Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Tome of Illsbane

    You behold a huge tome, bound in black leather, its front embossed with the mythical creature known as the Illsbane. There is much to be seen in this book, much indeed ...

    Spells section:

    Ivor's Enforced Meditation

    Level: Bard 2, Sor/Wiz 2
    Components: V, S, M.
    Casting time: 1 round
    Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
    Duration: 1 min./level
    Area: One or more Elves within a 10 ft. radius burst
    Saving throw: Fortitude negates
    Spell resistance: No

    Ivor's Enforced Meditation is an anti-Elf spell, designed by Bane Ivor, himself a half-elf. If cast successfully, this spell causes 6 HD of purebred elves to suffer a general systemic imbalance, which forces them to enter the meditative trance that passes for sleep among their race. Elves with the fewest HD are affected first and among elves with equal HD, those closest to the spell's point of origin are affected first.
    Elves locked in meditation are helpless. Even if they are forced out of meditation, the systemic imbalance continues, forcing the victim to return to their trance as soon as possible. Antivenom or a Neutralize poison spell, however, immediately end the spell's effect.
    Ivor's enforced meditation only works against purebred elves, not against a being that has elven blood from only one parent or an ancestor, such as a half-elf or an elf with a racial template such as half-dragon or half-fey.
    Material component: Leaves of the white lily or incense, burned in a censer.

    Deep Zen:
    Level: Bard 4, Sor/Wiz 4
    Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

    This spell functions like Ivor's Enforced Meditation, except it affects 12 HD of purebred elves.

    Reaper Raven's Solumbra
    Level: Cleric 4, Sor/Wiz 4
    Components: S, M
    Casting time: 1 standard action
    Range: 60 ft. radius
    Area: Spherical burst, centered on caster
    Duration: Special, see text
    Saving throw: Will negates - see text
    Spell resistance: Yes

    When casting Reaper Raven's Solumbra, a spellcaster can immediately transform all light-emitting spells in the spell's area into darkness-emitting spells of the same level. The spells continue for their normal duration, but are no longer under the control of their caster, if that caster is a different individual than that of Reaper Raven's Solumbra. If a light-emitting spell area of effect is only partially within the Solumbra's range, it is still completely transformed into a darkness-emitting spell.
    A successful Will save by an affected light-emitting spell's caster can prevent it from being turned into a darkness-emitting spell, but the caster of each spell affected must make a separate save for each affected spell.
    The caster of Reaper Raven's Solumbra is capable of seeing with full clarity and range within the area of the new darkness spells, other beings are not.
    Material component: One black pearl worth at least 300 gp., which is shattered against a hard surface as part of the casting.

    Python Whip
    Level: Sor/Wiz 4
    Components: V, S, M.
    Casting time: 1 standard action
    Range: Touch
    Target: One whip
    Duration: 1 min/level
    Saving throw: Fortitude negates (magic weapon only)
    Spell resistance: Yes (magic weapon only)

    Python Whip is a spell created by Drow insurgents and criminals who needed to even the odds against the vicious priestesses of Lolth and their snake-headed whips. When the spell is cast, the caster douses this weapon with flammable oil, which catches fire once the spell is completed; the whip is temporarily transmuted into a living python (see Monster Manual), which specifically attacks weapons dedicated to a Drow deity or Drow clerics, in that order of preference. The python seeks to entangle and crush weapons dedicated to the Drow deities and/or Drow clerics, giving Drow insurgents time to bring other weapons to bear. Once the spell's duration ends, the python turns back into an ordinary whip. A whip can survive being used as the material component of Python Whip two times before it is destroyed by the flames that are part of the magic, unless it is repaired between uses. A masterwork whip could survive four uses. If the python is killed, it immediately transforms back into a whip, which is now too badly damaged for further use.
    Material components: One leather whip, one quart of oil.

    Tenebral's World-Bomb
    Level: Sor/Wiz Epic; must occupy a level 13 slot at least
    Components: V, S, M
    Casting time: 4-hour ritual + 4 years of preparation
    Range: Sight
    Duration: Instantaneous
    Target: One planetary body within range of sight
    Saving throw: If the planet as a whole is animated and conscious, Fortitude negates
    Spell resistance: If the planet as a whole is animated and conscious, Yes

    Tenebral's World-Bomb was conceived in drink and abandoned in terror by an Elf who wasn't that Evil. The purpose of this spell is nothing less than the destruction of an entire planetary body, such as a moon, planet or planetoid, regardless its shape.
    The spell requires four years of preparatory labor, mostly to prepare the main material component; during these four years, the prospective caster must travel the planetary body he or she intends to destroy, casting at least one Divination spell a day to map and analyze the terrain. All areas of the world must be investigated in this manner; if the caster can not personally see an area due to time or other constraints, they must use Scry or similar magics to investigate them.
    The result of all such investigation, mundane and otherwise, must go into the creation of the main material component: a perfect-to-scale model of the world, which must be crafted from flawless diamonds by a master artisan - or, indeed, artisans. These artisans, the prospective caster must somehow instruct directly, downloading the information gained through spells or observation into their minds by means of magic, psionics or some other method. The perfect-to-scale model must be an Epic Artifact, into which no less than four Wish spells, one Reduce and one Scry spell must be cast to make it a flawless representation of the planetary body. Once the item is complete, it shrinks to become small enough to fit in the palm of a medium humanoid's hand on its creator's command and its surface animates; tiny representations of all living beings upon and within the planetary body can be seen to move across its surface, just as its living counterparts do. Upon the creator's command, the model may resume its proper size as well.
    The second material component is slightly easier to create: This must be an Epic magical weapon, a greatsword forged out of an alloy of adamantine and purest comet-mined iron. The blade must have a +9 enhancement bonus and be charged with the Heartseeking, Vorpal and Wounding qualities.
    The caster must complete the creation of both items within the four years of touring, or all effort is wasted. (Apart from acquiring a working model of the world, which serves as a perfect map, and a weapon of epic proportions, that is.)
    At the end of four years of preparation, the caster must have prepared one final item: a vantage point from where he or she may look down upon the planetary body to be destroyed. (A spaceship might be used, or else a Dragon of the kinds that fly between worlds.)
    Should a vantage point be available, the caster must then go to it and look down on the world. On this vantage point, the caster must conduct a four-hour ritual, holding in one hand the perfect-to-scale model, the special sword sheathed at their side. At the high point of the spell, the caster must then shatter the model against the hilt of the sword -- and all Hell breaks loose. Its harbinger is a sphere of orange-tinted light, which streaks away from the caster's hand to impact with the planetary body and burrow down into its very core.

    Chaotic energies are unleashed in the planetary body's core, driving wedges in every crevace and crack and pushing them wide open, causing massive earthquakes and volcanic eruptions worldwide.
    Open bodies of water suffer spontaneous fission, causing explosions that would make a hydrogen bomb look like a firecracker.
    All atmosphere spontaneously catches fire.
    In the end, storms of positive and negative energy rage over the burning planetary body, consuming all.
    Within seconds after the completion of the spell, the planetary body is no more than ashes floating in the void ... all life upon it is gone.
    It is no comfort at all that the material components turn to dust as well, making the destruction of any planetary body an expensive and complicated event.

    Should the caster be interrupted at any time during the four years of preparation, they have to start over from scratch and there is no harm done.
    However, if the caster is interrupted during the four-hour ritual, terrible things may happen. If the caster is not successful at an immediate Will save (DC 50), any of the following may happen at the roll of a percentile die:

    0 - 20: A rift into the Negative or Positive Energy Plane (roll 1d6; uneven for Neg., even for Pos.) opens in the location where the caster stood. All beings and objects within a radius of 100 ft. + 10 ft./caster's spellcasting level are sucked in. The rift is one-way and remains in an orbit around the planetary body unless sealed, a source of mischief further down the line.
    30 - 50: A wild magic effect occurs (see DMG).
    60 - 70: A rift to a random Outer Plane is opened in the very location where the caster stood, displacing anything in its path. The rift is one way, allowing beings from the Outer Plane to enter the Prime Material. It remains in orbit around the planetary body unless sealed, a source of mischief further down the line.
    80 - 90: The World-Bomb goes off in the place where the caster is standing, annihilating the caster, their vantage point and anything on it instantaneously.
    100 - The spell simply fizzles and fails.

    A particularly heroic individual might try and stop the World-Bomb even after it has been fired; a person who knowingly and willingly places themselves in the orange sphere of force's path before it has struck the planetary body can prevent it from doing its work. The results are catastrophic, however; the hero is annihilated, his soul forever beyond the power of any raising spell, even enchantments like Miracle or Wish. Anything sharing his or her current orbit around the planetary body is similarly wiped out. Moons, satellites, ships, adventuring parties ... all will be blown away like chaff.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lysander
    Planetary Transformation
    Level: Sor/Wiz 9
    Components: V, S, M
    Casting time: 1 hour ritual
    Range: Sight
    Duration: 5 minutes
    Target: One planetary body within range of sight

    This spell can only be cast while the final ritual of Tenebral's World-Bomb is being performed on the same target of Planetary Transformation. This spell realigns the interior of the planet's core and a great deal of it's surface in order to make the scale model used in the World-Bomb spell no longer accurate, causing that spell to fizzle. The spell requires six bars of pure iron and a diamond worth at least 10,000gp. During the course of the ritual the iron must be melted by mundane means and shaped into a solid sphere with the diamond at the center. The sphere is then dropped and will effortlessly pass through the ground until it travels deep within the planet. The sphere will then set off a series of pulses that will cause massive earthquakes and volcanic activity across the entirety of the planet. On average this should immediately kill about 2% of all lifeforms on the planet and will begin a year-long winter. After the Planetary Transformation is cast Tenebral's World Bomb cannot start being prepared for that world until 10 years have passed due to continuing movement in the planet's core as it returns to normal.


    Conjuration (Summoning)
    Level: Bard 4 / Druid 4 / Sorcerer/Wizard 4
    Components: V, M
    Casting time: 10 minutes
    Range: Touch
    Target: One being of which the target is the reincarnation
    Duration: 24 hours
    Saving throw: Will negates
    Spell resistance: No

    This spell functions only for beings that have been reincarnated, be it through the Druidic spell or another process. For the duration of the spell, a 'loop' is created in time, allowing the caster to summon their preincarnation to the present to render assistance. The preincarnation is alive for the duration of the spell and in possession of its optimum amount of hit points and abilities, to be considered well-rested and in possession of such spells and signature equipment as it had access to in life. It does not possess knowledge of any event that occurred after its death, but recognizes its reincarnation immediately for who and what they are.
    Once the spell ends, the loop is terminated and the preincarnation simply disappears. If the preincarnation is slain before the end of the spell, it similarly disappears. When the preincarnation leaves, it takes everything with it that it brought upon appearing. The preincarnation does not recall, during its own lifetime, that it was summoned, although it does remember during summonses. Nor is any time lost during its own lifespan; injury and death do not carry over across time.
    It is possible that the reincarnation is a person with whom the preincarnation would not wish to associate; the first time a preincarnation is summoned, it can't know whether it has been reincarnated as noble Paladin or a vicious Blackguard. The next time it is summoned, however, it will know and is eligible to a Will save to resist being summoned. If it is still forced to appear, it may simply decide to attack its unworthy successor; Preincarnation does not place a bond of obedience on its target.
    Material components: A circle, drawn on the ground. Powdered leaves of white lily and red rose, to be sprinkled on the circle. Ground dust of black poppy-seeds, soaked in the blood of the one whose preincarnation is being summoned, to be sprinkled on the circle.

    Pantheon section:

    The Noble Orc, the Weeping Orc, Tribe-Shielder

    Lesser deity
    Alignment: Chaotic Good
    Cleric alignments: CG, CN, NG.
    Portfolio: Orcs and half-Orcs of Good and Neutral alignment, the Orc race, Orc tribes
    Domains: Community, Family, Good, Healing, Orc
    Symbol: An ancient, weeping male Orc holding two Orc infants in his arms
    Typical worshipers: Orcs and haf-Orcs of Good and Neutral alignment
    Favored weapon: Greatclub
    Home Plane: Ysgard

    Vel is a rare, benevolent Orc deity.
    Since his alignment is atypical for most Orcs, Vel is weaker than the other members of the Orcish pantheon and he is reviled by all Evil Orcish deities. In many worlds, Vel's avatars have been slain by those of other Orcish deities, limiting his influence in those worlds to almost nothing.
    Where he does have influence, Vel is the eternal watcher over the Orc race. He encourages his followers to improve their lot not by stealing the good things of the world from others, but by learning to create them for themselves. Vel will sponsor the smartest and wisest Orcs, rather than the strongest. He teaches that the strong arm must always be guided by a keen mind if it is to strike true.
    Vel's clerics usually have to be careful not to reveal their nature in a standard Orc tribe, where the clerics of Gruumsh would butcher them the instant they discovered Vel-worship. In tribes where Vel-worship is common, they do not try to seize power, but rather consider themselves as craftsfolk with skills that others need. Whatever their circumstances, Vel's clerics work hard to heal and teach, giving special attention to the protection of young Orc children, for whom Vel feels most strongly.

    The Second
    Second Chance, Whisperer in Shadows, Lord Loat, the Poacher

    Intermediate deity
    Alignment: Neutral Good
    Cleric alignments: CG, LG, NG
    Portfolio: Adventure, revolution, freedom, chance, courage, Circle City.
    Domains: Drow, Good, Magic, Orc, Spell, Weave
    Symbol: The black skull of a deep dragon, with a hairy spider on top, panther's head to the left, wolf's head to the right and a bat underneath.
    Typical worshipers: Members of all classes, races and other nominations that wish to change oppressive or evil situations for the better; those who dare to be free. Often; Bards, Fighters, Paladins, Rogues, Sorcerers and Wizards.
    Favored weapon: Longsword.
    Home Plane: Prime Material

    The Second is a relatively young deity, created in Circle City (I may write more about this later). As the eternally masked deity is young, he is energetic and curious. As he is benign, he is filled with compassion for the oppressed and anger at oppression. As he is optimistic, he feels that all people deserve an equal chance to improve their lot in life, without being hampered by the past. As he is tied to Circle City and its masters, he is more powerful than most would expect.
    The Second has no name that anyone but the leaders of Circle City knows. Those who have heard his whispers don't even know who speaks to them at first. When the Second first made entries into the Underdark to guide Drow to the light, his contacts first thought they were hearing the voice of Lloth. When they discovered the difference, they dubbed him Lord Loat, as an affectionate barb. When he made entries into the caves of the Orcs, they named him the Whisperer in Shadows, since unlike the Orcish pantheon, he approached them with subtlety and guile. If and when he approaches someone in despair at their current place in life, such as penitent villains, he becomes Second Chance.
    The Second will give anyone who asks a second chance, no matter who or what they are. He does not condone willful evil, however. Already, he is making a name for himself among the evil members of the pantheon as a ceaseless do-gooder and busybody.

    The Penitents' Champion, Guide of the Undead, Avenging Spear

    Lesser deity
    Alignment: Lawful Good
    Cleric alignments: LG, LN, NG
    Portfolio: Good-aligned and remorseful undead, those who have lost family or friends to the undead, Circle City (particularly cemeteries thereof).
    Domains: Good, Law, Magic, Repose, Retribution
    Symbol: A bleached ram's skull with antilope horns stuck on top, a spider sitting between the horns
    Typical worshipers: Clerics, Monks, those who have lost family or friends to the undead, living friends of Good- or Neutral-aligned undead, Good- or Neutral-aligned undead, Rangers, hunters of the Evil undead.
    Favored weapon: Shortspear.
    Home Plane: Prime Material

    Born of Circle City, just as the Second, Whiteskull might be considered his younger brother. Oddly enough, Whiteskull is the more mature and settled of the two; it is a rare thing for Whiteskull to leave the spiritual dimension of Circle City, whereas the Second is constantly traveling the worlds.
    Yet the brothers share a quality; an outrage at suffering and a willingness to offer second chances. Where the Second has focused on the living, however, Whiteskull watches over the undead. Even among this loathsome state of being, there are rare individuals who lament the loss of who they were and yearn to be better. Whiteskull is one of few deities willing to support such beings in their quest for a moral existence -- or a peaceful end. Whiteskull's clerics constantly seek out undead, offering them the Penitents' Champion's support to resist the vile urges of their state. If such offers are refused, they offer the gift of true death, instead. They usually don't even bother to make a verbal offer, simply bestowing the gift right there and then.
    Though somewhat morbid of aspect and retiring of nature, Whiteskull is very popular with the common people, who consider him a great protector of the living.

    The Strict One
    Law-Hammer, Chaos-Slayer, the Dark Binder

    Greater Deity
    Alignment: Lawful Neutral
    Cleric alignments: LE, LG, LN
    Portfolio: Laws, legislature, order, rules, jurisprudence
    Domains: Evil, Good, Knowledge, Law, Retribution
    Symbol: Chains (Evil), Lawbook (Neutral), Hammer (Good)
    Typical worshipers: (lawful) Blackguards, Paladins, judges, lawful rulers, Clerics
    Favored weapon: Warhammer
    Home plane: Mechanus

    The Strict One was once a simple deity of rules and trials, invoked before a trial so events would develop fairly, called upon by scholars so they would find the proper legislature of times gone by ... He was respected but not venerated widely.
    That all changed when the Strict One started to worry about the nature of good and evil. Depending on the place where the Strict One was called upon, its cherished rules were used to punish either good or evil ... The then fair-minded deity was worried that one or the other should be superior and that rules, that law itself was being abused. In order to become certain, the Strict One absorbed the domains of Good and Evil; by knowing these matters intimately, it hoped to determine which was preferable and must take precedence in the courts of law.

    Absorbing the dichotomy and trying to harmonize them within itself, instead drove the deity insane.
    The Strict One's madness is an eerie one; instead of gibbering madly, it lives according to rigid rules. Rules that contradict each other, causing the deity to act at cross-purposes with itself from moment to moment, though it does not even realize this. Nor do its worshipers; the evil see only the evil face of the Strict One, the good only see its good side and the neutral see only the essence of pure law looking back at them. No one - not even the Strict One himself - suspects its insanity. Even the other deities have been fooled by the faces the Strict One presents them.
    The Strict One stands for an iron adherence to such laws as have been set down - any and all laws. It allows for no deviation from what is written, nor from its own edicts ... and is coldly unaware that it violates them itself, time and again.

    As the champion of absolute law and order, the Strict One has become very popular in many places, its number of worshipers swelling so highly that it has become a greater deity ... And with every new nation or township that hails it, with every new book of laws added to its already monstrous storehouse ... the Strict One's madness deepens and twists further in upon itself.

    Banjo the Clown
    Lord of Puppets, Banjulhu

    Lesser deity
    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Portfolio: Puppets, parties, fun, misfortune, greed
    Cleric alignments: CE, CG, CN
    Domains: Chaos, Charm, Greed, Illusion, Madness
    Symbol: A banjo
    Typical worshipers: Barbarians, Bards, Clerics, Rogues
    Favored weapon: Any
    Home Plane: Prime Material

    The fun-loving Banjo the Clown is the clown of the pantheon. Wherever there's a party or fun being had, Banjo is there to make music and merry. Wherever someone's thumbing their nose at authority, Banjo is there to snicker approvingly. Wherever someone burns dead creatures in his name, Banjo is there, also.
    Chaotic and random to extremes, Banjo favors a total absence of restrictions to all parts of life. He champions a life of freedom and exploration, of pushing the envelope. Unfortunately, he doesn't care a whit for the morality involved and will favor absolutely anyone, from a noble Bard freeing slaves to deep spawn rising up to overthrow sanity in the name of the Old Ones.
    Gregarious to the point of insanity, Banjo will play and caper in the court of any other member of the pantheon, no matter how good or evil -- or Old they might be. He's always trying to get people to step out of their assumed role for a while, always going for the next big laugh. He's amazingly popular with various beings ... especially the rest of the pantheon.
    While many people feel attracted to Banjo's lightearted and generous ways (he'll favor you, he'll give to you, he'll make you smile every day of your life if you'll let him), the wise look to Banjo's absence of anything approaching sense or morality and walk away.
    Hi there. What\'cha looking down here for? ^^ The posts are above ... And the The Tome of Illsbane ...

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Tome of Illsbane

    I'll post notifications whenever I add something to this. So much more convenient than leaving things scattered around the forum ...
    Hi there. What\'cha looking down here for? ^^ The posts are above ... And the The Tome of Illsbane ...

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Tome of Illsbane

    The Banjo thing is so awesome.

    I like him. He's silly.
    Quote Originally Posted by Terraneaux View Post
    Adventurers. Murderous hobos with near-deific power who are both merciless and incredibly competent at personal combat.

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Tome of Illsbane

    Quote Originally Posted by The Werebear
    The Banjo thing is so awesome.

    I like him. He's silly.
    Thanks. ^^ It was a bit of a think to select the proper domains for him, but I think these work best; all his worshipers were Chaotic, Charm and Illusion for Elan, Greed for Haley and Madness for his connection to the Great Old Ones.
    Hi there. What\'cha looking down here for? ^^ The posts are above ... And the The Tome of Illsbane ...

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Tome of Illsbane

    Tenebral's World-Bomb
    Level: Sor/Wiz Epic; must occupy a level 13 slot at least
    Erm ... epic spells don't occupy normal spell-slots ... they work competly diffrent.
    Three are the paths of soul:
    One out - roam across the plain,
    One back - dwell with the tribe and tent,
    One in - turn an enemy's hate.
    They say people do crazy things for love...unfortunately, I'm not in love, and I'm still crazy!

    Avatar by CoffeeIncluded. Finally giving credit where due, and it only took me 20 pages of search

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Tome of Illsbane

    Quote Originally Posted by Malek
    Erm ... epic spells don't occupy normal spell-slots ... they work competly diffrent.
    Yah, I know. But I wanted to make really sure this one would be difficult to achieve. Destroying a world shouldn't be easily accessible.
    Hi there. What\'cha looking down here for? ^^ The posts are above ... And the The Tome of Illsbane ...

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Eldritch Horror in the Playground Moderator
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    Default Re: Tome of Illsbane

    Not easy to achieve? Piece of cake, really...the wizard would only need to be 27th level. ;D

    That's on the very low end of Epic...(a Wizard/Sorcerer 27 gets 2 Epic bonus feats and 3 regular Epic feats...take Improved Spell Capacity 4 times and Epic Spellcasting once).

    But yeah, a cool spell. Doesn't conform to Epic spell guidelines, but there's no reason it should - PC's aren't allowed to blow up the world. That's a BBEG thing. ;D

    The other stuff is all neat too.

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Tome of Illsbane

    Quote Originally Posted by Illsbane
    Yah, I know. But I wanted to make really sure this one would be difficult to achieve. Destroying a world shouldn't be easily accessible.
    Lets see ... normal epic spell requires you to have absurd ranks in spelcraft, spend months (at worst) of time and ****load of gold to make them ... and than you have to roll spellcraft every time you cast them ... I don't think that simply making a spell require 13-level spell slot is more difficult than normal rules.
    Three are the paths of soul:
    One out - roam across the plain,
    One back - dwell with the tribe and tent,
    One in - turn an enemy's hate.
    They say people do crazy things for love...unfortunately, I'm not in love, and I'm still crazy!

    Avatar by CoffeeIncluded. Finally giving credit where due, and it only took me 20 pages of search

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Tome of Illsbane

    Quote Originally Posted by Malek
    Lets see ... normal epic spell requires you to have absurd ranks in spelcraft, spend months (at worst) of time and ****load of gold to make them ... and than you have to roll spellcraft every time you cast them ... I don't think that simply making a spell require 13-level spell slot is more difficult than normal rules.

    I shall stress again: really sure ...
    Hi there. What\'cha looking down here for? ^^ The posts are above ... And the The Tome of Illsbane ...

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Lol intarwebs

    Reaper Raven's Solumbra is overpowered. It has no limits on what spells it can affect. For example, it could overpower a 9th level light effect, which should not be possible. Generally light and dark spells mention which levels they can affect and which levels they can't, often citing existing spells of the appropriate type.
    "Of course you should fight fire with fire. You should fight everything with fire." - Jaya Ballard, task mage


  11. - Top - End - #11
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: Lol intarwebs

    Quote Originally Posted by OzymandiasVolt
    Reaper Raven's Solumbra is overpowered. It has no limits on what spells it can affect. For example, it could overpower a 9th level light effect, which should not be possible. Generally light and dark spells mention which levels they can affect and which levels they can't, often citing existing spells of the appropriate type.
    Eh, it seems ok. Those other spells that make magical light or darkness can be used at any time. So, you could make a light or darkness effect whenever you want. This spell can only be used when an existing spell is available, effectively making it a very specialized kind of counterspell.

    Would you really want to waste a 9th level slot on something as mundane as creating magical darkness? Better to just blow everyone up.
    Quote Originally Posted by Randel View Post
    How about the fact that humans can apparently breed with anything on two legs (or even four legs if you count dragons)?

    Human: Hey elf, you look like a girl.
    Elf: To a human, everything must look like a girl.
    Human: What?
    Elf: Half-orcs, half-ogres...
    Human: ... shut up.
    Dwarf: Half-dragons, half-kobolds.
    Human: I said shut up!
    Elf: ...
    Dwarf: ...
    Human: ...
    Elf: Centaurs.

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Lol intarwebs

    Reaper Raven's Solumbra really needs an oppisite.

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Tome of Illsbane

    No posting of the Illsbane monster I made for you?

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