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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default New PrC:  Boltborn

    I've been working on this PrC off and on for a month. I get the feeling that it is horribly overpowered, but it's really hard for me to judge. Also, since the PC should be at least level 20 when the progression is complete, it feels like there should be some power there...

    Also, the name was the best I could come up with, but that doesn't mean it doesn't suck :P

    Any suggestions on balance and new names not only encouraged but begged for.


    Boltborn – A half-humorous combat-oriented prestige class based on dual-wielding hand crossbows. Yep. What we have here is a (really-)old-fashioned gunslinger.

    They were the longest five seconds of my life.

    It was supposed to be a perfect ambush. My unit was arrayed along a wide pathway in the old ruins. There were so many nooks and crannies in the ruined stonework that each member of the group was able to have their own foxhole. The entrance would be destroyed once the target entered the ruins, and the only other way out would be past us. The target was a specialist in ranged combat, and surely couldn’t compete with any of our swords in close quarters; his only escape would be to run past our waiting arrows. Whiren, our quartermaster, set up a pool on how far down the passage the target would reach before being taken down. The furthest anyone bet was forty feet.

    I took a nice little hole a hundred feet in, still near the middle of the company but far enough that I probably wouldn’t see any action. That was fine with me; I was more interested in the mausoleum than the mark. I hadn’t had long to study before I heard the sound of battle. Reluctantly, I started to put away my kit... and froze. By the sound of it, the battle wasn’t over yet, and it was getting closer. Without a weapon ready, I looked to the hallway.

    What I saw…What I saw was a gnome in midstride. He was dressed all in black – the lenses on his eyes, the leather armor around his chest, the long cloak billowing behind him, even the crossbow in each hand. As I watched, arrows rushed to meet him and missed, apparently unwilling to profane his glorious vestments. He fired shot after shot, the bolts apparently jumping into his crossbows for the honor of being used by this man. He seemed to be walking in slow motion, moving slowly past me… then he was gone, and I was in shock.

    When I recovered, I nervously poked my head into the passage proper. The target was gone, but his presence still permeated the room. A few corpses were in plain sight, pieces of wood sticking from their eyes, but more common was the single, unmoving arm, and the pool of blood emanating from around it. In two minutes, the entire floor was covered by my friends’ blood. I retrieved my archaeology kit and left.

    You might think that my strange interest saved my life, but I am just as damned as the rest of my company. The beauty of this fighter, the very perfection of design..! It seems as if every moment of history is pointing towards this marksman as being the culmination point. I must find him again, must learn the secret of this dance. I will never be fit to join my comrades in that mausoleum until I do.

    Character description pending

    Background: The whole idea started back a few years ago when a friend mentioned a character build he had always wanted to try: Fighter 15 / Deepwood Sniper 10 with two hand crossbows. The smile on his face when he explained the build (“Gunslinger!”) was memorable. There were some problems with that though, namely the problems with reloading two hand crossbows, even with a rapid reload feat. (At least, I haven’t been able to find anything that would make it work). Besides, a fighter of that style really deserves its own prestige class, don’t you think?

    There were three main base classes that I wanted to make this for – the fighter, obviously; the rogue, and the monk (perhaps with zen archery).

    Requirements: To qualify to become a boltborn, a character must fulfill all the following criteria:

    Base Attack Bonus: +7
    Skills: Spot 5 ranks, Tumble 5 ranks, Craft (Weaponsmithing) 13 ranks
    Feats: Rapid Reload [hand crossbow], Two Weapon Fighting

    Lv BAB F R W Special
    1 1 0 2 0 Dance of Glory, Uncanny Reload
    2 2 0 3 0 Circumvent Barriers, Fluid Ambidexterity
    3 3 1 3 1 Ranged Sneak Attack +1D6
    4 4 1 4 1 Ranged Knockback
    5 5 1 4 1 Doublestrike
    6 6 2 5 2 Ranged Sneak Attack +2D6
    7 7 2 5 2 Flexible Strike
    8 8 2 6 2 Unerring Aim
    9 9 3 6 3 Ranged Sneak Attack +3D6
    10 10 3 7 3 Danse Macabre, Whirl of Wonder

    Dance of Glory (Ex): When dual-wielding a pair of hand crossbows, a boltborn takes on an almost mythic quality. Her intuition will in time become legendary, her ability to avoid attacks even more so.
    She adds 1 point of charisma bonus (if any) per boltborn level as an insight bonus to her AC and 1 point of wisdom bonus (if any) per boltborn level as an insight bonus to her initiative. She loses this bonus while wearing medium or heavy armor or carrying more than a light load.

    Uncanny Reload (Ex): Boltborn are well known for the never-ceasing barrage of bolts they can launch at their enemies, seemingly never having to reload. Reloading a hand crossbow no longer provokes an attack of opportunity. Furthermore, while dual-wielding hand crossbows, a Boltborn still enjoys the full benefits of the Rapid Reload feat, even though she does not have a free hand!

    Circumvent Barriers (Ex): To a boltborn, “Take cover!” is just a pleasant way of saying “Shoot me in an overly dramatic way!” Beginning at second level, as a move equivalent action, a boltborn may apply their wisdom modifier (if positive) as a penalty to a creature’s cover bonus to AC against the boltborn’s attacks that round. This does not reduce the cover bonus to less than zero, nor does it cause the target to be denied her dexterity bonus to AC. This has no effect on targets with total cover.

    Fluid Ambidexterity (Ex): A boltborn is a deadly opponent, no matter which shaft you are looking down. Starting at second level, a boltborn may attack with any one of her hand crossbows each round as if her other hand crossbows were off-hand. When using the full attack option, she may also choose to make some or all of her additional attacks granted by feats, spells or a high base attack bonus each round using an off-hand crossbow instead of her primary attack.

    Ranged Sneak Attack (Ex): A single shot by any normal fighter is rarely enough to drop even the weakest of foes. A single shot by a boltborn is often enough to drop that foe even before they realize they’ve been hit.
    At third level, when making a ranged attack against a flanked opponent or an opponent denied their dexterity bonus to armor class, a boltborn deals an additional +1D6 of damage to that creature. This is the same ability as Sneak Attack, except it only works when making ranged attacks. If the boltborn has a sneak attack bonus from another source, these bonuses stack when making ranged attacks.

    Ranged Knockback (Ex): Perhaps the most well-known of the boltborn’s abilities, this affects those unfortunate enough to be her target. Each of the boltborn’s attacks come riding on a wave of force that often knocks her enemy off their feet. the effect came from the weapon itself, the boltborn would be thrown backwards even farther than her target; therefore, it is safe to assume that the force that comes from the Boltborn’s own force of personality!
    Whenever a boltborn of at least fourth level hits an enemy with a bolt from a hand crossbow, that character must immediately succeed on a fortitude save (DC 10 + the boltborn’s class level + the boltborn’s Charisma modifier) or be pushed back five feet as if bull rushed; if a character fails their saving throw by 20 or more, that character is also knocked prone. Each of the target’s size categories greater than medium provides the target with a +4 bonus to the save, while each size category less than medium provides a -2 penalty. Additionally, whenever a character succeeds on a saving throw to resist being knocked back, they then take a -2 penalty to each subsequent save that round. This penalty is cumulative with itself.

    Double Strike (Ex): As a standard action, a fifth level boltborn may make one attack roll at her highest base attack bonus with each hand crossbow she wields. A boltborn may target multiple enemies, but each target beyond the first causes a cumulative -5 penalty to the attack roll.

    Flexible Strike (Ex): Whenever a seventh level or higher boltborn attacks with a hand crossbow, she may forgo a number of sneak attack die this turn up to her wisdom modifier (if positive). The weapon’s range increment, as well as the range of precision-based attacks for the Boltborn such as sneak attacks, is increased this turn by 15’ per die of damage forsaken this way.

    Unerring Shot (Ex): flavor pending As a move-equivalent action, an eighth-level boltborn may apply her wisdom modifier (if positive) as a penalty against a target creature’s dodge bonus to AC against the boltborn’s attacks that round. This does not reduce the dodge bonus to less than zero, nor does it ever deny the target their dexterity bonus to AC. Creatures with cover are immune to this effect.

    Danse Macabre (Ex): flavor pending At tenth-level, the number of five foot steps a boltborn may take each round is equal to her dexterity bonus (if positive), up to a total distance of (her normal speed - 10) feet.

    Whirl of Wonder (Su): A boltborn who has reached the pinnacle of her craft is a truly awesome sight to behold. The mere sight of a boltborn in action is enough to make some people stop and go “Ooooo…..”
    The first round each week that a character is engaged in a battle with a Boltborn, that character must make a will save (DC: 10 + half the boltborn’s class level, rounded down + the boltborn’s Charisma modifier) or be stunned for that round. Prolonged exposure, such as that of a boltborn’s ally, negates this effect.


    1: Uncanny Reload: Nescessary for the concept. Perhaps the prevention of AoO should come later?
    1: Dance of Glory: The Cha bonus to AC seemed perfectly in flavor for the class, but the Wis bonus to initiative might (well, probably is) too much. Split it? Drop it? Even split, it might still be too much with everything else the class gets…
    2: Circumvent Barriers: It seemed like a pretty neat thing to have, not overpowered, and certainly in flavor for the class.
    2: Fluid Ambidexterity: Seemed like a nice, not overpowered ability in keeping with the flavor of the class. Might be better as a separate feat though…and one of the abilities at second level could probably stand to be cut.
    3: Ranged Sneak Attack: Really, really should be Precise Strike. But a) Ranged sneak attack is sort of (well, can be) in flavor, b) Precise Strike is so much more powerful, and c) Precise Strike usually advances every five levels, leaving only two dice and making Flexible Strike less useful in straight fighter builds.
    4: Ranged Knockback: I’ve already received a suggestion to make this trigger a limited number of times per day, just because opposed rolling might take too long. Perhaps if there was only one save per round per target, and each attack that hits creates more of a penalty? But you have to have something like it. The myth of the knockback bullets is such a part of gunslinger lore…
    5: Double Strike: One of the first things that concerned me about the class being overpowered, but it is a decent midway ability that ties into but is not completely outdated by a tenth level ability.
    7: Flexible Strike: One of the major ideas I had. 30’ really isn’t far enough for a gunslinger, which is one of the major things my friend’s original suggestion of Deepwood Sniper addressed…
    8: Unerring Shot: Similar of course to Circumvent Barriers, I personally like this because it shows progression from early to late in the class.
    10: Danse Macabre: One of the first things I think of with a gunslinger is mobility. Even those of the terminator model instead of the matrix model were still unstoppable forces…always moving, and certainly making a lot of shots.
    10: Whirl of Wonder: If this feels like it is tacked on, that’s because it is. I just wanted a reason to take tenth level for low-dex characters that use Zen Archery. Yet it does tie-in to the flavor… Another reason to use precise strike is that then, that could be a 10th level bonus for the low-dex, and Whirl could be bumped down to eighth or ninth level.
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  2. - Top - End - #2
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: New PrC:  Boltborn

    Character Level: 10th (Weak, yeah, but they use it for the leadership feat so it should be kosher. Any help
    Make a requirement 13 ranks in a skill of some pertinance, which all classes who you see entering the PrC have.

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: New PrC:  Boltborn

    Quote Originally Posted by McMouse

    Make a requirement 13 ranks in a skill of some pertinance, which all classes who you see entering the PrC have.
    I thought of that one. You know what skills monks, fighters and rogues have in common?

    Climb. Craft. Jump. And Swim. Not even profession, which might be stretched to be Profession (Badass).

    Thanks for the thought though. :)
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  4. - Top - End - #4
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: New PrC: Boltborn

    or you could have one 6.5 ranks in somthing that they all have cross-class.

    Also, you could have some get it at a later level, like 12 (probably monk) while others could get it at a sooner level, like 8. The standard skill requirement is 6, 8 or 10 for those intended for later levels.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: New PrC:  Boltborn

    Quote Originally Posted by Ad Infinitum
    Climb. Craft. Jump. And Swim. Not even profession, which might be stretched to be Profession (Badass).
    Why not Craft (Bowyer) or Craft (Fletcher)? They have to know all the ins and outs of making a crossbow and the bolts before they can reach this level of oneness with the weapon.

    As for the rapid reload, I don't think it would be that hard. Hand crossbows can't have that great of a strength... you can draw them one-handed, normally. Am I the only person who pictured putting a hook on the base of each pistol grip, and drawing the string back with that? Stick in a fairly minimal strength requirement (say, 13) to make it possible.
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  6. - Top - End - #6
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: New PrC:  Boltborn

    Quote Originally Posted by MrNexx

    Why not Craft (Bowyer) or Craft (Fletcher)?
    Because I'm a fool? I'd been thinking, "...could they craft themselves a symbol of their job? Meh..." And I'd been thinking of those along the lines of profession...


    As to the reloading, the hard part is a lack of hands.
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  7. - Top - End - #7
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: New PrC: Boltborn

    Wow...a gunslinger! I like it! ;)

    I'm a bit worried at the power of this presitge class. I know it's aimed for high level characters, but it still is pretty impressive. Maybe I'm overestimating the strength. Either way, I have a few comments.

    First and foremost, lose the "10th level" requirement. By requiring a Base Attack Bonus of +7, you've ensured that no one is going to take this quickly. Instead, consider my option below.

    Requirements: Requiring 5 ranks in a Craft Skill would help balance the flavor and abilites. In addition, requiring Quick Draw would not only ensure that most characters would have to wait till 10th, but fits in with the whole "Fastest Gun in the West" feel I get from the class descriptions.

    Uncanny Reload: Sounds fine as is. It seems plausible that a 7-10th level character could do this.

    Dance of Glory: If you are worried about the ability, consider limiting how much of a bonus is allowed. Perhaps they can only add a bonus equal to their class level? I think a Charisma and Wisdom based bonuses seem fine, otherwise.

    Circumvent Barriers: I agree with your thinking here, as it doesn't do anything other than negate their cover bonus, not actually lower their AC altogether.

    Fluid Ambidexterity: I'm actually not sure what this does. Your grammer is a tad confusing here. Could you clear this up for me before I comment?

    Ranged Sneak Attack: I'm not sure if this is necessary. This PrC sounds like it is more likely to wander into the middle of the fray and attack straight out than try and sneak attack. Perhaps you could lose this and move one of your 2nd level abilities back a level.

    Ranged Knockback: How about they simply state "I am striking with Ranged Knockback", and can use it a number of times per day equal to half her class level plus her Charisma modifier. For example, a 6th level Boltborn with a Charisma of 17 could use it 6 times per day. This A) puts a much needed limit on this ability and B) fits in with the idea of progression and force of personalty.

    Double Strike: You really don't need to worry about this much, as no one would have this feat till at least 12th level, where PCs should be capable of some pretty amazing stuff. Maybe if you started the BAB at 0 and it progessed from there instead, so their bonuses aren't as high?

    Flexible Strike: If you do forego the Sneak attack like I said, your current set-up won't work (unless they already have sneak attack). Maybe they can gain a bonus to the range of their weapons based on their Charisma? Something like "Gains a bonus to their range increment to a number of feat equal to 5 times their Charisma modifier".

    Unerring Shot: It doesn't need to be changed at all. There is no way for them to call this AND Circumvent Barriers at the same time, so it isn't overpowered.

    Danse Macabre: I like this. Keep it as is.

    Whirl of Wonder: This feels a bit odd. Not tacked on, but like there wasn't a lot of thought put into this. This is due to two reasons:
    1) You aren't specific when you state "prolonged exposure".
    2) "Each week" sounds like a very awkward way of measuring time.
    Give us something a bit more concrete in those two areas. Otherwise, I don't see a reason to drop it.

    I hope this helps. If you have questions over my reasoning, please ask. At any rate, congrats on a most excellent sounding PrC. :)
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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: New PrC:  Boltborn

    Quote Originally Posted by Ad Infinitum
    As to the reloading, the hard part is a lack of hands.
    Not so much with a hand crossbow... the bolts for those are very small, and fairly easy to manipulate. Carry a few between your fingers, or on a bandoleer on your chest. Its a bit implausible, but you're the one who wants rapid-fire hand crossbows. ;-)
    The Cranky Gamer
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    *Tataurus, you have three halves as well as a race that doesn't breed. -UglyPanda

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Titan in the Playground

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    Default Re: New PrC:  Boltborn

    Heheh...this makes a little idea of mine that much easier to implement:

    "You tend to twist your elbow to absorb the recoil. That's more of a Pistol Crossbow technique."

    Now, how to fit this in with seven levels o Spymaster...

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  10. - Top - End - #10
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: New PrC:  Boltborn

    Quickbolt? If you wanted to make them an organisation of some sort(literally a "Prestige" class), you could call them the Lightning/Thunder Bolts(one word).
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  11. - Top - End - #11
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    Default Re: New PrC:  Boltborn

    Quote Originally Posted by Ad Infinitum

    Double Strike (Ex): As a standard action, a fifth level boltborn may make one attack roll at her highest base attack bonus with each hand crossbow she wields. A boltborn may target multiple enemies, but each target beyond the first causes a cumulative -5 penalty to the attack roll.

    5: Double Strike: One of the first things that concerned me about the class being overpowered, but it is a decent midway ability that ties into but is not completely outdated by a tenth level ability.
    Maybe its just me not understanding your wording.. since you only get one standard action per round, dont you only get one shot per hand? (ie two shots for most characters)

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: New PrC:  Boltborn

    This class could get nastier if you allowed repeating or wrist crossbows to work. ;)
    President of the Society for Hobgoblin Equality in Level Adjustment(SHELA)

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    Everytime you kill a catgirl, I get more company.

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: New PrC: Boltborn

    I'm distinctly reminded of the movie Equilibrium for some reason...

    Well, here's my input:

    Dance of Glory: I think it's way too powerful for a first level ability. Split up the bonuses into two seperate class abilities, and perhaps put them later on.

    Uncanny Reload: I like it. Not too overpowering, but nifty.

    Ranged Sneak Attack: Entirely appropriate for the prestige class.

    Circumvent Barriers: See also: Improved Precise Shot. Perhaps you should simply give them Improved Precice Shot at like level 6 or so as a bonus feat and be done with it.

    Fluid Ambidexterity: Irrelevant with Two Weapon Fighting. The penalties for shooting with both weapons is a -2/-2 since they're light weapons, and you can make attacks with either hand at no penalty. If you want to give them something, remove the -2 penalty for using two light weapons.

    Double Strike: Can't they do that anyways with two weapon fighting? Their off hand shoots at their highest base attack bonus when making a full round attack.

    Ranged Knockback: Don't know if I like this one. Mabye you should just allow them to add their str (or perhaps dex) mod to damage.

    Flexable Strike: I like it.

    Unerring Shot: Umm... no. I would never in a million years allow anything like this in any of my campaigns. I don't care if you need to be like level 19 to get it... try something else.

    Danse Macabre: I like the song reference, I like the ability. It's powerful, true, but it's a 10th level ability so it's supposed to be. I like it.

    Whirl of Wonder: You realize that stunned creatures are flat-footed and subject to sneak attacks, right? This makes them exceptionally nasty. If you have a rogue in the party, this ability would make any encounter with anything that can get sneak attacks to be one-rounded unless either 1) you had tons of monsters or 2) the monsters have hundreds of hit points. Seriously, think about this in a setting with other characters. How many rounds of actions do the party get for free because of this?

    Other than that, I love the idea of a hand-crossbow pistolieer.
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  14. - Top - End - #14
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: New PrC:  Boltborn

    Thanks to everyone for their help; I'll have a (very) revised version of this up soon. Thank you!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tarkahn
    Dance of Glory: If you are worried about the ability, consider limiting how much of a bonus is allowed. Perhaps they can only add a bonus equal to their class level? I think a Charisma and Wisdom based bonuses seem fine, otherwise.
    It is. I took the wording straight from the Duelist prestige class, with the canny defense.

    Fluid Ambidexterity: I'm actually not sure what this does. Your grammer is a tad confusing here. Could you clear this up for me before I comment?
    Yeah, I'll definitely work on that.

    Flexible Strike: If you do forego the Sneak attack like I said, your current set-up won't work (unless they already have sneak attack). Maybe they can gain a bonus to the range of their weapons based on their Charisma? Something like "Gains a bonus to their range increment to a number of feat equal to 5 times their Charisma modifier".
    You have just given me the key I was looking for. This makes everything else fall into place... Thank you. Yeah, this will have to be dropped, which makes me sad, but...Thank you.

    Quote Originally Posted by AtomicKitKat
    Thank you!

    This class could get nastier if you allowed repeating crossbows to work
    That's essentially what Uncanny Reload does.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rigeld
    Maybe its just me not understanding your wording.. since you only get one standard action per round, dont you only get one shot per hand? (ie two shots for most characters)
    ...Yes, that's exactly what happens. Oh, was it the "A boltborn may target multiple enemies" that was confusing? I meant "Target different enemies with each crossbow." Thanks, I'll clean that up.

    Quote Originally Posted by ShneekeyTheLost
    Circumvent Barriers: See also: Improved Precise Shot. Perhaps you should simply give them Improved Precice Shot at like level 6 or so as a bonus feat and be done with it.
    But then it wouldn't be overly dramatic! They have to aim, all squinty-eyed, you know. :P

    Fluid Ambidexterity: Irrelevant with Two Weapon Fighting. The penalties for shooting with both weapons is a -2/-2 since they're light weapons, and you can make attacks with either hand at no penalty. If you want to give them something, remove the -2 penalty for using two light weapons.
    Not true. It allows them to use more narrow weapons. for instance, a true neutral character might use a holy axiomatic crossbow and an unholy anarchic weapon. With this ability, they can make most of their attacks with the most useful weapon. Only the first attack from the offhand weapon isn't affected.

    Double Strike: Can't they do that anyways with two weapon fighting? Their off hand shoots at their highest base attack bonus when making a full round attack.
    But this isn't for a full round attack. They get a move action and can make two attacks, which they normally can't.

    Unerring Shot: Umm... no. I would never in a million years allow anything like this in any of my campaigns. I don't care if you need to be like level 19 to get it... try something else.
    What precisely do you dislike about it? I must be missing something...

    Whirl of Wonder: You realize that stunned creatures are flat-footed and subject to sneak attacks, right? This makes them exceptionally nasty. If you have a rogue in the party, this ability would make any encounter with anything that can get sneak attacks to be one-rounded unless either 1) you had tons of monsters or 2) the monsters have hundreds of hit points. Seriously, think about this in a setting with other characters. How many rounds of actions do the party get for free because of this?
    They would only ever get one per combat, but I do think you're right that it needs to be weakened.
    "Live to the point of tears." ~ Albert Camus
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  15. - Top - End - #15
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: New PrC: Boltborn

    The problem is that EVERY creature has a chance of getting stunned, with a DC of 15-20 (10 + 10/2 (it's a 10th level ability, you might as well call it DC 15 + cha mod and be done with it) + cha mod of 0-5 (I don't want to think about what a fellow with a cloak of charisma +6 and a cha of 26 is going to do with this class...). It's basically a Line of Sight range Area Effect Stun. Ouch...
    Quote Originally Posted by The Underlord View Post
    All hail great Shneekeythulhu! Ia Ia Shneeky fthagn
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  16. - Top - End - #16
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: New PrC: Boltborn

    Wait...but wouldn't 10th level Boltborns be something along the lines of 17th-20th level? I don't see what's so overpowering about it other than it happens the first time every week (still an awkward way of measuring time in D&D). Maybe if you had to designate targets as well? (Limitting how many are affected by this)
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  17. - Top - End - #17
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: New PrC:  Boltborn

    Change it from stun to fascinated or dazed or something. Unable to take action, but able to defend themselves. Look at Intimidating Rage for an example.
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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: New PrC: Boltborn

    I wish to edit my most recent post. I still think it isn't overpowered at 17th level, but make it dazed. Thank you AKK. Until you posted, I was thinking about the dazed rules instead of stunned.
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  19. - Top - End - #19
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: New PrC:  Boltborn

    What are the class skills and skill points of the Boltborn, as I'd be interested in potentially using the class, as well as HD?
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  20. - Top - End - #20
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: New PrC:  Boltborn

    Here's a table for you (generated from my table generator):

    {table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

    |Dance of Glory, Uncanny Reload

    |Circumvent Barriers, Fluid Ambidexterity

    |Ranged Sneak Attack +1d6

    |Ranged Knockback


    |Ranged Sneak Attack +2d6

    |Flexible Strike

    |Unerring Aim

    |Ranged Sneak Attack +3d6

    |Danse Macabre, Whirl of Wonder


    Onto the class itself:
    This class looks like it suffers from MAD, currently. It is Wisdom, Charisma, and Dexterity based. It also will need an ok strength.
    Some of the DCs might be too high. I would consider dropping the knockback to 1/2 class level + cha. Or even just + class level.

    This class also feels like it's outputting a lot of damage, but I don't have enough time to run the numbers.

    Also, the AC cutting is strange. I can only think of a couple cases where the dodge AC cut would actually apply. The feat Dodge, spell Haste, and a couple other ones...

    Also, I can't seem to locate the HD or class skills either...
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  21. - Top - End - #21
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: New PrC:  Boltborn

    Quote Originally Posted by SweetRein View Post
    Here's a table for you (generated from my table generator):

    {table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

    |Dance of Glory, Uncanny Reload

    |Circumvent Barriers, Fluid Ambidexterity

    |Ranged Sneak Attack +1d6

    |Ranged Knockback


    |Ranged Sneak Attack +2d6

    |Flexible Strike

    |Unerring Aim

    |Ranged Sneak Attack +3d6

    |Danse Macabre, Whirl of Wonder


    Onto the class itself:
    This class looks like it suffers from MAD, currently. It is Wisdom, Charisma, and Dexterity based. It also will need an ok strength.
    Some of the DCs might be too high. I would consider dropping the knockback to 1/2 class level + cha. Or even just + class level.

    This class also feels like it's outputting a lot of damage, but I don't have enough time to run the numbers.

    Also, the AC cutting is strange. I can only think of a couple cases where the dodge AC cut would actually apply. The feat Dodge, spell Haste, and a couple other ones...

    Also, I can't seem to locate the HD or class skills either...
    Holy Sweet Jesus! Did you write that table generator yourself? *hearts SweetRein*

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: New PrC:  Boltborn

    Sweet mother of thread necromancy! Stay back! Stay back! Get the holy water!


    (Yes dear, your table generator is awesome. <3)

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