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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Mar 2006

    Default Fire Mongre Class

    I started playing like a month ago, and was hoping to make a cool new class. I heard it's been done before so maybe one of you guys and gals could help me out.

    Anyway if you can help that'd be great, and if not thats cool too. So here's the scoop. I want him to be like a barbarian, except when he goes into his rage he gains strength and fire abilities. This strength as well as fire will increase as he goes up in levels. Like on the first level he'll have a move called 'bloodrage'(Just hypothetical name). It's like the barbarians rage except when he does touch attacks he does fire damage, and his strength improves by like +2. Maybe it would increase later or maybe just more abilities would be added.That what I've got so far, so any good sameritan please help!

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Ogre in the Playground
    Seffbasilisk's Avatar

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    Default Re: Fire Mongre Class

    +2 STR or +2 mod? Current rage gives +2 mod.

    How about making it a prestige class

    Prereqs. Rage or Frenzy Ability, Feat: Improved Unarmed Strike.

    When he goes into a bloodrage his blood boils, all touching him (making touch attacks, grappling, etc) take 1d6 fire damage/turn. All unarmed strikes or touch attacks do +1d6 fire damage/2 levels.
    Something like that?
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    "Boy, sure would be nice if we had some grenades, don'tchya think?" -Jayne
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  3. - Top - End - #3
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Fire Mongre Class

    Ok then, lets see.

    What you want sounds cool, and after only playing for a month it's good to see you so interested in making something with it's own particular flavour. So, I'm going to try and help you out.

    First, we've got to work out what we want him to do. You would like to see an increase in strength, and some fire damage. Ok, we can do that.

    Now, if I was to put it together, we would have the following...

    Now, this is a Prestige Class. It's easier to make a Prestige class to go on top of an existing class than it is to make a new class, and your DM is more likely to accept it as well. So we'll try this for a start.


    Class Name:
    Elemental Fury

    Base Attack Bonus +5
    Dodge, Improved Initiative
    Rage Class Ability

    Flavour text:
    Many barbarians are said to be in touch with their natural fury, yet few have wondered where that fury comes from. For a rare few individuals, they realise it's origin. The fury of a barbarian can be seen in the pure destructive power of a Fire Elemental. Having realised this, some try and focus on that inner strength, to bring it to the surface.

    An Elemental Fury is not someone to be taken lightly. As they start in this class, they start to unlock wellsprings of strength, and small abilities with fire. Over time, these powers increase until he is the epitomy of a burning inferno. Overpowering to watch, and unstoppable up close.

    Crunch Text:

    Hit Dice: d10
    Skills: 2+int mod, taken from the barbarian list.
    Base Attack Bonus: Best
    Saves: Strong fort, refl. Weak will.
    Class Abilities:

    At level 1 an Elemental Fury gains the bonus feat, Improved Unarmed Strike. His class level counts towards his unarmed strike damage as if he were a monk of equivilant level. Thus, a medium Fury at level 1 deals 1d6 damage with his fist

    At level 1 an Elemental Fury also gains the ability to go into an Elemental Rage 1/day. This ability can be used on top of his existing Rage ability, and the bonuses stack. He adds a bonus to his strength and gains the ability to do some fire damage. The number of uses per day, strength bonus, and fire damage go up over time.

    At level 1 and at every 3 levels thereafter he gains another use of Elemental Fury

    At level 1 the strength bonus is +2. This increases at 5th levl to +4, and at level 10 to +6

    At level 1 the fire damage dealt by his Elemental Fury is only 1 point. This increases to 1d3 at level 3, 1d6 at level 6, and 1d10 at level 9

    Note however that these bonuses only work for unarmed damage. His extra strength is only able to be channelled through his unarmed strikes, and his fire damage does not transfer to any weapon beyond his fists.

    At level 8 an Elemental Fury gains the bonus feat Destructive Rage.


    Now, this class isn't perfect, but if I put it up here, people can throw ideas around about it, and we can refine it.

    In fact, looking at it a little closer, it's a little underpowered. So, we give him Fire Resistance equal to his class level, and maybe the evasion ability.

    But it's all about starting with a base, and reworking it until you are happy with it.

    Hope this helps!
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  4. - Top - End - #4
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Mar 2006

    Default Re: Fire Mongre Class

    Wow this is a lot more than I asked for, and a LOT of help! Thanks a bunch! Also another question I have is how do I tell if it's underpowered or overpowered? Imean if it was obvious I could tell, but is there anyother senerio's when its not as obvious?

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Fire Mongre Class

    i think the only sure fire way to be sure is to play test it. :(

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Eldritch Horror in the Playground Moderator
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    Default Re: Fire Mongre Class

    Quote Originally Posted by Ing
    i think the only sure fire way to be sure is to play test it. :(
    Sure fire.... ;D :D :)

    A neat idea - for a "capstone" ability (gained at Level 10), perhaps cause the barb to transform into a Fire Elemental when raging? Gains immunities, burn abiities, cool stuff.

  7. - Top - End - #7

    Join Date
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    Flawse Fell, Geordieland

    Default Re: Fire Mongre Class

    Start with a Barb and then take a few levels of Elemental Warrior (Fire) PrC from the "Planar Handbook". Self-imolating berserk of doom? - job's a good'un. ;)

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Feb 2006

    Default Re: Fire Mongre Class

    [quote author=Rei_Jin Elemental Fury

    Base Attack Bonus +5
    Dodge, Improved Initiative
    Rage Class Ability

    Crunch Text:

    eHit Dice: d10
    Skills: 2+int mod, taken from the barbarian list.
    Base Attack Bonus: Best
    Saves: Strong fort, refl. Weak will.
    Class Abilities:

    At level 1 an Elemental Fury gains the bonus feat, Improved Unarmed Strike. His class level counts towards his unarmed strike damage as if he were a monk of equivilant level. Thus, a medium Fury at level 1 deals 1d6 damage with his fist

    At level 1 an Elemental Fury also gains the ability to go into an Elemental Rage 1/day. This ability can be used on top of his existing Rage ability, and the bonuses stack. He adds a bonus to his strength and gains the ability to do some fire damage. The number of uses per day, strength bonus, and fire damage go up over time.

    At level 1 and at every 3 levels thereafter he gains another use of Elemental Fury

    At level 1 the strength bonus is +2. This increases at 5th levl to +4, and at level 10 to +6

    At level 1 the fire damage dealt by his Elemental Fury is only 1 point. This increases to 1d3 at level 3, 1d6 at level 6, and 1d10 at level 9

    Note however that these bonuses only work for unarmed damage. His extra strength is only able to be channelled through his unarmed strikes, and his fire damage does not transfer to any weapon beyond his fists.

    At level 8 an Elemental Fury gains the bonus feat Destructive Rage.
    Hope this helps!

    Lets see if I can help.

    Hit Dice:[/b] d10
    Skills: 2+int mod, taken from the barbarian list.
    Base Attack Bonus: Best
    Saves: Strong fort, refl. Weak will.
    Class Abilities:

    At level 1 an Elemental Fury gains the bonus feat, Improved Unarmed Strike. His class level counts towards his unarmed strike damage as if he were a monk of equivilant level. Thus, a medium Fury at level 1 deals 1d6 damage with his fist

    At level 1 an Elemental Fury also gains the ability to go into an Elemental Rage 1/day. This ability can be used on top of his existing Rage ability, and the bonuses stack. He adds a bonus to his strength and gains the ability to do some fire damage. The number of uses per day, strength bonus, and fire damage go up over time.

    At level 1 and at every 3 levels thereafter he gains another use of Elemental Fury

    At level 1 the strength bonus is +2. This increases at 5th levl to +4, and at level 10 to +6

    At level 1 the fire damage dealt by his Elemental Fury is only 1d4 point. This increases to 1d6 at level 3, 1d8 at level 6, and 1d10 at level 9

    Note however that these bonuses only work for unarmed damage. His extra strength is only able to be channelled through his unarmed strikes, and his fire damage does not transfer to any weapon beyond his fists.

    At level 5 the Elemental Fury gains fire resistance 5

    At level 8 an Elemental Fury gains the bonus feat Destructive Rage

    At level 9 the elemental fury's fire resistance increases to 10

    At 10 level the Elemental Fury fulfillshis full potiential. He can now take the very shape of an elemental. Fire seems to erupt form his flesh, dealing damage to those foolish enough to touch him (1d6/round of contact). The Elemental Fury is unaffected by the fire and his equipment seems to meld into his body therefore is also unaffected. He also gains immunity to fire. This ability is useable 2/day and lasts the same ammount of time as his elemental fury ability.

    There you go now it is probalby slightly over powered but it needs tested.
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