Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales is now on sale in PDF format from Gumroad - with 6 never-before-collected bonus comics!
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    Titan in the Playground
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    Aug 2009

    Default Dwarven Subraces (3.X, PEACH)

    I have a list of dwarven subraces I made over the course of years of 3.X (sometimes a mix of 3.0 core books and 3.5 splatbooks, some using ToB). I've been thinking about using some of them in a new world (they would be refluffed of course) and decided I'd post them here to see what people think.

    They are in order Battleforged dwarves (which includes a half-breed with normal dwarves), autarch dwarves, and half-dwarves. I'm quite unsure of the balance since they were stuff I made years ago when fiddling with the Savage Species rules and well I hope I've learned some stuff since then (actually removed some for being so badly made).

    Fluff will follow if requested.

    Battleforged Dwarf racial traits:
    • +2 Str, +4 Con, -2 Cha.
    • Medium sized
    • 20-ft speed.
    • Dwarf traits except stonecunning and skill bonuses.
    • Their racial attack bonus against orcs and goblinoids rises to +2 and they gain a +2 racial bonus to damage against such foes.
    • +1 Natural Armor
    • +2 damage on a charge, +4 if they are wielding a 2-handed weapon.
    • They may use the stone bones maneuver once per encounter. This maneuver does not count as a readied maneuver for a warblade or swordsage, or crusader, but does count as known for the prerequisites of feats, and other maneuvers. Even if they have a maneuver using class this maneuver is only recovered between encounters.
    • 3 Weapon Familiarities instead of 2, one of these must be Dwarven War-Axe.
    • LA +1.
    • Favored Class: Warblade.

    Half-breeds between dwarves and battleforged dwarves have the following traits:
    • +2 Con, -2 Cha.
    • Medium sized
    • 20-ft speed.
    • Dwarf traits except stonecunning and skill bonuses.
    • Their racial attack bonus against orcs and goblinoids rises to +2 and they gain a +2 racial bonus to damage against such foes.
    • +1 damage on a charge, +2 if they are wielding a 2-handed weapon.
    • 3 Weapon Familiarities instead of 2, one of these must be Dwarven War-Axe.
    • Favored Class: Warblade

    Autarch dwarf racial traits:
    • +2 Con, -2 Dex.
    • Medium sized
    • Humanoid with the Dwarf and Dragonblooded subtypes (meaning they are dwarves with the dragonblooded subtype)
    • 20-ft speed.
    • Dwarf traits except as noted below
    • +1 Natural Armor
    • +1 racial bonus to attack rolls versus creatures of the dragon type; this replaces their bonus to attack rolls against orcs and goblinoids.
    • +4 dodge bonus to AC against dragons; this replaces their bonus to AC against giants.
    • +2 racial bonus on saving throws against Breath Weapons; this replaces their +2 to saving throws against poison.
    • +2 racial bonus on saving throws against dragons’ (and only dragons’) frightful presence; they were bred to slay evil dragons and trained by golden ones.
    • Favored Class: Knight.

    Half-Dwarf Racial Traits:
    • Medium-sized
    • Speed 30 ft
    • Human Blooded: They are affected by human specific spells and abilities as if they were human.
    • Dwarf Blooded: They are affected by dwarf specific spells and abilities as if they were dwarf.
    • Darkvision 60 ft.
    • +1 racial bonus to all Fortitude saves.
    • +1 racial bonus to saving throws against spells and spell-like effects.
    • Stonecunning: Half-dwarves gain a +2 racial bonus on checks to notice unusual stonework. If they come within 10 ft of such they automatically get a check as if actively searching.
    • +1 skill rank per level (+4 at first).
    • Choose one craft skill it is always a class skill for the half-dwarf. It must sometimes deal with metal or stone or gems and the choice may never be changed, they also gain a +2 racial bonus on this skill.
    • +1 racial bonus on Disable Device and Open Locks.
    • Automatic Languages: Common and Dwarven.
    • Favored Class: Any.
    Peanut Half-Dragon Necromancer by Kurien.

    Current Projects:

    Group: The Harrowing Halloween Harvest of Horror Part 2

    Personal Silliness: Vote what Soulknife "Fix"/Inspired Class Should I make??? Past Work Expansion Caricatures.

    Old: My homebrew (updated 9/9)

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Troll in the Playground
    Solaris's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Neither here nor there

    Default Re: Dwarven Subraces (3.X, PEACH)

    I like your half-dwarf. I'm thinking the Autarch could stand to get that bonus on saves vs dragonfear changed to saves vs fear.
    My latest homebrew: Majokko base class and Spellcaster Dilettante feats for D&D 3.5 and Races as Classes for PTU.

    Currently Playing
    Raiatari Eikibe - Ghostfoot's RHOD Righteous Resistance

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