Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
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    imp_fireball's Avatar

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    Default Spawn of the VIRUS

    Mad Zombie
    Medium Humanoid (Human, Viral)
    1d12+3 HD (9 hp)
    Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
    Init: +0
    AC 10; touch 10; flat-footed 10
    BAB +0; Grp +4
    Attack Standard attack Unarmed +0 (1d3 nonlethal) or bite -4 (1d3 lethal; grappling makes bite attack at +0)
    Full-Attack Full attack Unarmed +0 or Bite -4 or Grapple +4 and Bite +0
    Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
    Special Attacks Psychotic Hugging, Transfer Virus
    Special Qualities DR 5/slashing
    Saves Fort +0 Ref +2 Will +0
    Abilities Str 10, Dex 11, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha X
    Skills Jump +4, Tumble +4
    Feats Improved Grapple, Toughness
    Environment Any
    Organization Alone, Mob (10 - 30), Horde (80 - 500), or Emigration (5000+)
    Challenge Rating 2
    Treasure As initial creature
    Alignment True Neutral
    Advancement HD equivalent to initial creature
    Level Adjustment -

    Despite the name, the Mad Zombie isn't undead. They are still living, and thus they do not decay. The basic zombie is usually the vessel of the deadly virus - one that infests the minds of its victims,can only be spread and contracted by sapient (3 int or higher) creatures, and drives them to insanity. Victims driven 'insane' do not feel physical pain and are stricken with an overwhelming resolve to attack other sapient creatures and continue spreading the virus, often through drawing blood in the victim.

    The virus itself is of uknown origin. Perhaps it came as a drastic upset in the balance of nature, as the result of the emigration of some great exotic beast, such as a dragon. Or maybe the origin is purely a work of evil, the result of an upset in the balance of the plains with the arrival of some great demon upon the material.

    Or it could be of magical design. Whatever the origin, the virus is said to appear and test the resolve of kingdoms once every few centuries.

    Psychotic Hugging

    When the mad zombie initiates a grapple and attacks while grappling, they do not take the usual -4 penalty, and instead may apply their grapple modifier to their unarmed or bite attacks. Bite becomes a natural weapon only while grappling, however unarmed attacks still only deal non-lethal damage.

    Transfer Virus

    The Mad Zombie can transfer the virus that inflicts it to others. The simplest method is to bite the victim. At GM discretion, the Zombie's blood can infect a victim if it even so much as touches them. A victim that is infected must make a FORT save of DC equal to 10 + 1/2 the transferring creature's HD + creature's CON modifier or take on the Viral template in 1d4 hours.

    Viral (Template)

    A victim that takes on this template is driven insane with the urge to feed on sapient flesh.

    - Intelligence is reduced to 2

    - Their HD is now d12s

    - Retain all feats, initial racial and class abilities, natural attacks and armor and proficiencies, but lose spells that depend on INT. Manifesters may still manifest powers, even if their class relies on INT for bonus powers.

    - No longer gain XP as they are now NPCs

    - No longer feel pain. DR 5/slashing.

    - Acquire the ability to transfer the virus by way of drawing blood or biting (or other natural attacks that deal slashing/piercing damage)

    - Can remove template with 'remove disease' but after 1d4 months, this no longer works, as the virus has embedded itself in the victim's raw DNA, causing drastic morphing.

    Acquire other ability depending on ECL:
    - Psychotic Hugging; usually low ECL
    - Rage (as barbarian); for beefy and especially fast creatures
    - Up the walls (as psychic feat); if creature is particularly strange and kung-fu oriented


    After 1d4 months, the victim begins to undergo morphing. They may undergo one change every 1d4 weeks. Usually this makes them better at stalking uninfected prey. It is unknown whether or not the virus has an agenda, but after the creature has transformed into a monstrosity entirely different from its original self, the changes stop until the virus 'realizes' it has to evolve to continue infecting its prey. The latter stages of morphing are usually at GM discretion.

    Changes are chosen, or can be rolled at GM's option:

    - Thicken: The creature's body thickens, able to better absorb damage, however this also makes the creature more rotund and revolting. DR/slashing increases by 5. DEX -2.

    - Harden: The creature's skin hardens to bone as a result of extreme karatenization. Gain DR 5/Bludgeoning which stacks with all other DR.

    - Bloat: The creature becomes sponge like, its internal anatomy stirring in odd ways to suit this drastic change. Gain DR 5/Piercing which stacks with all other DR.

    - Carapace: Creature develops a carapace. Natural armor increases by 1d8.

    - Incredible Carapace: Creature develops armor so thick that it becomes akin to a tank. Natural armor increases by 3d8.

    - Tongue: The creature acquires a very long, sticky tongue. Grappling becomes a ranged touch attack. Tongue range usually varies from 10 - 60ft. at GM discretion.

    - Armor Spikes: The creature bristles with deadly spikes. If the creature already has a natural armor bonus, gain armor spikes. Spikes can be retracted or extended at will and as an immediate action.

    - Pounce: Creature can unleash a deadly assault in a single bound. Acquire pounce.

    - Chaser: Creature becomes terrifyingly good at pursuing its foes. Charge range is x4 speed and ignores difficult terrain.

    - Wings: Creature grows wings. Acquire average flight maneuverability. Fly speed is double ground speed.

    - Creature of the Night: Creature acquires dark vision 60ft. and has a +4 to attacks versus blind creatures. Acquire light sensitivity.

    - Copy Self: Creature spends 1d4 days in hibernation. Once done, its back splits open, birthing two other creatures exactly like it. Original creature dies.

    - Offspring: Creature spends 1d20 days in hibernation, laying 4d10 eggs. Each egg hatches a small vermin swarm. These vermin can be size miniscule versions of the creature itself (vermin swarm has hp equal to creature) or other type of vermin that have the viral template.

    - Stretch Limbs: The creature can freakishly stretch its limbs. Reach can extend from 10 - 40ft. but this does not threaten.

    - Bolter: Perhaps due to enhanced muscles, or an enhanced heart that requires an extreme amount of adrenaline to get it working at supernatural levels, the creature can run at x8 speed. Acquire +12 to jump.

    - Super Bolter: The creature can run at x20 speed. Acquire +60 to jump.

    - Explode: Creature can explode in 20x20ft. area (size medium) as an immediate action, dealing bludgeoning/fire damage equal to double its hp. Creature is obliterated and dies. Area doubles for each size above medium (40x40ft. at large, 80x80ft. at huge, etc.), but does not lower at sizes lower than medium.

    - Acquire natural weapon: Creature acquires a new natural weapon at GM discretion.

    - Adrenaline: The insanity drives the creature to attack with impossible energy and startling speed. Creature may act as if hasted 1d4 times per day which lasts as barbarian rage.

    - Spray Virus: Creature's mouth opens like a cobra and sprays viral liquid in a 10x10 area. Liquid also deals 1d4 + CON acid damage.

    - Swallow Whole: Creature can swallow an enemy whole. Acquire swallow whole monster ability. Upon doing so, it increases its size by one step, after which it must swallow four more creatures to increase its size further, and then eight, etc.

    - Engulf in Slime: Creature can engulf multiple targets in slime as standard action in 10x10ft. area forcing reflex save (as tangle foot bag) or target(s) is immobilized.

    - Predatory Hindsight: Creature becomes much more akin to a predator. Acquire +8 Move Silently, +8 Climb, +12 listen, +12 spot, +8 Hide, and track ability.

    - Hunter: Creature acquires sneak attack damage in d6 die equal to its HD divided by three.

    - Dark Hunter: If creature already has a sneak attack, it can deal double this damage to creatures blinded by darkness.

    - Basher: The creature's limbs become super dense with muscle. Acquire +6 STR, improved sunder, power attack and awesome blow.

    - Feral: Creature has low light vision 120ft., scent, can run on four limbs for +10ft. move speed, acquires climb speed equal to 3/4 move, and acquires rend. Must have predator morph.

    - Feral Pack Born: Creature has wild empathy, scent, can run on four limbs for +10ft. move speed, improved trip, and can roll to trip on a successful attack with a natural weapon, assuming they have a natural weapon. Must have predator morph.

    - Feral Pack Leader: Creature can now command creatures with 2 or less intelligence as if they had the leadership feat. At GM discretion, commands are likely simple, straight forward and rooted in instinct, since the creature has 2 intelligence itself. Must have Feral Pack Born morph.

    - Hive Mind: Creature acquires hive mind. It is telepathically aware of all other creatures with the viral template within 1 mile. If one of those creatures is not flatfooted, this creature isn't. Anything those creatures are aware of, this creature is too (Line of Sight is extended, but not Line of Effect).

    - Swim: Creature acquires a swim speed equal to their move speed.

    - Snatcher: Creature can roll for improved grab on a successful attack with a natural weapon, assuming they have a natural weapon.

    - Airborne Predator: If the creature has a natural weapon, predator and wings morphs, then they acquire fly by attack, rend, and two weapon rend (if they have at least two natural weapons) or multi-weapon rend (If they have more than two natural weapons).

    - Berserk Crusher: If the creature can already rage and has a STR score in excess of 30 or awesome blow, they acquire tremor sense and the ability to deal damage to any object caught in the line of their charge. This damage is a slam (usually 1d12 if medium, 2d12 large, 4d12 huge, and apply 1.5 STR modifier and power attack if necessary, etc.) rolled against the object. If the object is reduced to 0 hp, it is obliterated, and the creature continues charging. Other creatures adjacent to an obliterated object must make a FORT save equal to 1/2 the object's hp or fall prone. Creature's may also be stunned or thrown aside as awesome blow depending on how badly they fail their save.

    - Spider Climb: Creature acquires spider climb.

    - Ability Boost: Acquire +1d20 bonus to one of the five ability scores (intelligence excluded).

    - Body Squeezer: Creature acquires improved grab and constrict monster abilities.

    - Stench: An overwhelming stench surrounds creature 20ft. on all sides. FORT save to resist is equal to 10 + creature 1/2 HD + CON + Size (+4 for each step beyond medium, -4 below medium). Failure causes victim to be nauseated. Overexposure (within aura for 4+ rounds) causes victim to be sickened until they get the rest appropriate for their race (if victim does not normally rest, they instead must wait a full day).

    - Conjoin: If creature spends 1d4 days among other creatures like it with the viral template, it may merge its body with theirs. The merging ritual can be conducted with multiple creatures to create a multi-limbed monstrosity in 1d20 hours. Two creatures create a large creature. Eight creatures create a huge creature. 30 creatures create a gargantuan creature while 80+ creatures create a colossal creature. The exact nature of the monstrosity is at GM discretion. Only one creature requires this morph for a ritual happen.

    - Fast Healing: Creature acquires fast healing 1. The second time this morph is taken, this grows to fast healing 5 and then fast healing 10.

    - Regeneration: Creature can regrow missing limbs or re-attach them at GM discretion. Obliteration causes the creature to revert to an ooze-like state for 1d4 hours before reforming. Must have at least fast healing 5.

    - Higher Life Form: Creature's intelligence reverts to score they had prior to acquiring viral template. Creature has all the languages it previously had in addition to 'Viral' which is a strange subtle language that can be communicated to any other creature that has the Viral template and with INT of 3 or higher. Creature is still possessed with the overwhelming urge to spread the virus and cannot oppose this urge. They do not wish to revert to their former non-infected selves (they will claim that this form makes them feel magnificent), however they retain their original alignment. Creature can telepathically control other creatures of the Viral template with less than 3 INT up to a range of 1 mile as 'dominate'. At GM option, creature may become a PC.

    - Volatile Genes: For whatever reason, this creature has been singled out to morph more quickly. Depending on how many times they've taken this morph, they can instead acquire one morph every 1d4 days, every 1d4 hours or even every 1d4 minutes. They will also evolve faster to hunt the uninfected, in order to excel at all times.
    Last edited by imp_fireball; 2009-10-30 at 08:53 PM.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Troll in the Playground
    Solaris's Avatar

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    Default Re: Spawn of the VIRUS

    I like it. Plays fast and loose with the rules, leaves GM discretion on the table and allows for the best kinds of zombies. One nitpick.

    Quote Originally Posted by imp_fireball View Post
    Transfer Virus

    The Mad Zombie can transfer the virus that inflicts it to others. The simplest method is to bite the victim. At GM discretion, the Zombie's blood can infect a victim if it even so much as touches them. A victim that is infected must make a FORT save equal to the transferring creature's HD + CON modifier or take on the Viral template in 1d4 hours.
    Any reason why you didn't go with the normal formula of 10 + 1/2 HD + Con?
    My latest homebrew: Majokko base class and Spellcaster Dilettante feats for D&D 3.5 and Races as Classes for PTU.

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  3. - Top - End - #3
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Spawn of the VIRUS

    You need to be more clear about how the DR stacks from the table. Does 5/slashing and 5 piercing become 5/slashing AND piercing, 5/slashing or piercing, or even 10/slashing and piercing or 10/slashing or piercing?

    It's a very vital problem to answer.

    For the standard template, you need to answer at what ECL a creature gains rage or Up the Walls as well.

    Some of the ability enhancements or natural armor enhancements are also a bit extreme. Add 1d20 to an ability score? 3d8 to armor? What sort of CR change does this bring to the 'zombie' or is a DM just supposed to eyeball it?

    These are some pretty hefty problems but it's otherwise an interesting template. I may do up some example mutated creatures.
    Last edited by Callos_DeTerran; 2009-10-30 at 11:01 AM.
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  4. - Top - End - #4
    imp_fireball's Avatar

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    Default Re: Spawn of the VIRUS

    You need to be more clear about how the DR stacks from the table. Does 5/slashing and 5 piercing become 5/slashing AND piercing, 5/slashing or piercing, or even 10/slashing and piercing or 10/slashing or piercing?

    It's a very vital problem to answer.
    DR 5/piercing is bypassed by piercing, so if you attack with piercing then you bypass that, but you don't bypass the DR/slashing. If you attack with bludgeoning, you bypass neither DR, so it'd be having to bypass DR 10. If you apply DR 5/bludgeoning to the stack, and attack the creature with say, fire, then you have to bypass DR 15. This is a little hard to word, obviously.

    For the standard template, you need to answer at what ECL a creature gains rage or Up the Walls as well.
    Rage and Up the Walls don't depend on ECL though, they depend on the fluff or mechanics of the original creature. Say, if the creature is a large ape, it isn't going to acquire just psychotic hugging, it might acquire that as well as rage.

    Some of the ability enhancements or natural armor enhancements are also a bit extreme. Add 1d20 to an ability score? 3d8 to armor? What sort of CR change does this bring to the 'zombie' or is a DM just supposed to eyeball it?
    None of this is an issue if the GM can regulate it accordingly. I made these things a wide breadth to allow for all sorts of creatures. The GM has to eyeball it obviously.

    Any reason why you didn't go with the normal formula of 10 + 1/2 HD + Con?
    Forgot about that.

    Also note that these zombies are living so they can't be created through animate dead, craft corpse, etc., unless the necromancer spends xp and creates a magical disease; which doesn't necessarily require any necromancy at all.
    Last edited by imp_fireball; 2009-10-30 at 08:46 PM.

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