually doesn't calculate racial penalties and bonuses into CR. I know I don't.

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Guide To Homebrewing

    Are you going to add an example/format for creating Deities?
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