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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default [3.5] Generic Race 2.0

    The original generic race I made was kind of bad, I think, because I went about it the wrong way. Here is a different version, which I feel is much better, that is based on the way the generic class abilities are built instead of the archetypes.

    The generic race is no longer a PC tool. It is a DM tool. The DM decides what the attributes for each race in his setting will be. The generic race is helpful simply because it balances out every race. Hence, the attributes are not meant to be definitive. They are a guideline for current and future races. Hopefully, any idea that you come up with can fit into one of the three categories, so that balance can be kept.

    All races select one score to get +2 to and one score to get -2 to.

    Base land speed is 30 feet. All bonuses are racial bonuses. Any mention of spell-like ability can be replaced with psi-like ability.

    For the purposes of the type change attributes, it is assumed that my modified types are being used to make type less powerful. A race may have one minor attribute, one moderate attribute, and one major attribute. It may trade its moderate attribute for two minor attributes, and/or its major attribute for two moderate attributes.

    Minor Attributes

    • Small size and 10 feet slower base land speed. Small races cannot gain racial bonuses to Hide as an attribute.
    • Large size.
      -Warning: Adding this to a humanoid race could become broken once enlarge person is added in. I suggest that you make Large humanoid races monstrous humanoids instead. It is also advised not to combine this with Powerful Build.
    • Darkvision.
    • +2 to a skill.
    • +4 to a specific use of a skill, such as Hide in a certain terrain, or Disguise to impersonate a specific race.
    • Remove your -2 penalty to an ability score.
    • +1 natural armor.
    • +1 bonus to saves against something specific, or a specific type of save.
    • Trancing for 4 hours instead of sleeping, half required daily intake of food, the Amphibious special quality, or the Hold Breath ability.
    • A subtype that gives benefits, but also a substantial drawback, such as Fire or Cold.
    • Level 0 SLA 1/encounter, caster level = character level.
    • Level 1 SLA 1/day, caster level = character level.
    • Two natural claw attacks dealing 1d6 damage (19-20, x2) for a Medium-sized creature.
    • Two natural slam attacks dealing 1d8 damage for a Medium-sized creature.
    • Naturally Psionic, granting 1 or 2 power points.
    • Stability as a dwarf or creature with more than two legs.
    • A minor unique racial ability, such as a dwarf's Stonecunning.

    Moderate Attributes

    • Level 0 SLA at-will, caster level = character level.
      -Warning: If you don't want your players to be fully healed after every encounter, do not create a race with cure minor wounds as an at-will SLA.
    • Level 1 SLA 1/encounter, caster level = character level.
    • Level 2 SLA 1/day, caster level = character level.
    • +4 to a skill.
    • +8 to a specific use of a skill, such as Hide in a certain terrain, or Disguise to impersonate a specific race.
    • Telepathy 100 feet.
    • Scent and blindsense 30 feet.
    • Pinch Healing 1. This version of Fast Healing only functions when your current health is below half of your maximum health.
    • +2 natural armor.
    • +1 bonus to all saves.
    • +2 bonus to saves against something specific, or a specific type of save.
    • Type change to undead or construct.
    • A subtype that gives moderate benefits, such as Shapechanger.
    • A climb or swim speed of 30 feet.
    • 10 feet faster base land speed. Small creatures with the dwarf unique racial power instead gain 5 feet faster base land speed.
    • One natural bite or gore attack dealing 1d10 damage (x3) for a Medium-sized creature.
    • Naturally Psionic, granting 1 power point per level.
    • 1 point of essentia.
    • A substantial unique racial ability, such as an illumian's sigils.

    Major Attributes

    • Level 1 SLA at-will, caster level = character level.
      -Same warning for cure minor wounds applies to cure light wounds.
    • Level 2 SLA 1/encounter, caster level = character level.
      -Be very careful with this one. Detect thoughts or darkness could be cool, but glitterdust or rope trick could be way too good.
    • Any bonus feat.
    • +4 natural armor.
    • +2 bonus to all saves.
    • +4 bonus to saves against something specific, or a specific type of save.
    • Fast Healing 1.
      -Same caution for at-will healing spells applies here.
    • Type change to elemental or ooze. If elemental, includes an element subtype.
    • A subtype that gives major benefits, such as Incorporeal. Archon, and possibly others, should not be given to players.
    • A burrow speed of 20 feet.
    • A fly speed of 30 feet, gained slowly over your first 5 HD, as a raptoran.
    • A climb speed as the spell spider climb.
    • 20 feet faster base land speed. Small creatures with the dwarf unique racial power instead gain 10 feet faster base land speed.
    • Blindsight 30 feet. You must state which sense grants this blindsight, so that you can be blinded if it is negated.
    • Tremorsense 60 feet.
    • A powerful unique racial ability, such as a goliath's Powerful Build.

    Free Attributes

    These are things that mostly add flavor to a race and don't change its balance in any way. They can be added on to races at the DM's discretion.

    • A unique racial ability which is insignificant or comes with a penalty, such as a dwarf's ability to move normally in heavy armor (reduce base speed 10 feet for taking this as a Medium creature, or 5 feet for a Small creature) or Light Sensitivity.
    • Low-light vision.
    • Type change to anything other than undead, construct, elemental, or ooze.
    • A subtype with little to no mechanical benefits, such as Good or Aquatic.
    • Weapon or Armor Familiarity.
    • A natural claw or slam attack dealing 1d4 damage for a Medium-sized creature (don't add this more than once).

    Negative Attributes

    A small penalty to something could justify a small bonus to something else, or a slightly stronger racial power, but it is highly recommended to not go overboard.

    • An extra -2 to a stat could allow for the equivalent of an extra Minor ability. The removal of a +2 stat bonus could do the same.
    • The removal of the first level feat could allow for a much more powerful Major ability, or two on the weaker side, if it is absolutely required for the flavor of the race. Note that this only makes sense for races with alien minds, or those that are usually mindless.
    • 10 feet slower base land speed could be worth an extra Moderate ability, or an increase in speed of an alternate movement mode by 10 feet.
    • In general, the rule of thumb that these suggestions have followed is that a penalty equal to the bonus that an ability type would give is worth one of those abilities.

    Suggested Races

    If you cannot think of a good reason to pick one of these races over another, or would always pick one race, I would like to hear about it. The idea here is to come as close to perfect balance as possible. I've lifted these races from the generic class thread, as that is where I now keep the most up-to-date listing. Weapon and armor familiarities are not listed.

    Human - +2 Intelligence, +2 to any two skills, any bonus feat.

    Dwarf - +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity, Stonecunning, +2 to Craft (Stonework) and Appraise, Tremorsense 60 feet, move normally in heavy armor but -10 base land speed.

    Elf - +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, Trance 4 hours, +2 to Spot and Listen, 20 feet faster base land speed, Low Light Vision. Elf subraces might have a swim speed or cantrip at-will instead of the skill bonuses, and a different ability bonus and penalty.

    Gnome - +2 Constitution, -2 Strength, Small size, prestidigitation at-will, +2 to Craft and any three Knowledge skills. A more fey-like gnome subrace might have speak with animals at-will instead of the skill bonuses.

    Halfling - +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength, Small size, +2 to Jump and Move Silently, any bonus feat.

    Half-Elf - +2 Charisma, -2 Constitution, Trance 4 hours, +2 to Diplomacy and any one other skill, any bonus feat.

    Half-Orc - +2 Strength, -2 Charisma, Darkvision, +2 to Intimidate and any one other skill, any bonus feat

    Orc - +2 Strength, -2 Intelligence, Darkvision, scent and blindsense 30 feet, Powerful Build. The rare orcish shamans have a Wisdom bonus instead of a Strength bonus.

    Goblin - +2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence, Small size, +4 to Move Silently, 20 feet faster base land speed, Goblinoid subtype. A worg-riding goblin subrace might have 10 feet faster base land speed instead, and gain a +4 bonus on Ride checks. The rare goblin shamans have a Wisdom bonus instead of a Dexterity bonus.

    Hobgoblin - +2 Constitution, +4 to Move Silently, any bonus Fighter feat, Goblinoid subtype.

    Kobold - +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, Small size, +2 to Craft (Traps, Explosives, and Poisons), two natural claw attacks dealing 1d4 damage (19-20, x2), Slight Build, Reptilian and Dragonblooded subtypes, Low-light vision.

    Minotaur - +2 Strength, -2 Intelligence, Large size, Natural gore attack dealing 2d8 damage (x3), Natural Cunning, Monstrous Humanoid type.

    Ogre - +2 Strength, -2 Dexterity, Large size, scent and blindsense 30 feet, 10 feet faster base land speed, Giant type.

    Raptoran - +2 Wisdom, +2 to Spot and Listen, delayed flight.

    Fiend - +2 Any, -2 Any, Darkvision (can see even in deeper darkness), +1 natural armor, two natural claw attacks dealing 1d6 damage (19-20, x2), a bite, gore, or tail attack dealing 1d10 damage (x3), telepathy 100 feet, Outsider type, Evil subtype, your choice of Lawful, Chaotic, or no extra subtype.

    Angel/Archon - +2 Wisdom, -2 Constitution, immunity to petrification, tongues 1/day, delayed flight (none is possible until level 5, when the angel grows wings), Outsider type, Good subtype, your choice of Lawful, Chaotic, or no extra subtype.

    Warforged - +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma, +2 to Intimidate, Living Construct type, Composite Plating, any bonus Warforged feat or Fighter bonus feat.

    Elan - -2 Charisma, Naturally Psionic (+2 PP), elan racial powers (Resistance, Resilience, and Repletion), Aberration type.

    Vampire - +2 Charisma, Undead type, summon creatures of the night 1/encounter. Summon creatures of the night functions as summon swarm or summon nature's ally II, but only summoning 1d3 wolves for the latter. Unlike most undead, vampires must feed on blood to sustain themselves, and have tiny fangs designed for this purpose. A creature must be helpless, pinned, or willing to be fed on, and suffers 1d4 Constitution damage per round of feeding, which is a standard action.

    Changeling - +2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom, +2 to Sense Motive, Shapechanger subtype, Minor Change Shape racial power.

    Lizardfolk - +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, Hold Breath (x4), +2 natural armor, +2 to Swim and Balance, natural bite attack dealing 1d10 damage (x3), Reptilian subtype.

    Gnoll - +2 Strength, -2 Charisma, +2 to Knowledge (Religion), scent and blindsense 30 feet, Powerful Build, Monstrous Humanoid type.

    Troll - +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma, Large size, two natural claw attacks dealing 1d8 damage (19-20, x2), +1 natural armor, scent and blindsense 30 feet, pinch healing 1, Giant type.

    Githyanki - +2 Dexterity, -2 Wisdom, Naturally Psionic (+2 PP), psionic daze 1/encounter, far hand at-will.

    Githzerai - +2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence, Naturally Psionic (+1 PP), inertial armor 1/encounter, catfall at-will.

    Centaur - +2 Strength, -2 Intelligence, Large size, Stability, +4 to Survival, 20 feet faster base land speed, always counts as mounted, Monstrous Humanoid type.

    Fire Elemental - +2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence, deals 1d6 fire damage to anything touched or touched by (a weapon of solid metal can transfer this damage as well), Elemental type, Fire subtype, unarmed strikes and natural attacks deal fire damage instead of their normal type, cannot enter water, deals 1d6 fire damage per round to held or worn objects unless fireproofed (costs 150 gold for magical items or 15 gold for nonmagical), no feat from first level.

    Water Elemental - +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, Drench, Vortex, Elemental type, Water subtype, swim speed 50 feet but -10 base land speed, can breathe air and water, no feat from first level.

    Earth Elemental - +2 Strength, -2 Intelligence, +3 natural armor, burrow speed 20 feet, Earth Glide but -10 base land speed, Elemental Type, Earth subtype, no feat from first level.

    Air Elemental - +2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence, Whirlwind, Elemental Type, Air subtype, fly speed 20 feet with clumsy maneuverability at 1 HD, 30 ft/poor at 2 HD, 40 ft/average at 3 HD, 50 ft/good at 4 HD, 60 ft/perfect at 5 HD, no base land speed, no feat from first level.

    Thri-Kreen - +2 Dexterity, -2 Charisma, Naturally Psionic (+1 PP), +4 to Jump, four arms, Monstrous Humanoid type, unarmed strikes deal piercing damage instead of bludgeoning, no feat from first level.

    Young Adult True Dragon - +2 Strength, -2 Dexterity, Large size, +1 natural armor, elemental subtype appropriate for your dragon type (if it grants no benefits, increase natural armor by +1), delayed flight (poor maneuverability, but 10 feet faster base land speed), natural claw attack dealing 1d6 damage, Dragon type. For advancement into an Adult true dragon, see the race in the generic class thread.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Race 2.0

    I'm liking this better than your other generic race. I assume the amount of racial points (or whatever you called them) are the same as before?
    Please feel free to PM me any thoughts on my homebrew (or comment in the thread if it's not too old).

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Race 2.0

    Nope, there are no racial points any more. That allowed you to stack things too much and made me do weird things to balance it. Now, you just pick one minor, one moderate, and one major.

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Race 2.0

    Cool. That's much better. Maybe explaining that before you put the attributes would work well. I didn't see anything.
    Please feel free to PM me any thoughts on my homebrew (or comment in the thread if it's not too old).

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Race 2.0

    I thought I had that in there but I guess it got lost in editing... just put it back in thanks.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Race 2.0

    Oh. Just thought of something. Having cure minor wounds as an ability at will might offset the balance a little. Sure, in combat it's nearly useless, but outside of getting attacked constantly, there's hardly a solution. The same problem happens with at-will 1st level spells, but perhaps even more, with magic missile and such spells...maybe you should restrict the spells allowed.
    Last edited by Temotei; 2009-11-29 at 08:13 PM.
    Please feel free to PM me any thoughts on my homebrew (or comment in the thread if it's not too old).

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Race 2.0

    Large size is very powerful: many would consider an LA+0 race with penalties, and no benefits other than large size, broken.
    There are some other minor balance issues, but other than that it looks okay.
    The cherrypicking of stats could allow for some very potent builds- still, if everyone's doing the generic race, I think it's okay.
    Last edited by Gorgondantess; 2009-11-29 at 07:48 PM.
    Marceline Abadeer by Gnomish Wanderer

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Race 2.0

    Quote Originally Posted by Temotei221 View Post
    Oh. Just thought of something. Having cure minor wounds as an ability at will might offset the balance a little. Sure, in combat it's nearly useless, but outside of getting attacked constantly, there's hardly a solution. The same problem happens with at-will 1st level spells, but perhaps even more, with magic missile and such spells...maybe you should restrict the spells allowed.
    I'm not too worried about magic missile, but cure minor wounds could get troublesome. That said, it's not going to be there unless the DM puts it there. I'll write a warning, rather than a restriction.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gorgondantess View Post
    Large size is very powerful: many would consider an LA+0 race with penalties, and no benefits other than large size, broken.
    There are some other minor balance issues, but other than that it looks okay.
    The cherrypicking of stats could allow for some very potent builds- still, if everyone's doing the generic race, I think it's okay.
    Large size increases your reach, grapple modifier, and damage, but decreases your attack and AC, and increases your space. How powerful it is is hard to really pin down, based upon how much you value each of those things. I wouldn't want to prevent anyone from playing a Large race ever, though. It really only gets silly once you add in enlarge person and family, which wouldn't work on any current races. I'll add in a warning about that too.

    I'd be interested in seeing some of the cherrypicking you would do, to find flaws with the system. One that I'm aware of is Large + Powerful Build. Any others?

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Race 2.0

    That's good then. A restriction would have never covered everything either.
    Last edited by Temotei; 2009-11-29 at 08:23 PM.
    Please feel free to PM me any thoughts on my homebrew (or comment in the thread if it's not too old).

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Race 2.0

    Large Size? No..... I'm pretty sure large size is positive. Reach is so...... powerful in DnD. Powerful enough as to out weigh the 1 AC and 1 to hit. In fact, those 2nd two things are super easy to get, while reach is hard. Seriously, Large Size is, IMO, at least stronger than every moderate abiltiy on the list. There is no way it's a monor ability.

    No melee character would want to NOT have large size if the players are statting their own races and races with it will overshadow others when optimized, if the DM makes the races.
    Fire Emblem Optimizer and Game Balancer (apparently) in the Playground
    A note on using my Fire Emblem rules:

    I'm mostly retired from Fire Emblem PbPs, and indeed the PbPs in general at present. So if you wish to use my character creation rules, I would appreciate a PM, but feel free to start the game before I respond, as it might be a while.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kallisti
    "Reason itself is fallible, for logic must account for all the crazy **** wizards keep doing."
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  11. - Top - End - #11
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Race 2.0

    while reach is hard.
    Spears? Spiked chain?
    Please feel free to PM me any thoughts on my homebrew (or comment in the thread if it's not too old).

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Race 2.0

    Spears? Spiked chain?
    Yes, it isn't hard to get 10 ft reach, but try to get more than that. With a large size character weidling a chain or lance, you have your reach.

    But even just looking at 10 ft reach, look at what melee weapons get most use on optimized characters? Why hello there spiked chain! Why hello there Lance.

    Reach>All on a melee battlefield control/tank character.
    Last edited by aje8; 2009-11-29 at 10:15 PM.
    Fire Emblem Optimizer and Game Balancer (apparently) in the Playground
    A note on using my Fire Emblem rules:

    I'm mostly retired from Fire Emblem PbPs, and indeed the PbPs in general at present. So if you wish to use my character creation rules, I would appreciate a PM, but feel free to start the game before I respond, as it might be a while.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kallisti
    "Reason itself is fallible, for logic must account for all the crazy **** wizards keep doing."
    Harry Dresden Avatar by Deuxhero

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Race 2.0

    Yes, it isn't hard to get 10 ft reach, but try to get more than that. With a large size character weidling a chain or lance, you have your reach.

    But even just looking at 10 ft reach, look at what melee weapons get most use on optimized characters? Why hello there spiked chain! Why hello there Lance.

    Reach>All on a melee battlefield control/tank character.
    I agree. The same argument must be made for Small size then. Casters benefit a lot from having Small size. With reduce person, that becomes better. Plus, reduce person can be at will with a major ability.
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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Race 2.0

    On a spiked chain tripping/AoO build against an army, sure, anyone would want to be Large. On a charge build, you probably reach the person anyway. Against smaller numbers of foes, you don't need to threaten in a huge radius. I'm not so sure it's as great as you're saying. It's just distance, not killing power. And if it is good, let people have it (fighters can't have nice things etc.). I will consider moving Large size up to Moderate, but it's really hard to judge.

    Quote Originally Posted by Temotei221 View Post
    I agree. The same argument must be made for Small size then. Casters benefit a lot from having Small size. With reduce person, that becomes better. Plus, reduce person can be at will with a major ability.
    Meh. It gives you +1 AC and attack and +4 to Hide basically. Trumped enormously by miss chances, touch spells, and invisibility, respectively. If the caster can get down to Fine, now you're adding +7 to AC and attack, which is significant. Tiny isn't so overpowering, though.

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Race 2.0

    Meh. It gives you +1 AC and attack and +4 to Hide basically. Trumped enormously by miss chances, touch spells, and invisibility, respectively. If the caster can get down to Fine, now you're adding +7 to AC and attack, which is significant. Tiny isn't so overpowering, though.
    +8, isn't it? But you're right. Unless...maybe a rogue would rather have that big bonus to hide than the few extra points of damage from his weapon? Sneak attack can make up for the loss...hmm...yeah. You're right.
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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Race 2.0

    Oh and by the way, I believe I forgot to mention before:
    This is still quite awesome on the whole, despite my balance gripe regarding large size.

    On a spiked chain tripping/AoO build against an army, sure, anyone would want to be Large. On a charge build, you probably reach the person anyway. Against smaller numbers of foes, you don't need to threaten in a huge radius. I'm not so sure it's as great as you're saying. It's just distance, not killing power. And if it is good, let people have it (fighters can't have nice things etc.). I will consider moving Large size up to Moderate, but it's really hard to judge.
    Even on a charge build. Let's pretend your charge doesn't kill them (cause if it kills them, who cares?) Wouldn't it be nice if they couldn't attack you without you getting another attack? Oh wait, you can do that. Good old large size+Lance.

    Fighters can have nice things. But this is still a moderate ability, I'm pretty sure. Small size is less good because you don't get reach. But that's another issue entirley.

    Unrelated Matter:
    # 10 feet faster base land speed. Small creatures with the dwarf unique racial power instead gain 5 feet faster base land speed.
    10 ft speed increase seems a little weak for a major power. When compared to stuff like Tremorsense, delayed Fly progression and +4 to spot and listen say, this seems underwhelming. Though perhaps not underwhelming enough to be moderate.
    Fire Emblem Optimizer and Game Balancer (apparently) in the Playground
    A note on using my Fire Emblem rules:

    I'm mostly retired from Fire Emblem PbPs, and indeed the PbPs in general at present. So if you wish to use my character creation rules, I would appreciate a PM, but feel free to start the game before I respond, as it might be a while.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kallisti
    "Reason itself is fallible, for logic must account for all the crazy **** wizards keep doing."
    Harry Dresden Avatar by Deuxhero

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Race 2.0

    10 feet faster moved to Moderate, and 20 feet faster created and put in Major. Thanks for the input.

  18. - Top - End - #18
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Race 2.0

    Main thing that sticks out at me is that removing a race's attribute penalty seems much better then those other minors

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Race 2.0

    Main thing that sticks out at me is that removing a race's attribute penalty seems much better then those other minors
    Nah, cause you always take a race with a penalty to a dump stat. -2 Charisma is irrelevant for the Wizard as much as -2 int is irrelevant to the fighter. You'll always be able to find at least 1 irrelevant stat.
    Fire Emblem Optimizer and Game Balancer (apparently) in the Playground
    A note on using my Fire Emblem rules:

    I'm mostly retired from Fire Emblem PbPs, and indeed the PbPs in general at present. So if you wish to use my character creation rules, I would appreciate a PM, but feel free to start the game before I respond, as it might be a while.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kallisti
    "Reason itself is fallible, for logic must account for all the crazy **** wizards keep doing."
    Harry Dresden Avatar by Deuxhero

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Race 2.0

    Nah, cause you always take a race with a penalty to a dump stat. -2 Charisma is irrelevant for the Wizard as much as -2 int is irrelevant to the fighter. You'll always be able to find at least 1 irrelevant stat.
    Consider this: even a monk has two "dump" stats, and they're constantly crushed on these boards because of their need for multiple stats.
    Last edited by Temotei; 2009-12-01 at 07:39 PM.
    Please feel free to PM me any thoughts on my homebrew (or comment in the thread if it's not too old).

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Race 2.0

    It is pitifully simple to get large size for a good length in core only (Enlarge Person is mins/level, grab your arcane caster a pearl of power or two at 1000 GP each and you can easily have it all day). Just make them monsterous humanoid/giant or such so they can't stack with enlarge person (if that is still not enough, make it scale over a few hit dice like raptorian flight).

    As for the topic it's self, can you trade for two options on a lesser menu?
    Last edited by deuxhero; 2009-12-01 at 08:07 PM.

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Race 2.0

    Quote Originally Posted by deuxhero View Post
    It is pitifully simple to get large size for a good length in core only (Enlarge Person is mins/level, grab your arcane caster a pearl of power or two at 1000 GP each and you can easily have it all day). Just make them monsterous humanoid/giant or such so they can't stack with enlarge person (if that is still not enough, make it scale over a few hit dice like raptorian flight).

    As for the topic it's self, can you trade for two options on a lesser menu?
    Good points/plan. I was wondering how to deal with the problem of Small creatures never having Darkvision.

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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Race 2.0

    Consider this: even a monk has two "dump" stats, and they're constantly crushed on these boards because of their need for multiple stats

    But.... that's not relevant. At all.

    See, while it's true that caring about any more than 2 primary and one tetritary stat leads to major problems (MAD) that does NOT mean that removing the -2 penalty is good. Those two things are only tangentially related.

    Even for a monk, the ability to not have a -2 on your race is not awesome. Cause a -2 int as a monk helps you none anyhow. You it's not great to remove that -2. The minor ability might as well say "+2 to a dump stat".

    It is pitifully simple to get large size for a good length in core only (Enlarge Person is mins/level, grab your arcane caster a pearl of power or two at 1000 GP each and you can easily have it all day). Just make them monsterous humanoid/giant or such so they can't stack with enlarge person (if that is still not enough, make it scale over a few hit dice like raptorian flight).
    No it isn't. You'd have to know when your encounters are going to start (Because mintues/level means that it will usually ware off before you reach an encounter if you're just wandering around hoping an encoutner starts) OR use the first round of combat being buffed by your caster for that to be true.

    PCs don't usually know when well over half their encounters will occur , at least in my experience. The 2nd is a signifcant oppurtunity cost, espically as levels go up. It's not a spell lost, it's a ROUND for one of your parties best party members. Imagine this ability was instead, "Give your arcane caster an additional action each combat", would that not be an overpowered ability?
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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Race 2.0

    Quote Originally Posted by aje8 View Post
    Imagine this ability was instead, "Give your arcane caster an additional action each combat", would that not be an overpowered ability?
    Don't you mean: "Take away an action from your arcane caster each combat"? The caster is the one wasting a standard action after all. The buffed PC can act on his initiative as normal.

    @Baron Corm: This is pretty nice as a guideline tool. If I make use of it I'll be sure to give you credit.
    Last edited by Norr; 2010-02-15 at 05:41 PM.
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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Race 2.0

    And so on.
    I'd pick this race every time.

    Also, why are you messing with the feat/ability scores system?

    Whats the point? Most of the time it'll just suck having your feats delayed by 1 level at times, i really don't get it.

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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Race 2.0

    The Dawn of Worlds thread is revitalizing this one, so I hope that forgives any necromancy.

    Some questions and comments, FWTW:

    Minor attribute: "naturally psionic" -- what does this mean? It could be 1 pp (like Dromites), 2 pp (like Elans), or 1 pp/level (like Kalashtar(sp?)). Since pp basically equate to SLAs, which have entries in all three categories, perhaps this should be broken down the same way. Since an at-will level 1 SLA is a major ability, I would propose 2 pp is a minor attribute and 1 pp/level is a moderate attribute.

    Incarnum also seems to be omitted. As the difference between Azurins and Humans seems to equate 1 essentia with +1 skill point/level, I would propose that a natural 1 essentia is a moderate attribute.

    . . . and I like it very much. At a minimum, it's a good tool box. I expect to make some use of it.

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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Race 2.0

    Quote Originally Posted by Stegyre View Post
    The Dawn of Worlds thread is revitalizing this one, so I hope that forgives any necromancy.
    I've certainly been updating a few things based upon how Amakule is doing it, so I'd say it still counts as a work in progress .

    Quote Originally Posted by Stegyre View Post
    Minor attribute: "naturally psionic" -- what does this mean? It could be 1 pp (like Dromites), 2 pp (like Elans), or 1 pp/level (like Kalashtar(sp?)). Since pp basically equate to SLAs, which have entries in all three categories, perhaps this should be broken down the same way. Since an at-will level 1 SLA is a major ability, I would propose 2 pp is a minor attribute and 1 pp/level is a moderate attribute.
    I wasn't aware that there was a race which gave 1 pp/level. I had been basically using it as 1 or 2, depending on whim. I think I'll go with your suggestion.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stegyre View Post
    Incarnum also seems to be omitted. As the difference between Azurins and Humans seems to equate 1 essentia with +1 skill point/level, I would propose that a natural 1 essentia is a moderate attribute.
    I know next to nothing about incarnum so I'll trust you on that one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stegyre View Post
    . . . and I like it very much. At a minimum, it's a good tool box. I expect to make some use of it.
    Thank ya. I've added a whole lot more races based on regular 3.5 races in the generic class thread, if you're interested in checking 'em out.

    Edit: Statted out the kalashtar, they seem to fit perfectly.

    Minors x3 (giving up your Moderate): remove -2 stat penalty, +2 Intimidate, mindlink 1/day
    Moderates x2 (giving up your Major): Naturally Psionic (1/level), +2 to Bluff and Diplomacy
    Remove +2 stat bonus to get an extra Minor: +2 to a specific use of a skill (Disguise as human) and doesn't dream. Each of these seems like half a minor to me.

    And that is the actual kalashtar race, as written.

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    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Race 2.0

    I suppose Psi-Like Abilities would be the same as SLAs?

    Or not?
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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Race 2.0

    Quote Originally Posted by Zale View Post
    I suppose Psi-Like Abilities would be the same as SLAs?

    Or not?
    Correctamundo. I wouldn't want to add more clutter to the abilities list itself, but I'll add a line about this in the opening. Here are two races I made with psi-like abilities, if interested:

    Githyanki - +2 Dexterity, -2 Wisdom, Naturally Psionic (+2 PP), psionic daze 1/encounter, far hand at-will

    Githzerai - +2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence, Naturally Psionic (+1 PP), inertial armor 1/encounter, catfall at-will

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    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: [3.5] Generic Race 2.0

    Alright, Thank you.
    On a quest to marry Asmodeus, lord of the Nine Hells, or die trying.

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