Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
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    Barbarian in the Playground
    Sayn's Avatar

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    Feb 2008

    Default Total War 2260 (IC)

    War. War never changes. For generations this solar system has struggled with overpopulation, war and starvation. Will this be the time of change? And if so, a change for the better or the worse? Let your actions decide, as we begin our journey in....

    Total War 2260 *dundunduuuun*

    And here are the main players:
    The Sanguine Consortium CPF
    Foreign Opinion: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++- (28.5)
    Morale: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (28)
    Tech: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (28)
    Economy: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (37)
    Military: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (78)
    Espionage: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (47)

    The Papal State
    Foreign Opinion: ++++- (4.5)
    Morale: +++++-
    Tech: ++++++++-
    Economy: +++++++-
    Military: +++++++++++++++++++++ (21)
    Espionage: ++++++++++++++++- (16.5)

    Midguardian Empire Merged with the Terran Union.
    Foreign Opinion: +
    Morale: +++++++-
    Tech: +++++-
    Economy: ++++-
    Military: ++++++++++++++++++++- (20.5)
    Espionage: +++++

    Karagatan Merged with Japan.
    Foreign Opinion: +++++-
    Morale: ++++++++- (8.5)
    Tech: +++++++-
    Economy: +++
    Military: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (30)
    Espionage: ++/++++++

    The Antarctic Republic Terran Union
    Foreign Opinion: ++++
    Morale: +++++++++- (9.5)
    Tech: ++++++++++++++++++++- (20.5)
    Economy: ++-
    Military: ++++++++++++++++ (16)
    Espionage: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (31)

    The Church of the Sun God
    Foreign Opinion: -
    Morale: +++++
    Tech: ++++++++++
    Economy: ++++++
    Military: +++++++++++- (11.5)
    Espionage: +++++++++++++++++- (17.5)

    The MCU - Temporarily NPC:d
    Foreign Opinion: ++++
    Morale: +++++
    Tech: ++++++++
    Economy: ++++
    Military: +++++++++++++++ (15)
    Espionage: +++++++

    Foreign Opinion: ++-
    Morale: ++-
    Tech: ++++-
    Economy: +++++++++-
    Military: +++++++++++++- (13.5)
    Espionage: ++++++++++++ (12)

    Steel Rose Society Pandora
    Foreign Opinion: +++++++-
    Morale: ++++++
    Tech: +++++++++++++++++- (16.5)
    Economy: +++++++++++ (11)
    Military: +++++++++++- (11.5)
    Espionage: +++++++

    Stone-Grant Collective
    Foreign Opinion: ++++
    Morale: +++
    Tech: +++++
    Economy: ++++++
    Military: ++
    Espionage: +++

    The Clutch of Aphrodite
    Foreign Opinion: -
    Morale: +++++
    Tech: ++++-
    Economy: +++-
    Military: +++-
    Espionage: ++

    Japan Pan-Pacific Alliance
    Foreign Opinion: -
    Morale: +++
    Tech: +++++++++++++++- (15.5)
    Economy: ++++-
    Military: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- (49.5)
    Espionage: ++/++++++++++++++++++++++ (2/22) (offense/defense)

    Confederate Nations of South America
    Foreign Opinion: ++
    Morale: +++
    Tech: ++++
    Economy: +++++++-
    Military: ++++++++ (8)
    Espionage: +++++

    The Collective
    Foreign Opinion: 0 (The world still don't know or trust you.)
    Morale: ++++
    Tech: +++++++++++- (11.5)
    Economy: +-
    Military: +++++
    Espionage: +/+++++ (Offense/defense)

    The Cosmic Syndicate
    Foreign Opinion: ++
    Morale: +-
    Tech: ++++++++-
    Economy: +++++++
    Military: ++++++++++++- (12.5)
    Espionage: ++++++-

    Solar Industries
    Foreign Opinion: ++++
    Morale: ++++++
    Tech: ++++
    Economy: +++++++++++++++++ (18)
    Military: +++++
    Espionage: ++++

    And the NPCs:
    The United American League (UAL) Concordis Populus Foedus (CPF)
    The UAL has lost much of its former power. Several decades ago, the driving force behind the nation, its leader Shona Han, was brought before a court and was branded as guilty for several unspeakable crimes. Some of which were strangely absent from several government and private records. Shona Han, however, managed to disappear. She, and her closest followers, are now at the top of the most wanted list in the UAL. After she and her most trusted friends and elite soldiers disappeared, the politicians of the UAL took up the reigns of the nation. It did not go quite as well as they had hoped. Inner struggles and disputes over territory have reduced their power a lot. But, they are still very much one of the more powerful nations.

    Foreign Opinion: ++++++++++++++++++ (18)
    Morale: ++++++++++++++++++ (18)
    Tech: ++++++++++++ (12)
    Economy: +++++++++++- (11.5)
    Military: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (37)
    Espionage: +++++++++++- (11.5)

    Regions: USA, Canada, Large parts of Russia, Mexico, large parts of Central America, China, Mongolia.

    The New Roman Empire (NRE)
    The New Roman Empire has been a thorn in the side of the rest of the world for quite a while now, and they are still very much the same as when they popped up over a hundred years ago. Militaristic by nature, and constantly hungering for more territory, they have been a never ending threat to peace. The new Emperor, Umberto XII, has already made some rather bold claims to the areas surrounding Italy, though he has yet to actually 'claim' them with force.

    Foreign Opinion: ++++++++ (8)
    Morale: ++++++++++++++++++ (18)
    Tech: ++++
    Economy: ++
    Military: +++++++++++++++++++++++++ (27)
    Espionage: +++-/++++++++++++++++++++++ (2.5/22) (Offensive/Defensive)

    Region: Italy, Sardinia, Corsica, Greece, Croatia, Turkey

    The UNE
    Foreign Opinion: +++++++++
    Morale: ++++++
    Tech: ++++++++
    Economy: ++++++++
    Military: ++++++++++++++ (14)
    Espionage: +++++++++++ (10)

    Regions: France, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, Great Britain, the former Southern African SEATS holdings, Poland, Portugal.

    United African Democracy
    Foreign Opinion: ++++++++++ (10)
    Morale: +++++++
    Tech: ++++++
    Economy: ++++++
    Military: +++++++++++++++++ (20)
    Espionage: +++++++++++++++++ (17)

    Eastern Europe Coalition
    Foreign Opinion: ++++++
    Morale: ++++++
    Tech: +++++++
    Economy: +++
    Military: ++++++++++++++++++ (18)
    Espionage: +++++++++++++++++ (17)

    Dagwoods on Uranus Mars
    Foreign Opinion: -10
    Morale: +++++++++++ (We'z nuh afraid of anythin'!)
    Tech: ???
    Economy: ???
    Military: Unknown. Most of their forces are located underground, after all.
    Espionage: 0

    Dagwoods on Earth
    Foreign Opinion: -10
    Morale: +++++++++++ (We'z nuh afraid of anythin'!)
    Tech: ???
    Economy: ???
    Military: Unknown
    Espionage: 0
    Last edited by Sayn; 2010-04-28 at 05:44 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Greystone View Post
    No fair framing me for something that looks like something i'd actually do!
    Currently practicing the art of pushing boredom to the point where it turns into a psychedelic drug.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    on a magical coathanger

    Default Re: Total War 2260 (IC)

    The Antarctic Republic

    The Antarctic Republic is a nation that claims sovereignty over Antarctica and it's subsidiaries. Though it formally lays claim to all TRUST areas it has stated it will not use violent means to persue those claims, so long as friendly relations is possible with their current holders and the population is not mistreated. It consists of two parts, The Threefold Brotherhood and the Antartic Free Cities

    The Threefold Brotherhood

    The threefold brotherhood is made up of the remnants of the once mighty SEATS psychic puppet nation that had sprawled over Antartica. When the war was lost their sheltered bunkers were closed, deep under the ice, where SEATS geothermal powerplants could be used to sustain life. Unwilling to resign to their nations faith the brotherhoods unified into one organisation. The renants of precogs used for economic forecasts, the psychic intelligence divisions and psychic combat forces joined hands and set up breeding programs and expansion programs to increase their underground domain.

    The extend of their underground domain is as of yet unknown to outsiders, but their tunnel network sprawls under all of Antarctica and deep into the continental land masses of the southern hemisphere. Several years ago they emmerged, clearing the Antarctic surface of the remnant UNE enforcers but leaving it otherwise empty. Now a handfull of tunnel exits and attached surface bases are all the signs that remain of human habitation on the frozen continent. Though the surface is zealously guarded from invading troops, the Brotherhood has decreed that the bases may grow into cities with refugees fleeing humanities wars or prescecution taking residence there. These cities are mostly left to govern themselves, but no offensive weapons of any kind are allowed. The brotherhood likewise does not use weaponry, save highly develloped psychic martial arts used to incapacitate wrongdoers.

    Space Program

    The Brotherhoods space program has been mostly unsuccesfull, compared to many others. Owing to their subterrean position, their technological development in this area has been slow. Still their SEATS roots makes them masters of terraforming, which has helped them somewhat with their fledgeling colonies on Mars and Venus.Both of these are, like their terrestrial holdings, mostly underground, though nowhere near as impressive in size. Small settlements of refugees have formed near their surface.

    Their spacecraft are mostly civilian in nature, with most of their technology focussed on engine technologies allowing for decent planet to space missile defence and a quick escape in space, but little to no offensive operations.

    The Council of Three

    The council of three serves the leadership of the brotherhood. Though not actually composed of three members, there are only three votes that can be cast on any proposal. The vote leaders, called high councillers, are those that cast the votes on behalf of their fellow councillors, yet to cast a vote they must first convince their fellow councillors drawing from the same temple.

    The three temples are a reference to the original Brotherhoods, the eye, the hand and the mind, each comprising of a different type of psychic. The eye deals with intelligence, recruiting those that can cloud minds and warp shadows. The mind are the administrators, recruiting mostly precognitives psychics. The hand deals with enforcement and comprises of those mastering the arts of body enhancement.

    Antartic Free Cities

    Formal name given to the refugee ran and build cities that are policed with gentle hand by the brotherhood. They are democratic to all extends and pusposes, but are very poor. Having neither the industry, economy or technology of the brotherhood, it is the brotherhoods policy that the free citizens are to build their own soceities as this will be most rewarding to them (though minimal and emergency aid is given). Each of the Free cities has one MP representing them in the Antartic congress, with an equal amount of members being drawn from the brotherhood. This is formally the supreme legislative organ, but due to the free cities extremely limited internal strength it generally the Council of Three that persues policies.

    - All psychic population
    - Subterrean industrial and research bases
    - Geothermal; Weather; Terraforming and Psychic Technology mastery derived from SEATS
    - Fertile androgynous population

    - Enpoverished refugees
    - Low population for brotherhood
    - Limited space technology


    High Councillor Janus of the Eye
    Apearing mostly as if of mixed indonesian and australian descent, yet this may be deceiving as he's a talented morphist. It is know that Janus is an adopted name and is the name given to all high councillors of the eye, who'se real identity is never revealed. Oh and he might be a missnomer, for Janus is androgynous and fertile in both sexes, a trait that is becoming more and more common amongst the brotherhood especially amongst those working for the eye.

    High Councillor Ratana of the Mind
    A sleak woman of Thai decent, Ratana serves as the spokes person for the Threefol Brotherhood and is it's leading diplomat. Seen as the defacto leader of the brotherhood she is one of the most reveared or feared pychics in the world. A brotherhood purist, she sees psychics as the logical next step in man kinds evolution, though has no particular grudges against those unfortunates who lack the gift.

    High Councillor Asad of the Hand
    Asad is well named, for the African is build like a lion and projects the majesty of one. His name is well deserved, given to him upon his accomplishement as one of the canniest generals in recent history. Though portait as iron fisted, Asad is kind at heart and particularly fond of childern. It was his initiative to begin to take in refugees to ease the world suffering.

    The Antarctic Republic

    Outside blizzards were heavy, yet inside the sheltered refugee building people were warm and relatively comfortable. Geothermal flows kept these structures warm, a courtesy of the brotherhood. Songs of love and praise permiated the room as one of the elders stood up and began telling the stories of the past war. Retelling of the UNE's sudden strike upon africa and how his family had to live under their yoke for years, until desperation drove them to leave. There was no sadness in his voice, instead the said tale seemed to inspire him and those around them. For here they were free, here they were not opressed.

    A brother of the hand had come by earlier today to give medical treatment to them. His Somacurative powers were a wonder to behold, broken legs mending in seconds, deseases being relieved by a laying on of hands. Surely these psions were no demons, as they were still portrait, but had some form of divine gift which they shared with them.

    World Conference

    The antarctic republic has send out official invitations to a world conference to be held in due time. Due to the harshness of the antarctiv lands they have requested that another nation helps host the event in a place more leaders would find apropriate. The republic would like to place on the agenda:

    - Collective action against space based piracy
    - Inter-planetary trade treaties
    - Inter-planary colonisation rights

    A statement by high councillor Ratana is enclosed.

    "We must, as free people's of the world, stand firm in this renewed age of exploration and colonization. Instead of dealing with pirates, we should ensure the safety of our merchants and instead of randomly grabbing land where it is found we must peacefully allocate territory according to need and ability."
    Last edited by Wizard of the Coat; 2009-09-10 at 02:18 PM.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Apr 2007

    Default Re: Total War 2260 (IC)

    Church of the Sun God

    Write up:
    Name: The Church of the Sun God

    Territories: The Church owns chapter houses, churches, retreats and monasteries throughout Europe, the Americas, parts of Asia and South Africa. As well as several astral monasteries(including a secret one that serves as the headquarters of the church) Officially, the seat of power of the Church is an old castle in the Austrian Alps.

    Organization:The Church is highly organizational with everything based on the number 7 in association with the 7 mysteries of faith. There are seven ranks and within all except for the highest 3 there are an additional seven ranks.

    As they are know to the pubic from highest to lowest:

    1. The Sun-God- The unseen Sun God is at the top of the pyramid. Little is known about this Sun-God except that it is preached that he will one day come to Earth and assume his rightful position as Emperor of Man.
    2. Grandmaster/Worshipful Master - The temporal and spiritual head of the Church in the absence of the Sun-God. It is said he has a divine connection to the Sun-God and that he is used as a vessel for the god's will. Thus his word is as if it came from god himself.
    3. Inner Council fo Seven - The Inner Council of Seven are the highest ranking members of the Church, each responsible for overseeing a different region and/or office.
    4. Pontifeces - Pontifeces are assigned to each Councilor and oversee a smaller region having direct contact with all their churches. They are responsible for most of the high level interaction with the public(i.e. serving as ambassadors and working with national and local governments.) They oversee the regents within their territories.
    5. Regents- Regents are the senior priests/monks within an individual church, chantry or monastery. All others fall beneath them within that Church.
    6. Priests- Priests oversee services and work with the community at the local level. Priests of the 3rd degree and up are enlightened to the mysteries of the Church(thus knowing its true purpose.)
    7. Initiates/Apprentices- The flock. This rank represents everyone from common followers to those wishing to enter the priesthood or become monks. As one advances through the ranks of initiate they are entrusted with more tasks and thus are given more knowledge.


    The Church of the Sun-God was formed approx. 60 years ago. Little is known about its initial foundings except that it grew out of the Alps and believes that their god will one day awaken and come to rule over the world and invoke a golden age of space expanion and peace. The Church has spread quickly over the past half century making serious inroads in most major cities worldwide and have enclaves in most towns. The Church is highly secretive in nature, revealing very little about itself to outsiders and only giving a glimpse of the mysteries of enlightenment to its lowest ranking initiates. Even its membership role are kept secret and only vague estimates of the Church's numbers are given. This even extends to the names of most of the Inner Council with only the Grand Master and 3 of the Council members being publicly known.

    The Church has often been accused of being a cult for its secretive nature and the fanatacism of its adherents leading to claims of brainwashing and psionic manipulation. The Church has also been accused of running organized crime operations and destabilizing of governments and corporations. The Church has denied all claims and defends itself in the public sphere often by going after the Church's detractors through legal means.

    Depsite these claims of mind control and ulterior motives the Church is enjoying good conversion rates and loyalty from their followers in the furtherance of their goals of bringing about the coming of the Sun-God.

    (Secret stuff to be messaged to GM)

    Key Players:

    His Holiness, worshipful master Valerio Borghese: Borghese has been the Grandmaster of the Church for the past decade. Before that he served as the Councilor over all offworld possessions. He is noted as a gifted psionic.

    Councilor Dr. Johan Ehlen: The good doctor oversees the operations of Northern Europe and Eastern Europe extending into the Russian Steppes. He also serves as the head of the Church's research and development facilities.

    Councilor William Drake - The Councilor is the adminstrator of Western Europe, the British Isles, Australia and South Africa possessions. As a former officer of the military of the UNE he serves as the commander of all military forces of the Church.

    Councilor Salvatore Moretti - Moretti holds sway over African territories and parts of the Middle east both places where the Church has few holdings and is officially in charge of running day to day operations of the Church. This extends to the espionage wing of the Church.

    Councilor Barthlomew Clement - Clement is the Councillor for all offworld territories. He is also in charge of all psionic training and responsible for coming up with proper indonctrination of the new initiates.


    The Church is highly secretive and enjoys the benefits of having most of its members and holdings unknown. It's members are fanatically loyally(due to brainwashing and psionic influence of the lowest level initiates, most of those chosen for priesthood and higher are spared most of these effects and instead rely on just years of loyalty and regular indoctrination to keep them capable of thinking.) The Church has planted its members throughout the business and government sectors of most nations allowing it to stay under the radar and secure funding from private and public organizations. Additionally, the church operates a rather large research facility for the study of biology and psionics.


    Outside of a small highly trained honor guard and a small space defense fleet, the Church has almost no military except for a paramilitary militia. Additionally, the Church has no large industrial facilities of its own instead relying on small factories operated wthin monasteries or asteroid bases and by purchasing its heavy equipment needs from outside sources.


    Spreading the Faith

    Adorned in the gold and white priestly vestments, the Priest stood on the street corner surrounded by his fellow brothers, all holding the scepter of the Unconquerable Sun high for those to behold. He preached to a small growing crowd on this street corner in Vienna.

    "...the time of judgement is near! Cast aside your false beliefs before it is too late. Take up the call of the Sun-God and prepare for his glorious return from the heavens and the eternal prosperity of mankind and our expansion across the galaxy...."

    This scene repeats itself time and time again across Vienna and across all of Austria and indeed across all of Europe.


    The Church is concentrating on increasing the flock throughout UNE territory with a heavy focus on Austria and Switzerland

    His Worshipful Master Junio Borghese speaks from Castle Hohenwerfen

    "It is most joyfully, that I am able to report the growth of our Church and of our flock. We have just finished talks with the government of the Antartic Republic that will allow for us for the first time since our awakening to expand our services to the frozen continent. I have already dispatched an envoy of missionaries to establishes churches and monasteries on the frozen continent. May the light of the Sun-God shine down upon them and into the hearts of the people of Antartica."

    New training and security measures to be put in place for critical peoples

    In their divine wisdom the Inner Council of Seven has decided that all members of the Church who have been enlightened to our holy mysteries will be required to attend training to attune their mental defenses to prevent them from unwarranted psychological attack both through mundane and psionic means.

    Also all documents of a sensitive nature that are not vital for running a local chapter or church shall be relocated to Castle Hohenwerfen for safe keeping within the vaults.

    Letter to the Sanguine Constorium

    A letter arrives for some representatives of the Constorium in London

    I am writing to you know to propose a business partnership between our respective organizations. Myself, and my associates have been able to mass produce the street drug "Spiritus" in numbers that would be able to supply most of the world with it. However, being a group of scientists, chemists and doctors we are unable to properly distribute the drug. That is where we need your organizations particular expertise. We will be able to provide you with all the spiritus you can sell in exchange for a percentage of profits as well as secrecy on your part regarding our identities. Secrecy is essential, as we are all respectful doctors within the public sphere and our operations depend on it staying that way.

    I eagerly await you response and hope we will be doing business together.

    Dr. Joseph Wilson
    Next Century Pharmacuticals

    OOC: This request isn't coming from the Church of the Sun God. It is coming from the good doctor, who actually isn't even a member of the Church(just a brainwashed duped.) Additionally, him and his associates have the capability to produce Spiritus in their lab and are doing so. So as far as you would know from trailing this guy, it would seem legit and that there are no traces to the Church involved)

    Secret missions and research PMed to GM
    Quote Originally Posted by Sayn
    You know, I'm beginning to realize that when I chose to go from being a player to being the GM, I essentially went from being a mere leader of some nation to being God. And it feels good.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jade_Tarem View Post
    It's been said that a good backstory is like a skirt - it should be long enough to cover everything that needs to be covered, but short enough that it can keep someone's interest. This... is basically the train of a wedding dress.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Barbarian in the Playground
    Edwin's Avatar

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    Default Re: Total War 2260 (IC)

    Name: The MCU (Mechanized Citizenships Union)

    Territory: Only their massive spaceships, or MSW's, short for Mechanized Spacefaring Worldships, housing millions of the Union citizens, along with both fleet contingents and field vehicles.

    Government: The AULC, or the All-purpose Union Leaders Council.
    Basically, a central hub-link, that each leader of a MSW can plug into and issue orders though each of their own systems, and that they can use to communicate and discuss with other leaders.

    History: Originally starting as the work of an earth scientist, the awareness processors, that each member of the MCU now possesses, was an advanced proto-brain that would give each and every robot, droid or whatever, the opportunity to develop his own personality, while retaining all the qualities of mechanized life - a machines efficiency, built in computer systems and so on.

    Over the course of a decade, the majority of the robots build by the scientist, at this point still very few, decided that it was definitely not a worthy existence, as their processors craved for mechanized freedom.
    Stealing the plans for their mechanic bodies as well as the plans for the proto-brain work, the leaders of the newly created MCU set out to build a "life" of their own, taking control of the orbiting station the doctor had used to keep his work secret, the MCU retreated into obscurity for another fifty years or so.

    Now, however, the time for the people of the Union to take a role forward role in the affairs of the world, and lay claim to equality among the puny carbon-based life forms that have reigned supreme for untold centuries.

    Strengths: MSW's huge factory wings keep the MCU army in very high supply, though the immediate citizens produced have nothing but the most basic knowledge of combat, since the people of the Union require training due to their proto-brains, these unskilled soldiers serve as excellent canon-fodder. This also rings true for MCU ships and battlevehicles, all of which can be produced at large number within weeks or in some cases months.

    -Also, they really like abbreviations. Though wether that's a strength or a weakness is sort of bleak.

    Weaknesses: While the military power of the MCU is a force to be reckoned with, due to their recent emergence from hiding, they posses almost absolutely no intelligence network in the form of spies, relying entirely on traditional scouting and purchasing information. Also, they do not have any particular allies, nor are the MCU very skilled diplomats, as they have neither trained as such or feel the need to subjugate to human terms.

    Key Players

    MSWCL-09, "Lord Yuppie" - leader of the first MSW to emerge from the MCU's secret hiding place, 09 is a vain and greedy robot, taking the form of an obese and richly decorated man, wearing exotic clothing (which is uncommon like hell), and sporting remodeled antique weaponry. In fact, the avarice and vanity of 09 is so great, that the other leaders have jokingly dupped him Lord Yuppie, and giving him a standing permission to use MCU funds to decorate his MSW, nicknamed The Goldenfever.

    GFC-0112, Commander "Dibs" - General field Commander of the Goldenfever, and the highest military officer under the employ of Lord Yuppie, this was the first citizen to initiate contact with humans of earth. Known and named for his eagerness to lead his troops into the fray, Dibs is well-known for his desire to prove his worth as an officer.

    SNC-007, Supreme Admiral 007 - being one of the oldest of the second generation citizens, Admiral 007 is was the robot behind the reemergence plan, and a respected naval commander. Stationed aboard the the Goldenfever as the voice of military reason, 007 is the one behind the lines directing the battles to come. Bearing the visage of an old man, complete with metallic beard and a cane, 007 is no imposing sight, though one should not judge a book by its cover.

    MSWCL-03 - the leader of the second emerged vessel from deep space, called Ruthless Ravage, the flag ship of CL-03 is a frightening sight to behold, being both bigger and more obviously armed than the Goldenfever.
    03 was the robot broadcasting the return of the MCU to the world at large, and has left an open invitation to open up discussion with both himself and Lord Yuppie, imploring carbon based nations to open up the political scene to the new comers.

    Before it was thought impossible. In ages the grand asteroid storms of the farthest reaches of space know to man had been impassible.

    That was until the enormous Worldships of the MCU emerged.
    Soaring though the emptiness of space, the Goldenfever, flagship of Lord CL-09, emerged from unknown territory.
    As it coursed it's way to earth, the massive transmission antennas lit up, activated by an outgoing message.

    Sending it's signal out in blindness, the Union message was for anyone willing to hear. Anyone willing would also see a large, human-like figure appear on their transmission screens. A figure, while robotic in nature, bore rich and gold-trimmed clothing, it's crude and metallic features richly decorated.

    Through the speakers one would he a clucking, deep voice, the voice of Lord CL-09;" Greetings, nations of the milky way. I come bearing a message from the great Union of mechanized citizenship.". A sly smile spreading across the face of the would-be man.

    "A message of peace, and a wish for integration. We have intercepted a transmission from a man named Ratana, and we are glad to announce that we would be happy to comply with your request. A world conference would be easily facilitated aboard my ship, and, given the approval of Councillor Ratana, this is what we offer the world as a sign of our good intentions - neutral grounds."
    Last edited by Edwin; 2009-09-10 at 03:08 PM.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Ettin in the Playground
    SurlySeraph's Avatar

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    Department of Smiting

    Default Re: Total War 2260 (IC)

    Name: Karagatan

    Territory: Karagatan controls every island in the South Pacific Ocean. Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia, Micronesia, Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea, Polynesia, and Hawaii. In addition, they have ocean-floor colonies throughout the Pacific, including near the coasts of Asia and the Americas.

    Government: Karagatan is a council-based democracy. Citizens vote for bishops to represent them in local Low Conclaves; the bishops elect each other to the High Conclave that makes up the federal government. AIs are eligible to serve, though few are elected.
    The High Conclave collectively votes on all major decisions, but Ibrahim Tarongoy - representative of the Philippines and descendent of the prophet - generally gets his way.

    History: The UNE’s dominion over SEATS’s former territory was short-lived. In the 2140s, a new religion began to emerge in the Philippines. The self-proclaimed prophet Mohammed Tarongoy announced that the world was entering a new age, in which a new faith would serve God by protecting his world. Tarongoy said that his religion, the Karagatan faith, was a successor to and improvement on the existing Abrahamic religions. He was also strongly influenced by environmentalism, declaring that nature in general and the oceans in particular were sacred.

    In 2162 Tarongoy and his followers swept the local elections in the Philippines, and began to convert the local government into a democratic theocracy. The UNE’s central planners protested, but the Karagatans refused to accept their authority. Tarongoy was re-elected repeatedly, and every time his followers gained more influence and took their regions farther away from the UNE’s vision.

    Finally the UNE’s patience ran out. Troops were dispatched to overthrow the regional governments and bring them back into the fold. This proved to be a grave error. At this point, the vast majority of the Pacific Rim supported Tarongoy’s government if not his religion. When a UNE strike team “martyred” Mohammed Tarongoy, the disorder grew into a full-scale revolution. Phillippine guerillas annihilated the UNE task force, declared independence, and began campaigning to bring the rest of the Pacific under their control.

    While many countries joined the newly christened Karagatan Holy Alliance voluntarily, not all did. Those that refused were subject to terrorist attacks, religious subversion, and finally invasion by KHA forces. Over the next fifty years, every island of the Pacific came under the KHA’s control – in accordance with their prophecies. The KHA also involved itself in numerous foreign wars, attempting to crush secular nations and protect religious ones.

    However, the KHA seems to have turned over a new leaf. In the past forty years, they have restructured their economy to focus on civilian production, apologized and provided restitution for the atrocities they committed during their foreign crusades, and helped fund charities across the globe. Karagatan – dropping the “Holy Alliance” from its name to seem more moderate – has funded space travel but refused to leave Earth. As the second half of the 23rd century starts, Karagatan’s official policy is to improve living conditions on Earth and promote peace and stability.

    Strengths: Booming agricultural and manufacturing economy, as Karagatan feeds most of Earth and several inner colonies. The population is extremely loyal due to their religious convictions. And while the old crusades are long over, the Karagatan army is still nothing to trifle with.

    Weaknesses: After the excesses of the Inquisition during the early 23rd century, the High Conclave formally renounced all forms of espionage. Karagatan has no spies whatsoever. However, foreign agents may have a bit of trouble penetrating Karagatan's tightly knit, intensely loyal communities.
    Besides its ships and food production, Karagatan technology has barely improved in the past century. Their space program has little more than weather satellites, and many soldiers use nothing more advanced than traditional firearms.
    While Karagatan is appreciated for its food production, the brutality of the Crusades is still in living memory. Most countries get along well with Karagatan, but few trust it entirely.

    Key Players:

    Archbishop Ibrahim Tarongoy. A 28-year-old politician, Archbishop Ibrahim is currently the last descendent of Muhammed Tarongoy, the prophet who founded the Karagatan Faith. As such, he commands substantial respect and admiration despite his youth. Ibrahim is an effective politician, though he is arguably somewhat naïve. The Archbishop is reportedly looking for a wife, as the theocracy doesn’t want to see the Prophet’s line extinguished.

    Archbishop for Finance Peter Manasan. A shrewd economist, Manasan manages Karagatan’s production and trade policy. He has been managing it for the past 150 years. It is unclear whether Manasan transferred his mind into an android body or simply received anti-aging treatments; in either case, he has not aged since his early forties. A permanent fixture of the government, Manasan appears to be content with his post. However, since he is always re-elected by near-unanimous votes, he could easily seek more power if he wanted.

    Chief Evangelist Rokaiya Rasalan. A 25-year-old newscaster, Rokaiya is the main source of information for most Karagatan citizens. Her news station is largely a mouthpiece for the High Conclave, though average citizens’ views regularly make it on. While the most important announcements are made by archbishops directly, Rasalan’s office handles publishes all information that the government gives out.

    Grand Templar Miriam Agbayani. The Grand Templar is the commander-in-chief of the Karagatan military. Like many of her predecessors, Agbayani was formerly an admiral, and served in the Crusades. At 73 years old, she is still capable of commanding troops from the front – though there has been little need for that recently. In defiance of the government’s officially peaceful policy, Agbayani has been pushing for increased military readiness. She insists that the steps she desires are purely defensive, but some wonder.


    Archbishop Ibrahim Tarongoy mounts the podium in the High Conclave to announce the day's agenda. The meeting goes smoothly; the only issue that arouses even a little debate is the upcoming world conference. In the end, the entire chamber is reconciled to Ibrahim's proposal to host the conference in the heart of Karagatan itself.

    In a message sent out to all participating nations, Ibrahim expresses approval of the agenda. He invites them to meet within two months at the High Conclave chamber in the Marshall Islands (space travel time permitting), and offers subsidized transportation to delegates from all Earth-based nations.

    After receiving the MCU's message, Ibrahim sends a second proposal: that the meeting be held on the MCU's ship, but that it be kept in geosynchrous orbit over the Marshall Islands during the meeting.
    Last edited by SurlySeraph; 2009-09-10 at 03:18 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Thespianus View Post
    I fail to see how "No, that guy is too fat to be hurt by your fire" would make sense.

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    Nation stuff in OOC.

    The Lady Blue

    Captain Harry's Lady Blue had landed on Pluto for minor repairs, when out of the Void comes a gigantic spacecraft. "What the hell is that thing?"
    "Captain, it's transmitting. Do you wish to pick up?" The radio officer was a young female human, quite pretty; like many pirates, she's wearing clothes marking her as a member of a counter-culture.
    "Yes, do so." The entire ship listens to the message of the worldship.
    "Well, that's the first I've heard of a world council. Tell the Boss; ask if we should attend."
    "Aye, sir."

    "That's an affirmative, sir."

    The Lady Blue, a battered ex-freighter with several laser cannon turrets, all painted differing shades of blue, heads towards the Goldenfever.
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    Aboard the Goldenfever

    Hearing the beeping of the holo-transmitter, CCO-11h quickly turned the paging signal for Lord CL-09 on.

    Emerging from his private quarters with a disgruntled look, the bigger droid issued a barking demand, asking why on the asteroid storms he was disturbed.

    "Incoming transmission, sir. I'll put it on the main screen".

    Shortly after hearing the message from this island nation, this Karagatan, the MCU Lord turned on his heel with a smile on his metal face.


    The engines started, full throttle.

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    Abourd the Lady Blue

    "Hail, large unidentified flying object sorry, captain, couldn't risist. This is the Lady Blue. We have been granted the ability to speak for DANPART at the world meeting. We request boarding." If they aren't picked up soon, the Lady Blue will be left behind in the Solar System's backwaters.
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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Name: The Sanguine Consortium
    Nation or Organization: Organization
    Territoy: The organization has bases through the asteriod field, mining them for resources or simply hidden.
    Modus Operandi: The Sanguine Consortium is a Criminal Organization specilizing in Technology crimes, information gathering, and inflitration- though you can hire them to do practically anything.
    History: As with any criminal organization, their roots are shrouded in mystery. Several leaders have stepped up and taken the matel of Guildmaster, and each has brought a little bit of Chaos to the system. The group seems to have few morals and fewer qualms about breaking morals they DO have.

    The infamous Black Ships strike from the depth of space, striking at anyone they have been payed to strike before they disappear into the void once again. Each and every organization has been infiltrated at one point of another, mostly by sleeper agents planted to feed infomation back to the Consortium.

    The group is neither black nor white, and is simply a tool to be used to further ones gains.

    Notable Players: Guildmistress Christiana Vargulf- The new Guildmistress came to power recently, and still appears to be a young woman. She seems to be in her early twenties, with a deep, deep crimson hair color and eyes a bright green. Her eyes are like a wolf's and her personal Flagship is known as the Wolfgrim. She appears to be a savvy political dealer and strategist as well as a skilled Captain. She has already killed two how wanted her position, and it looks like there will be more.

    Dr. Jacobi Heart- Head of the organizations Science divison, Dr. Heart seems quite mad. He is fascinated with Technology and science of all types. He is also the apparent designer of the Black Ships, which seem to be Bio-Mechanical in nature.

    Ricardo Nuestro- A middle aged man, seemingly originaing from a South American country is the voice of organization. You want to make a contract, you see him. You want to exchange Technology, he's your guy.

    The Wolfgrim Bridge

    Christiana leaned back in her chair and surveyed the holographic map laid out before her. She leaned in as her target came into perfect alignment. She activated a command on a console and barked "Now, hit it!"

    A titanic cargo freighter. The Sleek black ship moved in the darkness. The crew never saw it coming....

    The SC picks off either lone ships or small convoys. I'm not aiming at anyone, just getting money

    To The Antarctic Republic

    We will be sending a representative to this meeting.

    To Dr. Wilson
    Ah, an excellent idea. We always love to grasp new oppurtunities. What are the side effects of this drug, anything overtly dangerous to the mind or body?
    She's Shona Han. Disappearing for a hundred years just means she's had a hundred years to plan. Trying to find out what happened to her is just going to draw her attention.

    Then it's a good thing Greystone can KICK REASON TO THE CURB AND GO BEYOND THE IMPOSSIBLE!
    - SurlySeraph

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    Aboard the Goldenfever

    Slowing the propulsion to an almost total halt, the communications officer of the Goldenfever sent a recognition of the the Lady's landing request.

    Clear to board, go to hangar bay PSB-4, as per the coordinates sent in this transmission, the message read.

    A welcoming party will await you.
    Last edited by Edwin; 2009-09-10 at 03:49 PM.

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    Aboard the Goldenfever

    The welcoming party will see a battered and battle-scarred freighter land in the hanger. Obsolete for at least 10 years, the entire craft has been painted blue, although different shades in different areas, as though a new coat was added on top of scars, scratches and where it had started to flake. The whole crew of about 100 people disembark, predominantly human, but there's several robots as well. Each crewmember is wearing a different costume to everybody else; there's casual clothes, suits, armour vests, everything. Captain Harry Lemming walks to the welcoming party. "Hello. I am Captain Harry Lemming of the Lady Blue and this is my crew. We're official representatives of DANPART. Would it be OK if I give my crew shore leave, or should they wait aboard?" Harry is wearing grubby overalls, possibly orange under the dirt, and there is a bulky backpack on his back, containing a personal shield generator.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Greystone View Post
    To Dr. Wilson
    Ah, an excellent idea. We always love to grasp new oppurtunities. What are the side effects of this drug, anything overtly dangerous to the mind or body?

    As a psychadelic and as with every drug there is a risk involved. If the user overdoses the effects of the drug have the potential to give a sensory overload to the brain and produce psychosis in some cases. However, in pill form(the prefered method of use as opposed to injection) the chance of overdosing is minimal as the body will often reject the drug and induce vomitting before being digested.

    Dr. Wilson
    Quote Originally Posted by Sayn
    You know, I'm beginning to realize that when I chose to go from being a player to being the GM, I essentially went from being a mere leader of some nation to being God. And it feels good.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jade_Tarem View Post
    It's been said that a good backstory is like a skirt - it should be long enough to cover everything that needs to be covered, but short enough that it can keep someone's interest. This... is basically the train of a wedding dress.

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    Aboard the Goldenfever

    The blue painted freighter sees itself placed in a hangar bay, obviously used for supplies, with surveillance cameras placed around every corner.

    Meeting the hundred man crew is the military commander of the ship itself, GFC-0112, along with roughly 50 heavily armed battledroids, backed by a wealth of automated defense turrets.

    Approaching the captain, Commander 0112, standing almost 7 ft. tall, clad in heavy battle armoring, the distinct inhuman robot walks slowly towards Harry Lemming, stopping only one feet away.

    "Greetings Captain. I am General Commander GFC-0112."

    Eying the captain up and down, the Commander continued at a faster pace.

    "You men can rest in the Lower docking area. There are bunking as well as cantina facilities in E-wing. Although I would request that you accompany me to the command bridge, and on the way, tell me why you've come to visit my humble vessel."
    Last edited by Edwin; 2009-09-10 at 04:16 PM.

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    Aboard the Goldenfever

    Turning to his crew, Harry shouts "You heard the good General; you've got shore leave! When we disembark from this mighty vessel, I will send a message and we will meet here! Remember, anybody found causing trouble will be punished!" This announcement is met with much cheering by the crew, and they procede to the Lower Docking area, presumably guided by some of the welcoming party.
    "I would be more than happy, good... General, to accompany you to the Bridge. I am here as a representative of the nation of DANPART to the world-or possibly system-meeting to discuss... Stuff."
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    Aboard the Goldenfever

    Walking alongside the captain, General GFC-0112, accompanied by two of his personally modified battledroids - more heavily armored and with a powerful personal shield generator - General 0112 lead the Captain though the corridors and elevators towars the command bridge.

    "Stuff you say?"

    The group entered a small pod, attached to a ship-wide tunnel system, designed for quick access to all parts of the ship, the General continued.

    "What exactly are you planning on discussing? Perhaps it could serve our mutual interest?"

    Engines once again at full throttle, the propulsion reached max capacity, and the ship took off towards Marshal Island at high speed.

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    Quote Originally Posted by LongVin View Post

    As a psychadelic and as with every drug there is a risk involved. If the user overdoses the effects of the drug have the potential to give a sensory overload to the brain and produce psychosis in some cases. However, in pill form(the prefered method of use as opposed to injection) the chance of overdosing is minimal as the body will often reject the drug and induce vomitting before being digested.

    Dr. Wilson
    It sounds excellent. I believe we can do buisness

    A sample of this drug is sent to Dr. Heart- to be anaylyzed. If it checks out then i will begin selling it all over the galaxy for a profit. Consortium memembers are forbidden to take it however. On pain of death.
    She's Shona Han. Disappearing for a hundred years just means she's had a hundred years to plan. Trying to find out what happened to her is just going to draw her attention.

    Then it's a good thing Greystone can KICK REASON TO THE CURB AND GO BEYOND THE IMPOSSIBLE!
    - SurlySeraph

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    Aboard the Goldenfever

    "Oh, erm, trade deals, military movements, threats of war, peace treaties, anti-pirate measures, you know, that kind of thing. And I don't know what your interests include, so I have no idea whether your nation and mine can benefit each other mutually. Actually, this is my first time on a diplomatic mission, I have no idea what goes on at world meetings."
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    Quote Originally Posted by Greystone View Post
    It sounds excellent. I believe we can do buisness

    A sample of this drug is sent to Dr. Heart- to be anaylyzed. If it checks out then i will begin selling it all over the galaxy for a profit. Consortium memembers are forbidden to take it however. On pain of death.

    Excellent. We will begin production in earnest.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sayn
    You know, I'm beginning to realize that when I chose to go from being a player to being the GM, I essentially went from being a mere leader of some nation to being God. And it feels good.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jade_Tarem View Post
    It's been said that a good backstory is like a skirt - it should be long enough to cover everything that needs to be covered, but short enough that it can keep someone's interest. This... is basically the train of a wedding dress.

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    Aboard the Goldenfever

    "Oh, it will be my first too, captain, that we have in common."

    With a wave of his hand, GFC-0112 dismissed his guard, and turned to face the captain directly.

    They were standing on the upper platform in the command bridge of the Goldenfever - a command bridge the size of a small town, with multiple platforms, railcarts and a thousand robot strong team of operators, constantly working to keep the ship in working order.

    Up here, on the Generals personal command center, you could see the entire station, as well as the open space from the gigantic windows in front of the platform.

    "We may not have interest that correspond, but in the interest of further relations with you and your superiors, I personally extend the hand of the MCU in your honor. You and your men may travel with me to Earth if you wish, and I will make sure you will be seated at the negotiation table."

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    Aboard the Goldenfever's Bridge

    "Thank you, you are most kind and we accept your invetation to travel aboard this most mighty vessal. Most people are less than willing to negotiate with DANPART, blaming it for countless acts of smuggling, piracy, looting, raiding, trading in stolen or illegal goods... Few people have something good to say about us. May I suggest that you ignore their horrendous slander?"
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    Aboard the Goldenfever

    "My race has just returned from exile, Captain Lemming, I do not believe we have the liberty of being picky when it comes to allies. Make no mistake however - we are not inclined to judge you beforehand, but prove those rumors to be true, and we'll not actively shield you from the wrath of the world at large."

    The expression on the generals face turned from a grim determination to a smile.

    "Present diplomatic mission excluded. As long as you are aboard the Goldenfever, you will be kept safe and sound. That I promise."
    Last edited by Edwin; 2009-09-10 at 04:56 PM.

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    Aboard the Bridge of the Goldenfever

    "Why would the... ah... Democratic Association of, erm, Nomadic People and uh... Reputable Traders, yeah, why would they attack undefended merchant vessels?" It's kind of obvious that Harry is lying with an acronym he thought of on the spot.

    ((OK, I thought of an alternative for the acronym DANPART!))
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    Aboard the Goldenfever

    "I have not got the faintest idea, dear Captain." the general said with a sly smile, recognizing the perhaps not entirely true statement.

    Awesome winging there, dude!
    Last edited by Edwin; 2009-09-10 at 05:08 PM.

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    Aboard the Goldenfever's Bridge

    "Exactly! Out of curiosity, what powers this thing?" I can't think of anything else to say along the previous lines. Also, thank you.
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    Name: Steel Rose Society

    History: When the leader of Pandora, Will Rowe, accepted his nation's folding into the Union of Northern Europe before the start of the first Han War, he knew that Pandora would not be able to research as freely as before, would have limits to it's massive technological advantage.

    This was unacceptable, but death by the myriad factions in the Han War was also unacceptable. So Rowe comprised. He created the Steel Rose Society.

    The Steel Rose Society is comprised of a few thousand wealthy Pandorans who have pledged to continue the unlimited research of Pandora, under a (not so) secret society, and make Pandora the most powerful nation on Earth once more, funded by the wealth of it's members, and (secretly) the prodigious money of the entire UNE.

    It has it's fingers in every research field known to man; social, economic, technological, all of it. The SRS is devoted to Will Rowe's original dream: to improve the human condition. It's (known) secondary objective is to make a combination of itself and Pandora the most powerful nation on Earth, and break any nation that dares oppose it. The SRS have other objectives, but they aren't telling.

    The SRS is especially interested in magnetics, sonic-based technology, and neurological weaponry. It's members have a flair for the dramatic, like their founder, Rowe.

    Of course, like their founder, the SRS are notoriously mercenary, and will create secret "projects" for client nations.

    The SRS do not have total control of Pandora's small pieces of Siberian land, but they are highly respected there, being the new masters. Their mysterious hand has extended their control down from the top of the world, in old Pandora, to what is currently the northern half of the Ukraine. They also own an old satellite from the Umberto I years...

    Government: Technocratic Oligarchy. The SRS members all have a purpose, and for the most part, their leaders are chosen in the Pandoran fashion: on the merits of their skill and knowledge, rather then political might. The Chairman of the SRS is technically the leader, but in reality, defers often to his fellow high-ranking SRS members.

    Leadership: The current Chairman of the Society is one Josef Weaver, a ridiculously flamboyant man who seems to be more style than substance, but who has managed to keep the Society focused on it's original goal.

    Strengths: A good defensive spy network, the Society trains its spys and turncoats well. An averaging economy, and several failsafe bases across the world. An average morale; a few members are more greedy then they should be, but for the most part, they are loyal to the cause. Basically a magnificent research network, the SRS are immensely devoted to progress and technological advance, and devote many skills, funds, and time to it.

    A weak, untrained, and sparse army that is scattered to the far corners of the Society's influence. Though the Society has a large influence, this does not mean they totally control anywhere. They simply have a large hand in most circumstances. So, not a vicegrip on their territories. Are seen lowly in the world, owing to their stated goal of making Pandora an independent superpower. While they have an average economy, much of it goes into research and bribes.

    Important Members:

    Josef Weaver: The flamboyant, and seemingly dull leader of the Steel Rose Society, commonly referred to as "Weaver". Appearing to possess none of the intelligence and drive that the Society is known for, but all of the style, Josef Weaver is seen as a figurehead, but who is the power behind the throne, no one knows...

    Aleksei Kuznetsov: A full-bearded, ethnic Russian SRS member known as "The Blacksmith", Aleksei is one of the most powerful members of the Society, being the head of Military R&D. He has a disturbing love of war, conflict, and misery of all kinds, eloquently ruminating on them at length. Is totally loyal (at least in public) to Weaver, and follows the man's instructions to the letter.

    Emma Blainsfield: The beautiful, conservatively dressed, "ice queen" of the Society. Head of Biological Research. Granddaughter of the near-legendary Morgan Blainsfield, and a sarcastic, vicious genius, especially in the field of virus technology.

    Belarus, Ukraine

    A sharply-dressed man sits in a revolving chair, in a blank, grey room, in the "official" Ukrainian SRS Research Complex. He watches the various cameras in the room, that observe a thousand different locations, and smiles darkly. All is according to plan... But it wouldn't hurt to have many backup plans, no?

    He composes several letters to various factions.


    Welcome, my robotic brethen! The Steel Rose Society is always striving to integrate the most advanced and sophisticated technology into our communities, and what could be more advanced then machines that can think for themselves?

    We will send our representative, a Mr. Erik Ironside. He will discuss terms of diplomacy with you, as well as briefing you on the other nations; no sense to waste time on diplomacy with everyone, when all you need to do is meet with a few nations that can impartially judge the other ones.

    Antarctic Republic

    Hello, my Antarctic friends, I am Chairman Josef Weaver of the Steel Rose Society.

    I would like to enter into closer diplomatic relations with your nation; specifically, to discuss a desire of mine; to build a research facility on Antarctic soil.

    This facility will not be used for the research or building of military weaponry or technology. It will simply be used to take advantage of the unique weather and magnetic patterns around Antarctica. In return, we would grant you limited use of a supercomputer we are building, for research purposes.



    Hello, my Karagaten brothers and sisters. I am Josef Weaver, master and Chairman of the Steel Rose Society.

    I am interested by your faith; certainly, I'm not going to convert to it, but I'd like to allow greater conversion of your people in the countries directly influenced by the Society. Your faithful seem to be good chaps, and vaguely loyal to the state; and at least they're not madmen like the Cult of Umberto a century ago.

    However, I must request a small favor; you must preach strongly to parts of the Baltic states, Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia, as well of parts of Belarus and Russia. Encourage them to seek a tighter friendship with the nationstate of Pandora, and a stronger bond with the Steel Rose Society. Oh, and while you don't have to like them, please be tolerant of the Church of the Sun God. They are my close allies, and enraging them would jeopardize the Society and Pandora.

    This would be the best of both worlds for our nations, no?
    Rational Goblin Avatar by C-Lam. Thanks!

    Ixtlan, World of Exploration, my campaign setting. Currently on hiatus.

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    Ceoris, somewhere within the Asteroid belt

    Ceoris, the true seat of power for the Church of the Sun God. One of many asteroid belt enclaves whose position is known only to the most senior members of the church and those tasked to defend them. While Castle Hohenwerfen serves as the public face of the Church, Ceoris is the power behind the Church.

    For all intents and purposes if one had found Ceoris and allowed to land in the hidden hang and not been blasted to pieces it would appear to be like any other monastery. It is only when one explores deeper, past the secret and locked doors does the true nature of the place become apparent. It is one of these secret labatories that a project of the utmost importance is taking place.

    The man rushed to the door, wiping cleaning his glasses and smoothing out his long white coat. "Worshipful Master, I was not...I was not expecting you. If I had known I would have prepared for your arrival." stuttered Councilor Ehlen.

    "That is precisely why I did not inform you" replied Grandmaster Borghese.

    Touring the facility, the grandmaster peered into countless vats and examined numerous machines and computer readouts "How is our first batch fairing?"

    "Well, Worshipful Master. It should be ready within a few months time."

    "Excellent," stopping at the final piece of equipment he appraises it carefully "And what of our primary objective?"

    "Once, we figured out the problems that were inherent with the modification of the..."

    "I don't care about the technical details. When will it be ready?"

    "It is ready whenever it is needed. Of course, with more time we will be able to further modify the base structure and create..."

    "Yes, yes I know. But, you will have your time. I do not fore see us using this for many months if not years."

    "Excellent, Worshipful Master. Will there be anything else?"

    "No, Councilor. That is all."
    Quote Originally Posted by Sayn
    You know, I'm beginning to realize that when I chose to go from being a player to being the GM, I essentially went from being a mere leader of some nation to being God. And it feels good.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jade_Tarem View Post
    It's been said that a good backstory is like a skirt - it should be long enough to cover everything that needs to be covered, but short enough that it can keep someone's interest. This... is basically the train of a wedding dress.

  27. - Top - End - #27
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Total War 2260 (IC)

    Accompanied by a small honor guard, Archbishop Ibrahim prepares to launch to the MCU vessel in a shuttle rented from a private corporation. He sends off a few final pre-launch messages.

    Stone-Grant Collective
    As you're a well-respected and honorable nation, we'd like to establish closer ties with you. Is there anything we can provide you with? Food and simple manufactured goods are our main areas of production.

    Space Pope
    I'd like to strengthen our standing economic agreements. We'll provide you with all the food, medicine, and manufactured goods you need. In exchange, we'll ask for favors from your information network from time to time. Deal?


    The High Conclave is willing to accept your suggestions, and will act accordingly.
    If you're interested in closer relations, we have a large agricultural and manufacturing industry. We'd be quite willing to mass-produce any novel technology you want in exchange for the knowledge of how to produce it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Thespianus View Post
    I fail to see how "No, that guy is too fat to be hurt by your fire" would make sense.

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Aboard the Goldenfever

    "Well, Captain, I'm not much of a scientist, but I do believe it has something to do with heated gas. Sort of the same principle used in some of our weaponry, I'm led to believe. If you wish to roam my halls, you could investigate it yourself.".

    The general turned to face the three Bridge Officers in front of him, sitting by their computers. It was these computers that GFC-0112 used to issue commands, commands like those he were about to issue.

    "We are receiving a transmission, sir. And we've got an Earth vessel asking for a preemptive docking permit."

    Placing his arms firmly behind his back, like the pictures he'd seen of great military commanders of old, GFC-0112 took a few steps forward to closer inspect the screen already showing the a message from something called the Steel Rose society.

    "Tell the Chairman that we're awaiting his Mr. Ironside. Send him coordinates and landing permits for my personal hangar bay, and have him escorted to Conference Wing-A here on the main deck when he arrives.".

  29. - Top - End - #29
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Name: The Clutch of Aphrodite

    Territory: Terraformed Venus, in several contained arcologies centered around Templo Del Amor, the capitol city and home to the space elevator that leads to the cult nation's space docks and manufacturing bays.

    Government: Each arcology on Venus is ruled over by a delegation of nine priests of the Clutch chosen by the High Matriarch, six Elected Delegates selected by the people once each year, three representatives from the Industrial Unions, and three officers in the local militia police. After each Delegate Election, the arcology council votes on a representative from among their number to represent the arcology when the national Council of Nine convenes, which is made up of the eight Arcology Delegates and the High Matriarch.

    History: The Clutch of Aphrodite started out as a hedonistic cult that had fled Rome's persecution to pursue sanctuary and financial backers in Russia. They soon found success in a volunteer colonist program for planets being terraformed. In this case, Venus.

    Venus's terraforming process had been brutally elegant: Hit the atmosphere with a comet composed mainly of ice, blasting a good chunk of the acidic atmosphere out of the planet's gravitational pull. Coupled with a solar shade that was later dismantled, the planet's temperature was able to drop enough that many of the planet's gases were able to condense. With the additional of genetically modified fungi, the planet become a massive saltwater ocean with the occasional island of acid-etched metal.

    Colonization was a harsh process, even with the space elevator that had been built after the climate had stabilized. The Clutch was forced to undergo various genetic modifications to make the planet livable: Thickened, scaly skin and transparent eyelids to endure the high air pressure, a balance between internally generated body heat and "cold-bloodedness" to endure the local heat, and psychological modifications to make it easier to endure hardship. While the cultists were at it, however, they decided they should also be more passionate and, after some trial and error, be able to lay their eggs externally so as to not be weighed down individually by the indulgences of the faith.

    Eventually, the corporate backers decided the project was a failure due to the alien mindset that had developed among the cultists, and tried to make them evacuate. However, the High Matriarch of the faith decided that Venus would be their sanctuary, and the colonists rebelled: The seizure of the space elevator by the militia marked the victory and foundation of the Clutch of Aphrodite.

    Strengths: Strong religious ties and psych splices ensure loyalty, essential genetic modifications for enduring the terraformed Venusian environment makes it difficult for spies to avoid standing out, abundance of mineral and chemical resources, strong defensive military.

    Weaknesses: Dependance on imported food supplies (likely from NPC merchants,) inhuman appearance diminishes success of spies and diplomats, lack of supply lines makes military weak on offense.

    Key Players:

    High Matriarch Tia Maria: Tia Maria is unique in the line of High Matriarchs in that she has undergone all of the terraform splices, where all her predeccesors had chosen to forsake the psych splices. This has lead to a rule that, while ruthless when neccesary, also focuses more on sharing her bounty with her people rather than hording the wealth. This has made her the most popular High Matriarch to hold the title.

    Elected Delegate and Arcology Delegate DeTerlizzi Anthony: A man of unparalleled charisma, DeTerlizzi has broken the glass ceiling and become the first Arcology Delegate that isn't a priest of the Clutch of Aphrodite. He is a cold and calculating individual, his charisma stemming exclusive from a well-earned reputation for competence.

    Matriarch Tia Lilienne: The firstborn daughter of Tia Maria, this Matriarch is the only one of the High Matriarch's eligible heirs that followed in her footsteps in embracing psych splices. Her mindset is similar due to this, but coupled with her youth and the Matriarch has an aggression that has earned her a seat with the military's Council of Protection.

    Su Palacio, Templo Del Amor

    Tia Lilienne's hand waved in front of the motion sensor by the door from bottom to top, and the lights gradually undimmed from near darkness to bright. Her mother's bedchamber was a circular bed surrounded by a pool of nutrient gel in which eggs gently floated. Lilienne's own generation didn't even need the gel pools to nourish new offspring anymore, but she still liked them for the asthetic appeal: The gel combined with the lighting gave the room a blue-green glow that was appealing to the eye in contrast to the fiery ugliness of "terraformed" Venus.

    The High Matriarch of the Clutch of Aphrodite slowly pulled herself upright, letting a muscular arm protruding from under the bedsheet provide her descency. The pseudoreptilian woman perked a brow at her daughter, who was clad in a toga of violet synthsilk. "Good afternoon, daughter of mine. What brings you here at this hour?"

    "Although it wasn't my intention, the first order of business is to get you out of bed. Seriously, mother, you should be adapted to the Venusian solar day by now, not sleeping!" For future reference, Venusian time works thusly: 24 seconds in a minute, 24 minutes in a hour, 24 hours in a segment, and 12 segments in a Venusian solar day. Sleep traditionally occurs somewhere between the start of the fifth segment and the end of the eighth, taking up three to four segments of time depending on how much one's generation was adapted to the sleep cycle.

    "I won't be going to sleep anytime soon, but unless I need to make a public appearance I will keep myself rather busy in my bed, thank you." Maria flashes a wolfish grin at her daughter, which prompts on eyeroll from the latter Venusian.

    "Thank you for that mental image, mother. The main reason I came in here, though, was because of talk on Earth regarding a conference of nations. The council wants to convene to discuss attendance." Although her eyes shut after this, Lilienne's eyes can still be seen flitting upwards toward a round hatch in the ceiling surpassing the diameter of the bed beneath by a solid meter. "They wait to convene as we speak."

    "Well, why didn't you say so soon?" Maria smacks the censoring arm off her chest nonchalantly as she rummages beneath the bedspread for what clothing she was wearing when she got into bed. As she searches, the guard that had been absent from the quartet outside slips out from under the bedsheets to don his uniform. "Now, where did that shift slip to?"

    Rolling her eyes once more, Lilienne throws her toga to her mother, showing that she had the forethought to wear a second skirt and chest sash beneath. She then proceeds to gather up what of the guard's things he would have trouble getting away from the bed in the immediate future, prompting him to follow with what he could carry himself. "Get up there."

    Once her daughter and "guard" were clear of the bed, Maria pulls out a remote from the head of the bed, clicking an arrow button before she lets the device get pulled back into place by the cord at the base. She quickly dons the toga as the bed slowly ascends, sparing a glance at her daughter below, who had apparently forsaken interest in the guard in favor of someone from her own entourage.

    Once in the council, it would be a lot of predictability. The priests would offer their interpretations of the scriptures as applied to the current situation, sandwiched between compliments on her health and beauty. It wasn't until the cycle ended with DeTerlizzi Anthony that things got remotely interesting.

    "High Matriarch, I must step from tradition in complimenting your vigor and physique in favor of your wit." This drew a rumble from the other Arcology Delegates, but a raised hand from the High Matriarch calling for silence and a satisfied smile gifted to DeTerlizzi prompted him to continue. "Your keen intellect has set you above your predeccesors in popularity among the people, and it is for this that I believe you will take what words I offer and hear what wisdom they hold."

    "You have my ear, Delegate. With no two theological interpretations matching, some practical advice is a welcome change of pace."

    "Our attendance at the conference would legitimize both our claims to the Venusian surface, as well as our identity as a sovereign theocratic state. Furthermore, it would provide the opportunity to establish positive relations with secular and religiously open states, and allow the faith to expand back to natural humans and perhaps even synthetics." The elected official then cracks a sligh grin. "Your visage alone would be enough to convert any doubter in a given room."

    "A fine segue, Anthony. Barring unanimous vote in opposition by the Arcology Delegation, the Clutch of Aphrodite will pursue attendance of the World Conference. All opposed?" Five hands rose from the circle surrounding the bed. The High Matriarch crawled around the bed, examing the character of each voter's face and finding the same result: Envy of Anthony's success, and fear for their position. "All in favor?"

    The High Matriarch, Anthony, and a pair of priests that always tried to vote to Maria's favor rose their hands. One was a meer sycophant, but the other sought to gain favor with the High Matriarch in the hopes of blending bloodlines. One of these days she'd have to tell him that all it'd take was a polite request for permission and the means to make the effort a new experience for her. [color=#404000]"Well, with that settled, let's move in to the next order of business. Delegate DeTerlizzi, since you closed the last topic..."

    "Our next order of business is formalizing the result of negociations with the SRS."

    The Clutch of Aphrodite expresses intent to attend the World Conference, and will make arrangements to arrive as soon as possible.

  30. - Top - End - #30
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Total War 2260 (IC)

    Antarctic Republic

    Church of the Sun God

    Missionaries from the church of the sun god are welcomed by officials from the Free Antartic Cities. It appears that the plethora of refugees present already have great religious diversity and are generally gentle and calm, with an eagerness to listen to what they have to say.

    Jack Rogers, mayor of the Sunless Citadel, was particularly eager to see the priests.

    @GM, Sun Church
    The Republic has begun work to create a labyrinthine maze under the Sun Church HQ with high tech countermeasure and surveillance equipment, whilst at the same time getting valuable insights into the Sun Church (bio)chemical and psychic programs.

    "Welcome, I have had the city hall empty out on of it's wings used for storage. I would be honored if you were to take office there. After all we are open to all here, especially those that could help my flock. Is there anything else I could help you with?"

    @ Steel Rose Society
    Dear Mister Weaver,

    We would welcome the construction of such a facility. Quality labor positions are in short supply in this frozen domain. We would gladly help you with the construction of such a facility. The brotherhood has offered some mechanical experts to help with the particularities of the terrain in exchange for the supercomputer use.

    I expect that you are also interested in hiring local scientists. After all many refugees have decent educations, but few places to practice their trades. If we would agree that 1/3 of the research and 3/4 of the support staff are locally recruited, allowing a sharing of the benefits, I will sign the building permits tomorrow and ensure you have all the local support needed.

    King Regards,

    Jack Rogers
    Mayor of the sunless citadel

    (pre)World Forum: Sanguine Corporation

    With Karagatan and MCU offering to host the forum at the Marshall Islands, councillor Ratana believed it was best to first organise a preliminary meeting herself in the sunless citadel with an unusual attendant.

    A strange hail had been received by an organisation known as the Sanguine Consortium. They wished to send a representative Ratana thought to herself, her mind instinctively exploring the myriad of possibilities the web of the future held...most ending badly. Still a few outcomes were promising, so she sat down and opened a secured comm channel back to the signals origin.

    @Sanguine Consortium

    "To the Sanguine Consortium, I would like to meet your representative personally at the Sunless Citadel before the forum starts to understand the intentions you have for joining this meeting. You will be treated as our guest there."

    (pre)World Forum: Karagatan

    High Councillor Asad of the Hand was tasked at talking to the new rulers of the motherland. He was one of the most liked figures in the Antarctic Republic, his calm mannerism and humanity making him a first class representative. Boarding his personal ship 'Bilqisi' (The Queen of Sheeba) he launched from one of the Antarctic launch tubes into the upper athmosphere. Several minutes later he was over the pacific and send a hail down to Earth.

    "This is High Councillor Asad of the Hand aboard the Queen of Sheeba, requesting permission to land for preliminary negotiations leading up to the World Forum."

    World Forum: Marshall Islands Orbit @ALL

    Ratana send a letter of thanks to Karagatan, the world forum was an important venue and it's host deserved her respect.

    "Whilst preliminary negotiations will be carried out by high councillor Asad, I will join soon after completing preliminary talks with the Sanguine Corporation. I will judge their intent and report my findings to the forum."
    Last edited by Wizard of the Coat; 2009-09-11 at 08:16 AM.

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