Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales is now on sale in PDF format from Gumroad - with 6 never-before-collected bonus comics!
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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Jack Mann's Avatar

    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default From the Playground (Compendium)

    This thread's purpose is to catalog custom content for D20 games that has been posted to the boards. *It isn't meant for a place to post races, classes, feats, what have you. *Content should have its own thread, where people can discuss it to find if it's balanced or still needs work. *This is more of an index. *I don't claim that it's inclusive. *It would take me more time than I have available to go through the entire forum looking for threads about all content on the boards. *If you have a race, class, feat, spell, or item, or know of one that isn't linked yet, post it here and it will be added it to the index.

    Thanks to Vorpal Tribble for his help in compiling monsters.

    EDIT: Currently functional: Races, classes, and spells.

    Left to do: Everything else.
    Last edited by Jack Mann; 2007-05-19 at 05:49 AM.
    I am a poor man, some say I’m half crazy,
    son of the sword and the knife
    Lady I pledge you my sword and my honor,
    my heart and my pride and my life
    --Bella Doña, by Joe Bethancourt

    Alas, poor Draknir. By Mephibosheth

    Owl-atar by KingGolem
    You will be missed, dear 'stache...

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Jack Mann's Avatar

    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Races

    Dungeons and Dragons
    Level Adjustment +0
    Adolboleth: A mixture of aboleth and human, with a whole lot of crazy mixed in [Starwoof]
    Aeroki: Humanoids with snake-like heads and parrot-like wings and tailfeathers, with an intense dislike for Yuan-Ti [Starwoof]
    Ancestors: Ancient race that closely resemble humans [tgva8889]
    Antha: Horned humanoids with two subraces [ChrisMcDee]
    Arte: Rabbitlike beings with an affinity for music [Maryring]
    Ashwalker: Humanoids who inhabit volcanic plains [Starwoof]
    Bombina: Sea-loving toad people [RoboticSheeple]
    Burad: Offshoot of the Drazai [ScorpiusRisk]
    Canilu: Humanoid canid that prefers to eat sentient beings, yet is supposedly lawful good [Maryring]
    Cilid: Finned humanoids with several subraces [ChrisMcDee]
    City Gnomes: Urban gnome variant [Lord Iames Osari]
    Claern: Happy-go-lucky, blue-skinned fey with a deep connection to the earth [Shiny, Bearer of the Pokystick]
    Crafted: Intelligent constructs made to look indistinguishable from humans [shuryougospel]
    Dolant: Short, stocky humanoids with watersense [ChrisMcDee]
    Dolrii: Large, hairless, elongated humanoids with gray skin [Leperflesh]
    Dorzun: Small, ancient, ursine race [Starwoof]
    Drajar: Eyeless Underdark dwelling human offshoot [TheThan]
    Drazai: Small, intelligent reptilian humanoids [Jack Mann]
    Dung Elf: Earthier elf variant [Leperflesh]
    Dwarf: Trader variant [TheThan]
    Dwelf: Half dwarf, half elf, all wrong [MrSeth]
    Elf: Charismatic variant [TheThan]
    Elvaan: Final Fantasy Online race [Tyas]
    Galka: Final Fantasy Online race [Tyas]
    Gnoblin: Half goblin, half gnome, all... No, wait, I used that joke already [Alchemistmerlin]
    Gnome: Barbaric variant [TheThan]
    Half-halfling: Well, when you have a daddy halfling and a mommy human who love each other very much... [Umbral Arcanist]
    Hanlers: Pug-nosed carnivorous humanoids [ChrisMcDee]
    Hume: Final Fantasy Online Human Variant [Tyas]
    Jarek: Golden-skinned dwarflike humanoids opposed to all evil and chaos [Osiris Shadowblade]
    Ka-Sivence: Small-sized viper-like snake people [Titanium Dragon]
    Kitsune: Fox-like creatures of Japanese folklore [ninja kitsune]
    Kobold: Player Race Variant [Titanium Dragon]
    Kuthan: Humanoid feline race [Who Da Halfling]
    Leonin: Lion-like humanoids [Soniku]
    Lycolts: Mantis-like humanoids [ChrisMcDee]
    Mephian: Skunk-like humanoid race [Landon Fox]
    Merrow: Aquatic humanoid race [Legendcrafter]
    Mithra: Final Fantasy Online race [Tyas]
    Moogle: Small race from Final Fantasy [thelizard]
    Muckdweller: Tiny swamp people [Titanium Dragon]
    Muscheron: Sentient fungus [RoboticSheeple]
    Mushroomfolk: Mushrooms that walk and talk [Starwoof]
    Mwnci: Tiny monkey-like race [CommanderFalken]
    Olmaji: Wolf-like race with metallic-looking fur and opposable thumbs [tokara2132]
    Polka Gnome: Polka-loving Gnome Variant [The Glen]
    Progenitor Kobold: Extremely old and intelligent race of reptiles [Diz]
    Psuedo-Illithid: Partly transformed brain-eater victim [Starwoof]
    Quarterelf: The offspring of a half-elf and a half-orc [MrSeth]
    Quis: Smaller, weaker, more magical Elf Variant [Titanium Dragon]
    Returned: Back from the dead [Shiny, Bearer of the Pokystick]
    Satyr: Player Race Variant [RobbieOC]
    Si-Sivence: Medium-sized constrictor-like snake people [Titanium Dragon]
    Skaven: Rat-like race from Warhammer [nathkry]
    Skink: Warhammer race [JaronK]
    Somnambul: Human-born beings with strong links to dreams [Vorpal Tribble]
    Stoutgnome: Cross between dwarves and gnomes [MrSeth]
    Taerlae: Elf-like race with claws, a climb speed, and a winter adaptation [Talanic]
    Tanuki: Anthropomorphic raccoons [The White Knight]
    Taru-Taru: Final Fantasy Online race [Tyas]
    Techgnome: Intelligent, but impulsive gnomes [BelkarsDagger]
    Titanium Dwarves: Small dwarves that love metalworking even more than usual [BelkarsDagger]
    Tn'lch: Cross between mamals and insects, with several castes with different abilities [MrSeth]
    Tursiel: Cetacean-based merfolk [Hyrael]
    Woodwarf: Forest-dwelling height-challenged person [Annalia]

    Level Adjustment +1
    Aarococra: Birdfolk race [Titanium Dragon]
    Armless Running Albino Star: Homestar Runner. Cute. (I hate you all) [Beelzebub1111]
    Blagen: Bigger, smarter orc variant [Titanium Dragon]
    Cheval: Mirror-Touched offspring of Nerra and Human [Fax Celestis]
    Dorc: Drow/orc hybrid, because there wasn't enough wrong in the world [Krimm Blackleaf, who should be ashamed of himself]
    Eyedusa: Beholder-like humanoid aberrations [Starwoof]
    Fenix-Blooded: Humans with fire outsider ancestry [shuryougospel]
    Fleshwrought: Race constructed from the body parts of other races [Mephibosheth]
    Gunchadh: Nomadic desert-dwelling race [Mephibosheth]
    Indhaar: Pointy-eared race that comes in two varieties [Ryshan Ynrith]
    Lloshhi: Chuul-worshipping mixtures between squid and crabs [Starwoof]
    Metathran: Some sort of MtG inspired thing [reorith]
    Mothman: Insect-like race with large wings [Donsic]
    Muuten: Burly cat people [Starwoof]
    Narava: Wise, peaceful medium-sized minotaurs [The Pyre]
    Raptor: Saurian race with bite and claw attacks [Hyrael]
    Sangheili: A race resembling "Halo elites," whatever those are [Hyrael]
    Saurus: Warhammer race [JaronK]
    Songtouched: A being whose ancestor came from the Plane of Music (No, don't ask, just don't ask) [Starwoof]
    Sphoraxunes: Militant, matriarchal saurians [Krimm Blackleaf]
    Spyrian: Hawk-like race [The Chilli God]

    Level Adjustment +2
    Darkling: Dark halflings [Gezina]
    Deathwalkers: Extremely tough humanoids with spell resistance [Goff]
    Elm-Tiela: Drow sub-race infected with symbiotic living crystal [Sacrath]
    Raptorfolk: Bird-like race [Krimm Blackleaf]
    Vanar: Monkey-like race from Hindu legend [Mephibosheth]
    Yeti: Mysterious denizens of the high mountains [Townsfolk]

    Level Adjustment +3
    Orochi: Reptilian creatures with the ability to swallow others whole [thelizard]

    Star Wars
    Half-Karistan: Half human, half thing that the Force did not intend [Wukei]
    Karistan: Hermaphroditic dark force users [Wukei]
    Jedarian: Short humanlike good force users [Wukei]
    Vurk: Nomadic amphibious race [Greenwarden]
    Last edited by Jack Mann; 2007-05-15 at 12:09 AM.
    I am a poor man, some say I’m half crazy,
    son of the sword and the knife
    Lady I pledge you my sword and my honor,
    my heart and my pride and my life
    --Bella Doña, by Joe Bethancourt

    Alas, poor Draknir. By Mephibosheth

    Owl-atar by KingGolem
    You will be missed, dear 'stache...

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Jack Mann's Avatar

    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Classes


    Prestige Classes

    Abyssal Arcane Destroyer
    : Caster that gains demonic power via proximity to the abyss [Krimm Blackleaf]
    Ansatsuken: Street Fighter based monk prestige class [Rolaran]
    Antol: A prestige class dedicated to killing mages [kailin]
    Arcling: Electricity-obsessed caster [EvilDave]
    Auramancer: Caster devoted to the lingering effects of magic [Sacrath]
    Avatar: A character with a powerful connection to the divine [JustinCognito]
    Avatar of the Self: Warrior striving for self-perfection (D20 Modern) [Dhavaer]
    B.A.D.A.S.S.: Slightly more powerful bard prestige class (Folks, I'll level with you; I helped create this monster. I feel much shame) [kailin, who is shameless]
    Blue Phoenix: Aerial riding specialist [The Vorpal Tribble]
    Boltborn: A class devoted to using two hand crossbows at once [AdInfinitum]
    Botonist: Scientific gardener [Cyclone231]
    Captain of the High Seas: Naval officer [I Got This Name]
    Centurion: Roman-inspired formation expert [Manave_E_Sulanul]
    Chain Warrior: Warrior specializing in using chains as weapons [Borax]
    Cheater: Sabatoging gardener [Cyclone231]
    Chosen: Holy protector [Gyrfalcon]
    Cold Ken: Psionic hermits with the ability to focus power through ice crystals [The Vorpal Tribble]
    Colorless Soul: Imitator of alignments [ilovefire]
    Crusader: Holy warrior dedicated to destroying the enemies of his/her deity [BobGenghisKhan]
    Cultist: Masochistic caster [ilovefire]
    Dark Geisha: Deadly entertainers [faeline]
    Dark Knight: Warrior driven by tragedy [Seraph]
    Dead-eye Sniper: Turns the heavy crossbow into a killing machine [Truwar]
    Demon Hunter: Fiend-killing specialist [SolusTempus]
    Demonologist: Caster specialized in summoning demons [Krimm Blackleaf]
    Demonspawn Seaman: Sailor who has made an unholy pact with the sea itself [The Werebear]
    Diabolist: More powerful version of the prestige class from the Book of Vile Darkness [Thrune]
    Dipsomancer: Drunken arcane caster [ilovefire]
    Divine Knight: Holy Warrior from Final Fantasy Tactics [Delcan]
    Drunken Berserker: Ale-addled raging fighter [Renloth]
    Dying Ember: Fatalistic divine caster that puts out all flames [The Vorpal Tribble]
    Eldritch Warrior: Melee warlock [Seraph]
    Fell Raider: Gunchadh-specific prestige class [Mephibosheth]
    Feral Angel: A mortal who becomes an immortal animal [Maryring]
    Fire Mongre: Boiling rager who deals fire damage [Hoorex]
    First: Elite members of the Hunters of the Stag [Fax Celestis]
    Geisha: Stately and beguiling courtesan [Maryring]
    Geomaster: Elemental casting class [Seerow]
    Giant Fury: Barbarian who eventually becomes a literal giant of anger [squishycube]
    Gnomish Face Diver: Gnome that climbs onto medium or smaller creatures to dive off of them [Frojoe21]
    Grand Tactitian: Tactics-oriented officer [I Got This Name]
    Hell's Dagger: Secretive servents of the Nine Hells [Krimm Blackleaf]
    High Enforcer: Magical Lawman [Brickwall]
    Hunted Witch: Arcane caster that hides its spellcasting [Winged One]
    Jerk: Extremely annoying prestige class [squishycube]
    Kingroshi Monk: A monk who focuses on combat at the expense of more mystical abilities [Jibar]
    Knife in the Dark: Rogue class based on using Darkness [Mephibosheth
    Knight of Hextor: Undead warrior in the service of his dark lord, or something along those lines [tape measure]
    Kunoichi: Deadly geisha impersonator [Maryring]
    Lichenfriend: Lichen-covered survivalist [The Vorpal Tribble]
    Master Escapist: Expert in running away [Cobrateen2000]
    Master Tactitian: Tactics-based fighter [ilovefire]
    Master Totemist: Hunters of the Stag with very strong connections to spirits [Fax Celestis]
    Master Transmuter: Specialist in transmutation magic and metamagic [Amiria, Countess of Mispelling]
    Meat Shield: Defense-oriented class [EvilDave]
    Metal Bard: An attempt to bring heavy metal music into a fantasy world, giving us ever new reasons to hunt down and kill bards [Krimm Blackleaf]
    Mind Mafiosio: Brains behind the Mafiosi [Mephibosheth]
    Moon Warrior: Stealthy fighter who draws his power from the moon [Annalia]
    Mouth Mafiosi: A prestige class you can't refuse [Mephibosheth]
    Muscle Mafioso: Enforcer for the Mafiosi [Mephibosheth]
    Nature's Hand: Arbiter between nature and civilization [Loren and Kivsith]
    Numismancer: Specialist caster with coin tricks [Yossarian]
    Outcast: Warlock with added stigma [Mephibosheth]
    Oversized Weapon Master: A specialist in overcompensation [Skjaldbakka]
    Patchwork Shambler: Class obsessed with grafting body parts for perfection [Magflare]
    Possessed: Harness a possessing fiend's power [Krimm Blackleaf]
    Protector of Silence: Effectively mute class with abilities pertaining to silence [GoldDragon]
    Puppetmaster Mage who controls a puppet familiar [thelizard]
    Pure Mage: A spellcasting class devoted to purity in all things [Maryring]
    Quickbolt: Master of dual-wielding hand crossbows [AdInfinitum]
    Schizoid Infernopath: A psionic class that gains power through unleashing inner demons [The Demented One]
    Seeker of Kaivalya: Mystic monk with special abilities [Mephibosheth]
    Seer of the Third Eye: Psionic prestige class that with unnatural prescient abilities [The Demented One]
    Shadow Sniper: Ranged Shadowdancer variant [ShneekeyTheLost]
    Sky-gift: Hunter of the stag prestige class with some cleric-like abilities [Fax Celestis]
    Soulfire Guardian: Warrior wielding something called "Soulfire" [Lord Iames Osari]
    Soulspark Companion: Incarnum-based prestige class with a familiar-like ability [Yuki Akuma]
    Spell Breaker: Manipulator of spell effects that's nearly immune to magic [Saithis Bladewing]
    Spiritsigned Hunter: Hunter of the Stag prestige class [Fax Celestis
    Spontanious Preparer: Combining the best parts of prepared and spontaneous spellcasting [Gezina]
    Succubus-shaped: A class that gains abilities and traits of the succubus [ilovefire]
    Succubus-Touched: Another class that gains abilities and traits of the succubus [SpiderBrigade]
    Sun Warrior: Warrior who draws on the power of the sun [Annalia]
    Surrealist of Karribi: Guardians of dreams [The Vorpal Tribble]
    Sword in the Dark: Fighter class based on using Darkness [Mephibosheth]
    Templar: Holy warrior who throws crossarangs--er, holy symbols, with other nifty abilities [Adghar]
    Threepenny Fencer: Drunken fencer [Karellen]
    Troll Blooded: A class devoted to becoming more like trolls [Nocte]
    Unbound Body: Monk and paladin class with the ability to use special points to improve stats, speed, or other attributes [Umbral Arcanist]
    Unseelie Huntsman: Cruel fey hunter [Thistle]
    Venomrazor: Potent poison-brewer [Glyphstone]
    Voice in the Dark: Bard class based on the use of Darkness [Mephibosheth]
    Whisky Bottle Champion: Failed, drunken hero [Mephibosheth]

    Base Classes
    Alchemist: Alchemy-based class [Realms of Chaos]
    Algai'd'siswai: Desert fighter class from Wheel of Time [Catch]
    Arcane Mercenary: Disciplined combat-casting class [Blade-Bearer Ian
    Bodyguard: A class devoted to protecting its allies [Starbuck II]
    Brawler: Warrior who specializes in using his fists [Fax Celestis]
    Brawler: Another warrior specializing in unarmed combat [ShneekeyTheLost]
    Chemist: Potion-making class [Goober4473]
    Corsair: Warrior of the Sea [Fax Celestis]
    Crypt Ranger: Non-good ranger variant with some ability to control undead [ghost warlock]
    Cultist: Constitution-based caster [ilovefire]
    DeathSeeker: Transfers damage to self onto enemies [geez3r]
    Desert Knife Fighter: Knife specialist [Lord of Narf]
    Dessicant: Divine spellcaster from the desert that gradually becomes undead [ghost warlock]
    Dragoon: Paladin of Fire [Ing]
    Dreadnaught: Nigh-unstoppable warrior [Fax Celestis]
    Drifter: A nature based wanderer [Sophistemon]
    [url=]Greater Blacksmith]: Master craftsman [Jotoco]
    Guardian: Defensive warriors [ilovefire]
    GunSlinger: A master of firearms [geez3r]
    Hashisheen: Assassins who, y'know, like to smoke an' stuff [Piedmon Sama]
    Holy Knight: Paladin variant [Altair the Vexed]
    Hunter: Variant Ranger [Vaynor]
    Hunter of the Stag: Quest-driven hunter [Fax Celestis]
    Mage: Point-based arcane caster that casts no shadow and has various spell-like abilities [Bosh]
    Master: Extremely skill-oriented class [Beelzebub1111]
    Matador: A fighter who dodges from charges, bull rushes and overruns [Fax Celestis]
    Mexica Knight: Meso-American inspired warrior class [Piedmon Sama]
    Monk: Variant with full base attack bonus and style choices [Lord Iames Osari]
    Monk of the Way: Martial Adept variant [Pax Chi]
    Mundane: Class with all skills and double feats [Gamebird]
    N Ja: Extremely quick, but extremely fragile thieves [Squangos]
    Papermaster: A warrior who uses paper as a lethal weapon (I blame anime) [Necromas]
    Peasant Warrior: Lowborn fighting class [Piedmon Sama]
    Philosopher: Secular divine caster with several domains [Finwe]
    Pit Finder: Specialist at setting off traps [roadkiller]
    Priest: Divine class that focuses on spellcasting over combat [ShneekeyTheLost]
    Priest of the Day: Divine spellcaster whose abilities are derived from the sun and moon [Annalia]
    Privateer: A more respectable pirate [Fax Celestis]
    Psychic Monk: Psionic version of the monk [Lord Iames Osari]
    Pugilist: Punchdrunk melee specialist [Starbuck II]
    Red Mage: A generalist caster who might be recognizable from a certain webcomic [MagFlare]
    Rouge: Naughty skillful class with a spank-attack [Drudwyn]
    Sentinel: Elite guardian [ambu]
    Socialite: Class dedicated to dealing with people [TheThan]
    Soldier: Generic fighting class
    Sorceror (Variant): Point-based arcane caster that feeds off the souls of others [Bosh]
    Spellbinder: Caster with many options, few spells per day [ideasmith]
    Terraformer: Barbarian of Earth [Ing]
    Trooper: A lightly armored martial class [Lord Iames Osari]
    Unadventurous Cleric: Cleric variant [Altair the Vexed]
    Wanderer: Self-sufficient travelers [Fax Celestis]
    Wave Wisher: Cleric of Water [Ing]
    Wilder: Point-based arcane caster who can cast more powerful spells at the risk of their sanity, or even their soul [Bosh]
    Windwalker: Rogue of Air [Ing]
    Witch: Wise-woman caster [Serina Spellbinder]

    Paragon Classes
    Githyanki Paragon: Shining examples of illithid-hate [Were-Sandwich]
    Somnambul Paragon: Vessels of imagination and inspiration [The Vorpal Tribble]
    Last edited by Jack Mann; 2007-05-15 at 08:55 PM.
    I am a poor man, some say I’m half crazy,
    son of the sword and the knife
    Lady I pledge you my sword and my honor,
    my heart and my pride and my life
    --Bella Doña, by Joe Bethancourt

    Alas, poor Draknir. By Mephibosheth

    Owl-atar by KingGolem
    You will be missed, dear 'stache...

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Jack Mann's Avatar

    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Feats

    Acting Up: Use Perform (acting) in place of intimidate
    Accelerated Rejuvenation: Regain power points in only half the time
    Adamantine Strike: Slam and natural attacks bypass hardness when sundering
    Ambidexterity: Use both hands equally well, removing off-hand penalties
    Amphibious Wildshape: Gain the aquatic and amphibious subtypes when wildshaped
    Anatomical Precision: Use the heal skill to deal more damage
    Arcane Assault: Gain three magical tactical maneuvers
    Arcane Author: Gain a bonus when dealing with arcane spellcasters
    Arcane Demolitionist: Create shrapnel with area-effect spells
    Arcane Duelist: Gain a bonus on identifying and countering the spells of opponants
    Archivist of Incarnum: Use Dark Knowledge against creatures with the incarnum subtype
    Armor Damaging: Make opponant's armor more cumbersome
    Artifex of Souls: Increase the DC of your spells by spending essentia
    Ascetic Defense: Extra defense when using combat expertise with staves
    Ascetic Meldshaper: Gain a bonus to unarmed attack and damage with soulmelds
    Attribute Focus: Gain a bonus to skill checks and ability checks for one ability
    Aurorum Body: Warforged composite plating repairs itself
    Axiomatic Justicar: Expend Knight's Challenge uses to Shapechange into a Zelekhut
    Back-Biter: Take an AC penalty to get Attacks of Opportunity on enemies that strike you
    Barbarian Bard: Increase effects of Inspire Courage and Inspire Greatness when raging
    Bardic Toughness: Gain temporary hit points when using barid music effects
    Bassline: Maintain two uses of bardic music at once
    Beasthide Psycanthrope: Allows a shifter to increase natural armor by expending psionic power
    Big Feet: Large feet for balance, swim, climb jump, and against bull rush, at the cost of disguise, move silently, and tumble
    Bind Soul: Power a construct by using a soul
    Blessed by the Stars: Gain a bonus to saves when under the stars
    Blessed Sanctuary: Use turn undead to create a defensive aura protecting allies from the undead
    Blessed Tree: Chain of feats grant divine abilities to the laity
    Block****: Use shield for a +1 bonus vs. a specific opponant
    Blood-fueled Artifice: Take constitution damage instead of expending a charge from a wand or staff
    Blood Magic: Take constitution damage in place of material componants
    Blood Oath: Bonus to Will and Fort, and allows you to take other oaths
    Bloodforged: Sacrifice others to repair yourself
    Bloody Disarm: Pull a weapon from an enemy's hands after being stabbed by it
    Blue Ice Body: Cold spells are not affected by spell failure
    Bombtrack: Use bardic music to deal sonic damage
    Bonded Staff: A staff you've made becomes more powerful when you wield it
    Braggart: Use bluff to make people more susceptible to charisma checks
    Brew Blood Potion: Use blood in potions to increase their duration
    Brew Exclusive Potion: Brew potions for spells with a range of personal
    Broad Learning: Cast a spell not normally available to your class
    Burning Spirit: Burst into Flames by using your watchful spirit
    Call the Unseen Armor: Gain a deflection bonus to AC by using ki
    Call to Readiness: Use knight's challenge to make all flatfooted creatures ready for combat
    Calming Melody: Use Perform (keyboard instruments) to Calm Emotions or Calm Animals
    Cannon on Legs: Your spells are more powerful on a ship you're familiar with
    Cantrip Master: Cast cantrips as spell-like abilities
    Caster's Curse: Lower caster level when using hexblade's curse
    Celestial Crusader: Expend Knight's Challenge uses to Shapechange into a Hound Archon
    Chainwoven Body: Composite Plating gains damage reduction
    Channel Ki: Power ki with essentia
    Cheap Shot: Take an attack penalty to make one Attack of Opportunity a sneak attack
    Chord of Emotion: Use good hope or crushing despair by expending a bardic music use
    Clear the Area****: Use a polearm to force opponants back
    Cliffwalk Psycanthrope: Gain Psionic Levitation when shifted by expending psionic power
    Close-Combat Shot: Fire a bow in melee combat without provoking an attack of opportunity
    Close Quarter****: Attack with the haft of a polearm as well as the blade
    Clothesline: Knock over opponents close to you when making a Whirlwind Attack with a reach weapon
    Cobalt Curse: Power your hexblade's curse with essentia
    Contact the Dead Mind: Use mind-affecting psionic abilities on undead or deathless
    Copycat Manuever: Copy the feats of others
    Counter Attack: When someone designated by parry misses, gain an immediate attack of opportunity
    Craft Reactive Item: Craft items whose caster levels increase in evil areas
    Crashing Strike: Stun a foe with a succesful attack with a bludgeoning weapon
    Critical Overdrive: Epic; automatically maximize your Power Attack on a critical hit
    Cruel Critical: Increase critical multiplier for selected weapon
    Cunning Trapmaster: Your traps become more deadly
    Darfellan Current Pouch: Expend a stunning fist attempt to use your stunning fist as a reach weapon
    Darfellan Jujitsu: Take no penalties when using a monk weapon underwater
    Dark Rite of Recharging: Sacrifice creatures to gain to restore charges to wands and staves
    Decapitating Strike: Remove an opponant's head on a critical hit
    Defender of the Homeland: Swear an oath to protect your home and gain bonuses to certain skills
    Defensive Warrior: Added AC bonus when using shields
    Deft Deception: Feint easier against non-humanoids
    Demonologist: Gain a bonus when dealing with demons, and get more powerful demons when summoning them
    Deny the Final Veil: Delay death by using ki
    Devoted Champion: Your paladin and soulborn levels stack for deciding smite damage
    Devoted Guardian: Swear an oath to protect someone else in order to take damage for them
    Diabolical Champion: Expend Knight's Challenge uses to Shapechange into a Bearded Devil
    Disempower Spell: Spell's variable, numeric effects are halved
    Disguise Spell: Cast a spell while appearing to do something else
    Dive Roll: Use a Reflex save in place of AC when prone
    Divine Bard: Increase turning checks with Inspire Competence
    Divine Beastmaster: Gain a bonus when dealing with guardinals, and get more powerful guardinals when summoning them
    Divine Doctor: Use the Heal skill to aid healing spells
    Dodge Weapon: Gain a dodge bonus vs. a certain kind of weapon
    Doublethink: Make two rolls vs. mind-affecting spells
    Draw Casting Circle: Draw a casting circle that increases your caster level by one
    Dreams of Grace: When making a reflex save against area of effect spells, make two rolls
    Dreamsight Psycanthrope: Gain an insight bonus while shifted by expending psionic power
    Drink like a Dwarf: Gain a bonus to saves vs. poison, or become immune if you're a dwarf
    Druid: Character can lead druidic rituals, a weak form of spellcasting involving multiple participants and blood sacrifice
    Dual Weapon Focus: Get a bonus when wielding two weapons or a double weapon
    Dual Weapon Specialization: Get a bonus to damage when using two weapons or a double weapon
    Dwarf Blood: Gain bonuses to dwarf-oriented skills and saves vs. poison
    Dwarven Axe Lock: Use a dwarven battleaxe in a grapple with no penalty
    Dwarven Judo: Use the dwarven battleaxe as a monk weapon, and get a bonus to grapple checks
    Efficient Spell: Material components are not consumed when casting a spell
    Eldritch Knowledge: Use Dark Knowledge to help allies overcome an enemy's spell resistance
    Elemental Blindsense: Gain blindsense out to thirty feet, but only for your chosen element
    Elemental Blindsight: Gain blindsight out to thirty feet, but only for your chosen element
    Elementalist: Gain a bonus when dealing with elementals, and get more powerful elementals when summoning them
    Elven Blood: Gain bonuses to elf-oriented skills and gain a bonus to saves vs. enchantment
    Elven Kendo: Use the rapier, longsword, and all weapons with "elven" in front of their names as monk weapons
    Elven Sword Block: When wielding two longswords, rapiers, or elven weapons, you get a greater bonus when using combat expertise
    Enchanting Beguilement: Use bluff to improve illusion spells
    Eternal Spell: Make a spell last forever
    Epic Anatomical Precision: Deal quite a lot of extra damage by using the heal skill
    Epic Dual Weapon Focus: Get another bonus to attacks when using two weapons or a double weapon
    Epic Dual Weapon Specialization: Get another bonus to damage when using two weapons or a double weapon
    Epic Mage's Vendetta: Gain greater bonus to spell DCs against the chosen organization
    Epic of the Undying: Heal dying creatures up to 0 hp with Perform (Oratory)
    Epic Vendetta: Gain epic bonuses against the chosen organization
    Erudite Resistance: Use Dark Knowledge to help allies resist the attacks of enemies
    Excellent Healer: Fast Healing
    Expert Swordsman****: Add intelligence to AC vs. melee attacks when wearing no armor
    Extra Ki Powers: Gain more uses of ki powers
    Eye Gouge: Forego damage on a successful attack to force a save against blindness
    Facilitating Follower: Increase the bonus granted from aid another
    Favored Dispelling: Gain a bonus to dispelling or countering spells of one school
    Fair Fight: Us Knight's Challenge to force others to follow the Knight's Code
    Fast Feint: Feint with a single attack
    Fatal Secret: Use Dark Knowledge to kill an enemy
    Fearless: Gain a bonus to fear effects, and become less vulnerable to them
    Feinting Trip: Make a feint attempt and a trip attack at the same time
    Fell Fallman: See better in murky conditions
    Fiendish Mercenary: Gain a bonus when dealing with yugoloths, and get more powerful yugoloths when summoning them
    Fill the Sails: Improve the use of the windsinger feat
    Finishing Strike: After making a full attack with a wakizashi, draw and attack with your katana as a swift action
    Fire Dance: Gain fire resistence by dancing the night away
    Fists of the Traitor: Your fists are treated as being chaotic-aligned
    Flawless Devestation: Epic; hit extra hard if you open a combat by charging in
    Fluid Spirit: Give yourself damage reduction by using your watchful spirit
    Flying Tackle: Deal damage and Bull Rush an opponent when you Tackle them
    Free Spirit: Gain a bonus when dealing with eladrin, and get more powerful eladrin when summoning them
    Gnome Blood: Gain bonuses to gnome-oriented skills and to saves vs. illusions
    Go for the Eyes: Automatically confirm criticals
    Goliath Akido: Use the goliath greathammer as a monk weapon, and get a bonus when sundering with flurry of blows
    Goliath Hammerstun: Use stunning fist on multiple creatures by slamming your hammer into the ground
    Gorebrute Psycanthrope: Gain the collision special ability while shifted by expending psionic power
    Greater Dual Weapon Focus: Get another bonus to attacks when using two weapons or a double weapon
    Greater Dual Weapon Specialization: Get another bonus to damage when using two weapons or a double weapon
    Greater Mad Resistance: Become immune to a kind of energy due to being just that crazy
    Greater Poison Expert: The DC of poison on your weapons increases by another one
    Greater Spell Mastery: Spontaneously cast mastered spell as a cleric casts cure/inflict spells
    Greater Spring into Action: Gain an additional full round action by using ki
    Greater Surging Madness: Use action points to improve wild surge ability
    Greater Vendetta: Gain further bonuses against the chosen organization
    Greater Weapon Finesse: Allows the use of weapon finesse with one-handed weapons, as well as spears and quarterstaffs
    Greater Weapon Kata: Treat a two-handed weapon to treat as a monk weapon
    Gun Kata: One-handed firearms are treated as monk weapons
    Hack Limb: Disable or remove limbs entirely
    Halfling Blood: Gain bonuses to halfling-oriented skills and saves vs. fear
    Halfling Iajutsu: Treat daggers as monk weapons, and draw monk weapons as a free action
    Halfling Returning Knife: You can make daggers return to your hand after throwing them
    Halfling Shadow Dance: Use perform (dance) in place of hide and move silently
    Hatred: Gain bonuses against a creature type you despise
    Harm Not the Crew: Members of your crew do not take damage from any spell you cast
    Hauler: Gain 10 lbs to max weight for light, medium, and heavy loads
    Headbanger: Stun an opponant with a critical hit when using bludgeoning weapons
    Heal the Faithful: Become more adept when healing someone of the same faith
    Hear the Slightest Whisper: Use Ki to gain a bonus on listen checks
    Heartwire Body: Composite plating is more resistant to critical hits
    Heroic Reputation: Gain a bonus to charisma-related abilities with action points
    Honor Incarnate: Expend uses of knight's challenge to temporarily gain the axiomatic template

    ****This link now goes to a wholly defunct page.
    I am a poor man, some say I’m half crazy,
    son of the sword and the knife
    Lady I pledge you my sword and my honor,
    my heart and my pride and my life
    --Bella Doña, by Joe Bethancourt

    Alas, poor Draknir. By Mephibosheth

    Owl-atar by KingGolem
    You will be missed, dear 'stache...

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Jack Mann's Avatar

    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Feats Cont.

    Feats Cont.
    Honorable Prestige: Gain a bonus to charisma checks when dealing with those near your alignment
    Horrible Performance****: Sicken others through oratory
    Hostile Soul: If a spell is stopped by your spell resistance, the caster must make a will save or take damage
    Howling Bolero: Enemies become shaken when you play
    Human Blood: Gain bonuses to any four skills
    Illithidist: Consume the brains of your enemies for fun and profit; also power points
    I'm the Epic Juggernaut, Bitch: Automatically succeed at bullrushes and overrun, and get a hefty bonus to charges
    I'm the Juggernaut, Bitch: Get a bonus to bullrush, overrun and charges
    Impossible Flight: Flight
    Improved Anatomical Precision: Deal even more extra damage using the heal skill
    Improved Armor Damaging: Make opponant's armor even more cumbersome
    Improved Dodge: Gain a dodge bonus as a standard action
    Improved Eschew Materials: Use experience points in place of expensive material components
    Improved Impossible Flight: Better flight
    Improved Mad Resistance: Gain better energy resistance through being just too crazy to burn, freeze, melt or fry
    Improved Mindblade Channeling: As mindblade channeling, but it can be used as part of a full attack
    Improved Psiforged Body: Warforged composite plating gains an enhancement bonus from power points
    Improved Rhyme Spell: Better version of Rhyme Spell
    Improved Shifter Transformation: Become a more powerful animal when shifting
    Improved Sneak Attack: Increase the die size of sneak attack damage
    Improved Spiteful Spellcasting: Become even more powerful against those who would interrupt your spellcasting
    Improved Spring into Action: Gain an extra standard action by using ki
    Improved Toughness: 2 hp/level
    Improved Weapon Kata: Choose a one-handed weapon to treat as a monk weapon
    Improvised Weapon Proficiency: Negate penalties on improvised weapons
    Incorrigible Flesh: You take severe penalties when performing an evil act
    Infernomancer: Gain a bonus on charisma checks when dealing with devils, as well as getting more powerful devils when summoning them
    Inspired Artist: Use intelligence instead of charisma for perform checks
    Invisible Spell: Suppress visible effects of spells
    Iron Body: Damage Reduction
    Ironfist: Your fists are treated as being made of cold iron
    Keeper of the Celestial Tome: Gain a bonus when dealing with archons, and get more powerful archons when summoning them
    Ki Stealth: Use ki to gain a bonus to hide and move silently
    Knack Tree: Chain of feats that grant non-casters arcane abilities
    Knife in the Dark: Your soulknife's abilities become more potent in darkness
    Knock Down Strike: Gain a free trip attack after an attack with a blunt weapon
    Knockout: Gain a bonus to attack and damage with non-lethal attacks
    Know Thine Enemy: Gain a bonus to Gather Information checks about your favored enemy
    Know Thyself: Know if you flubbed a check
    Light of a Fading Star: Gain a bonus to strength, dex and con for being old and cantankerous
    Link Souls: Use essentia to power your Mindlink psi-like ability
    Longstride Psycanthrope: Gain the Skate power while shifted by expending psionic power
    Lord of War: Ignore prerequisites for epic feats
    Mad Clarity: Gain a bonus to will checks through sheer crazy
    Mad Insight: Gain a bonus to an intelligence check or intelligence-based skill check once per day
    Mad Resilience: Gain damage reduction for madness
    Mad Resistance: Gain energy resistance for madness
    Mad Symbiosis: Become healed by one kind of energy
    Madness: Gain immunity to insanity and confusion by already being mad
    Mage of Many Forms: Cast spells while polymorphed
    Mage's Vendetta: Increase spell DCs against a chosen group
    Mechanus Machinist: Gain a bonus when dealing with modrons, and get more powerful modrons when summoning them
    Medoken: Hurl yourself at the enemy
    Melody of Life: Use bardic music to heal an ally
    Memetic Illusion: Groups reinforce illusions you cast
    Metamagic Critical: Get free metamagic applied to a spell when getting a critical
    Midnight Invocation: Use essentia to power your eldritch blast
    Midnight Lore: Gain more uses of Dark Knowledge through essentia
    Mighty Exorcist: Damage spirits when exorcising them
    Military Historian: Use knowledge (history) to gain a bonus to attack and damage rolls
    Mindblade Channeling: Channel a power through your mindblade
    Mindhammer: Form bludgeoning weapons with your mindblade
    Mindspear: Form piercing weapons with your mindblade
    Minimize Spell: Spell's variable effects are all minimized
    Mirror Bond: Allows Chevals to no longer cast reflections, granting hide bonuses in some circumstances
    Moribund Spell: All spells prepared thus are cast on your death
    Mournlode Body: Warforged Composite Plating gains resistances to the undead
    Mournlode Strike: Slam or natural attacks overcome the damage reduction of the undead
    Multiblast: Use Eldritch Blast more times in a round
    Multible Threat: Use many one-handed weapons at once
    Multidexterity: Similar to Ambidexterity
    Narrow Spell: Halve the area of a spell
    No Stranger to Sin: Gain a bonus against the abilities of other evil creatures
    Opportunistic Spell: Use a touch spell to make an attack of opportunity
    Otherside Heritage: Allows a Cheval to hide their alignment
    Overcharge Spell: Expend spell levels to increase the power of a spell
    Overcome Racial Weakness: Lose the racial penalty for one ability
    Overpowering Counterspell: When counterspelling, cause your own spell to function normally
    Oversword Proficiency: Use a two-handed sword in one hand
    Parry: Add your intelligence bonus to AC vs. a specific opponant
    Parry 2: Gain a +1 Parry bonus to AC vs. a specific opponant
    Parry Feats: Returning attacks
    Pedological Boon: Large feet for balance on slippery surfaces
    Penetrating Spell: Pierce spell resitance automatically
    Perinanarchist: Gain a bonus when dealing with slaadi, and get more powerful slaadi when summoning them
    Personal Focus: Use a particular item to focus spells to increase caster level checks
    Phoenix Eye Fist: Deal piercing damage with your unarmed strikes
    Planebound Familiar: Bind a planar entity to serve as your familiar
    Pledge of Service: Swear to assist someone else to improve Aid Another bonus when working with that person
    Poison Expert: The DC of poisons on your weapons is increased by 1
    Polevaulting Tree****: New use for polearms
    Psiforged Strike: Slam or natural attacks can be enhanced with power points
    Precise Attack: Subtract damage bonus and add to attack bonus
    Precise Attack 2: As power attack, but applicable when using weapon finesse
    Prince of Nightmares: Gain a bonus to saves vs. fear, and become immune to Nightmare
    Rapid Strike: Get an extra attack for a small penalty when using a single one-handed or smaller weapon
    Raptoran Tae Kwan Do: Treat foot spikes as monk weapons
    Raptoran Three-step Kick: After hitting an enemy twice with your footspikes, fly ten feet up as a swift action
    Razorclaw Psycanthrope: Gain the psychokinetic special ability while shifted by expending psionic power
    Razor-Edge Palm: Use ki to cover your hand with a ki-blade
    Reckless Attack: Subtract dodge bonus and add to attack bonus
    Recycle Spell: Save one unused spell as a bonus spell the next day
    Rejuvenating Trance: Substitute meditation for sleep
    Repelling Stench: Foot odor as an offensive weapon
    Resilient Illusion It becomes difficult to convince others that illusion spells you cast aren't real
    Restful Meditation: Use ki to get the benefits of eight hours of sleep in half an hour
    Return the Gaze: Allows a Cheval to reflect gaze attacks back at the attacker
    Riverine Body: Warforged composite plating is infused with solidified elemental water
    Riverine Strike: Slam or other natural attacks gain the ghosttouch ability
    Rhyme Spell: Increase the caster level of a spell through a perform check
    Run Through: Attack that yields an automatic critical hit
    Scathing Taunt: Suppress morale bonuses in enemies with Perform (comedy)
    Scissors Sunder: Gain a bonus to sunder when using two weapons
    Scorn of the Gods: Gain spell resistance against divine spells
    Screw the Music: Use stringed instruments for sunder attempts
    Scribe Blood Scroll: Use blood to scribe scrolls, increasing the DCs
    Sea Legs: Gain bonuses to stability when on a ship at sea
    Sealmarked Body: Gain an armor bonus with a vestige
    Sealmarked Strike: Gain a bonus to slam and natural attacks with a vestige
    Second Totem: Gain the effects of a second totem (for Hunter of the Stag)
    Secrets of the Grave: Make knowledge checks untrained, with a +2 insight bonus
    Security Item: Gain a bonus to will saves when holding onto a particular object
    See Through Shadow's Guile: Gain darkvision by using ki
    Selfless Defender: Gain several tactical abilities to protect others
    Sense Surroundings: Make a spot/listen check twice, taking highest roll
    Sense the Hidden Danger: Use Ki to gain a bonus to initiative
    Sensible Fighter****: Add wisdom bonus to AC when wearing no armor
    Shadowformed Body: Warforged plating becomes more powerful in darkness
    Shadowformed Strike: Gain the shadow striking ability with slam and natural attacks
    Shadowy Healing: Heal quickly in darkness
    Shattered Luck: Breaking mirrors really does cause bad luck in the presence of a Cheval
    Shifter Transformation: Become an animal when shifting

    ****This link now goes to a wholly defunct page.
    I am a poor man, some say I’m half crazy,
    son of the sword and the knife
    Lady I pledge you my sword and my honor,
    my heart and my pride and my life
    --Bella Doña, by Joe Bethancourt

    Alas, poor Draknir. By Mephibosheth

    Owl-atar by KingGolem
    You will be missed, dear 'stache...

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Jack Mann's Avatar

    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Feats Cont.

    Feats Cont.
    Shifting Madness: Gain slippery mind at the cost of concentration
    Ship's Artificer: Repair spells on your ship are automatically maximized
    Ship's Healer: Cure spells on your ship's crew are automatically maximized
    Shorten Spell: Halve the duration of a spell
    Shrink Spell: Halve the range of a spell
    Shrouding Spirit: Use your watchful spirit to gain concealment
    Silverfist: Your fists are treated as being made of alchemical silver
    Skillful Charlatan: Use bluff in place of other skills once per day
    Skullforged: Use the bones of sacrificial victims on your composite plating to gain an enhancement bonus to AC
    Slash Limb: Force an enemy to lose the use of a limb on a critical hit
    Slasher: Attack another opponant after a successful critical hit
    Slow Spell: Increase the casting time of a spell
    Smite the Wicked: Do more damage to those whose deity is opposed to yours
    Somatic Spell: A normally still spell requires a somatic componant
    Soul of a Hero: Use essentia to gain greater benefit from spending action points
    Soulfire Spell: Allows spells of the fire descriptor to overcome resistance and immunity
    Soulforged Body: Composite plating grants DR when infused with essentia
    Soulshifting: Use essentia to become more powerful when shifting
    Spiteful Spellcasting: Become more powerful against those who try to interrupt your casting
    Spring into Action: Use ki to gain an additional move action
    Staffed Reach: Use one reach attack with a quarterstaff
    Staff Mastery: Bonus to damage and AC when wielding a quarterstaff
    Steady Beat: Give a bonus to allies' saves with Perform (percussion)
    Steal Class Feature: When using sneak attack, you can steal a daily use of one of your victim's class features
    Steal Epic Spell: Use Steal Spell to take epic spells
    Steal Incarnum: When stealing a soulmeld, you also steal a point of essentia
    Steal Power Points: When using sneak attack, you can steal some of his power points
    Steal Soul: Trade sneak attack damage for a chance to steal an opponant's soul
    Steal Soulmeld: Use sneak attack to steal soulmelds
    Steal Vestige: When using sneak attack, steal a vestige
    Step Between Worlds: Teleport using ki
    Stone Spirit: Use your watchful spirit to gain a natural armor bonus
    Stormdancer: Take no penalties from rain and treat wind as two categories less
    Stunning Bullet: Use stunning fist with firearms
    Sublime Step: Become completely undetectable when using the ghost step ability
    Suicidal Casting: Increase the DC for area of effect spells that will affect you
    Suicidal Rage: Gain a more powerful rage at the expense of HP and AC
    Sunder Armor: Amazingly self-explanatory
    Super Tough: 3 hp/level
    Surging Madness: Gain the Enervation and Wild Surge abilities of a wilder
    Sustaining Meditation: Use ki to remove the need to eat or drink
    Swift Strike: Attack as you draw your weapon
    Swiftwing Psycanthrope: Teleport while shiftd by expending psionic focus
    Sworn Enemy: Swear an oath to defeat a foe to gain bonuses to attacks, damage, and saving throws against that foe
    Tackle: Overrun and grapple at the same time to take an opponent down
    Taint Adaptation: Become less susceptible to taint
    Tainted Warlock: Gain new abilities based on taint
    Talented Sorceror: Grants a sorceror bonus spells known
    Teacher's Aid: Deal subdual damage with staff without to hit penalty
    Test of Magic: Force spell-casters to target you
    Thick Skin: Natural Armor
    Thief's Curse: Lower damage dice size of an opponant's sneak attack with Hexblade's curse
    Through the Looking Glass: Allows a cheval to appear in a mirror when using Mirror Sight
    Tiger Claw Strike: Deal slashing damage with an unarmed strike
    Totem Focus: Totem becomes more powerful (for Hunter of the Stag)
    Totem Manifestation: Allows totem to manifest a nearly solid presence (for Hunter of the Stag)
    Tower Archmage: Create a tower using pure magic
    Tribal Tattoo: Arrowhead: Gain a bonus to listen, sense motive and spot by expending a use of rage
    Tribal Tattoo: Bear: Gain a bonus to constitution by expending a use of rage
    Tribal Tattoo: Blade: Improve your weapon by expending one us of rage
    Tribal Tattoo: Butterfly: Expend a use of rage to automatically stabilize when dying
    Tribal Tattoo: Circle: Expend a use of rage to gain an insight bonus to an attack
    Tribal Tattoo: Demon: Expend a use of rage to increase the damage on one attack
    Tribal Tattoo: Lightning: Increase your speed by expending one use of rage
    Tribal Tattoo: Mask: Gain a bonus to one ability score by expending a use of rage
    Tribal Tattoo: Naga: Smite a lawful creature by expending one use of rage
    Tribal Tattoo: Snake: Gain a bonus to wisdom by expending one use of rage
    Tribal Tattoo: Spider: Gain bonuses to hide, move silently and bluff by expending one use of rage
    Tribal Tattoo: Sun: Gain fast healing by expending one use of rage
    Tribal Tattoo: Toad: Gain a resistance bonus to saves by expending one use of rage
    Truedive Psycanthrope: Gain the Psionic Freedom of Movement while shifted by expending psionic power
    Truly Fearless: Become immune to fear effects
    Turn the Greatest Blade: Use ki to gain deflection bonus to AC
    Twin Souls: When making a fortitude save vs. a death effect, make two rolls
    Twin Threat: Use ambidexterity with one-handed weapons
    Two as One: Use two identical weapons for one devastating attack
    Unclouded Faith: Use Divination in place of Remove Disease
    Unconquerable Faith: Use Divine Power in place of Remove Disease
    Unfettered Faith: Use Freedom of Movement in place of Remove Disease
    Unhealthy Resonance: Sonic psionic abilities can have additional effects
    Using the Bearclaw: Use a weapon while wearing the form of a bear
    Usurp Homuncul: Sacrifice a victim to gain his homunculus
    Vendetta: Gain bonuses to attack and damage against a specific group
    Vicious Trip: Make a full attack to a tripped enemy
    Vilewright: Spend less experience, gold, and time when crafting evil items
    Virtuoso Talent: Gain a bonus to perform checks with one instrument
    Vocal Spell: A normally silent spell requires a vocal componant
    Vogonic Poetry****: Cause damage through revoltingly bad poetry
    Voice of the Storm: Any spell you cast in a storm is automatically silenced
    Vow of Mind's Sanctity: Gain an exalted bonus against mind affecting powers, spells and effects, and share this with those around you
    Vow of Silence: Gain a bonus to Move Silently and to saves vs. language-dependant and sonic effects so long as you do not talk
    Vow of Redemption: Gain a bonus to conversion attempts and the ability to detect evil, so long as you attempt to convert any evil creature before attacking
    Walk the Most Narrow Path: Balance on vertical surfaces or even on liquids and semisolids
    Warforged Double Slam: After making a charge, attack with both slam attacks
    Warforged Kung Fu: Use your slam attack or other natural weapons as monk weapons, and use your flurry at the end of a charge once per day
    Water Chant: Animate Water as a druid by singing
    Weapon Kata: Choose a light melee weapon to use a monk weapon
    Weapon Master: Increase damage die with one weapon
    Whirling Wood: Tactical feat for quarterstaffs
    Wide Swing: Take a penalty to make reach attacks with a normal two-handed weapon
    Wildwood Body: Wooden composite plating heals itselfPsycanthrope: Gain the benefit of Sensitivity to Psychic Impressions when shifted by expending psionic power
    Wind Charm: Make it harder for airborn creatures and weapons to harm you and your allies by using the power of woodwind instruments.
    Winning Through Intimidation: Use intimidate for bluff or gather information
    Zealous Smiting: Gain an extra attack by expending uses of smite evil

    ****These links now lead to wholly defunct pages. - RSJ
    I am a poor man, some say I’m half crazy,
    son of the sword and the knife
    Lady I pledge you my sword and my honor,
    my heart and my pride and my life
    --Bella Doña, by Joe Bethancourt

    Alas, poor Draknir. By Mephibosheth

    Owl-atar by KingGolem
    You will be missed, dear 'stache...

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Jack Mann's Avatar

    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Spells

    Apostle of Peace Spells
    1st-Level Apostle of Peace Spells
    Painless Slumber: Causes the target to sleep for 24 hours and experience no pain [Maryring]

    Assassin Spells
    1st-Level Assassin Spells
    Frightened Silence: Target can't speak above a whisper [Ikkitosen]
    Night Sight: Grants subject low-light vision [aerondor]

    2nd-Level Assassin Spells
    Frightened Faint: Target falls into a faint, forgetting specific details of the caster [Ikkitosen]
    Razor Wind: Wind damages single target [marywind]

    3rd-Level Assassin Spells
    Terrified Silence: Those seeing the caster are affected as though by Fearful Silence, and are unable to tell anyone they saw the caster [Ikkitosen]

    4th-Level Assassin Spells
    Feed on Fear: Causes damage through fear, giving temporary hit points to the caster [Ikkitosen]
    Kiss of Poison: A kiss poisons target [Peregrine]

    Bard Spells
    0-Level Bard Spells
    Affect Probability/Plea: Cause a confluence of events in your favor [Winged One]
    Animate Broom: Broom becomes animated and sweeps up the area [Vik]
    Card Trick: Single out one item you have touched or watched someone else touch [Peregrine]
    Change Water to Wine: Transform water into wine [Videospirit]
    Coin Trick: Teleport small objects about your person at will [Peregrine]
    Contentment: Causes a creature to have a feeling of well-being [Peregrine]
    Emily's Cleansing Soap: Bar of soap becomes animated and follows caster's commands [Slicer PT]
    Featured Moment: Grants bonus to all charisma based skills against the target, except for perform [Grey Watcher]
    Infatuation: Changes target's attitude to friendly [Zherog]
    Mnemonic: Cause target to remember the words you say [Peregrine]
    Owyn Tendril's Scrubbing Bubbles: Stream of bubbles scrub target, leaving a pleasant odor [AngelSword]
    Summon Monster 0: Conjure a small, unthreatening magical creature [Peregrine]

    1st-Level Bard Spells
    Dual Charm: Cause two creatures to trust one another [The Demented One]
    Extradimensional Appetite: Caster gains an extradimensional stomach to store food [The Glyphstone]
    Hush: Causes target to cease talking [Peregrine]
    Intoxication Missle: Missile does nonlethal damage and ability damage [Videospirit]
    PEACH: Gain helpful feedback from a foe [Jack Mann]
    Sarina's Yellow Frenzy: One extra attack on full attack and a +2 to initiative checks at the cost of nonlethal damage [Starbuck II]
    Verse: Grants a bonus to charisma-based skills other than perform against multiple targets [Grey Watcher]
    Wounding: Fake wounds appear on the target [Maryring]

    2nd-Level Bard Spells
    Aria: Grants a bonus to all charisma-based skills other than perform against multiple targets [Grey Watcher]
    Demon Horns: Caster grows unholy anarchic horns [Krimm Blackleaf]
    Desfue's Infernal Sneezing Fit: Cause allergic reaction in target [TheThan]
    Feign Death: Appear to be dead [chaiyo]
    Ivor's Enforced Meditation: A sleep-like spell that effects elves [Illsbane]
    Kehdin's Instant Interior Decorator: Create small objects made of shadow [Peregrine]
    Kiss of Seduction: A kiss makes target friendly or helpful [Peregrine]
    Kiss of Weariness: A kiss puts target to sleep [Peregrine]
    Love Sick: Causes the target to think of a loved one and become sickened with grief [Zherog]
    Mirrorskin: Makes target appear to be the same race or type as anyone viewing them [Scorpina]
    Speak with Drunks: Speak with anyone under the effects of alcoholic beverages [Videospirit]
    Twin Strike: Character gets double actions for one round [Maryring]
    Weather Illusion: Illusionary weather [Maryring]

    3rd-Level Bard Spells
    Blend with Mob: Become similar to nearby creatures [Peregrine]
    Duet: Forces target to aid the caster in his performance [Grey Watcher]
    Intoxicate: Gives target penalties as though after tossing back a few [Videospirit]
    Kiss of Forgetfulness: A kiss removes memories [Peregrine]
    Magic Window: See and hear through a non-magical barrier [Peregrine]
    Sarina's Great Agility: Raises subject's dexterity to 18 and grants effects of the dodge feat [Starbuck II]
    Suggest Meme: As Suggestion, but target can "infect" others [The Demented One]

    4th-Level Bard Spells
    Chorus: Forces targets to perform along with the caster [Grey Watcher]
    Coconut Equestrian: Summons a humanoid with a pair of coconuts to transport the caster as though with Phantom Steed [Gamebird]
    Deep Zen: A more powerful version of Ivor's Enforced Meditation [Illsbane]
    Intoxicate Weapon: Gives a weapon the ability to bestow the effects of Intoxicate [Videospirit]
    Monitor Secret: You are alerted when someone relates a specific piece of information [Peregrine]
    Preincarnation: Summons former version of self to help fight [Illsbane]
    Sarina's Awareness: Grants insight bonus to AC [Starbuck II]

    5th-Level Bard Spells
    Brown Note: Causes intestinal upset [Leperflesh]
    Ensemble: Forces targets to perform along with the caster [Grey Watcher]
    Intoxication, Greater: As Intoxicate, but moreso [Videospirit]
    Kiss of Enthrallment: A kiss dominates target [Peregrine]
    Sarina's Evasion: Grants target evasion [Starbuck II]

    6th-Level Bard Spells
    Bubble Double: Creates a double of the caster made of soap [AngelSword]
    Eleven O'Clock Number: Forces targets to perform along with the caster [Grey Watcher]
    Group Charm: Make a group of people trust each other [The Demented One]
    Intoxication, Mass: As Intoxicate, but affects multiple targets [Videospirit]
    Kiss of Poison: A kiss poisons target [Peregrine]
    Suggest Meme, Greater: As Suggest Meme, but more powerful [The Demented One]

    Cleric Spells

    0-Level Cleric Spells
    Affect Probability/Plea: Cause a confluence of events in your favor [Winged One]
    Cinder: Conjures a smouldering ember [Peregrine]
    Gravity Resistance, Minor: Causes an object of ten pounds or less to float [guessmith]
    Infatuation: Changes target's attitude to friendly [Zherog]
    Owyn Tendril's Scrubbing Bubbles: Stream of bubbles scrub target, leaving a pleasant odor [AngelSword]
    Taasken's Befuddlement: Bestows penalty on target's knowledge (religion) checks [eldersphinx]

    1st-Level Cleric Spells
    Delay Gravity: Stave off the effects of gravity for one round/level [guessmith]
    Demon Horns: Caster grows unholy anarchic horns [Krimm Blackleaf]
    Divine Grip: Never drop your weapon [Blood]
    Painless Slumber: Causes the target to sleep for 24 hours and experience no pain [Maryring]
    Taasken's Ruse of Voices: Makes it appear caster is speaking in a different language [eldersphinx]

    2nd-Level Cleric Spells
    Bubble Bauble: Spherical creation follows caster around, carrying objects [AngelSword]
    Feign Death: Appear to be dead [chaiyo]
    Increased Gravity: Increases gravity around the target, making movement and dexterity-based skills more difficult [guessmith]
    Skull-lantern: Causes the heads of dead or undead creatures to glow [Krimm Blackleaf]
    Taasken's Seeming of Invulnerability: Target appears to take no damage from a specific source [eldersphinx]

    3rd-Level Cleric Spells
    Love Sick: Causes the target to think of a loved one and become sickened with grief [Zherog]
    Negate Gravity: Negates the effects of weight around the caster [guessmith]
    Overburn: Caster gives off dangerous amounts of heat [chaiyo]
    Red Water: Creature appears as good for all magical purposes [Maryring]
    Taasken's Exemplar Glamerie: Makes a summoned creature appear as a different kind of creature [eldersphinx]

    4th-Level Cleric Spells
    Gravity Arc: Causes an item to speed up or slow down [guessmith]
    Reaper Raven's Solumbra: Changes light-based spells into darkness-based spells [Illsbane]
    Taasken's Vampiric Ruse: Cause a creature to recoil from a holy symbol, as though they were a vampire [eldersphinx]
    Unseen Arena: Allows subjects to fight an illusionary duel [Krimm Blackleaf]

    5th-Level Cleric Spells
    Abyssal Destruction: Bolt deals damage of each energy type to multiple targets [Krimm Blackleaf]
    Null Gravity: Nullifies gravity in an area [guessmith]
    Taasken's Twisted Justice: Fool target as to the nature of a Mark of Justice [eldersphinx]

    6th-Level Cleric Spells
    Bonds of Marriage: Targets gain empathic link and protection against charms, compulsions and fear effects when close, but are weakened when apart [Zherog]
    Centre of Gravity: Changes orientation of gravity [guessmith]
    Heart-wrenching Grief: Target is helpless with grief for a short time, then dies [Krimm Blackleaf]
    Rehabilitation: Cure target's addictions [Lord Iames Osari]
    Taasken's Corruption: Twists spells dealing positive energy into dealing negative energy [eldersphinx]

    7th-Level Cleric Spells
    Material Jaunt: Become material from the ethereal plane for a short time [Winged One]
    Nytinrag's Ravenous Quasit Horde: Summons a horde of Quasits to do caster’s bidding [Krimm Blackleaf]
    Taasken's Divination Veil: Protects the target from the effects of divination and information-gathering spells, or even give misleading information [eldersphinx]

    8th-Level Cleric Spells
    Death Throes: If killed, caster explodes, damaging nearby creatures and destroying his or her gear [Krimm Blackleaf]
    Gravity's Full Weight: Increases effects of gravity five times [guessmith]
    Happily Ever After: As bonds of marriage, but with added benefits [Zherog]
    Taasken's Seeming of the Lich: Grants target the appearance and some of the powers of a lich [eldersphinx]

    9th-Level Cleric Spells
    Deep Warmth: Create hot springs around the area [The Vorpal Tribble]
    Excise Death: Transform the target into an ageless [The Demented One]
    Gravity Well: Pulls creatures or objects into a planar gate [guessmith]
    Summon Hero: Summons the spiritual energy of a hero, allowing the caster to gain his or her abilities [Maryring]
    Summon Villain: As Summon Hero, but the spirit of an evil being instead [Maryring]
    Taasken's Impersonation of the Deity: Allows the caster to appear to cast any cleric spell of seventh level or lower [eldersphinx]

    Cleric Domains

    Dirge Domain [The Vorpal Tribble]
    Deities: Lamentea
    Granted Power: Gain limited influence over the Undead
    Dream Domain Spells
    1. Ventriloquism: Throws voice for 1 min./level [SRD]
    2. Tongues: Speak Any Language [SRD]
    3. Speak With Dead: Corpse answers one question/two levels [SRD]
    4. Shout: Deafens all within cone and deals 5d6 sonic damage [SRD]
    5. Song of Discord: Forces targets to attack each other [SRD]
    6. Shout, Greater: Devastating yell deals 10d6 sonic damage; stuns creatures, damages objects [SRD]
    7. Holy Word: Kills, paralyzes, blinds, or deafens nongood subjects [SRD]
    8. Power Word Stun: Stuns creature with 150 hp or less [SRD]
    9. True Ressurection: As resurrection, plus remains aren’t needed [SRD]

    Fertility Domain [Lord Iames Osari]
    Deities: Fortuna, Maia
    Granted Power: Become immune to disease
    Fertility Domain Spells
    1. Conceive/Contraceive: Make conception certain or impossible [Lord Iames Osari]
    2. Ease Birth: Grants a bonus to heal checks for delivering a child [Lord Iames Osari]
    3. Protection From Disease: Protects target from mundane diseases [Lord Iames Osari]
    4. Bestow/Remove Potency: Make subject sexually impotent or potent [Lord Iames Osari]
    5. Bestow/Remove Fertility: Make subject fertile or infertile [Lord Iames Osari]
    6. Miraculous Birth: Automatically makes birth successful [Lord Iames Osari]
    7. Protection From Disease, Greater: Target is immune to all disease [Lord Iames Osari]
    8. Brave New World: Make a woman pregnant [Lord Iames Osari] (Insert obvious crudity here)
    9. Transfer Pregnancy: Transfers prenancy from one target to another

    Gravity Domain [guessmith]
    Deities: None listed
    Granted Power: Increase the weight of an object
    Fertility Domain Spells
    0. Gravity Resistance, Minor: Causes an object of ten pounds or less to float [guessmith]
    1. Delay Gravity: Stave off the effects of gravity for one round/level [guessmith]
    2. Increased Gravity: Increases gravity around the target, making movement and dexterity-based skills more difficult [guessmith]
    3. Negate Gravity: Negates the effects of weight around the caster [guessmith]
    4. Gravity Arc: Causes an item to speed up or slow down [guessmith]
    5. Null Gravity: Nullifies gravity in an area [guessmith]
    6. Centre of Gravity: Changes orientation of gravity [guessmith]
    7. Reverse Gravity: Objects and creatures fall upward [SRD]
    8. Gravity's Full Weight: Increases effects of gravity five times [guessmith]
    9. Gravity Well: Pulls creatures or objects into a planar gate [guessmith]

    Highland Domain [Loren_and_Kivsith]
    Deities: None listed
    Granted Power: Gain a +4 bonus to climb and immunity to altitude effects
    Highland Domain Spells
    1. Fist of Stone: [CArc, Pg 107]
    2. Gembomb [FRCS, Pg 70]
    3. Walk the Mountain Path [RoS, Pg 163]
    4. Air Walk: Subject treads on air as if solid (climb at 45-degree angle) [SRD]
    5. Shout: Deafens all within cone and deals 5d6 sonic damage [SRD]
    6. Stone Metamorphosis [Und, Pg 61]
    7. Hardening [MoF, Pg 99]
    8. Earthquake: Intense tremor shakes 80-ft.-radius. [SRD]
    9. Obedient Avalanche [PGtF, Pg 108]

    Marsh Domain [Loren_and_Kivsith]
    Deities: None listed
    Granted Power: Swim in quicksand, become resistant to poison
    Marsh Domain Spells
    1. Smell of Fear [MoF, Pg 119]
    2. Decomposition [CDiv, Pg 161]
    3. Amorphous Form [Und, Pg 56]
    4. Solid Fog: Blocks vision and slows movement [SRD]
    5. Vitriolic Sphere [CArc, Pg 128]
    6. Drown [Und, Pg 58]
    7. Acid Fog: Fog deals acid damage [SRD]
    8. Poison Vines [CDiv, Pg 175]
    9. Creeping Doom: Swarms of centipedes attack at your command [SRD]

    Moon Domain [SpiderMew]
    Deities: Elune
    Granted Power: Gain darkvision or lowlight vision 1/day
    Moon Domain Spells
    1. Nimbus of Light [CDiv, Pg 170]
    2. Mirror Image: Creates decoy duplicates of you (1d4 +1 per three levels, max 8) [SRD]
    3. Invisibility Sphere: Makes everyone within 10 ft. invisible [SRD]
    4. Resurgence, Mass [CDiv, Pg 177]
    5. Raise Dead: Restores life to subject who died as long as one day/level ago [SRD]
    6. Cometfall [CDiv, Pg 159]
    7. Reverse Gravity: Objects and creatures fall upward [SRD]
    8. Death Pact [CDiv, Pg 161]
    9. Meteor Swarm: Four exploding spheres each deal 6d6 fire damage [SRD]

    Plains Domain [Loren_and_Kivsith]
    Deities: None listed
    Granted Power: Run twice as long as normal before becoming fatigued
    Plains Domain Spells
    1. Traveler's Mount [CDiv, Pg 184]
    2. Bear's Endurance: Subject gains +4 to Con for 1 min./level [SRD]
    3. Vigor [CDiv, Pg 186]
    4. Sustain [BoED, Pg 109]
    5. Overland Flight: You fly at a speed of 40 ft. and can hustle over long distances [SRD]
    6. Anger of the Noonday Sun [CDiv, Pg 150]
    7. Sunburst: Blinds all within 10 ft., deals 6d6 damage [SRD]
    8. Create Crossroads and Backroad [MoF, Pg 86]
    9. Nature's Avatar [CDiv, Pg 170]

    Purity Domain [Maryring]
    Deities: None Listed
    Granted Power: +2 on Assorted Saves
    Purity Domain Spells
    1. Purity Food and Drink: Purifies 1 cu. ft./level of food or water [SRD]
    2. Remove Addiction [BoED, Pg 105]
    3. Remove Disease: Cures all diseases affecting subject [SRD]
    4. Neutralize Poison: Immunizes subject against poison, detoxifies venom in or on subject [SRD]
    5. Vanishing Weapon [BoED, Pg 111]
    6. Starmantle [BoED, Pg 108]
    7. Rain of Roses [BoED, Pg 105]
    8. Sunburst: Blinds all within 10 ft., deals 6d6 damage [SRD]
    9. Freedom: Releases creature from imprisonment [SRD]

    Sap Domain [The Vorpal Tribble]
    Deities: Harkatottom
    Granted Power: Do not suffer blood loss
    Sap Domain Spells
    1. Ivory Flesh [FB, Pg 101
    2. Evergreen [FB, Pg 93]
    3. Plant Growth: Grows vegetation, improves crops [SRD]
    4. Bloodlink: Gain empathic link with another and grant constitution [The Vorpal Tribble]
    5. Hibernate [FB, Pg 97]
    6. Heartfreeze [FB, Pg 97]
    7. Raise Ice Forest [FB, Pg 103]
    8. Dire Drought [SS, Pg 129]
    9. Hydrate [SS, Pg 117]

    Song Domain [TheThan]
    Granted Power: Gain comprehend languages as a spell-like ability
    Song Domain Spells
    1. Command: One subject obeys selected command for 1 round [SRD]
    2. Sound Burst: Deals 1d8 sonic damage to subjects; may stun them [SRD]
    3. Suggestion: Compels subject to follow stated course of action
    4. Sound Lance [SpC, Pg 196]
    5. Commune: Deity answers one yes-or-no question/level [SRD]
    6. Word of Recall: Teleports you back to designated place [SRD]
    7. Word of Chaos: Kills, confuses, stuns, or deafens nonchaotic subjects [SRD]
    8. Lion's Roar [SpC, Pg 133]
    9. Wail of the Banshee: Kills one creature/level [SRD]

    Travel Domain [SRD]
    Travel Domain Spells
    Sarina's Great Agility: Raises subject's dexterity to 18 and grants effects of the dodge feat [Starbuck II]

    Druid Spells
    0-Level Druid Spells
    Affect Probability/Plea: Cause a confluence of events in your favor [Winged One]
    Cinder: Conjures a smouldering ember [Peregrine]
    Ember Hand: Cantrip used for starting campfires [Maxymiuk]
    Incubate: Protect untended eggs [Winged One]

    1st-Level Druid Spells
    Conceive/Contraceive: Make conception certain or impossible [Lord Iames Osari]
    Night Sight: Grants subject low-light vision [aerondor]
    Painless Slumber: Causes the target to sleep for 24 hours and experience no pain [Maryring]

    2nd-Level Druid Spells
    Ease Birth: Grants a bonus to heal checks for delivering a child [Lord Iames Osari]
    Feign Death: Appear to be dead [chaiyo]

    3rd-Level Druid Spells
    Align Claw: One of the target's natural weapons is treated as being aligned [ghost warlock]
    Devourer: Gives target the Swallow Whole special attack [Maryring]
    Harmless Digestion: Target's digestion no longer harms those swallowed [Maryring]
    Protection From Disease: Protects target from mundane diseases [Lord Iames Osari]
    Razorclaws: Increases the likelihood of critical hits with one of the target's natural weapons [ghost warlock]
    Silverclaws: One of the target's natural weapons is treated as being made of silver [ghost warlock]

    4th-Level Druid Spells
    Bestow/Remove Potency: Make subject sexually impotent or potent [Lord Iames Osari]
    Bite of the Behemoth: Increases the damage of one of the target's natural weapons [ghost warlock]
    Fumarole: Spew superheated water at your enemies [The Vorpal Tribble]
    Ironclaws: One of the target's natural weapons is treated as cold iron [ghost warlock]
    Preincarnation: Summons former version of self to help fight [Illsbane]

    5th-Level Druid Spells
    Bestow/Remove Fertility: Make subject fertile or infertile [Lord Iames Osari]
    Claws of Byeshk: One of the arget's natural weapons is treated as being made of byeshk [ghost warlock]

    7th-Level Druid Spells
    Werefell: Cause children born in the area to develope some degree of lycanthropy [The Vorpal Tribble]

    9th-Level Druid Spells
    Deep Warmth: Create hot springs around the area [The Vorpal Tribble]
    Excise Death: Transform the target into an ageless [The Demented One]
    Summon Hero: Summons the spiritual energy of a hero, allowing the caster to gain his or her abilities [Maryring]
    Summon Villain: As Summon Hero, but the spirit of an evil being instead [Maryring]

    Paladin Spells

    1st-Level Paladin Spells
    Affect Probability/Plea: Cause a confluence of events in your favor [Winged One]
    Divine Grip: Never drop your weapon [Blood]

    Ranger Spells

    1st-Level Ranger Spells
    Affect Probability/Plea: Cause a confluence of events in your favor [Winged One]
    Night Sight: Grants subject low-light vision [aerondor]

    3rd-Level Ranger Spells
    Align Claw: One of the target's natural weapons is treated as being aligned [ghost warlock]
    Razorclaws: Increases the likelihood of critical hits with one of the target's natural weapons [ghost warlock]
    Silverclaws: One of the target's natural weapons is treated as being made of silver [ghost warlock]

    4th-Level Ranger Spells
    Bite of the Behemoth: Increases the damage of one of the target's natural weapons [ghost warlock]
    Devourer: Gives target the Swallow Whole special attack [Maryring]
    Harmless Digestion: Target's digestion no longer harms those swallowed [Maryring]
    Ironclaws: One of the target's natural weapons is treated as cold iron [ghost warlock]

    Slayer of Domiel Spells
    2nd-Level Slayer of Domiel Spells
    Razor Wind: Wind damages single target [Maryring]
    Last edited by Jack Mann; 2007-05-19 at 05:47 AM.
    I am a poor man, some say I’m half crazy,
    son of the sword and the knife
    Lady I pledge you my sword and my honor,
    my heart and my pride and my life
    --Bella Doña, by Joe Bethancourt

    Alas, poor Draknir. By Mephibosheth

    Owl-atar by KingGolem
    You will be missed, dear 'stache...

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Jack Mann's Avatar

    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Spells Cont.

    Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
    0-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
    Cinder: Conjures a smouldering ember [Peregrine]
    Coin Trick: Teleport small objects about your person at will [Peregrine]
    Summon Monster 0: Conjure a small, unthreatening magical creature [Peregrine]
    Card Trick: Single out one item you have touched or watched someone else touch [Peregrine]
    Contentment: Causes a creature to have a feeling of well-being [Peregrine]
    Infatuation: Changes target's attitude to friendly [Zherog]
    Mnemonic: Cause target to remember the words you say [Peregrine]
    Ember Hand: Cantrip used for starting campfires [Maxymiuk]
    Wisp of Flame: Ray deals1d3 flame damage [Agnleas]
    Animate Broom: Broom becomes animated and sweeps up the area [Vik]
    Emily's Cleansing Soap: Bar of soap becomes animated and follows caster's commands [Slicer PT]
    Gravity Resistance, Minor: Causes an object of ten pounds or less to float [guessmith]
    Incubate: Protect untended eggs [Winged One]
    Owyn Tendril's Scrubbing Bubbles: Stream of bubbles scrub target, leaving a pleasant odor [AngelSword]
    Affect Probability/Plea: Cause a confluence of events in your favor [Winged One]
    9th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
    Make Homework: Complete one homework assignment [Gezina] (I'm only guessing on the school here; Gez never filled one in)

    1st-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
    Extradimensional Appetite: Caster gains an extradimensional stomach to store food [The Glyphstone
    Dual Charm: Cause two creatures to trust one another [The Demented One]
    Hush: Causes target to cease talking [Peregrine]
    Painless Slumber: Causes the target to sleep for 24 hours and experience no pain [Maryring]
    Lifeburn: Damage an opponant in direct proportion to the damage you take yourself [BelkarsDagger]
    Adhere: Make a surface sticky [The Demented One]
    Delay Gravity: Stave off the effects of gravity for one round/level [guessmith]
    Demon Horns: Caster grows unholy anarchic horns [Krimm Blackleaf]
    Fighterdoken: Hurl an Ally at the Enemy [Rhonstet]
    Mentor: Give temporary ranks in a skill you possess to an ally [Gralamin]
    Night Sight: Grants subject low-light vision [aerondor]
    Wounding: Fake wounds appear on the target [Maryring]
    Learn Homework: Gain bonus to knowledge checks [Gezina] (Again, the school wasn't given, so into Universal it must go)

    2nd-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
    Bubble Bauble: Spherical creation follows caster around, carrying objects [AngelSword]
    Heisenberg's Uncertain Teleportation: Increases AC due to small, constant teleportations [The Demented One]
    Mariko's Burning Fans: Fans of fire appear in the caster's hands [jdrich]
    Desfue's Infernal Sneezing Fit: Cause allergic reaction in target [TheThan]
    Couyan's Combat Contrivance: As Shield, but casts Magic Missile once per round [DarkLight140]
    Mystic Blast: Shockwave deals damage to target [Maryring]
    Kehdin's Instant Interior Decorator: Create small objects made of shadow [Peregrine]
    Mirrorskin: Makes target appear to be the same race or type as anyone viewing them [Scorpina]
    Feign Death: Appear to be dead [chaiyo]
    Ivor's Enforced Meditation: A sleep-like spell that effects elves
    Sarina's Yellow Frenzy: One extra attack on full attack and a +2 to initiative checks at the cost of nonlethal damage [Starbuck II]
    Siphon Effervescence: Transfers excess energy from one target to another [Winged One]
    Skull-lantern: Causes the heads of dead or undead creatures to glow [Krimm Blackleaf]
    Bodyswap, Lesser: Swaps the bodies of two humanoids [Scorpina]
    Fighterdoken: Second verse, same as the first [RufusCorvus]
    Hardfall: The antithesis of feather fall, makes falling creatures or objects fall fast and land hard [Peregrine]
    Increased Gravity: Increases gravity around the target, making movement and dexterity-based skills more difficult [guessmith]
    Overburn: Caster gives off dangerous amounts of heat [chaiyo]
    Twin Strike: Character gets double actions for one round [Maryring]
    Mann's Copyrite, Lesser: Prevents scroll or spellbook from being copied [Jack Mann]

    3rd-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
    Red Water: Creature appears as good for all magical purposes [Maryring]
    Summon Bubble Elemental: Summons bubble elemental from the elemental plane of soap [AngelSword] (I swear, folks, I'm not making this up)
    Magic Window: See and hear through a non-magical barrier [Peregrine]
    Kiss of Seduction: A kiss makes target friendly or helpful [Peregrine]
    Kiss of Weariness: A kiss puts target to sleep [Peregrine]
    Love Sick: Causes the target to think of a loved one and become sickened with grief [Zherog]
    Chaos Scream: Scream damages, nauseates, and dazes creatures within forty feet of caster [Krimm Blackleaf]
    Emily's Spin Cycle, Lesser: Creates a vortex of wind around the target, cleaning clothing but knocking creatures down and possibly dazing them [Slicer PT]
    Force Missiles: Powerful bolts of force damage multiple targets [Zeful]
    Razor Wind: Wind damages single target [Maryring]
    Stabbity Death: Melee touch attack deals 1d8 damage/level [RufusCorvus]
    Weather Illusion: Illusionary weather [Maryring]
    Transfer Effervescence: Transfer energy from one target to another [Winged One]
    Couyan's Adaptable Enhancer: Increases one ability score by +4 [DarkLight140]
    Elemental Weapon: Gives weapon extra elemental damage [Maryring]
    Explosive Blast: Cause unattended object to explode, dealing damage to those around it [Scorpina]
    Negate Gravity: Negates the effects of weight around the caster [guessmith]

    4th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
    Zone of Exclusion: Prevent casting of a spell of up to 3rd level within area [Peregrine]
    Anvil Drop: Create a solid iron anvil over target's head [soylentplaid]
    Coconut Equestrian: Summons a humanoid with a pair of coconuts to transport the caster as though with Phantom Steed [Gamebird]
    Mariko's Burning Hands, Greater: More powerful fans of fire appear in the caster's hands [Lord Iames Osari]
    Preincarnation: Summons former version of self to help fight [Illsbane]
    Monitor Passage: The caster is alerted when someone moves through a designated passage [Peregrine]
    Monitor Secret: You are alerted when someone relates a specific piece of information [Peregrine]
    Kiss of Forgetfulness: A kiss removes memories [Peregrine]
    Suggest Meme: As Suggestion, but target can "infect" others [The Demented One]
    Reaper Raven's Solumbra: Changes light-based spells into darkness-based spells [Illsbane]
    Spark: Gives target a persistent electric charge [Zeful]
    Blend with Mob: Become similar to nearby creatures [Peregrine]
    Unseen Arena: Allows subjects to fight an illusionary duel [Krimm Blackleaf]
    Deep Zen: A more powerful version of Ivor's Enforced Meditation [Illsbane]
    Skull of Fire: Fiery skull damages target [Krimm Blackleaf]
    Bodyswap: Swaps the bodies of two creatures of the same type [Scorpina]
    Devourer: Gives target the Swallow Whole special attack [Maryring]
    Flying Broom: Allows caster to fly on specially prepared broom for 10 minutes/level [Vik]
    Gravity Arc: Causes an item to speed up or slow down [guessmith] (At least, I think he meant transmutation)
    Harmless Digestion: Target's digestion no longer harms those swallowed [Maryring]
    Python Whip: Whip becomes a python that attacks weapons dedicated to drow deities [Illsbane]
    Sarina's Great Agility: Raises subject's dexterity to 18 and grants effects of the dodge feat [Starbuck II]
    Mann's Copyrite: Gains caster 100 gp per page for any spell copied from scrolls or spellbook enchanted [Jack Mann]

    5th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
    Death From Above: Causes a large animal to appear over enemies and fall, and possibly explode [Abd al-Azrad, who's being held hostage by PETA]
    Draught/Shards of (Element): Draw on the essence of an elemental plane [Delcassius]
    Shadow Burst: Creates a small burst of negative energy [Zeful]
    Heart-wrenching Grief: Target is helpless with grief for a short time, then dies [Krimm Blackleaf]
    Abyssal Destruction: Bolt deals damage of each energy type to multiple targets [Krimm Blackleaf]
    Heartbreak: Deals sonic damage and sickens creatures [Maryring]
    Nytinrag’s Dooming Blast: Blast deals random damage type [Krimm Blackleaf]
    Improbable Propulsion: Vessel goes improbably fast, at the cost of strangeness upon arrival [Leethar]
    Null Gravity: Nullifies gravity in an area [guessmith]
    Penetrate Lead: Render a barrier normally proof against divination penetrable

    6th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
    Bubble Double: Creates a double of the caster made of soap [AngelSword]
    Kiss of Enthrallment: A kiss dominates target [Peregrine]
    Kiss of Madness: A kiss causes insanity [Peregrine]
    Kiss of Poison: A kiss poisons target [Peregrine]
    Suggest Meme, Greater: As Suggest Meme, but more powerful [The Demented One]
    Aqua Wave: Wave of water deals damage to anyone in its path [Maryring]
    Emily's Spin Cycle, Greater: All creatures around the target are spun around, causing them damage and cleaning their clothing [Slicer PT]
    In Flames: Surrounding area ignites into flame [RufusCorvus]
    Schrödinger’s Deathbox: Entraps the target, and forces them to save or die if they attempt escape [The Demented One]
    Bodyswap, Greater: Swaps the bodies of any two creatures [Scorpina]
    Bonds of Marriage: Targets gain empathic link and protection against charms, compulsions and fear effects when close, but are weakened when apart [Zherog]
    Centre of Gravity: Changes orientation of gravity [guessmith]
    Spellgap: Gives you line of effect through a barrier [Peregrine]

    7th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
    Nytinrag's Ravenous Quasit Horde: Summons a horde of Quasits to do caster’s bidding [Krimm Blackleaf]
    Group Charm: Make a group of people trust each other [The Demented One]
    Balor's Sword: Targeted sword becomes vorpal [Krimm Blackleaf (I begin to detect a pattern...)]
    Couyan's Recurring Wizardry: Spontaneously change spells, as a cleric with healing spells or a druid with summon nature's ally spells [DarkLight140]
    Material Jaunt: Become material from the ethereal plane for a short time [Winged One]
    Trampling Broom: Touched broom becomes gargantuan, attacking opponants [Vik]

    8th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
    Emily's Fantabulous Instant Clothesline: One creature per caster level is hung on an ethereal clothesline to dry out [Slicer PT]
    Kiss of Death: A kiss kills target [Peregrine]
    Reflecting Invisibility: Makes caster invisible and creates an image of the caster [Maryring]
    Death Throes: If killed, caster explodes, damaging nearby creatures and destroying his or her gear [Krimm Blackleaf]
    Gravity's Full Weight: Increases effects of gravity five times [guessmith]
    Happily Ever After: As bonds of marriage, but with added benefits [Zherog]

    9th-Level Sorcerer-Wizard Spells
    Excise Death: Transform the target into an ageless [The Demented One]
    Summon Hero: Summons the spiritual energy of a hero, allowing the caster to gain his or her abilities [Maryring]
    Summon Villain: As Summon Hero, but the spirit of an evil being instead [Maryring]
    Charming Bow: Bow fires arrows that create a Charm Monster effect [Maryring]
    Hadoken: Beam extends from caster's hands dealing a not insignificant amount of damage [RufusCorvus]
    Owyn Tendril's Bubble Grenade: Scrubs away anything in the area, including flesh [AngelSword]
    New Reality: Change the appearance of the surrounding area [Maryring]
    Annihilating Broom: Broom affects target as through Annihilation Sphere [Vik]
    Bodyswap, Perfect: Permanently swaps the bodies of two creatures [Scorpina]
    Couyan's Enhancer-Disabler: Either increase ability scores, saving throws, and AC, or hit target with ability damage [DarkLight140]
    Excise Death: Transform the target into an ageless [The Demented One]
    Gravity Well: Pulls creatures or objects into a planar gate [guessmith]
    Planetary Transformation: Causes Tenebral's World Bomb to fizzle [Lysander]

    Warmage Spells
    1st-Level Warmage Spells
    Fighterdoken: Hurl an Ally at the Enemy [Rhonstet]

    2nd-Level Warmage Spells
    Overburn: Caster gives off dangerous amounts of heat [chaiyo]

    Wu Jen Spells

    2nd-Level Wu Jen Spells
    Mystic Blast: Shockwave deals damage to target [Maryring]

    6th-Level Wu Jen Spells
    Aqua Wave: Wave of water deals damage to anyone in its path [Maryring]

    9th-Level Wu Jen Spells
    New Reality: Change the appearance of the surrounding area [Maryring]

    Sanctified Spells
    3rd-Level Sanctified Spells
    Safeground, Lesser: Reduces damage to good characters

    4th-Level Sanctified Spells
    Breath of Heaven: Brings creatures killed by cold or frostbite damage back to life [The Vorpal Tribble]

    6th-Level Sanctified Spells
    Safeground: Reduces damage to good characters [Maryring]

    8th-Level Sanctified Spells
    Rise of the Martyr: Returns martyr to life [Maryring]

    9th-Level Sanctified Spells
    Crushing Light: Safeground effect converts to spheres which deal damage to neutral and evil creatures [Maryring]
    Safeground, Greater: Reduces damage to good characters (Sanct 9) [Maryring]

    Epic Level Spells
    Tenebral's World Bomb: Destroy an entire world [Krimm Blackleaf]

    Arcane Spells [D20 Modern]

    3rd-Level Arcane Spells
    Eyeburn: Channel heat from a cigarette into target's eyes, blinding them [Dhavaer]

    4th-Level Arcane Spells
    Snuff: Ease target into death

    Demon Hunter Spells [Warcraft]

    1st-Level Demon Hunter Spells
    Mana Burn: Spells are lost by target, as well as health

    Psion/Wilder Powers
    9th-Level Psion/Wilder Powers
    Psionic Excise Death: As excise death, but psionic

    Psion Discipline Powers
    1st-Level Psion Discipline Powers
    Psionic Disguise Self: Project an image of how you wish to appear [Shhalahr Windrider]

    2nd-Level Psion Discipline Powers
    Masochistic: Become immune to pain-based spells [The Vorpal Tribble]

    4th-Level Psion Discipline Powers
    Elfshot: Paralyze one side of the target, reducing his dexterity and speed [The Vorpal Tribble]

    Psychic Rogue Powers
    1st-Level Psychic Rogue Powers
    Psionic Disguise Self: Project an image of how you wish to appear [Shhalahr Windrider]

    Psychic Warrior Powers
    1st-Level Psychic Warrior Powers
    Masochistic: Become immune to pain-based spells [The Vorpal Tribble]

    4th-Level Psychic Warrior Powers
    Elfshot: Paralyze one side of the target, reducing his dexterity and speed [The Vorpal Tribble]
    Last edited by Jack Mann; 2007-05-19 at 05:44 AM.
    I am a poor man, some say I’m half crazy,
    son of the sword and the knife
    Lady I pledge you my sword and my honor,
    my heart and my pride and my life
    --Bella Doña, by Joe Bethancourt

    Alas, poor Draknir. By Mephibosheth

    Owl-atar by KingGolem
    You will be missed, dear 'stache...

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Jack Mann's Avatar

    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Creatures


    A Child's Imagination: The psionic ghost left behind by an especially creative child
    Aeganaun Plant: Dangerous carnivorous plant native to the Plane of Shadow
    Afterborn: Epitome of the 'evil twin'
    Alagaësian Shade: Spirit filled superbeing from the Eragon series
    Alarus: Shapechanging sheet of magical metal
    Alatessa: Angelic creature of the slums who brings hope to the destitute through song and spell
    Alley Wolf: Fearsome magical creatures adapted to life in the city
    Amberward of Salpa: Natural faerie-made construct of sap and darkwood
    Amordor: Large-sized descendant of the first gnome murderer
    Atavathid: Progenitors of the illithid race
    Atumnal Breath: Incorporeal fey with the ability to take the form of a large, elderly woman
    Banjulhuian Demon: Unbeatable creature of the terrible god Banjulhu (No, I don't know either)
    Beleriphon: Lawful extraplanar hunter
    BelkarsDagger: Animated dagger
    Bivell: Spherical fire-breathing creature
    Black Knight: Fiend that sprouts tentacles whenever a limb is lost
    Blacktoad: Amphibian horrors with a deadly disease
    Blarestorm: Swarm of elemental creatures made of the chaotic winds of Pandemonium
    Bliss Vine: Plant that kills its prey with pheremones
    Bloodkin: Faster cinematic zombies
    Blood Weasel: Bloodsucking mustelid
    Bloody Maiden: Undead remnant of a once-beautiful maiden, summoned at a mirror
    Both-th-th-in: A nightmare from the Whale Dream
    Brebisdemort: Vampire goat
    Blizzard Willow: Mobile incorporeal tree that seeks out sources of heat and freezes them
    Blue Heifer: Fey-cursed bovine that can fly in moonlight
    Boss Smiley: Undead flying severed head
    Bubble: Spherical construct with a tendency to bound around
    Bugaboo: Barrel-shaped creature with an extremely large mouth
    Burl Noggin: Wooden headed criminal of Faerie forced to protect what it once desecrated
    Burnbeetle: Small insect that produces a Wisp of Flame Effect
    Cactica: Awakened cactus
    Cadre of Suffering: Embodiments of negative emotions
    Capu-Capu: Skull-faced bipeds
    Castaway of Votemmaris: Former humanoids lost at sea and changed by the god Votemmaris
    Cellarblight: Sullen, cowardly fey that take up residence in cellars and hate noise
    Cheat: A take on the little furry, gold-toothed creature from
    Chill Scattered: Psionic swarm of crystals with a single fractured mind
    Chittermonk: Relatives of the squirrel with a mind-shattering chatter
    Chuck Norris: Beware the roundhouse kick
    Clockwork: Constructs made to protect and repair things
    Consternatio: Former succubi turned on by fear
    Copper-coin Golem: Magical construct formed out of copper pieces
    Corpse Vine: Carnage loving plant that seeds itself in flesh
    Corpsekin: Sadistic freak who wants to take a look inside you...
    Cosmos Dragon: Space-faring dragons with the task of igniting astronomical phenomena
    Cow Warrior: Bipedal bovine from hell
    Cricketman: Lucky, insect-like creature with psionic abilities who live in oriental-style mountain gardens
    Crystal Woman: Sightless, semi-transperant fey guardians of subterranean water sources
    Damu Chura:
    Dark Bedfellow: Comforter and seducer during lonely nights
    Darkwater Revenant: Evil well-haunting spirit of those who drowned in foul waters
    Darkwomb Mother: Enraged remains of a once pregnant woman
    Deep Diver: Tiny fish-shaped construct
    Deeptunnel Rover: Dwarven machine to clear tunnels of underdark beasts
    Dewmoss: Large clump of moss with the ability to drain the blood of creatures
    Dopefish: "Special" fish
    Dread Highway: Malevolent Thoroughfare
    Dreamcatcher: Psionic arachnids based on the old native american story
    Dripping Delugia: Massive water-manipulating tree
    Dropbear: Meat-eating cousins of the koala that drops on your head from the 'bove
    Dunewalker Golem: Water-seeking construct made of sand
    Eater of Names: Vicious men-like beasts who feed on your True Name
    Edgepuddle: Reflection-snatching body of water tainted by the Plane of Mirrors
    Element Eternal: "Elementals" from non-elemental planes
    Elysium Orchid: Holy swarm of flowers that bask in the purity of one's heart
    Ephemera: Giant wasp-like vermin that explodes when it dies
    Essence of Pharos: A ball of light that forms in a lighthouse, guiding ships
    Eternal: Nigh-unkillable zombies
    Fanlesiten: Small mushroom spirits (Yeah, right, spirits...)
    Fewmet Golem: Animated, gem-incrusted dragon droppings
    Fell Beast: New take on the terrifying winged mounts of the Nazgûl
    Fiery Eye: Tiny flaming construct
    Floating Ooze: Naturally levitating blobs of former sentient beings
    Floormaster: Gigantic, disembodied undead hand
    Fluffawump: Fluffy cuteness that feeds on your violence
    Forcehunter Sandworm: The desert-dwelling horrors from Dune
    Frogfish: Fish-like amphibian with frog-like legs
    Frosti: Swarm of winter-time fey
    Gazebo of Utter Unpleasantness: Another Dread Gazebo
    Geyser Belly: Territorial little vermin who throw off alot of steam
    Giant Man-Eating Clam: Self-descriptive mollusc
    Gijsstrider: Demon prince
    Gjósa: Geyser-like elementals with ties to areas of geothermal activity
    Gladreon: A new kind of good outsider
    Glumton: Apparently vegetable outsiders that float via internal inflatable bladders
    Glyphbearer: Shield-guardian like constructs with magical abilities to aid their maker
    Godzilla: Kaiju of legend and fine cinema
    Gold Lizardfolk: Lizardfolk adapted to drier climes
    Golden Miasma: Beautious ooze of positive energy who'll heal you to death
    Goo: "Intelligent" oozes
    Grastakolick: Large, spiked reptilian watch dog
    Green Lady: Cousins to dryads who are not bound to a tree, though they look like one
    Gruarru: Viney protectors of trees
    Grunt Zombie: Cinematic undead
    Hadrian Emrys: Construct in the form of a floating bust
    Harpoon Shark: Aquatic predator with a unique offensive ability
    Hauptgeist: Home protecting spook from the combined spirits of a dead family
    Head Thirster: Desert-dwelling parasite with a thirst for cranial fluids
    Headcrab: Creature from Half-Life that eats brains and reanimates the corpses of its victims
    Headhunter: Swarm of the cursed heads of fallen warriors (Well, Vorpal can just rock me to sleep tonight...)
    Heartsblood Boar: Undead boar animated by its hatred of all who hunt for sport
    Hellspawn: Twisted manifestations of hell
    Hentia Horror: Tentacled aberration with abilities that are not remotely family-friendly
    Hidden Stream: Sentient flowing body of water
    Hoodwink: Treelike leader of the Capu-Capu
    Hook Golem: Roguish construct forged of sharp alley debris and masterwork thieve's tools
    Horgita Jackalope: The antlered trickster rabbit
    Huffing White: Part polar bear, part fox wanderer of arctic lands with winterfresh breath
    Hunger-Bringer: Former human cannibal cursed with a beast-like shape
    Hungerdog: Chaotic evil hound with an extreme appetite
    Hunter of the Wind: The nemesis of crysmals
    Hunting Drake: Beastial dragon who hunts by instinct and fire but lacks the intelligence and spells of a dragon
    Hyperborean: Immortal peoples of the land beyond the aurora
    Illsbane: Eel-like creature that blesses the water around it
    Illusid: Living illusion
    Illusion Spider: Illusion-using spider
    Imagineered: construct fashioned from dreams by psionicists
    Insomnius: Psionic undead that destroys the ability to dream
    Intestine Bird: Winged marsupials with tentacles on their underbelly
    Irmanranth: Vengeful revenant of a suicidal bard
    Itoacksy: Bloodsucking lizard with the ability to change colors
    Jackman: Spring-heeled villain with powerful jumping abilities and firebreath
    John Barleycorn: Seasonal fey of autumn with a rough-and-tumble sense of humor
    Jon-D: Creature with the appearance of a decapitated paladin
    Jualaer: Two-headed fiend
    Kelanstan Monster: Star Wars beast that hails from the world of the Karistans
    Karsh: Skeletal outsiders with the ability to affect the perception of time
    King of Serpents: Snake-like draconic being with powers over ophidians
    Knogh: Book-eating flying creature native to the Plane of Air
    Lady of the Harvest Moon: Fey appears as a giant moth, except during a lunar eclipse in autumn, when it appears as a woman
    Leperflesh: Undead skin of the dead
    Lepidrihh: Butterfly-like jungle parasites
    Lesser Flesh Golem: Ramshackle makeshift construct
    Light of Ancestors: Spirit-animated statue of famous Samurai warrior
    Living Lockpick: Spider-like construct capable of picking locks

    ****This link now goes to a wholly defunct page.
    I am a poor man, some say I’m half crazy,
    son of the sword and the knife
    Lady I pledge you my sword and my honor,
    my heart and my pride and my life
    --Bella Doña, by Joe Bethancourt

    Alas, poor Draknir. By Mephibosheth

    Owl-atar by KingGolem
    You will be missed, dear 'stache...

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Jack Mann's Avatar

    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Creatures Cont.

    Creatures Cont.

    Monsters Cont.
    Lost Scholar: Last of an extraplanar race
    Madre Guasto: Remains of a mother mourning for her unborn child (M is for the many things she gave me...)
    Magnok: Magnetic constructs with a real 'attraction'
    Magnusumatta: City-sized outsider devoted to interposing itself between armies
    Manawyrm: Dragon with a taste for the arcane
    Martial Automoton: Sentient mechanical warriors programmed for battle
    Master Riven: Powerful outsider from the Plane of Shadows
    Meatrider: Aberration takes over creatures by implanting spores
    Memory of Trees: Deathless melding of the soul of a druid and the life force of his grove
    Mephibosheth: Highly intelligent celestial
    Mercutio: Vengeful ghost made of quicksilver
    Metal Medic: Homunculus capable of storing healing spells
    Mial: Pacifistic angel
    Mirror Golem: Construct made of shards of mirror
    Mishlarut: Imperfect Inevitables
    Mkichaa: Instinct-driven, psychotic primate with a taste for fresh meat
    Momeh: An aberration called forth by the fevered dreams of madmen
    Monstrous Banana Slug: Gastropod worshipped by the Ip-Hee Commune
    Morgellian: Evil thread-like worms who wish to be just like you...
    Morrigan: Blood-covered nymphs with a macabre attraction to battlefields
    Mr. Gwumbles: Giant unhappy face (It takes all kinds...)
    Munchkin: Mischievious fey embodying the worst of childhood
    Murder of Crows: Swarm of corvids
    Myth Weaver: Fantastical arachnids that can literally weave a tale like no other
    Nac Mac Feegle: Blue-skinned pictsies from Discworld
    Nahal: Creature with adhesive slime
    Narco-Alchemic Ooze: An oozing public service announcement ("I saw this ooze and I was, like, whoooooa...")
    Necroworm: Worm that reanimates the dead
    Necroworm Swarm: Swarm of undead worms
    Nensha: The reflections of those that died before a mirror
    Network Type: Sentient beings of virtual reality
    Night Rain: A psionic manisfestation of the sorrow of the broken-hearted
    Oakbred Juggernaut: Magically toughened and awakened oak of a dryad
    Obar: Incredibly stupid organic construct
    Octopia: Cephalopod with a sonic attack
    Odaiusey: Psionic archon with the ability to dole out righteous justice
    Old Man of the Sands: Half-dragon Scourge of Water
    Oomn: Psionic elementals composed of deep crystal that form the 'brain' of the Plane of Earth
    Oracle Cat: Feline creature who can forsee all of its nine lives
    Orion: Celestial hunter and archer
    Ork Cow: Horrendous bovines with a hunger for your scalp
    Orz: Dimension-hopping outsiders who live in suit-shaped 'fishbowls'
    Ozeran: Intelligent oozes
    Paper Golem: Construct made from the pages of old spellbooks
    Pdian: Psionic creature that eats visitors to the astral plane
    Phagioun : Little incoporeal fireballs attracted to magic, with a particular taste for ioun stones
    Pheo-kun: Fish that can change into birds, or possibly birds that change into fish
    Phorusrhacoid: Bipedal carnivorous birds
    Plague Golem: A construct made from plague-ridden corpses
    Plaskamn: Dragons of the deepest trenches of blackwater magic
    Platinum-piece Golem: Magical construct formed out of platinum coins
    Plethelid: Horrible result of more than one illithid tadpole being implanted in a host
    Pordeii: Parasitic mind-controlling aberrations resembling winged grubs
    Pufferwolf: Fairy Tale based magical beast that'll blow your house down
    Pulture: Half panther, half vulture hellion with a taste for dwarf
    Puppy Swarm: A mass of furry cuteness you can't bring yourself to fight
    Pureborn Beast: Woodland creature created by the world itself to guard against the unnatural
    Pyreling: Smokin' lizardman that soak up the flame
    Qalupalik: Cursed being that was once an unwatchful mother of a child who fell through thin ice
    Racing Snail: Giant snails bred for rapid slithering
    Ravenclawe: Urban hag with ties to scavenging birds
    Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal****: Incredibly large, dangerous, and above all else, stupid monster
    Razorspine: Spiky humanoid that use spines as weapons
    Red Man: Gargantuan fey that protects redwood trees
    Redclaw Steamling: Self-cooking lobster
    Rerembrent: Intelligent, albeit crazed, zombies
    Rhinox: Rhino-like monstrous humanoid
    Rose Immortal: A created flower that preserves and guards the body of a loved one
    Sassone Plant: Mobile poisonous plant
    Scarred Warrior: Men tortured and brutalized into unfeeling weapons of war
    Scorchedwind Grain: Crop-killing, undead corn stalk
    Scourge of Water: A creature that protects
    Sea Froth: Floating ooze that appears as sea froth
    Sewer Serpent: Draconic serpents adapted to urban plumming
    Shadow Ferret: Mustelid with shadow-based abilities
    Shadow Malachite: Giant chaotic-good moth
    Shadow Sprite: Subterranean grigs
    Shimmershard Swarm: Swarm of living crystals connected by a hive mind
    Sila: Twisted insectoid can appear as a beautiful human
    Sinspawned: Race of evil outsiders created by the coalesced sins of the planes
    Siphonut: Elite Inevitable created soley for one special attack
    Skull of Torment: Bejeweled skull of evil, demoralizing magics
    Slaughter Engine: Sleek, shiny and deadly
    Sleepwalker: Surreal beings that haunt locales where dream and reality merge
    Sloughworm: Battlefield scavengers of the Blood Wars
    Sluagh: Undead pixies with a thirst for mischief that death itself cannot halt
    Snatched One: Spirit of a kidnapped and murdered child
    Sneak: Small, nasty aberrations
    Somnawyrm: Sleep tight, don't let the snakes bite
    Somnian: Celestials from the Region of Dreams
    Songbird: Musically inclined relatives of the harpy
    Soulhawker Devil: Wily fiend that will make you such a deal...
    Species 8472: Fantastic conversion of the Star Trek race
    Spirit of the Virgin Lands: Huge catterpillar-like creature that protects forests and tries to kill all intelligent non-plants
    Splittermaw: A worm with a nigh unsatiable appetite
    Spring Golem: This golem is bouncy, trouncy, flouncy pouncy, fun, fun, fun, fun! (But is there only one?)
    St. Dympha's Ring: Fairie ring of mushrooms come to life
    Starwolf: Vaguely canid-shaped creature of darkness with pinpoints of light
    Stitched: Flesh golem-like constructs composed of the body parts of many different creatures
    Stomiitaw: Race of unpleasant humanoids from deep ocean trenches
    Stonehorn: Earth-type monster with a gore attack
    Storm of Fury: Intelligent storm
    Stormcrow: Violent avian that foretells a change in the weather...
    Storyhunduy: Large four-horned ram
    Stumbleslink: Indoors fey with a taste for rat and a reason to wear boots to bed
    Subrosial: Horrible secret covered over with rotting flesh
    Succubus (Variant): Much more powerful version of the legendary seducer
    Suvaria Flower: Sun-focusing blossoms with killer self defense mechanisms
    Swamp Dragon: Bestial, crocodilian-like dragon
    Swarm of Ings: A swarm of something called ings, apparently
    Swellhorse: Magical hippos that sucks up entire lakes to grow in size
    Swiftjerker: Symbionic psionic creatures who meld with the nervous system to improve reaction time
    Tangled Christmast Lights Golem: Construct made of a string of brightly colored lights
    Tapemeasure: Tapeworm that's exactly three feet in length
    Tekka-Tekka: Primates altered with cruel magics to guard cultish temples
    Thiel: Small imp-like creatures the higher planes
    Thorny Drifter: Giant caterpillars who'll never be butterflies
    Tikelen: Former jesters changed into monstrous forms for using dark sorcery in their acts
    Toe-foo: Ooze that guards an Ip-Hee Commune
    Tohnn: Observer of aberrant rituals and guardian of ancient secrets
    Traveling Angel: Wandering angel that goes out incognito to touch the lives of mortals
    Tree Squid: Arboreal Cephalopod
    Tulren: More intelligent but slightly weaker minotaurs
    Vile Mime: A monster that looks and acts like a mime
    Voidwing: Psionic avians who are 'stuck' to reality
    Volcano Fish: Giant volcano swimmin' guppies
    Vorpal Bunny: Extremely dangerous rabbit best left to a well-placed holy hand grenade
    Vorpal Tribbles: Extremely nasty little balls of fluff who's monster-creation priveleges should be revoked
    Wallmaster: Gigantic, disembodied undead hand capable of accessing the ethereal plane
    Wave o' Babies: Swarm of human infants (I just report 'em, folks)
    Weizenfolk: Alcoholic fey
    Well-spring Newt: Amphibian with the ability to purify water
    Were-Narwhal: Ip-Hees transformed into shapechanging cetaceans
    Whale fish: Large-mouthed winged fish-like creature kept by Djinn to eat Knoghs
    Wild Ear (Soylentplaid variant): A wild... ear
    Wild Ear (Starwoof variant): A wizard did it
    Wivell: Somewhat spherical ancestor of the wyvern
    Wombwoe: Undead fetuses of a Darkwomb Mother
    Worms of Paradise: As maggots clear away the diseased flesh, so do these feed on rotten souls
    Wrathlings: Small, vindictive fey
    Xelcius: Two bodied creature with special ties to night and day
    Yuyu: Dangerous swarm of shadow creatures from the Brackenwood series that search for victims to 'steal'
    Zhamach Bodyguard: Construct with several spell-like abilities and a blade of force
    Zhamach Trooper: Construct with several spell-like abilities and a blade of force

    Aberrant Automata: Primitive cyborg-like creatures
    Ageless: Hardy, long-lived examples of their race
    Aozo: Creatures created as slaves for evil wizards
    Arachnid: Spider-like creatures
    Black Passion: Creature forced into unending anger by the unseelie court
    Blood-Tainted: Humanoid or monstrous humanoid nearly killed by a vampire
    Broken: Twisted and brutalized remains of a creatue who died from extended torture
    Centered: Being becomes separate from others by losing desires, emotions and any personality, giving it some psionic ability and making it more difficult to control
    Coldblooded: Frozen body turned into a construct by a Chill Scattered
    Dreamer: Spellcaster who has retreated from the waking world
    Elbrun: Psionic entity with an open mind
    Fireglyph: Creature explodes on death
    Flameblood Touched: Descendant of some flame-related species or other with various abilities
    Fungal Scion: Creature raised within a womb-like growth of spores
    Gobbler: Creature's eyes are never too big for its stomach
    Half-Alien: Creature with ancestry from Beyond
    Headless Creature: Ichabod Crane’s worst nightmare
    Lunar Progeny: Fey children with a strange connection to the moon
    Lustdriven: Creature with no higher thought, driven merely by base desires
    Miezer: Person becomes immortal, but loses connection to other beings
    Mosaican: Construct that resembles a mosaic
    Nazgûl: Undead slaves to the Rings of Power
    Pelt: Feral, animalistic creatures born of intelligent humanoids
    Quiescent: Player-oriented undead template
    Spellcraved: Creatures fascinated by magics they cannot understand
    Spellfused: A creature that has become magical, with various abilities therefrom
    Spiderbelly: Animal with the abilities of Web and Swallow Whole
    Storybook: An astral manifestation of an imagined thing
    Thorn Guardian: Evil guardian of the woodlands
    Unyielding: Undead person that will not stop for anything
    Wildruner: Small, violent people of the jungle

    Flora and Fauna
    Absorbtion Sponge: Sponge is used for armor and dye, giving damage reduction and energy protection
    Acid Orchid: Flower produces an Acid Splash effect
    Baneshark: Shark that uses several spell-like abilities.
    Charm Bush: Bush Charms creatures into caring for it.
    Coolcactus: Cactus is cool to the touch and produces a blue dye
    Cure Apple: Apple produces a non-magical Cure Minor Wounds effect
    Daylight Vine: Plant that produces its own Daylight
    Deep Kelp: Kelp sheds Daylight
    Envy Flower: A flower that uses a suggestion effect to make humanoids see to its needs
    Flamebloom: Flower that uses a Produce Flame effect
    Goodberry Bush: Bush that produces Goodberries
    Growth Moss: Poisonous moss that casts Plant Growth
    Flower for the Dead: Plant creates a Gentle Repose effect
    Hot Shrub: Shrub that produces a continual heating effect
    Icemouth Carp: Fish that can cast Ray of Frost
    Iceroot: Root that produces a freezing effect
    Lantern Tree: A tree that casts Continual Flame on one of its flowers once a year
    Purity Plant: Plant whose petals purify water
    Shadowshroom: Mushroom produces continual Darkness
    Soma: Hallucinagenic plant
    Sonic Sentinel: Cactus uses Ghost Sound to mimic a saguaro sentinel
    Swiftfish: Fish that can increase its speed or use a Freedom of Movement effect
    Uneaten Vine: Vine that casts Repel Vermin
    Warmcoral: Coral warms the water around it
    Water Bush: Plant that casts Create Water for sustenance
    Wind Flower: Plant that casts Control Winds for seed distrobution
    Wave Fish: Fish that breathes air and can use Levitate and Gust of Wind

    ****This link now goes to a wholly defunct page.
    I am a poor man, some say I’m half crazy,
    son of the sword and the knife
    Lady I pledge you my sword and my honor,
    my heart and my pride and my life
    --Bella Doña, by Joe Bethancourt

    Alas, poor Draknir. By Mephibosheth

    Owl-atar by KingGolem
    You will be missed, dear 'stache...

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Jack Mann's Avatar

    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Items


    Magic Armor and Shields
    +1 Meat Shield of Blocking (And Sometimes Bashing): Shield made entirely out of meat becomes animate when activated
    Arbutusweave Armor: Studded leather armor aids move silently, allows Water Walk, and gliding
    Bladesinger Chain: Chain shirt grants bladesinger spell resistance
    Breastplate of the Lord of the Dance: Breastplate grants a bonus to perform (dance) and extends dervish dance by one round
    Comfortable Coat: Padded armor with endure elements and resist energy
    Evil Ebony Suit: Armor that gives damage reduction and makes weapons evil-aligned
    Fullplate of Vader: Armor grants endurance and an Endure Elements effect
    Golem's Plate: Breastplate grants Protection from Alignment effects
    Mirror of Dothonion: Shield grants special bonuses to female bards
    Plate Armor of Guidance: Armor can be worn without proficiency and allows speedy donning
    Plate of Lady Felicity: Platemail with rapid donning ability
    Sanctity of Promise: Armor allows wearer to Detect undead, chaos and evil
    Shield of Judgement: Blinds evil outsiders and allows paladins to cast Shield of Faith
    Shield of Imagery: Tower shield creates images on its surface with a variety of effects
    Suit of Shifting Perceptions: Armor grants special bonuses when worn by a female bard

    Magic Weapons
    +1 to +5 Sword: Sword gains an enhancement bonus when command word is given, but has a limited number of uses
    Arrows of Escape: Arrows have an Entangle effect
    Axe of Amplification: Guitar-shaped axe with the ability to do sonic damage
    Axe of the Stalwart Dwarf: Has special qualities if wielded by a dwarf
    Blade of Flame Undying: Weapon that casts flame spells at will and deals extra fire damage
    Blade of Transfer: Intelligent bastard sword transfers hit points from target to wielder
    Bow of Madness: Bow bestows Insanity on target
    Bow of the Elven Prince: Has special qualities if wielder is an elf
    Clansword of the Shariantha: Longsword grants morale bonus and Silence effect to wielder and allies
    Dagger of Silence: Allows wielder to cast a Silence effect
    Dancing Spirit of Nénharma: Rapier grants special bonuses in the hands of a female bard
    Darkling Razor: Dagger shaves owner
    Doomstart Ebony Greatsword: Evil-aligned weapon with added energy damage
    Dreampiercer: Legacy dagger with strange powers over dreams
    Drinker: Dagger deals constitution damage and heals the wielder
    Forked Bolt: Large trident does shocking damage and allows the use of power attack when under cloudy skies
    Halfling's Blade: Small sword glows in the presence of any orc or goblinoid
    Key-sword-tar: Some sort of horrible hybrid of sword, guitar and keyboard, apparently from
    Lion's Sword: Spell-storing longsword can absorb spells cast by wand
    Net of the Dreamcatcher: Invisible net is impossible to dodge
    Pain and Suffering: Daggers that inflict pain
    Rapier of the Heartbeat: Rapier creates a heartbeat like sound which can change the order of initiative
    Reaper's Scythe: Scythe with various death abilities
    Reason: Axiomatic warhammer advises owner
    Ronin's Katan: Anarchic bastard sword with various spells
    Rhyme: Chaotic-aligned rapier forces wielder to speak in rhyme and grants bonuses for clever quips
    Serpent's Sword: Allows various eastern draconic abilities, and to gain the form of a dragon
    Shadow Ki Sword: Short sword that causes several negative effects in the target
    Shortsword of Lightning: Sword casts lightning bolt
    Sightless Staff: Transparent quarterstaff gives a bonus to-hit
    Sniper's Crossbow: Allows user to make long-distance sneak and death attacks
    Soggy Carp of Thwapping: Preserved fish grants wisdom on a successful critical hit
    Spear of Celestian: Spear the abilities of which change depending on the plane
    Sulu Sword: Rapier grants the effects of rage
    Sword of Force Song: Longsword allows bladesingers to create a force effect with a successful perform check
    Sword of Kings: In the hands of a good human, casts Banishment on any extraplanar creature
    Typhoon Warfan: Warfan can produce a Gust of Wind
    Waraxe of the Stonemaster: Acts as a +1 Adamantine Holy Thundering Dwarven Waraxe, and can be used once per day for an automatic critical hit
    Ward Breakers: Sword and Dagger with spell piercing
    Warhammer of Endor: +1 warhammers gains bane effect against creatures of huge size
    Warhammer of Thunder: Hammer deafens target
    Whip of Subjugation: Whip that allows the wearer to Dominate the target

    Bone Ring: Ring can raise dead and gives wearer a touch attack
    Corners: Ring allows wearer to use Order's Wrath and Dispel Chaos so long as no promises or laws of St. Cuthbert are broken
    Ebony Ring of Blight: Imbues unarmed attacks with disease
    Ebony Ring of Death: Casts Slay Living
    Gelmir's Token of Love: Ring grants special bonuses when worn by a female bard, as well as being capable of casting a small list of spells
    Golem's Ring: Allows Transmute Mud to Rock once a day
    Hellfire Ring: Wreathes wearer in flames that harm his enemies
    Leia Ring of Message Storing: Ring projects a message in the form of an image
    Ring of Meaning's Discernment: Grants bonus to sense motive
    Ring of Non-existence: Causes wearer to become ethereal when under Invisibility effects
    Ring of Power: Ring grants Greater Invisibility, but chances corruption of the wielder
    Ring of Retaining: Allows a spell to return to the caster's mind
    Ring of Shapechanging: Allows the target to change shape
    Ring of Shield Storage: Ring allows one to store and unstore a shield as a free action
    Ring of the Battlemage: Ring allows free movement for somatic spell componants and aids concentration checks to cast in combat
    Ring of the Grasshopper: Grants jumping ability
    Ring of the Ironlord: Grants good or neutral dwarf natural armor bonus and damage reduction
    Ring of the Mad Grigs: Summons 2d4 grigs
    Ring of the Night: Emulates vampire's Children of the Night ability
    Ring of the Planeswalker: Grants bonus to knowledge checks
    Ring of the Tornado: Ring grants one point of elemental damage to weapon used
    Ring of the Typhoon: Grants deflection bonus and transforms 20+ character with ten ranks in Dervish into an air elemental during dervish dance
    Ring of Trickery: Ring transforms one spell into another
    Ring of Warning: Awakens wearer when a stranger approaches
    Shield Ring: Gives permanent Shield and a bonus to perform (sing and dance) to a bladesinger
    Soul Ring: Ring contains trapped soul and grants temporary ability increase

    Lightning Rod: Metal rod that absorbs and released electricity
    Retribution: Rod functions as a heavy mace and has power against the undead
    Rod of Chekov: Rod allows wielder to use a Charm Person effect or summon baby rabbits
    Rod of Insightfull Vision: Makes objects thinner then one inch invisible to the target, such as clothing
    Rod of Scotty: Summons willing target to wielder
    Rod of the Bear: Increases strength and constitution, and allows bearer to change into an ursine shape
    Rod of the Bough: Rod becomes a bough on a tree on command
    Rod of the Pixie: Rod creates a sugary substance around the wielder, creating a Grease effect
    Rod of the Saber: Rod becomes a +2 adamantine vorpal Shock Scimitar on command

    Servant's Staff: Staff allows one to gain servants or help with mundane tasks
    Staff of Light: Aids in understanding the Book of Light
    Staff of the Coatl: Staff that summons coatls and gives other bonuses
    Staff of the Wizard: Staff with charges of Flare abd Light
    Staff of Trap-Seeking and Puzzle-Solving: Staff gives bonus to search and decipher script checks
    Willstaff: Successful will save allows the bearer a Wish

    Wondrous Items
    Adventurer's Guide to the Universe: Book can be used to look up information on nearly any subject
    Air Guitar: Guitar made of wind that grants the ability to use Levitate and Whirlwind
    Amulet of Cleanliness: Keeps wearer clean
    Amulet of Flaming's Resistance: Increases will save bonus
    Amulet of Great Ebony: Allows wearer to cast darkness and summon ebony shuriken
    Amulet of Whale Song: Amulet allows the use of bardic music underwater
    Armbands of Centripedal Shielding, Greater: Armbands grant armor bonus and increases damage during dervish dance or whirlwind attack
    Armbands of Centripedal Shielding, Lesser: Armbands grant armor bonus and increases damage during dervish dance or whirlwind attack
    Bandolier of Weapon Enhancement: Bandolier provides temporary enhancements to throwing weapons
    Bead of Dew: Bead purifies a large amount of water
    Bell of Alarm: Bell is linked with others, providing an alarm system
    Belt of the Mithril Keeper: Grants good or neutral aligned dwarf bonuses to strength and constitution, grants a deflection bonus to AC, spell resistance, and once per day grants damage reduction
    Belt of Elective Gender-Changing: Switches your sex, makes for a great disguise
    Belt of the Scaled Ones: Grants bonuses in dealing with lizardmen and other reptilian creatures
    Book of Light: Grants ability to spontaneously cast good and lawful spells
    Boots of Ascention: Grant bonus to jump checks three times a day
    Boots of Escape: Footwear gives wearer Expeditious Retreat and Spider Climb
    Boots of Hines Flatley: Extends dervish dance by two rounds
    Boots of the Nimble Monkey: Boots act as striding and springing, but also grant +4 bonus to dexterity
    Bowl of Golden Waters: Bowl causes nocturnal embarrassment
    Bracers of the Octopus: Grants character an extra pair of arms
    Burning Heart: Amulet protects against evil and fire attacks
    Cape of the Soul King: Removes fatigue after rage or dervish dance
    Cape of the Three Blades: Gives three extra attacks per round during dervish dance, one adamantine, one cold iron, and one alchemical silver
    Cape of Twisting: Allows wearer to take on a Gaseous Form
    Cascade of Silk: Cloak grants Protection from evil and chaotic outsiders, as well as undead
    Caster's Guantlets: Gauntlets hold material components and spell foci, as well as a touch spell charge
    Circlet of Elven Intellect: Gives elves bonus to knowledge skills and a bladesinger a bonus to Int
    Circlet of Partner Protection: Circlet creates Mirror Image effect for flanking purposes
    Cloak of Devouring: Allows wearer to regain health by devouring the flesh of sentient beings
    Cloak of Light: Stops dark-based magics from harming the wearer
    Cloak of Quiet Lurking: Cloak keeps wearer invisible so long as they not speak
    Cloak of the Bladesong: Gives a bladesinger a permanent Blur effect and still spell 2/day
    Cloak of the Honorguard: Grants good or neutral dwarf energy resistance five, gives them a Daylight effect three times a day, and allows the dwarf to become more powerful once a day
    Cloak of Unimportance: Cloak causes creatures to ignore the wearer
    Comfortable Shoes: Makes wearer immune to fatigue
    Cursed Mask: Corrupts good person wearing it
    Deck of Summoning: Cards summon monsters
    Diplomat's Coat: Grants a bonus to diplomacy and charisma
    Domesday Book: Book allows user to Discern Lies and increases his ability to turn undead
    Dream Guard: Figurine protects' owner's dreams from the ethereal plane
    Dreamstone: Stone allows creatures that do not normally sleep to dream, and gives bonuses to lucid dreaming
    Emperor's Robe: Robe grants the wearer a charisma bonus and the ability Charm people twice a day
    Enchanted Picnic Basket: Picnic Basket produces three meals a day
    Eyes of Bones: Goggles allow Deathwatch as a free action, as well as helping with heal checks to stabilize or find cause of death
    Eyes of Night Sight: Lenses grant low-light vision
    Face of Death: Mask gives wearer the ability to Dominate Person once a day
    Fire Glove: Fire elemental bound to glove gives wearer a fire-based touch attack
    Forgotten Figure: Causes a person to be ripped from the fabric of reality
    Glove of Lunar Strength: Glove allows wearer to carry more
    Gloves of the Black Mage: Allows the wearer to cast Hadoken
    Gloves of the Fierce Tiger: +2 gauntlets with ki focus
    Gloves of the Force: Gloves allow mage hand at will, with 15 lb limit, as well as allowing concentration to act against bull rush attempts
    Gloves of Tickling:: Grants a touch attack with a Hideous Laughter effect (Hey, don't look at me like that, I didn't make it)
    Golem's Crown: Helmet grants spell resistance and the use of a Slow effect
    Golem's Feet: Greaves allow Freedom of Movement and increase the speed of the wearer
    Golem Finger's: Bracers grant energy resistance
    Greenthought Cap: Cap allows wearer to Speak with Plants and use mind-affecting spells or effects on plants
    Guitar of Storms: Guitar becomes a mithral greataxe on being struck by lightning that allows even more lightning to be summoned
    Harp of Nero: Allows player to start a magical fire nearby
    Headband of the Prankster: Grants a bonus to will saves vs. mind-affecting spells and effects, as well as spot and listen checks vs. illusions, as well as holding fifty charges of Arcane Eye
    Helm of the Tutor: Intelligent item that advises the wearer
    Home Away from Home: Silk produces a magic tent, a la Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion
    Horn of the Citadel: Horn summons fighters to aid the wielder
    Ioun Stone, Metallic: Ioun stone reflects light, creating a Flare effect
    Immovable Box: Box that acts as an immovable rod
    Kaie's Arcanabulum: Square of mithral acts as a shield and can become a spellbook on commmand
    Kirk Boots of Buzzing: Boots increase wearer's speed three times
    Light Clock: A magical timekeeping device
    Living Cape: Animate cape can act as a second set of hands or as a parachute
    Living Scabbard: Animate scabbard can grant bonuses to attack or AC
    Lover's Lockets: Allows two people to communicate over great distances
    Lyre of Uplifting: Grants a bonus to bardic songs of inspiration
    I am a poor man, some say I’m half crazy,
    son of the sword and the knife
    Lady I pledge you my sword and my honor,
    my heart and my pride and my life
    --Bella Doña, by Joe Bethancourt

    Alas, poor Draknir. By Mephibosheth

    Owl-atar by KingGolem
    You will be missed, dear 'stache...

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Jack Mann's Avatar

    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Items Cont.

    Items Cont.

    Wondrous Items Cont.
    Many-potion Flask: Flask holds multiple potions and allows one to drink up to four at once
    Medallion of Defense: Medallion turns into a shield on command
    Megaphone of Thunder: Boosts distance of Shout and Greater Shout
    Midnight Stone: Small stone with various darkness powers
    Minigur's Tunic: Grants the wearer bonuses to diplomacy, gather information, and armor class as long as he or she refrains from violence
    Mittens of Endurance: Gives wearer cold resistance and a bonus to fortitude, at the cost of manual dexterity
    Monk's Vestment: Improves dexterity and unarmed attack damage
    Obedience: Belt protects against chaotic and evil outsiders, as well as the undead
    Paladin's Vestment: Improves lay-on-hands and smite evil abilities
    Parachute Pants of Emcee: Grants a dodge bonus while moving and protects against touch attacks
    Pendant of the Perfect Voice: Grants special bonuses when worn by a female bard
    Phylactery of Sacred Whispers: Allows an arcane caster to cast a small number of divine spells
    Pill of Skill: Ingestible temporary confers skill to the imbiber
    Pinching Gauntlet of Spock: Allows wearer to cast sleep as a touch attack
    Quill of Scroll Creation: Pen that aids in writing scrolls
    Shift of Safety: Shift provides deflection bonus
    Shoe of Materials: Shoe replaces material componants
    Shoes of Wandering: Footwear that moves of its own accord
    Shroud of Shadows: Grants bonuses to hide and move silently at night
    Soul Mask: Grants wearer various spell-like abilities
    Speaking Orb: Round glass ball uses divination for the owner
    Statue of Souls: Statue binds a devil or demon, forcing it to summon fiends for the owner
    Tome of the Mighty Google: Once per day, acts as a bardic information check +20
    Totem Cloak: Allows the wearer to change into an animal shape
    Trappings of the Grave: Robes grant wearer undead traits at night
    Tulwin's Terriffic Tattoos: Items that change into tattoos and back
    Uhura's Fans: Distract opponents of the opposite sex as through a bard's fascinate ability
    Vampire's Gloves: Allows the wearer to use Energy Drain on a successful touch attack
    War-birds Eyes: Allows wearer to tell friend from foe in battle
    Water Cannon: Weapon that shoots a high powered jet of water at enemies, doing nonlethal damage
    Waterskin of the Whirlpool: Summons wall of water during dervish dance to protect owner
    Wizard's Apprentice: Crystal ball organizes books and brings them instantly to the owner's hand
    Words of Breathlessness: Broach gives the wearer Message at will
    Wrestling Garb: Grants a bonus to grapple checks

    Azura's Star: Ioun Stone that traps souls and aids in crafting
    Chalice of Life Triumphant: Any who sup from the cup become Ageless
    Ebony Blade: WOunding longsword that dispels enchantments
    Goldbrand: A flame-based katana that's deadly against creatures with the cold subtype
    Keyblade: Imaginative weapon from Kingdom Hearts
    Mace of Molag-Bal: Weapon deals damage to several abilities
    Ring of Khajiti: Ring that grants greater invisibility and several traits of the khajiti race
    Ring of Namira: Ring reflects spells and returns damage
    Rose of Sanguine: A daedric quarterstaff that appears as a rose
    Savior's Hide: Hide armor very useful for Rangers
    Skeleton Key: Key that can open any lock
    Skull of Corruption: A quarterstaff with a skull mounted on it with the ability of a mirror of opposition
    Spell Breaker: Tower shield reflects spells back upon the caster
    Umbra: An intelligent soul-devouring sword dedicated to slaying all in its path
    Volendrung: Extremely light paralyzing war hammer
    Wabbajack: A quarterstaff capable of polymorphing its target

    Feather of the Biting Wind: Gives user immunity to fear and a bonus to saves, and can summon wind once per day
    Kayak of the Soaring Spirit: A kayak that can only be used by chaotic good creatures, and allows those who truly worship the proper god to soar

    Psionic Items
    Mindcatcher: Psionic power absorbing talisman
    Psicrown of the Dark Psyche: Psicrown allows wearer to manifest a number of debilitating powers

    Chui: Eight-sided hammer; special monk weapon.
    Dragonslayer Sword: Oversized sword made from fighting dragons
    Fighting Cane: A cane that can be used to whoop on those young whippersnappers who called you gramps
    Fullblade: Very large sword with reach.
    Gaff-sword: Double weapon with a hook on one end and a sword on the other.
    Greatpick: Pole-arm with a high critical multiplier and reach.
    Headsplitter, goblin: Great for smashing objects as well as enemy skulls.
    Hooked Chain: Weapon used for ranged grapple attempts
    Jien: Thin-bladed sword; special monk weapon and finessable.
    Kodachi: A sword used primarily for defense
    Main-gauche: Dagger that grants extra shield bonus when used with Two Weapon Defense.
    Mattock: Hand-and-a-half warhammer.
    Maul: Two-handed warhammer.
    Monk's Spade: Special monk weapon; double-weapon
    Monk's Spade (alternate version): Polearm; special monk weapon with reach.
    Nine ring sword: Slashing sword; special monk weapon.
    Razor Slip-ons: Weapon wielded with one's feet
    Reverse Blade Sword: Sword can switch from slashing to bludgeoning damage
    Saber, cavalry: Curved sword meant to be used from horseback.
    Sarong: Weapon that doubles as a piece of clothing (Hey, looks saright to me)
    Staff-sword: Polearm with a sword blade; reach.
    Stiletto: Easily concealable dagger.
    Three-section Staff: Special monk weapon that can switch between a double-weapon and a reach weapon
    Throwing knife: Blades meant for throwing; count as ammunition.
    Torpedo: A round bar of metal made to be thrown
    Zanbatou: Extremely large sword that deals both bludgeoning and slashing damage
    Warblade: Hand-and-a-half slashing sword with a high critical range.
    Warpick: Hand-and-a-half pick for battle.
    Wooden Stake: No vampire-hunter should leave home without it

    Armor and Shields
    Chainmail Bikini: Armor for women designed by men
    Furry Loincloth: Scant piece of cloth for a barbarian's protection

    Adventuring Equipment
    Compass: Always know where magnetic north is
    Fishing Pole: Catch fish for dinner

    Special Materials
    Daedric Steel: Special adamantine-like material with various special abilities
    Firesoak Silk: Heat-retaining fabric
    Lead: Alchemically pure Pb with added negative energy damage
    Tin: "Aermetal" with the ability to bypass the damage reduction of creatures made of stone or earth

    Alchemical Items
    Dust of Distraction: Dazes target
    Red Dew: Substance grants +4 to charisma-based checks with fey

    Glycerol Glands: Glands allow person to exist comfortably in extremely cold temperatures
    Skin of the Mouther: Skin is covered in eyes and mouths, giving the host all-around vision and other bonuses

    Item Properties
    Rapid Donning: Armor with this quality automatically dons itself around the owner's body
    Spell Absorbing: Weapon catches spells and becomes empowered by them
    Spell Reflecting: Weapon reflects spells back on caster

    Defective Items
    Akbar's Collection: Items that function only once
    Cloak of Elvenkind: Acts like a normal cloak of elvenkind, it catches fire
    Deathwish Axe: Axe contains an explosive fluid
    Hat of Disguise: Acts like a normal Hat of Disguise until it catches fire
    Long Sword: Acts like a normal longsword, until it explodes.
    Ring of Spell Storing, Minor: Acts like a normal ring of spell storing, minor, until it loses its spells, or explodes
    Wand of Cure Serious Wounds: Casts Cure Serious Wounds until it backfires, doing damage, and, to everyone's complete surprise, explodes

    Cursed Items
    Bad Penny: Copper piece causes penalties until owner manages to get rid of it
    Boots of Theme Music: Setting-appropriate music follows the wearer
    Bracers of Opposition: Pair of left-arm bracers that force their wearers to fight to the death
    Circlet of Rainbows: Allows wearer to use Color Spray and Hypnotic Pattern, but changes hair and skin color at random
    Coin of Cessation: Once per day, the coin radiates an antimagic field
    Coin of Chaos: Gold coin acts as a Rod of Wonder once per day
    Coin of Command: Owner is under a Suggestion effect whenever someone tells them to do something
    Coin of Contamination: Gold coin spreads disease
    Coin of Corrosion: Coin destroys all other metal near the owner
    Coin of Transmutation: Coin turns gold to lead
    Goggles of Impending Doom: Gives character darkvision and low-light vision, but causes blindness whenever danger threatens
    Helm of Invisibility: Helm goes invisible when worn, leaving wearer perfectly visible
    Holy Symbol of Fear: Holy Symbol gives any creature that touches it an intense fear of anything related to that deity
    Magnifying Goggles of Sungazing: Goggles give a bonus to search and spot, but force character to stare at the sun
    Necklace of the Poet: Necklace grants Tongues but forces wearer to speak in rhyme... all the time
    Reverse Bag of Holding: Bag of holding regurgitates its contents violently one quarter of the time
    Ring of Happiness: Ring makes wearer happy, ultimately causing dependance
    Rod of Nim: Rod casts Touch of Idiocy on command, but also drains user's intelligence (Oy, the puns...)
    Shield of the Coward: Transfers damage to wielder to nearest non-hostile creature
    Thieve's Punishment: Gloves give wearer extreme aurophobia
    Throwing Dagger of Blunt: Extremely slow throwing dagger is always in the character's hand when attacking
    True Cloak of Elvenkind: Cloak functions as a Cloak of Elvenkind, but also transforms the wearer into an elf
    Vial of Somethingness: Vial either raises raises strength or con, lowers con, gives acid damage
    Wand of Misdirected Missiles: Casts Magic Missile on nearest target of at least indifferent disposition towards the user, or the user himself
    Wand of Point Blank Fireballs: Wand casts Fireball centered on user's square
    Wizard's Bane Headband: Headband gives wearer a fear of knowledge

    Bliss Perfume: Inhaled poison that charms and stuns the victim
    Bliss Seed: Ingested poison that damages mental scores then charms the target and drives it unconscious
    Ichzzu Tea: Tea imbibed by Cricketmen that is poisonous to others
    I am a poor man, some say I’m half crazy,
    son of the sword and the knife
    Lady I pledge you my sword and my honor,
    my heart and my pride and my life
    --Bella Doña, by Joe Bethancourt

    Alas, poor Draknir. By Mephibosheth

    Owl-atar by KingGolem
    You will be missed, dear 'stache...

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Retired Mod in the Playground Retired Moderator
    Gorbash Kazdar's Avatar

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    Apr 2004

    Default Re: From the Playground (Compendium)

    Comrade Gorby: The Compendium will be updated at some point, but first the search index must be rebuilt so that we can find the threads for the entries that are linked to old forum addresses. As both the search rebuild and the re-linking of entries represent resource intensive processes (the former intensive on the technological side, the latter on the manpower side), it will be some time before they're completed.

    In the meantime, I'm locking both this thread and the actual Compendium. I'll post an announcement for this forum when I have more information for you.

    Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please. - Mark Twain

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Jack Mann's Avatar

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    Mar 2006

    Default Re: From the Playground (Compendium)

    This post reserved for later use.
    I am a poor man, some say I’m half crazy,
    son of the sword and the knife
    Lady I pledge you my sword and my honor,
    my heart and my pride and my life
    --Bella Doña, by Joe Bethancourt

    Alas, poor Draknir. By Mephibosheth

    Owl-atar by KingGolem
    You will be missed, dear 'stache...

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Jack Mann's Avatar

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    Mar 2006

    Default Re: From the Playground (Compendium)

    Watch this space.
    I am a poor man, some say I’m half crazy,
    son of the sword and the knife
    Lady I pledge you my sword and my honor,
    my heart and my pride and my life
    --Bella Doña, by Joe Bethancourt

    Alas, poor Draknir. By Mephibosheth

    Owl-atar by KingGolem
    You will be missed, dear 'stache...

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Jack Mann's Avatar

    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Re: From the Playground (Compendium)

    Under construction.
    I am a poor man, some say I’m half crazy,
    son of the sword and the knife
    Lady I pledge you my sword and my honor,
    my heart and my pride and my life
    --Bella Doña, by Joe Bethancourt

    Alas, poor Draknir. By Mephibosheth

    Owl-atar by KingGolem
    You will be missed, dear 'stache...

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Jack Mann's Avatar

    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Re: From the Playground (Compendium)

    Wear a hard hat!
    I am a poor man, some say I’m half crazy,
    son of the sword and the knife
    Lady I pledge you my sword and my honor,
    my heart and my pride and my life
    --Bella Doña, by Joe Bethancourt

    Alas, poor Draknir. By Mephibosheth

    Owl-atar by KingGolem
    You will be missed, dear 'stache...

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Jack Mann's Avatar

    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Re: From the Playground (Compendium)

    Post no bills.
    I am a poor man, some say I’m half crazy,
    son of the sword and the knife
    Lady I pledge you my sword and my honor,
    my heart and my pride and my life
    --Bella Doña, by Joe Bethancourt

    Alas, poor Draknir. By Mephibosheth

    Owl-atar by KingGolem
    You will be missed, dear 'stache...

  19. - Top - End - #19
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Jack Mann's Avatar

    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Re: From the Playground (Compendium)

    Killroy was here.
    I am a poor man, some say I’m half crazy,
    son of the sword and the knife
    Lady I pledge you my sword and my honor,
    my heart and my pride and my life
    --Bella Doña, by Joe Bethancourt

    Alas, poor Draknir. By Mephibosheth

    Owl-atar by KingGolem
    You will be missed, dear 'stache...

  20. - Top - End - #20
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Jack Mann's Avatar

    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Re: From the Playground (Compendium)

    Yes, we have no bananas.
    I am a poor man, some say I’m half crazy,
    son of the sword and the knife
    Lady I pledge you my sword and my honor,
    my heart and my pride and my life
    --Bella Doña, by Joe Bethancourt

    Alas, poor Draknir. By Mephibosheth

    Owl-atar by KingGolem
    You will be missed, dear 'stache...

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Pixie in the Playground
    Jah-Red's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Default Re: From the Playground (Compendium)

    I would really like to see some of the items in the lists, but alas none are visible. Can we get the linking fixed?

  22. - Top - End - #22
    Barbarian in the Playground
    sigurd's Avatar

    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Default Re: From the Playground (Compendium)

    Google advanced will search by domain.

    The metal medic for example is:

    Logo by Serpentine

  23. - Top - End - #23
    Ogre in the Playground
    Athaniar's Avatar

    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Default Re: From the Playground (Compendium)

    But what about custom deities?

  24. - Top - End - #24
    Barbarian in the Playground
    insecure's Avatar

    Join Date
    May 2008

    Default Re: From the Playground (Compendium)

    Will this someday get updated again? It looks like a great project, but I'm afraid that it wil remain in this state for a long time.

  25. - Top - End - #25
    Barbarian in the Playground
    Lolzords's Avatar

    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Default Re: From the Playground (Compendium)

    +0 LA 3.5 Race: Kroot - Avian Humanoids that cannibalize the dead for hitpoints.

    Not sure if I've formatted this post correctly - sorry if I haven't.
    Last edited by Lolzords; 2009-07-16 at 03:35 PM.
    Round Four: Eat Brains.
    Cheers for the avvy, Rincewind

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