Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
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    Default [3.5] Miniature Golems

    Miniature Golems

    Miniature golems are small, roughly hewn golems that artisans and apprentice wizards make. They are mostly crafted for practice by young spellcasters, but many use them for defense, profit, and manual labor. Some can even perform detailed craftwork. Miniature golems are made with extremely rough materials, usually found in the general vicinity of the creator. Miniature golems are usually about 0.5-1.5 feet tall.

    Mastery of miniature golems may be transferred at any time to any intelligent, corporeal humanoid with a full round action. The new master must be within 5 feet.

    Miniature Golems as Familiars

    The character may gain a miniature golem as a familiar in the same way that he gains a normal familiar, except the golem must be created by himself. The miniature golem acts in the same way as a normal familiar, gaining special abilities normally (except the miniature golem progresses as if its master were 1 level lower) except as noted here. The miniature golem's type does not change to magical beast. The miniature golem grants special abilities as noted in the table below, but does not grant the Alertness feat. The miniature golem may never speak with animals of its kind (or in this case, constructs of its kind). The miniature golem's hit point only change to reflect its masters if its base HP is lower than half of its master's total HP. The miniature golem may only use its master's skill ranks, and at a penalty of one half.

    Miniature Golem Familiar Special Abilities
    Familiar Special
    Stoneling Master gains 3 bonus hit points
    Inkling Master gains a +3 bonus on Decipher Script checks
    Ironling Master gains a +2 bonus on skill checks related to metals
    Stickling Master gains a +3 bonus on Survival checks
    Skinling Master gains a +2 bonus on Craft checks
    Gemling Master gains a +2 bonus on skill checks related to gems
    Stitchling Master gains a +3 bonus on Disguise checks
    Boneling Master gains a +3 bonus on Heal checks
    Mudling Master gains a +3 bonus on Knowledge (nature) checks
    Ashling Master gains a +2 bonus on Reflex saves
    Yarnling Master gains a +3 bonus on Move Silently checks
    Flowerling Master gains a +1 bonus on Charisma-related skill checks

    Size/Type: Tiny Construct
    Hit Dice: 1d10 (5 hp)
    Initiative: +1
    Speed: 10 feet (2 squares)
    Armor Class: 18 (+2 size, +1 Dex, +5 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 16
    Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-9
    Attack: Stone flail +1 melee (1d4+1)
    Full Attack: Stone flail +1 melee (1d4+1)
    Space/Reach: 2½ ft./0 ft.
    Special Attacks:
    Special Qualities: Construct traits, damage reduction 2/magic, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, resistance to magic, stone crafted
    Saves: Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +0
    Abilities: Str 12, Dex 13, Con —, Int —, Wis 8, Cha 11
    Environment: Any
    Organization: Solitary
    Challenge Rating: ½
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Always neutral
    Level Adjustment:

    Stonelings are miniature golems made from small rocks. They are vaguely humanoid, and have no visible means of staying together other than magic. A stoneling has no hands, but instead has small stone flails. Stonelings are durable, but cannot accomplish much outside of combat.


    Stonelings will only attack what their master commands, or continue following an order to attack if their master is not present.

    Resistance To Magic (Ex): A stoneling is immune to any spell or spell-like ability of level 1 or lower that allows spell resistance. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature, as noted below.

    A shatter spell deals 2d6 damage to the stoneling. If this damage causes the stoneling to be destroyed, it may be animated once more with a mending spell cast within 1d4 rounds, reviving the stoneling with half hit points.

    Stone Crafted (Ex): Three times per day, a stoneling may break apart its own body into its base components—rocks. The stoneling may remain in this state for as long as it needs to. When in this state, the stoneling is unrecognizable from normal stone. Breaking apart or putting itself back together is a full round action. If any of the stones used to craft the stoneling are moved more than 5 feet from the spot the stoneling broke apart, it must be crafted again.


    A stoneling’s body is created from common rocks, weighing at least 5 pounds. The stone may be of any quality, and costs nothing as long as there is abundant stone in the area and the creator takes the time to find good pieces of rock for the project. Assembling the body requires a DC 8 Craft (sculpting) check or a DC 8 Craft (stonemasonry) check. Every 5 points the creator is above the DC, the stoneling gains an additional 1 HP. Every 10 points the creator is above the DC, the stoneling gains an additional +1 bonus to natural armor. If the creator's Craft check is 25 points over the required 8 (33 or more), the stoneling's CR increases to 1.

    CL 1st; mending or magic stone, caster must be at least 1st level; Price 50 gp; Cost – gp + 75 XP.

    Size/Type: Tiny Construct
    Hit Dice: 1d10 (5 hp)
    Initiative: +3
    Speed: 15 feet (3 squares)
    Armor Class: 16 (+2 size, +3 Dex, +1 natural), touch 15, flat-footed 13
    Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-11
    Attack: Paper sword -1 melee (1d4-3)
    Full Attack: Paper sword -1 melee (1d4-3)
    Space/Reach: 2½ ft./0 ft.
    Special Attacks: Paper sword
    Special Qualities: Construct traits, darkvision 60 ft., flammable, low-light vision, resistance to magic, scroll body
    Saves: Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +1
    Abilities: Str 5, Dex 17, Con —, Int —, Wis 13, Cha 8
    Environment: Any
    Organization: Solitary
    Challenge Rating: ½
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Always neutral
    Level Adjustment:

    An inkling is crafted from pieces of parchment or scrolls. It has folded hands for menial tasks, such as turning pages or bringing books to its master. An inkling can read and understand one language, as chosen by its master upon creation.


    Inklings will only attack what their master commands, or continue following an order to attack if their master is not present.

    Flammable (Ex): An inkling is extremely vulnerable to fire. Upon being dealt any fire damage whatsoever, the inkling must succeed on a DC 10 Fortitude save or die (this only takes effect if the fire damage dealt is not enough to kill the inkling outright). Additionally, the inkling takes an additional +50% damage from fire.

    Resistance To Magic (Ex): An inkling is immune to any spell or spell-like ability of level 1 or lower that allows spell resistance. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature, as noted below.

    A burning hands or produce flame spell affects the inkling normally.

    An erase spell renders the inkling inert, but the base components are unaffected unless erase is cast again.

    Paper Sword (Ex): An inkling may transform its hands into small paper swords. This requires a standard action to complete.

    Scroll Body (Sp): An inkling may be made from a scroll instead of non-magical parchment. Add the cost of the scroll to the base cost of the inkling. The spell contained in the scroll can be up to level 1, and can never deal fire damage or have the fire descriptor. The inkling may use the spell contained in its body as a spell-like ability 1/day. The DC of the spell (if needed) is always 12. This save is Wisdom based. To determine the spell contained randomly, roll a d4 and consult the table below. Any spell or spell-like ability used by the inkling is considered to be cast at caster level 1.

    1|Level 0 Arcane
    2|Level 1 Arcane
    3|Level 0 Divine
    4|Level 1 Divine[/table]

    Once the type of scroll is determined, consult the tables on this page (DMG pg. 239 and 241) to determine the spell. If the spell deals fire damage or has the fire descriptor, roll again.


    A inkling’s body is created from a single piece of parchment. The parchment must be of good quality, and is included in the cost of creation. Assembling the body requires a DC 8 Craft (paper folding) check. Every 5 points the creator is above the DC, the inkling gains an additional 1 HP. Every 10 points the creator is above the DC, the inkling gains an additional +1 bonus to natural armor. If the creator's Craft check is 25 points over the required 8 (33 or more), the inkling's CR increases to 1.

    CL 1st; mending, read magic, caster must be at least 1st level; Price 45 gp + scroll cost; Cost 1 gp + scroll + 75 XP.

    Size/Type: Tiny Construct
    Hit Dice: 2d10 (11 hp)
    Initiative: +0
    Speed: 10 feet (2 squares)
    Armor Class: 19 (+2 size, +7 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 19
    Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-5
    Attack: Heavy mace +3 melee (1d4+2)
    Full Attack: Heavy mace +3 melee (1d4+2)
    Space/Reach: 2½ ft./0 ft.
    Special Attacks:
    Special Qualities: Construct traits, damage reduction 5/magic, darkvision 60 ft., iron crafted, low-light vision, resistance to magic
    Saves: Fort +0, Ref 0, Will -1
    Abilities: Str 14, Dex 11, Con —, Int —, Wis 9, Cha 8
    Environment: Any
    Organization: Solitary
    Challenge Rating: 1
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Always neutral
    Level Adjustment:

    Ironlings are constructed from scrap pieces of metal. They are vaguely humanoid, and at the end of their arms nails are thrust through, creating a simple, spiked mace.


    Ironlings, the most durable of the miniature golems, trust their design and forsake their own well-being, following orders even if it means their demise. However, this also means that they are often overly reckless.

    Resistance To Magic (Ex): An ironling is immune to any spell or spell-like ability of level 1 or lower that allows spell resistance. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature, as noted below.

    A burning hands or produce flame spell heats the ironling for 1d4 rounds, granting it a +2 bonus on damage rolls. Additionally, the AC bonus of any non-metal armor the opponent is utilizing is effectively reduced by 1 for the duration of the effect.

    Iron Crafted (Ex): Three times per day, an ironling may break apart its own body into its base components—metal scraps. The ironling may remain in this state for as long as it needs to. When in this state, the ironling is unrecognizable from normal metal. Breaking apart or putting itself back together is a full round action. If any of the metal used to craft the ironling is moved more than 5 feet from the spot the ironling broke apart, it must be crafted again.


    Ironlings are crafted from scrap metal. This metal can be found or purchased (prices varying on the area purchased). Mostly, the metal is found in junkyards or in trash cans. Assembling the body requires a DC 8 Craft (metalworking) check. Every 5 points the creator is above the DC, the ironling gains an additional 1 HP. Every 10 points the creator is above the DC, the ironling gains an additional +1 bonus to natural armor. If the creator's Craft check is 25 points over the required 8 (33 or more), the ironling's CR increases to 1.5.

    CL 2nd; mending or magic stone, caster must be at least 2nd level; Price 65 gp; Cost – gp + 75 XP.

    Size/Type: Tiny Construct
    Hit Dice: 1d10 (5 hp)
    Initiative: +2
    Speed: 15 feet (3 squares)
    Armor Class: 17 (+2 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 15
    Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-8
    Attack: Shortspear +1 melee (1d3+1) or shortspear +3 ranged (1d3+1)
    Full Attack: Shortspear +1 melee (1d3+1) or shortspear +3 ranged (1d3+1)
    Space/Reach: 2½ ft./0 ft.
    Special Attacks: Shortspear
    Special Qualities: Construct traits, darkvision 60 ft., goodberry, low-light vision, resistance to magic, vulnerability to fire, wood crafted
    Saves: Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +0
    Abilities: Str 11, Dex 14, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 9
    Environment: Any
    Organization: Solitary
    Challenge Rating: ½
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Always neutral
    Level Adjustment:

    A stickling is made from sticks and leaves of any variety. The torso is generally crafted from a thicker branch, or multiple branches combined. Inside the torso is a hollow, containing magical berries. It wields a shortspear.


    Sticklings prefer to attack while hidden, throwing their shortspears from hiding. If possible, the stickling will retreat to regain its cover if its opponent learns of its whereabouts.

    Goodberry (Su): A stickling produces magical berries in a hollow area in its torso. These berries function as the goodberry spell, producing 1d4 goodberries every day. Each day, there is a 10% chance that half of the berries produces (rounded down) are bad. Bad berries, instead of healing 1 hit point will cause the creature to lose 1 hit point. Anyone who eats a bad berry must succeed on a DC 13 Fortitude save or spend their next round throwing up. This save is Dexterity based.

    Resistance To Magic (Ex): A stickling is immune to any spell or spell-like ability of level 1 or lower that allows spell resistance. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature, as noted below.

    A burning hands or produce flame spell affects the stickling normally.

    Shortspear (Ex): The stickling may produce up to 5 shortspears per day from its body. A shortspear may only be produced once every round, and they are appropriately sized for a Tiny creature. The stickling gains a +1 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls when using these shortspears. If anyone else wields them, the bonus is lost. Retrieving a new spear is a swift action. A stickling may produce more than 5 shortspears in one day, but each additional spear inflicts 1 point of damage to the stickling.

    Wood Crafted (Ex): Three times per day, a stickling may break apart its own body into its base components—sticks and leaves. The stickling may remain in this state for as long as it needs to. When in this state, the stickling is unrecognizable from normal sticks and leaves. Breaking apart or putting itself back together is a full round action. If any of the wood used to craft the stickling is moved more than 5 feet from the spot the stickling broke apart, it must be crafted again. Additionally, the stickling gains a +8 racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks when in a wooded area at all times.


    A stickling is crafted from sticks and leaves. These components need not be of any value, and may be easily collected from any tree or wooded area. Assembling the body requires a DC 8 Craft (woodcarving) check. Every 5 points the creator is above the DC, the stickling gains an additional 1 HP. Every 10 points the creator is above the DC, the stickling gains an additional +1 bonus to natural armor. If the creator's Craft check is 25 points over the required 8 (33 or more), the stickling's CR increases to 1.

    CL 1st; magic weapon or magic fang or goodberry, caster must be at least 1st level; Price 55 gp; Cost – gp + 75 XP.

    Size/Type: Tiny Construct
    Hit Dice: 1d10 (5 hp)
    Initiative: +3
    Speed: 10 feet (2 squares)
    Armor Class: 17 (+2 size, +3 Dex, +2 natural), touch 15, flat-footed 14
    Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-10
    Attack: Slam -2 melee (1d3-2)
    Full Attack: Slam -2 melee (1d3-2) or knife -2 melee (1d4-2)
    Space/Reach: 2½ ft./0 ft.
    Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities
    Special Qualities: Aid, construct traits, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, resistance to magic
    Saves: Fort +0, Ref +3, Will -1
    Abilities: Str 7, Dex 16, Con —, Int —, Wis 8, Cha 9
    Environment: Any
    Organization: Solitary
    Challenge Rating:
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Always neutral
    Level Adjustment:

    Skinlings are much more humanoid in design than their kin. They are made of stitched leather, and carry a small knife on their back for defense. Skinlings are the most articulate of their kind. Their hands are well defined and are able to be used for small, detailed work. They are mostly used as helpers for craftsmen and the like.


    Skinlings are not built for combat, and only carry weapons for self defense if it is absolutely necessary.

    Aid (Ex): The skinling may grant its master with an Aid Another bonus (of +1 as opposed to +2 as normal) without rolling.

    Resistance to Magic (Ex): A skinling is immune to any spell or spell-like ability of level 1 or lower that allows spell resistance.

    Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): A skinling is crafted with magical components to help it with various tasks. A skinling gains the following spell-like abilities: 3/day – detect magic, mending.


    A skinling is crafted from scraps of leather. These components need not be of any value, and can be bought for minimal cost. Assembling the body requires a DC 8 Craft (leatherworking) check. Every 5 points the creator is above the DC, the skinling gains an additional 1 HP. Every 10 points the creator is above the DC, the skinling gains an additional +1 bonus to natural armor. If the creator's Craft check is 25 points over the required 8 (33 or more), the skinling's CR increases to 1.

    CL 1st; mending, caster must be at least 1st level; Price 60 gp; Cost 10 gp + 75 XP.

    Size/Type: Tiny Construct
    Hit Dice: 1d10 (5 hp)
    Initiative: +1
    Speed: 10 feet (2 squares)
    Armor Class: 17 (+2 size, +1 Dex, +4 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 16
    Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-8
    Attack: Gem sword +0 melee (1d4)
    Full Attack: Gem sword +0 melee (1d4)
    Space/Reach: 2½ ft./0 ft.
    Special Attacks:
    Special Qualities: Construct traits, damage reduction 3/magic, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, resistance to magic
    Saves: Fort +0, Ref +1, Will -1
    Abilities: Str 11, Dex 13, Con —, Int —, Wis 8, Cha 10
    Environment: Any
    Organization: Solitary
    Challenge Rating: ½
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Always neutral
    Level Adjustment:

    Gemlings are constructed from semi-precious gemstones. Although the gems are not especially rare, gemlings are still made from a much more valuable material than most miniature golems. They are made from whatever gems the creator has on hand, and are assembled in a haphazard, humanoid form. They wield a crystalline sword for defense. Gemlings can also be made into a much sleeker, crafted form but it requires additional cost and effort.


    Gemlings are usually the possessions of aristocrats and rich craftsmen, who prize them for their beauty. Gemlings are capable of defending themselves, and sometimes act as bodyguards. They are extremely aware of their master’s orders and follow them precisely.

    Resistance to Magic (Ex): A gemling is immune to any spell or spell-like ability of level 1 or lower that allows spell resistance. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature, as noted below.

    A shatter spell affects a gemling normally. If a gemling is destroyed in this manner, a mending spell may be cast within 1d4 rounds, reviving the gemling with half hit points.


    A gemling is crafted from semi-precious gems. The gems require a certain expenditure for materials, equaling 100 gp. Assembling the body requires a DC 8 Craft (gemcutting) check. Every 5 points the creator is above the DC, the gemling gains an additional 1 HP. Every 10 points the creator is above the DC, the gemling gains an additional +1 bonus to natural armor. If the creator's Craft check is 25 points over the required 8 (33 or more), the gemling's CR increases to 1.

    CL 1st; mending, magic weapon, caster must be at least 1st level; Price 200 gp; Cost 150 gp + 75 XP.

    Size/Type: Tiny Construct
    Hit Dice: 1d10 (5 hp)
    Initiative: +3
    Speed: 15 feet (3 squares); fly 10 feet (average)
    Armor Class: 17 (+2 size, +3 Dex, +2 natural), touch 15, flat-footed 14
    Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-9
    Attack: Slam -1 melee (1d3-1 nonlethal)
    Full Attack: Slam -1 melee (1d3-1 nonlethal)
    Space/Reach: 2½ ft./0 ft.
    Special Attacks:
    Special Qualities: Construct traits, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, resistance to magic
    Saves: Fort +0, Ref +3, Will -1
    Abilities: Str 8, Dex 17, Con —, Int —, Wis 9, Cha 10
    Environment: Any
    Organization: Solitary
    Challenge Rating:
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Always neutral
    Level Adjustment:

    Stitchlings are small sewn creatures, roughly crafted and stuffed. They have small cloth wings to allow them to fly, and have no obvious weapons. They look similar to cloth dolls, except for their obviously magical movement.


    Stitchlings are not built for combat, but they will attempt to defend themselves with their slam attack if necessary.

    Resistance To Magic (Ex): A stitchling is immune to any spell or spell-like ability of level 1 or lower that allows spell resistance. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature, as noted below.

    A burning hands or produce flame spell affects the stitchling normally.


    A stitchling is constructed from cloth that is sewn together. The materials need not be expensive or of good quality, and cost the creator 1 gp. The materials are factored into the cost. Assembling the body requires a DC 8 Craft (clothing) check. Every 5 points the creator is above the DC, the stitchling gains an additional 1 HP. Every 10 points the creator is above the DC, the stitchling gains an additional +1 bonus to natural armor. If the creator's Craft check is 25 points over the required 8 (33 or more), the stitchling's CR increases to 1.

    CL 1st; mending, caster must be at least 1st level; Price 50 gp; Cost 5 gp + 75 XP.

    Size/Type: Tiny Construct
    Hit Dice: 1d10 (5 hp)
    Initiative: +1
    Speed: 10 feet (2 squares)
    Armor Class: 15 (+2 size, +1 Dex, +2 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 14
    Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-9
    Attack: Club -1 melee (1d3-1)
    Full Attack: Club -1 melee (1d3-1)
    Space/Reach: 2½ ft./0 ft.
    Special Attacks:
    Special Qualities: Construct traits, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, resistance to magic
    Saves: Fort +0, Ref +1, Will -1
    Abilities: Str 9, Dex 12, Con —, Int —, Wis 8, Cha 7
    Environment: Any
    Organization: Solitary
    Challenge Rating:
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Always neutral
    Level Adjustment:

    Bonelings are crafted from leftover animal bones, and are usually put in the shape of a man, using a small animal skull as the head (that of a chicken or small bird is the most common). Bonelings carry a bone that they use as a club. Bonelings do not serve much purpose and are often used for simple tasks such as exterminating rats. They do not possess any hands or similar to hold objects except for their club, which is attached to their body.


    The boneling will use its club in self defense or to carry out a task from its master, but is not terribly useful in combat.

    Resistance to Magic (Ex): A boneling is immune to any spell or spell-like ability of level 1 or lower that allows spell resistance. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature, as noted below.

    A disrupt undead spell affects the boneling normally, despite not being undead.


    A boneling is constructed from leftover animal bones that are either previously attached or connected with small straps of leather or string. The materials need not be expensive or of good quality, and cost the creator 1 cp. The materials are factored into the cost. Assembling the body requires a DC 8 Craft (any) check. Every 5 points the creator is above the DC, the boneling gains an additional 1 HP. Every 10 points the creator is above the DC, the boneling gains an additional +1 bonus to natural armor and its Strength score increases by 1. If the creator’s Craft check is 20 points or more above the required 8, the boneling’s CR increases to 1.

    CL 1st; mending, caster must be at least 1st level; Price 15 gp; Cost 10 gp + 75 XP.

    Size/Type: Tiny Construct
    Hit Dice: 1d10 (5 hp)
    Initiative: +1
    Speed: 10 feet (2 squares); earth glide
    Armor Class: 16 (+2 size, +1 Dex, +3 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 15
    Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-9
    Attack: Slam +1 melee (1d3+1)
    Full Attack: Slam +1 melee (1d3+1)
    Space/Reach: 2½ ft./0 ft.
    Special Attacks:
    Special Qualities: Construct traits, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, earth glide, made of mud, regeneration 1, resistance to electricity 5, resistance to magic
    Saves: Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +1
    Abilities: Str 12, Dex 13, Con —, Int —, Wis 12, Cha 9
    Environment: Any
    Organization: Solitary
    Challenge Rating: ½
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Always neutral
    Level Adjustment:

    A mudling is made from exactly that—mud. Sculpted into a vaguely humanoid shape, mudlings are brutish and slow. However, the element of their construction affords them several unique advantages. The mudling has hands and can grip small objects.


    Mudlings engaging in combat will go straight for their target, slamming into them repetitively until either their target or themselves are destroyed.

    Earth Glide (Ex): A mudling can glide through damp earth as easily as a fish swims through water. Its burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole, nor does it create any ripple or other signs of its presence. A move earth spell cast on the area containing a mudling immediately flings it to the surface, destroying it.

    Made of Mud (Ex): The mudling’s natural state is not far from that of its constructed form. As a move action, the mudling can dissolve into a puddle of mud, indistinguishable from ordinary mud except by some means of magic detection. Additionally, if it is touching damp earth, the mudling gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls.

    Small objects may be contained within the mudling, but any attack against it has a 10% chance of destroying the object (if the attack was capable of doing so).

    Regeneration (Ex): The mudling’s form is of a liquid, allowing it to reform after attacks. Slashing weapons deal normal damage to a mudling. If a mudling loses a limb or body part, the lost portion regrows in 1d4 minutes. The mudling can reattach the severed member instantly by holding it to the stump.

    Resistance to Magic (Ex): A skinling is immune to any spell or spell-like ability of level 1 or lower that allows spell resistance. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature, as noted below.

    A ray of frost or chill touch spell freezes the mudling, holding it in place for a number of rounds equal to the damage dealt by the spell.


    A mudling is constructed from globs of wet mud that are sculpted into a roughly humanoid shape. The materials can be created by mixing dirt and water, and cost the creator nothing. The materials are factored into the cost. Assembling the body requires a DC 8 Craft (sculpting) check. Every 5 points the creator is above the DC, the mudling gains an additional 1 HP. Every 10 points the creator is above the DC, the mudling gains an additional +1 bonus to natural armor. If the creator’s Craft check is 25 points over the required 8 (33 or more), the mudling’s CR increases to 1.

    CL 1st; mending, caster must be at least 1st level; Price 20 gp; Cost 5 gp + 75 XP.

    Size/Type: Tiny Construct
    Hit Dice: 1d10 (5 hp)
    Initiative: +3
    Speed: 15 feet (3 squares); wind walk
    Armor Class: 15 (+2 size, +3 Dex), touch 15, flat-footed 12
    Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-11
    Attack: Slam -2 melee (1d3-2 nonlethal)
    Full Attack: Slam -2 melee (1d3-2 nonlethal)
    Space/Reach: 2½ ft./0 ft.
    Special Attacks:
    Special Qualities: Construct traits, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, DR 3/slashing, messenger, regeneration 1, resistance to magic, vulnerable to cold, wind walk
    Saves: Fort +0, Ref +3, Will -1
    Abilities: Str 7, Dex 16, Con —, Int —, Wis 9, Cha 10
    Environment: Any
    Organization: Solitary
    Challenge Rating:
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Always neutral
    Level Adjustment:

    An ashling is a construct created by animating a pile of fresh ash. An ashling is thin and wiry, vaguely humanoid and its only features are two glowing red eyes. Ashlings are nimble, quick, and hard to destroy. Their primary purpose is that of a messenger.


    Ashlings are not very suitable for combat, but are quite hard to destroy. They tend to flee from combat unless given no other choice or ordered to do so by their master, using their wind walk ability to escape.

    Messenger (Su): An ashling’s primary use is to send messages. A small message written on paper or parchment may be inserted inside the ashling. The message is incinerated immediately, with no traces. The ashling will then travel to the person its master orders it to, and relay the message. The ashling will not divulge the information of the message to anyone else, and always knows exactly where their target is. Upon telling its message, the ashling will wait for a reply and return to its master (it will always return to its master regardless of instructions from the receiver). When relaying a message the ashling will travel constantly at a rate of 30 miles per hour.

    Regeneration (Ex): The ashling is affected normally by cold damage. If an ashling loses a limb or body part, the lost portion regrows in 1d4 minutes. The ashling can reattach the severed member instantly by holding it to the stump.

    Resistance to Magic (Ex): An ashling is immune to any spell or spell-like ability of level 1 or lower that allows spell resistance. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature, as noted below.

    A ray of frost and chill touch spell affect the ashling normally.
    A gust of wind spell causes the ashling to discorporate immediately (as wind walk) and instantly move to the maximum range of the spell. Any higher level magical wind effects deal damage to the ashling equal to half of its hit points (rounded up).

    Wind Walk (Ex): An ashling may, as a swift action, discorporate its body and float through the air as a small cloud of ash. This ability functions as the spell wind walk except as noted in this ability, and the ashling is considered to be fully clothed in white (except in this case, the ashling can be mistaken for smoke). The ashling flies at its full base land speed with perfect maneuverability, and may summon a waft of wind to push it along at a rate of 300 feet per round (30 mph) with poor maneuverability.


    An ashling is constructed from a pile of fresh, hot ash. The ashling must be created just as the fire goes out, and costs the creator no money except for the cost of the fire. The materials are factored into the cost. The creator need not assemble the body, and the construction of an ashling does not require a Craft check. However, because of this, an ashling cannot be improved due to its maker’s prowess.

    CL 1st; mending or burning hands, caster must be at least 1st level; Price 20 gp; Cost 5 gp + 75 XP.

    Size/Type: Tiny Construct
    Hit Dice: 1d10 (5 hp)
    Initiative: +4
    Speed: 15 feet (3 squares)
    Armor Class: 17 (+2 size, +4 Dex, +1 natural), touch 16, flat-footed 13
    Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-11
    Attack: Slam -3 melee (1d3-3 nonlethal)
    Full Attack: Slam -3 melee (1d3-3 nonlethal)
    Space/Reach: 2½ ft./0 ft.
    Special Attacks:
    Special Qualities: Construct traits, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, DR 2/slashing, resistance to magic, tread softly, unravel, vulnerable to fire, yarn
    Saves: Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +1
    Abilities: Str 5, Dex 18, Con —, Int —, Wis 13, Cha 11
    Skills: Move Silently +14
    Environment: Any
    Organization: Solitary
    Challenge Rating: ¼
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Always neutral
    Level Adjustment:

    A yarnling is a mass of dissembled yarn, string, twine, and other similar materials. It is in the vague shape of a doll devoid of any features except two buttons for its eyes. A yarnling’s soft exterior makes it suitable for sneaking about and retrieving information for its master.


    If spotted, a yarnling will attempt to hide first, then run away if needed, and will fight only if necessary. Their pitiful strength makes them unsuitable for most combat situations.

    Resistance to Magic (Ex): A yarnling is immune to any spell or spell-like ability of level 1 or lower that allows spell resistance. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature, as noted below.

    Any magical fire effect affects the yarnling normally.
    An animate rope spell causes the caster to seize control of the yarnling for the duration of the spell (this spell can also be used to deal 1d6/round damage to the yarnling, if the caster wishes to do so).

    Tread Softly (Ex): The yarnling’s body is made of soft and malleable components, allowing it to move without making a sound. The yarnling has a +10 bonus on all Move Silently checks.

    Unravel (Ex): The yarnling can, as a move action, unravel itself to return to an un-animated state. The yarnling appears no different than normal yarn or string, except through magic detection of any kind. The yarnling requires a full-round action to ravel itself once more. In its unraveled state, the yarnling may move at a rate of 5 feet per round (1 square). Additionally, it can move through any small space that a piece of yarn would be able to fit through (as thread through a needle).

    Yarn (Su): The yarnling is able to relay the story of its escapades by weaving itself to form pictures and words. By taking 1 minute to do so, the yarnling may weave a simple picture of a person or place (or similar), or a message of up to 20 words (this message is a direct recording of any verbal communications the yarnling was sent to spy on). Reading the yarnling’s message accurately requires a DC 10 Decipher Script check due to its simplicity.


    A yarnling is constructed from a pile of yarn, string, twine, or similar material. These components need not be of any value, and can be bought for minimal cost. Assembling the body requires a DC 8 Craft (weaving) check. Every 5 points the creator is above the DC, the yarnling gains an additional 1 HP. Every 10 points the creator is above the DC, the yarnling gains an additional +1 bonus to natural armor. If the creator’s Craft check is 25 points above the required 8 (33 or more), the yarnling’s CR increases to 1.

    CL 1st; mending, caster must be at least 1st level; Price 40 gp; Cost 15 gp + 75 XP.

    Size/Type: Tiny Construct
    Hit Dice: 1d10 (5 hp)
    Initiative: +2
    Speed: 15 feet (3 squares)
    Armor Class: 15 (+2 size, +2 Dex, +1 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 13
    Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-10
    Attack: Slam -2 melee (1d3-2 nonlethal)
    Full Attack: Slam -2 melee (1d3-2 nonlethal)
    Space/Reach: 2½ ft./0 ft.
    Special Attacks:
    Special Qualities: Construct traits, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, pacifying pollen, resistance to magic
    Saves: Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +0
    Abilities: Str 6, Dex 14, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 14
    Environment: Any
    Organization: Solitary
    Challenge Rating: ¼
    Treasure: None
    Alignment: Always neutral
    Level Adjustment:

    A flowerling is a small construct created from bundles of grass and flowers woven together to form a small doll-like creature. A large flower takes the place of the creature’s head. Flowerlings are often the companions of druids or other magic users who spend a lot of time in the outdoors.


    Flowerlings will not engage in combat unless ordered to, instead using their pollen to pacify any opponents before running away.

    Pacifying Pollen (Su): A flowerling can release a cloud of pollen that calms its opponents. This ability functions as the spell calm emotions, except as noted. The pollen may be released at any adjacent target, in which case it lasts for 1d4+1 rounds. Additionally, it can also be released in a small cloud with a 10 foot radius, emanating from the flowerling. Used in this manner, the pollen lasts for 2 rounds. Creatures targeted by the pollen must succeed on a DC 11 + master’s Charisma modifier (or the flowerling’s Charisma modifier, whichever is higher) Will save or be affected as calm emotions. This ability is usable twice per day.

    Resistance to Magic (Ex): A flowerling is immune to any spell or spell-like ability of level 1 or lower that allows spell resistance. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature, as noted below.

    Magical fire effects affect the flowerling normally.


    A flowerling is crafted from an assortment of grass and flowers. These components need not be of any value, and may easily be collected from any area plentiful in flowers and grass. Assembling the body requires a DC 8 Craft check. Every 5 points the creator is above the DC, the flowerling gains an additional 1 HP. Every 10 points the creator is above the DC, the flowerling gains an additional +1 bonus to natural armor and the base DC of its pacifying pollen ability increases by +1. If the creator’s Craft check is 25 points over the required 8 (33 or more), the flowerling’s CR increases to ½.

    CL 1st; shillelagh or mending, caster must be at least 1st level; Price 50 gp; Cost 10 gp + 75 XP.
    Last edited by Vaynor; 2014-07-20 at 03:03 AM.
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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Miniature Golems

    Wow, these'r actually pretty damn cool. Nice minions to be made by a low level mage. I'd definitely make one.
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    Thanks, that's what I was aiming for.
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    Default Re: [3.5] Miniature Golems

    Sweet. . I'm glad that you included the construction costs because so often this information is omitted.

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    Default Re: [3.5] Miniature Golems

    These are really awesome. Wish I had had the stats on these when I started my crafter mage. Great job.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cieyrin View Post
    That point can be debated, depending who we're talking about cooking.
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    Default Re: [3.5] Miniature Golems

    Awesome. Really awesome.

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    Default Re: [3.5] Miniature Golems

    Thanks everyone! Also, if you have any ideas for additional materials they could be constructed out of, let me know.
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    Default Re: [3.5] Miniature Golems

    What about a tickling? a tiny bronze mechanical man.

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    Default Re: [3.5] Miniature Golems

    Four (or maybe five) words:

    Half-Dragon Incarnate Ironling Golem.

    Otherwise, good job! I really like them.
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    Default Re: [3.5] Miniature Golems

    Quote Originally Posted by Leeham View Post
    What about a tickling? a tiny bronze mechanical man.
    I'd call it a gearling or clockling, actually, since a tickling sounds like something that casts Tasha's hideous laughter all the time.
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    Darn you PoDL for making me care about a bunch of NPC Commoners!
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    Default Re: [3.5] Miniature Golems

    These are pretty cool. I applaud in praise! =D

    I do have 2 specific thoughts on these, however, one a nitpick and the other more a suggestion, I suppose.

    First, the nitpick: The skinling, as the only one of the mini golems with an Int score, should have a feat and 8 skill points worth of skills. Not much use as master's helper if it's assisting untrained, am I right?

    Second, for the suggestion: I don't actually see too many of these being produced, as Craft Construct requires Craft Wondrous Item and Craft Magical Arms and Armor, which have a CL requirement of 3 and 5, respectively. The earliest you'll see a character doing this would be at 6th level, which would would be a Wizard 6 filling his 3rd, 6th and bonus 5th level feat slots with them. Given your mini golems have CLs of 1 or 2 and if you want to see such low level characters making 'em, you'd need a 1st level feat, a Craft Construct Lite, as it were. Hell, I'll make it here.

    Fledgling Artificer
    You have begun your magical crafting early, tinkering and creating miniature creations as you continue your studies towards making grander constructs.
    Prerequisites: Spellcasting ability (Int or Cha) 15, arcane caster level 1st.
    Benefits: You can create minor constructs, though not as efficiently as more learned magical artisans. During the construction process, you must make a caster level check (DC 6 + [the construct's CL x 2]) every day. If you fail the check, you lose a day of work. If you fail by 5 or more, your plans are inherently flawed and you have to begin again from scratch. You're limited to making constructs of CL 5 or your current caster level, whichever is lower. The construction process is otherwise as noted in Craft Construct.
    Should you later gain Craft Construct, your early experience and insight in crafting artisanship grants your creations a +1 hp per hit die and +2 to one stat of your choice.
    Special: You can take this feat only as a 1st level character.

    I based this feat off of the Precocious Apprentice feat from Complete Arcane and the Craft Construct feat from the MM. I hope I wasn't too forward in creating this in your homebrew.

    Them's my 2 coppers. Take as you will.
    Last edited by Cieyrin; 2010-08-16 at 06:34 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mulletmanalive View Post
    Damn you Cieyrin! Cieyrin!!!!!read as Khaaaaan!

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    Default Re: [3.5] Miniature Golems

    Quote Originally Posted by Cieyrin View Post
    These are pretty cool. I applaud in praise! =D

    First, the nitpick: The skinling, as the only one of the mini golems with an Int score, should have a feat and 8 skill points worth of skills. Not much use as master's helper if it's assisting untrained, am I right?
    No it doesn't, because that's a mistake. I'm thinking about adding an ability that let's it use its masters skill modifiers.

    Second, for the suggestion: I don't actually see too many of these being produced, as Craft Construct requires Craft Wondrous Item and Craft Magical Arms and Armor, which have a CL requirement of 3 and 5, respectively. The earliest you'll see a character doing this would be at 6th level, which would would be a Wizard 6 filling his 3rd, 6th and bonus 5th level feat slots with them. Given your mini golems have CLs of 1 or 2 and if you want to see such low level characters making 'em, you'd need a 1st level feat, a Craft Construct Lite, as it were. Hell, I'll make it here.
    They don't require a feat to make, you'll notice. They're not hard to make at all, I don't see why you'd need one. I'll think about adding in your feat however.
    “Sometimes, immersed in his books, there would come to him
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    Default Re: [3.5] Miniature Golems

    Ah, I stand corrected on the construction front. Here I was thinking Craft Construct was implied as required as opposed to, when I go looking through the Golem section of the SRD, they implicitly say they need Craft Construct and your mini-golems say they just need these spells to work, plus craft(whatever) checks to make. No feat in sight. I suppose I tip my hat to you, sir.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mulletmanalive View Post
    Damn you Cieyrin! Cieyrin!!!!!read as Khaaaaan!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cieyrin View Post
    Ah, I stand corrected on the construction front. Here I was thinking Craft Construct was implied as required as opposed to, when I go looking through the Golem section of the SRD, they implicitly say they need Craft Construct and your mini-golems say they just need these spells to work, plus craft(whatever) checks to make. No feat in sight. I suppose I tip my hat to you, sir.
    Yeah, the whole idea on these guys is that they don't require much skill to construct. I did like the feat but I just don't see it fitting with these guys. Maybe if I made some mid-sized golems?
    “Sometimes, immersed in his books, there would come to him
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    Default Re: [3.5] Miniature Golems

    I really like these. They remind me of Rich's Gingerbread Golem, which is more fun to use than a DM ought to have. Kudos, good sir.

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    Default Re: [3.5] Miniature Golems

    Very nice Vaynor!

    How about a filth variety - a Scabling or Scabber?

    Perhaps a one shot messaging variety that delivers a custom message or scroll to a scented or very particular person.

    Maybe a 'Crevice Crawler' designed for darkness stealth and very small spaces.

    Perhaps a 'Broomling' or 'Broomer' like the animated brooms from the Mickey Mouse Sorcerer's Apprentice

    Q: The Inkling description makes reference to a 'Scorchling' is this a typo ?

    Animation: I think it might be an interesting mechanic to animate the lesser golems with a first level spell slot. That would let them be made at 1st level and be trivial creations at upper levels. The animation could be halted as a free action and the slot would return with the next day. It would also tie the animations to a particular wizard.

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    Default Re: [3.5] Miniature Golems

    Quote Originally Posted by sigurd View Post
    Very nice Vaynor!

    How about a filth variety - a Scabling or Scabber?

    Perhaps a one shot messaging variety that delivers a custom message or scroll to a scented or very particular person.

    Maybe a 'Crevice Crawler' designed for darkness stealth and very small spaces.

    Perhaps a 'Broomling' or 'Broomer' like the animated brooms from the Mickey Mouse Sorcerer's Apprentice

    Q: The Inkling description makes reference to a 'Scorchling' is this a typo ?

    Animation: I think it might be an interesting mechanic to animate the lesser golems with a first level spell slot. That would let them be made at 1st level and be trivial creations at upper levels. The animation could be halted as a free action and the slot would return with the next day. It would also tie the animations to a particular wizard.
    First of all, thanks!

    So, made out of scabs, I don't even want to know how they'd get enough scabs to make a scabling. Gross. (Maybe a...poopling (<-- insert dirtier word) might be a little more feasible if you want a gross golem.

    I was actually thinking of modifying the inkling to be able to change itself into a paper airplane and send messages. I'd of course add the spell Sending to the spells used to create it.

    What would the crevice crawler be made out of?

    Possibly, but it seems that could be accomplished by a simple Animate Objects spell, it wouldn't really be a golem.

    I don't know how that got there, it's a typo, I'll fix it now.

    I'd add that in but I'd like them to function a little more similar to normal golems, and make them available to people that aren't spellcasters as well.
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    Default Re: [3.5] Miniature Golems

    These... rock. Plain and simple. I think that I will be stealing these ASAP, if you don't mind.

    I think you need to make a morphling, torchling, and thornling though. Kudos if you get the reference.

    Oh, and the other thing I was thinking about: seeing as these are really easy to make, would you consider making a system of upgrades that can be performed on them? They're easy to build after all, so they should be easy to modify/combine/whatever.
    Last edited by arguskos; 2009-07-17 at 08:15 PM.

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    Default Re: [3.5] Miniature Golems

    Quote Originally Posted by arguskos View Post
    These... rock. Plain and simple. I think that I will be stealing these ASAP, if you don't mind.

    I think you need to make a morphling, torchling, and thornling though. Kudos if you get the reference.

    Oh, and the other thing I was thinking about: seeing as these are really easy to make, would you consider making a system of upgrades that can be performed on them? They're easy to build after all, so they should be easy to modify/combine/whatever.
    Thanks, go ahead and use them.

    Sorry, don't get the reference, could you provide a link?

    Well you can already upgrade them with a higher craft check, and I was thinking about adding graft-like things to be able to add to each (like wings, increased natural attacks, additional natural attacks, increased speed, etc).
    “Sometimes, immersed in his books, there would come to him
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    Default Re: [3.5] Miniature Golems

    A Scabber might be made out of any putrid muck. They might be named for the scabs they leave rather than the actual material that made them.

    Messaging - I think you should stay away from flight if you want to control power level. Stealthy, low, weak, and slow seems appropriate for something this easy to make.
    At this power level I think specialization like sending a message should be a planned ability and might take more effort or reduce the construct elsewhere. I don't imagine these would be very smart or flexible. Likely they might be made to contact only one person.

    A Crevice Crawler would be made of long hair, insects, small bones, and silver chain. It would perhaps not be an entirely wholesome thing. Perhaps they are Ironlings made with a thieves picks and tools or a silver chain as a component part.

    A Broomling or Drudge would be an urban variety of Stickling. Perhaps it trades the goodberry ability for greater lifting and chore doing powers (btw. you should probably limit the length of time Goodberries are viable for in the original description.) I imagine it would be a very likely variety.

    Animation: You could have both. Perhaps there is a 3rd level spell with a small exp cost that sustains an animation for a year and a day. A 5th level spell might last 10 years and a day or, with a bigger exp cost, be permanent.
    Alternately, creating the construct might require a feat or consume a number of hp from its master every day. I think they need to be harder to make.
    You have to come up with a mechanic to transfer mastery in any case if you want these to belong to non casters.

    I'd stay away from upgrades if these are really minor creations. Can they be the subject of buffing spells?

    Last edited by sigurd; 2009-07-17 at 08:45 PM.
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    Default Re: [3.5] Miniature Golems

    As for the Skinling as a Helper, perhaps he can use the Aid Another actions without rolling, and automatically grant the bonus, albeit at a +1.

    Also, and Idea: Miniature Golems as a Familiar alternative.
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    Default Re: [3.5] Miniature Golems

    Quote Originally Posted by sigurd View Post
    A Scabber might be made out of any putrid muck. They might be named for the scabs they leave rather than the actual material that made them.
    I'll definitely add it when I get around to it.

    Messaging - I think you should stay away from flight if you want to control power level. Stealthy, low, weak, and slow seems appropriate for something this easy to make.
    At this power level I think specialization like sending a message should be a planned ability and might take more effort or reduce the construct elsewhere. I don't imagine these would be very smart or flexible. Likely they might be made to contact only one person.
    I was thinking a 1/day ability for the inklings to be able to turn into a paper airplane and fly a specific distance and back, sending a single message.

    A Crevice Crawler would be made of long hair, insects, small bones, and silver chain. It would perhaps not be an entirely wholesome thing. Perhaps they are Ironlings made with a thieves picks and tools or a silver chain as a component part.
    Hmm, maybe.

    A Broomling or Drudge would be an urban variety of Stickling. Perhaps it trades the goodberry ability for greater lifting and chore doing powers (btw. you should probably limit the length of time Goodberries are viable for in the original description.) I imagine it would be a very likely variety.
    Maybe, also the goodberry ability functions as the spell unless specified otherwise.

    Animation: You could have both. Perhaps there is a 3rd level spell with a small exp cost that sustains an animation for a year and a day. A 5th level spell might last 10 years and a day or, with a bigger exp cost, be permanent.
    Alternately, creating the construct might require a feat or consume a number of hp from its master every day. I think they need to be harder to make.
    You have to come up with a mechanic to transfer mastery in any case if you want these to belong to non casters.
    I like the way it works now for the time being. I added a transfer mechanic. I might increase the XP penalties.

    I'd stay away from upgrades if these are really minor creations. Can they be the subject of buffing spells?
    I think the increased HP/AC from increased check is enough for now. They are subject to buffing spells just as normal golems/constructs.

    Quote Originally Posted by ChumpLump View Post
    As for the Skinling as a Helper, perhaps he can use the Aid Another actions without rolling, and automatically grant the bonus, albeit at a +1.

    Also, and Idea: Miniature Golems as a Familiar alternative.
    Already thinking about implementation, adding a mechanic momentarily.
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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Miniature Golems

    Twas a joke on your naming scheme, and goes with my suggestion of alterations. The three names I gave you are Magic cards, if you're familiar with the game. Linked below, for you to see. I don't really expect you to do much with 'em, but I thought it was funny.


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    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: [3.5] Miniature Golems

    You could use all the metals of the metallic dragons. (Brass, bronze, gold, silver, copper), and also possibly the special materials like adamantine and mithral.

    Say have gold dragons leave goldlings to serve as watch dogs for their wyrmlings.

    Leaf --> Leafling
    Fur --> Furling
    Leather --> Leatherling?
    Carpet --> Carpetling

    Hmmmm, I'm trying to think of how to combine one of these with a pin cushin.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Miniature Golems

    Hmm... how a bout a 'boneling' that can cast Cause Fear once or twice per day? Tell it to patrol the house and help keep away burglars.

    These are excellent, by the way, congratulations on the idea. I think I'll have to borrow them for a game of mine.
    Last edited by Shpadoinkle; 2009-07-17 at 10:28 PM.

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Miniature Golems

    My first thought when I saw this thread was remembering an old wizard I had. She had enchanted an iron golem's body with a permanent shrink item. The shrink turn on with a command word and turns off with a 'sharp strike' so what she used to do was hand the eight-twelve inch golem to the party fighter who would charge in and throw it behind an enemy group. The jolt of it striking ground would unshrink it to it's full twelve-foot height and proceed to destroy sum bastards.
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    Default Re: [3.5] Miniature Golems

    Quote Originally Posted by Thrawn183 View Post
    You could use all the metals of the metallic dragons. (Brass, bronze, gold, silver, copper), and also possibly the special materials like adamantine and mithral.

    Say have gold dragons leave goldlings to serve as watch dogs for their wyrmlings.

    Leaf --> Leafling
    Fur --> Furling
    Leather --> Leatherling?
    Carpet --> Carpetling

    Hmmmm, I'm trying to think of how to combine one of these with a pin cushin.
    I like the metals idea, I'll work on it. Your other (4) ideas however are already implemented, basically. The stickling is made from sticks and leaves. The skinling encompasses the next two, it is made from leather scraps which could very well have fur on them. As far as the carpetling goes, it's basically a stitchling made out of slightly different material. Not really worth statting out, just use the stitchling stats with some slight modifications (maybe an increased natural armor because of the thicker material).

    Also, a stitchling is basically already a pincushion, having absolutely no difference in construction from one other than the obvious differences in shape and size.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shpadoinkle View Post
    Hmm... how a bout a 'boneling' that can cast Cause Fear once or twice per day? Tell it to patrol the house and help keep away burglars.

    These are excellent, by the way, congratulations on the idea. I think I'll have to borrow them for a game of mine.
    Awesome, definitely. It would work well for the necromantic trainees. I'll add this in tomorrow.

    Go for it, and thanks a lot.
    Last edited by Vaynor; 2009-07-17 at 10:54 PM.
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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Miniature Golems

    I kind of imagined a creature made out of an alchemist fire when I read the 'Scorchling' typo.
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    Default Re: [3.5] Miniature Golems

    Quote Originally Posted by ChumpLump View Post
    I kind of imagined a creature made out of an alchemist fire when I read the 'Scorchling' typo.
    I suspect this wouldn't be much different than a fire elemental.
    “Sometimes, immersed in his books, there would come to him
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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Miniature Golems

    These. Are. So. Cool.

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