Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Symbiotic or Parasitic [3.5 Race PEACH]


    Among the creatures populating the world, many are able to function on their own. Some however require other creatures. Licids are of the latter group. A licid has the ability to use other creatures as hosts, and in doing so can grant them aid or hindrance. Whether they act in their hosts best interests is their own choice however.


    Physical Description: While licids vary greatly in appearance, they do all have some features in common. They are all tiny, have a pair of feelers, have six legs, and at least one tail. They can however be many colours, have long or short legs, have two tails (short or long), and be armored or soft to name a few of their various features.

    Personality: Licids can have almost any kind of personality, though they have a tendency to think of other creatures as tools to be used.

    Relations: The relations of licids to other races depends largely on the individuals past encounters with them. Those that have fought them often see them as a blight that must be wiped out, while those that have been aided by them frequently see them as valuable allies. Those with no experience often see them as monsters or vermin due to their appearance.

    Alignment: Licids favor no particular alignment.

    Religion: While licids don't have a religion of their own, they have been known to adopt the religions of other races. They have also been known to get other races to form cults worshiping them, though rarely do the members realize what it is they are worshiping.

    Abilities and racial features:
    • -4 Str, +4 Dex, -2 Con, +2 Wis. Due to their small size, licids tend to be rather weak. They are however quite fast. They also tend to be fairly intuitive.
    • Tiny Quadruped. As a tiny creature, a licid gains a +2 size bonus to Armor Class, a +2 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +8 size bonus on Hide checks, but it uses smaller weapons than humans. They do not recieve a penalty to grapple however. Due to its tiny size and many limbs, a licid has three quarters the carrying limits of a Medium character. A licid's long feelers grant it a reach of 5 feet instead of the usual 0 feet for tiny creatures.
    • Aberration: Licids are aberrations.
    • A licid's base land speed is 30ft, climb speed 15ft.
    • Light Form: Due to their small and fragile bodies the result of the rolls to determine hp are reduced by 1 (this cannot reduce the roll to less than 1 and is applied before Con mod). However, any fall a licid takes acts as if it were 20 feet shorter than it was for calculating damage.
    • Licids gain a +8 bonus to climb checks due to their climb speed. They also gain a +8 racial bonus to jump checks and a +4 racial bonus to Tumble checks. A licid uses their Dex modifier instead of their strength modifier when making a jump check.
    • Body Crawler: Due to their small form, many legs, and ability to climb, a licid gains a +4 racial bonus to grapple checks. They also gain Improved Grapple as a bonus feat. However, their small size renders them unable to actually hold opponents. Upon a successful grapple check, the licid instead becomes able to move freely upon the opponents body. In addition, if a creature would gain a size bonus to grapple check against a licid, it instead gains a penalty of that amount. A creature may make a grapple check to pull a licid off. It is otherwise not hindered by a licid being on it (may change depending on licids actions). While on a creature, a licid ignores the creature's Dex bonus to AC. Against creatures the same size or smaller, a licid grapples normally.
    • Stow Away: If a licid makes a grapple check on a creature atleast 3 sizes larger that is not aware of it, it may choose to make a hide check opposed to their spot check. If it succeeds, the creature does not notice the licid and it is able to hide on their body as long as it does not move somewhere they can see. Any time the licid moves, the creature gets another check to notice it.
    • No Hands: A licid lacks hands. As such it is unable to use normal weapons. It can however use licid weapons (see below). These all count as martial weapons for licids and cannot be used by other races. It also has an odd body form for most creatures. As such it requires custom armor that costs triple what it would for humanoids of the same size. However, due to it's odd body form, armor made for a licid provides 1 less AC and has a Max Dex bonus 2 higher than an equivilant set for a humanoid would have. A licid also receives a +10% chance arcane spell failure to any spell with a somatic component. A licid's unarmed attack deals 1 damage.
    • Inhuman voice: Licids are unable to speak most languages (can only speak licid, Aquan, Auran, Ignan, and Terran), being only able to produce chittering noises. They are able to hear and understand just fine though (as well as read and write). A licid can communicate mentally with its host though. Due to this, a licid receives a +10% chance arcane spell failure to any spell with a verbal component.
    • Latch On: As a standard action, a licid may latch onto a creature it is currently crawling on. When it does so it stabs its legs into the creature causes 2 damage, and makes the creature the licid's host. The host may make a fortitude save to resist this (DC 25 + licid's HD). While on a host, the licid and host together gain a +10 to disguise checks to hide the licid (requires both to cooperate). A licid also gains an 80% chance that any attack aimed at it will hit the host, and the host gains a 20% chance that any attack aimed at it will hit the licid. If the host of a licid would dies while the licid is attached, the licid takes half the amount of damage left over (rounded down), and passes out in shock for 1d2 rounds per each round it was attached to the host (maximum of 24 hours). A licid may only use abilities granted by host feats (see below) while latched onto a creature. A licid may detach itself from a host at any time as an immediate action.
      A grapple check made to pull a licid off when it is latched on grants the licid a +15 bonus. If succesful the licid is pulled free and stunned for 1 round, however the host takes 1d4 damage.
    • Parasitic Feeding: A licid cannot eat like normal creatures. Instead a licid must feed off of a host. A licid must eat at least once a day. When a licid feeds, the host may make a Fortitude save (DC 20 + 1/2 the licids HD) to prevent it. If the licid succeeds, the host takes 1 Con damage. it takes half an hour for a licid to feed. The Con damage is applied at the end of feeding. This ignores immunity to ability damage, but heals automatically after 8 hours rest. A licid cannot feed from the same creature more than once a day.
    • A licid gains one bonus Licid feat at first level (see below).
    • Automatic Languages: Common and Licid.
      Bonus Languages: Any
    • Favored Class: Any

    Licid Feats
    Licid's have a special kind of feat called a host feat. All host feats grant an ability usable when the licid is latched onto a host. These abilities all involve injecting some kind of chemical into the host. As such the host may add half their resistance to poisons and diseases (if any). If the host has immunity to poisons and diseases, they gain a +20 bonus to the fortitude check. All of the abilities are extraordinary, however, they are augmented by magic. As such in an anti-magic zone the DC of the fortitude check is reduced by 5. In addition Undead, Constructs (not counting those made constructs by the Transmogrifying Licid ability), and Elementals are immune while in anti-magic zones.

    In addition, upon gaining 2, 5, 9, 14, 20, 27, 35, 44, 54, 65, and 77 licid feats, a licid gains a bonus licid feat.

    Normal Licid Feats:
    You are able to produce an anesthetic when you latch onto a host.
    Prerequisites: Wis 14, Licid
    Benefit: You may choose not to deal damage when you latch onto a host.

    Prehensile Tail
    Your tail becomes thin and able to manipulate things as well as your feelers.
    Prerequisites: Dex 18, Licid
    Benefit: You may use your tail as well as your feelers to manipulate items or use weapons. Your tail has a reach of 5 feet.
    Special: You are able to use 3 weapons. This makes you eligible for the Multiweapon Fighting feat. Fighters may take this as a bonus feat.

    Long Tail
    Your tail becomes longer than normal.
    Prerequisites: Prehensile Tail, Licid
    Benefit: Your tail becomes longer. It now has a reach of 10 feet.
    Special: Fighters may take this as a bonus feat.

    Twin Tails
    You have a second tail.
    Prerequisites: Licid
    Benefit: You gain a second tail identical to the first.
    Special: Because your tails are identical, any feats modifying your tails apply to both of them. Fighters may take this as a bonus feat.

    Long Legged
    You have long legs making you better at jumping.
    Prerequisites: Dex 14, Licid
    Benefit: Your legs are now longer. Your base land speed increases by 5 feet, and you may always choose to take a 10 on jump checks. You also no longer take a penalty to jump checks for having a speed of less than 30 or for not having a running start.
    Special: Fighters may take this as a bonus feat.

    You are skilled at leaping at other creatures.
    Prerequisites: Long Legged, Dex 16, Licid
    Benefit: As a move action you are able to make a lunge at a creature larger than you. When doing so make a jump check. The creature is granted a Reflex save (DC your jump check). If the creature succeeds, they may choose to dodge, or attempt an attack of opportunity (if they have one). If they fail the reflex save of miss on the attack of opportunity you hit them and initiate a grapple. If they had attempted an attack of opportunity you automatically succeed on the grapple.
    In addition, when you stop latching onto a host, you may choose to immediately make a jump check.
    Special: Fighters may take this as a bonus feat.

    Mystic Motions
    You become skilled at using your feelers to cast spells with somatic components.
    Prerequisites: Able to cast arcane spells, Dex 14, Int 16, Licid
    Benefit: The chance of arcane spell failure to spells with somatic components caused by being a licid is removed.
    Special: The results stack. Wizards and sorcerers may take this as a bonus feat.

    Mystic Noises
    You become skilled at using your to casingt spells with vocal components despite your inability to speak.
    Prerequisites: Able to cast arcane spells, Int 18, Licid
    Benefit: The chance of arcane spell failure to spells with vocal components caused by being a licid is removed.
    Special: The results stack. Wizards and sorcerers may take this as a bonus feat.

    Host Licid Feats:
    Corrupting Licid (host)
    You can inject a pheromone into your host that causes your host to generate an aura of fear.
    Prerequisites: Licid
    Benefit: As a standard action you may inject a pheromone that causes your host to give of an aura of fear. The host may make a fortitude save (DC 25 + 1/5 HD) to resist. This aura has a radius of 5 feet per 4 of your HD minimum 5 feet). The fear has a will save of (DC 10 + 1/2 your HD + your Con modifier). This lasts until your next turn.
    Special: If done consecutive turns, the host does not receive a new save each turn.

    Gliding Licid (host)
    You cause your host to temporarily grow wings.
    Prerequisites: Licid
    Benefit: As a standard action you may cause your host to grow wings. The host may make a fortitude save (DC 25 + 1/5 HD) to resist. These wings grant the host a 10 foot fly speed and have clumsy maneuverability. The maneuverability increases a degree for every 5 HD you have. The fly speed increases by 5 feet for every 5 HD you have. These wings may only be used to fly with a light load. These wings last until your next turn unless you renew them.
    Special: If done consecutive turns, the host does not receive a new save each turn.

    Nurturing Licid (host)
    You can inject a substance into your host that enhances their ability to recover.
    Prerequisites: Licid
    Benefit: As a standard action you may inject a substance into your host that causes them heal more quickly. The host may make a fortitude save (DC 25 + 1/5 HD) to resist. If you succeed the host gains fast healing 1. This increases by 1 per 4 HD you have. Unlike normal fast healing, the host is able to reattach severed limbs and body parts. This lasts until your next turn.
    Special: If done consecutive turns, the host does not receive a new save each turn.

    Quickening Licid (host)
    You may inject a stimulant into your host increasing their speed.
    Prerequisites: Licid
    Benefit: As a standard action you may inject a stimulant into your host that causes them to move more quickly. The host may make a fortitude save (DC 25 + 1/5 HD) to resist. If you succeed, the host gains an additional standard action on their next turn. You may also choose you use this as a move action. If you do so, the host gains an additional move action on their next turn and gains a +4 bonus to initiative in the next round.
    Special: If done consecutive turns, the host does not receive a new save each turn.

    Transmogrifying Licid (host)
    You are able to inject a substance into your host causing them become metallic.
    Prerequisites: Licid
    Benefit: As a standard action you may inject a substance into your host that them to become metallic. The host may make a fortitude save (DC 25 + 1/5 HD) to resist. If you succeed, your host gains a bonus to attack equal to 1 + 1 per 4 HD you have, and a bonus to natural armor equal to 2 + 1 per 5 HD you have. Any natural attacks they have as well as unarmed attacks also gain a damage bonus equal to the attack bonus. In addition they become a Construct and gain the augmented subtype (all their type also becomes a subtype for the duration of this ability). Unlike most constructs, they do not gain immunity to critical hits and sneak attacks. This lasts until your next turn unless renewed that turn.
    In addition, upon taking this feat you grow a metallic carapace. This grants you +2 natural armor as well as a +1 to attack and a +1 to unarmed damage. You are also able to he healed by the repair skill as well as the heal skill.
    Special: If done consecutive turns, the host does not receive a new save each turn. A fighter may take this as a bonus feat.

    Convulsing Licid (host)
    You can inject a stimulant into your host that causes muscle convulsions.
    Prerequisites: Licid
    Benefit: As a standard action you may inject a stimulant into your host. The host may make a fortitude save (DC 25 + 1/5 HD) to resist. The convulsions from this cause the host to suffer a penalty to attacks equally to 2 + 1/2 your HD rounded up. It also reduces your host's Dex bonus to AC by 1 + 1/4 your HD rounded down (this cannot reduce their Dex bonus to AC below -1). This lasts until your next turn.
    Special: If done consecutive turns, the host does not receive a new save each turn.

    Leeching Licid (host)
    You are able to inject an enzyme into your host that harms it while healing you.
    Prerequisites: Licid
    Benefit: As a standard action you may inject an enzyme into your host that causes them harm while healing you. The host may make a fortitude save (DC 25 + 1/5 HD) to resist. If you succeed the host takes 1 damage per 4 HD you have (minimum 1). This counts as acid damage, but ignores up to 5 points of acid resistance. If damage is dealt you heal 1 hp per 6 HD you have (minimum 1).
    Special: If done consecutive turns, the host does not receive a new save each turn.

    Stinging Licid (host)
    You may inject an irritant into your host upsetting their concentration.
    Prerequisites: Licid
    Benefit: As a standard action you may inject an irritant into your host that causes them harm and upsets their concentration. The host may make a fortitude save (DC 25 + 1/5 HD) to resist. If you succeed the host takes 1 damage per 3 HD you have (minimum 1). Damage resistance may not reduce this damage below 1. In addition, the host gains a pentalty to concentration checks equal to half your HD and must make a concentration check to avoid spells or activities that require concentration being disrupted. This lasts until your next turn.
    Special: If done consecutive turns, the host does not receive a new save each turn.

    Calming Licid (host)
    You can inject a relaxant into your host.
    Prerequisites: Licid
    Benefit: As a standard action you may inject a relaxant into your host. The host may make a fortitude save (DC 25 + 1/5 HD) to resist. This relaxant causes a bonus to concentration checks for the host equal to 4 + 1/4 your HD rounded down, but a also causes a penalty to reflex saves equal to 1 + 1/6 you HD rounded down (minimum 1). This lasts until your next turn.
    Special: If done consecutive turns, the host does not receive a new save each turn.

    Dominating Licid (host)
    You are able to dictate your host's actions.
    Prerequisites: Licid
    Benefit: You gain the ability to inject a substance into your host letting you control their next action. This ability may be used as a move action or a standard action. If used as a move action, you can control the host's next move action, if used as a standard action you can control their next standard action. The host may make a fortitude save (DC 25 + 1/5 HD) to resist. If you succeed, you have full control over the host's next action of the appropriate type. However, while you control the host, you use your own skill ranks and modifiers, but use their Str, Dex, and Con modifiers for skills. You also only can use spell-like and supernatural abilities if they are granted to the creature by their race. They are treated as not having any activated abilities or proficiancies granted by classes or feats they have taken. Instead they have your abilities and proficiancies. You may not cast spells using a host.
    Special: You only gain control of their next action of the correct type. If they have multiple actions of that type, you only gain control of the first one. The host gains a fortitude save every time you attempt to use this ability.

    Enraging Licid (host)
    You can inject a steroid into your host enhancing their strength, but causing them to become enraged.
    Prerequisites: Licid
    Benefit: As a standard action you may inject a steroid that causes your host to go into a rage. The host may make a fortitude save (DC 25 + 1/5 HD) to resist. If you succeed, the host goes into a rage (as the barbarian class ability PHB p.25). However, they must make a Willsave (DC 15 + your HD), to avoid attacking the nearest creature other than you. This lasts until your next turn.
    Special: If done consecutive turns, the host does not receive a new save each turn.

    Tempting Licid (host)
    You may inject a pheromone into your host that causes others to be tempted by them.
    Prerequisites: Licid
    Benefit: As a standard action you may inject a pheromone into your host that causes others to be tempted by them. The host may make a fortitude save (DC 25 + 1/5 HD) to resist. When you use this ability, you may choose to cause anger or desire. If anger is chosen, all creatures within 10 feet + 5 feet per 5 HD you have of the host to make a Willsave (DC 15 + your HD) or attempt to attack them. Allies of the creature gain a + 5 bonus to the Willsave. Creatures that are under the control of the host (such as summons or dominated creatures), gain a +15 bonus. Mindless creatures under the control of the host are immune. If you choose desire, your host gains a bonus to all charisma based skills equal to 1 + half your HD. This lasts until your next turn.
    Special: If done consecutive turns, the host does not receive a new save each turn, unless you change from desire to anger or the reverse.

    Host Augmenting Licid Feats:
    Multiple Injections
    You may inject multiple things into your host at once.
    Prerequisites: Licid, at least 2 host feats.
    Benefit: You may use an additional host feat during your standard action each turn. You may not use the same one more than once.
    Special: You may take this feat multiple times. The effects stack.

    Up The Dosage
    You increase the amount of substance injected when using your host feats.
    Prerequisites: Licid, at least 1 host feat.
    Benefit: The DCs of Fortitude saves to resist host feats are increased by 2.

    You may inject multiple things into your host at once.
    Prerequisites: Licid, Up the Dosage, Selected Host Feat.
    Benefit: When you take this, select a host feat you have taken. The DC of Fortitude save to resist that host feat's ability is increased by 5.
    Special: You may take this feat multiple times. The effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat select a different Host feat.

    Bound by Metal
    Your metalic carapace helps to hold equipment.
    Prerequisites: Licid, Transmogrifying Licid.
    Benefit: If wearing armor armor, the AC bonus granted by the armor is increased by 1. In addition, you gain a +5 bonus to checks made to avoid being disarmed. You also gain a +1 bonus to attacks.
    In addition, if you use your Transmogrifying Licid ability, your host gains a bonus to checks made to avoid being disarmed equal to twice the attack bonus they gain. If they are wearing metal armor they also gain a bonus to AC equal to 1 + 1/10 your HD (rounded down).
    Special: A fighter may take this as a bonus feat.

    Living Metal
    Your metallic carapace manages to merge with equipped gear enhancing it.
    Prerequisites: Licid, Transmogrifying Licid, Bound by Metal.
    Benefit: Equipped armor has its AC increased by 1. In addition, the max Dex bonus of equipped armor is increased by 2. You also gain a +2 bonus to attacks. Equipped weapons gain +1 to damage.
    In addition, if you use your Transmogrifying Licid ability, your host's armor has it's max Dex bonus increased by 1 per 10 HD you have (minimum 1). If they are using melee weapons, their damage is increased by half the amount their unarmed attack is increased by.
    Special: A fighter may take this as a bonus feat.

    Licid Weapons
    Licids have very few weapons that they are able to use on their own. However they have developed a few.

    Licid Spike
    Light Martial Weapon
    1 damage.
    Description: A licid spike is a small hollowed spike designed to fit over the end of one of a licid's feelers or tails. It can only be used by licids, and as a result of this is rather uncommon. It also requires fairly delicate craftsmanship. Due to this they tend to be more costly than one would expect.
    Price: 1 gold
    Crafting: Requires 2 copper pieces worth of iron, or an equivalent amount of another metal. DC 35. Small creatures gain a +5 bonus on checks. Tiny creatures gain a +15 bonus on checks. Large creatures gain a -10 penalty on checks.

    Licid Blade
    Light Martial Weapon
    1 damage.
    Description: A licid blade is a small hollowed blade designed to fit over the end of one of a licid's feelers or tails. It can only be used by licids, and as a result of this is rather uncommon. It also requires fairly delicate craftsmanship. Due to this they tend to be more costly than one would expect.
    Price: 1 gold
    Crafting: Requires 2 copper pieces worth of iron, or an equivalent amount of another metal. DC 35. Small creatures gain a +5 bonus on checks. Tiny creatures gain a +15 bonus on checks. Large creatures gain a -10 penalty on checks.

    Licid Barbs
    Light Martial Weapon
    Piercing and Slashing
    Description: A licid barbs are not normal weapons. Rather they are barbs designed to go onto the ends of a licid's legs. As such they are always sold in sets of 6 (one for each leg). When a full set is equipped, a licid deals an extra 1 damage when latching onto a creature. In addition it gains a +10 bonus to grapple checks while latched onto the creature. If pulled off, the damage dealt to the creature is doubled. In addition, if the licid gets of on its own, the creature is dealt 1 damage (this may be prevented by the Anesthetic feat but only if done during the licid's own turn as a move action). Due to their small size and delicate nature, they tend to be rare and expensive. Only licids can use them.
    Price: 10 gold for 6
    Crafting: Requires 3 copper pieces worth of iron, or an equivalent amount of another metal. DC 45. Small creatures gain a +5 bonus on checks. Tiny creatures gain a +15 bonus on checks. Large creatures gain a -10 penalty on checks. This is only for a single barb.

    This is mostly finnished and awaiting feedback.

    Last edited by Owrtho; 2010-01-16 at 03:13 AM.
    Want them to look nice? Have a guide

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  2. - Top - End - #2
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Symbiotic or Parasitic [3.5 Race PEACH]

    shouldn't Transmogrifying turn the host into a construct?

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Symbiotic or Parasitic [3.5 Race PEACH]

    Take a look. I finished the feats, so that should answer your question. I'd like some feedback on the balancing. Also, I'm wondering if maybe I should reduce the Arcane spell failure chances to 10% or increase the amount removed be the feats to 10% (as it is a caster would need to take 8 feats to fully remove the penalty).

    Also, I'm not used to stating weapons or crafting. As such I'm not sure on the balance of the licid weapons, their craft checks, and costs. I'm also unsure of the balance of some of the feats (particularly bound by metal and living metal).

    Also, I can't tell myself (I'm somewhat biased), but do others agree this is an LA +0 race?

    Want them to look nice? Have a guide

    My Homebrew
    [creature]Shiny: Monster Competition XXXVI entry.
    [class]Wisp fire guide: Follow me. I have such sights to show you.
    [class]Ozodrin: A class to play as an eldritch horror.
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  4. - Top - End - #4
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: Symbiotic or Parasitic [3.5 Race PEACH]

    Looks to me like it has much more penalties than seem worth. The only class I can see these guys being is rogue (or similar).

    I would recommend changing the feats Mystic Motions and Mystic Noises to one-instance feats that remove the matching penalties entirely.

    Also, with all that dexterity I would think these guys should be fairly fast on their (six) feet. 30 ft. base land speed appears fitting to me.

    Also. All HD drop by one step and then the roll is reduced by 1? Exceedingly punitive, specialy considering they already get a -2 to Con. Your common bat (fine animal) is more resilient than these guys, with his 1/8 HD. I recommend removing the die size decrease and keeping the roll penalty, perhaps.

    All in all, looks very interesting, would probably be a funny addition to a party as a rogue latched to the fighter.



  5. - Top - End - #5
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Symbiotic or Parasitic [3.5 Race PEACH]

    proof reading:
    If the host of a licid would dies while the licid is attached, the licid takes half the amount of damage left over (rounded down),
    * my emphasis

    Things that don't kill me make me strong
    Things that do kill me leave me dead

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Symbiotic or Parasitic [3.5 Race PEACH]

    +6 bonuses and penalties shouldn't be on a race with LA +0.
    Please feel free to PM me any thoughts on my homebrew (or comment in the thread if it's not too old).

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Symbiotic or Parasitic [3.5 Race PEACH]

    Quote Originally Posted by Temotei221 View Post
    +6 bonuses and penalties shouldn't be on a race with LA +0.
    tiny creature would call for +4dex/-4str as adjustment from medium
    * my emphasis

    Things that don't kill me make me strong
    Things that do kill me leave me dead

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Symbiotic or Parasitic [3.5 Race PEACH]

    Overall an interesting idea, but I'm not sure many campaigns would support a giant tick as a playable race.

    Racial feats are a good, but 25 is too many. No character will be able to take more than a handful, and it feals like you're trying to build a 20-level monster class, but using the race and feat mechanics instead. I think you should slap some racial hit dice on this thing and make it a 2-4 level monster class, perhaps one that could be exited early for players who want a little less licid and a little more of traditional PC classes. A lot of those feat abilities would make good class features.

    A tiny creature has no reach, which is a great hindrance. Consider making it small and granting it the slight build feature introduced for the kobold in the Races of the Dragon web enhancement. Additionally, I'd recommend a racial bonus to Move Silently checks of +2 or +4.

    Light Form: I agree with Draken. Light form is excessively punitive, especially in conjunction with a Con penalty + zero reach + racial abilities that require grappling. The Con penalty is enough - just dispense with all the other hit point penalties (but keep the reduced falling damage).

    Body Crawler: the +4 bonus should be marked as a racial bonus. Rather than converting everyone else's grapple bonuses into a penalty, which is counterintuitive (you're better at grappling an elephant than an ogre), simply make the licid better at grappling. For example, you can allow it to use Dex instead of Strength when grappling (which is a +6 swing considering racial modifiers alone) and grant it the Improved Grapple feat (which it needs anyway). This moves the default Str 4, Dex 16 licid from a net -7 in grapple modifiers to a net +3, and allows it to avoid an opportunity attack that it curently doesn't have the hp to survive anyhow. A small licid with slight build would have net +7 modifiers.

    I'd also suggest that Body Crawler should allow a licid that grapples against a creature 3 or more size categories larger than itself to waive the normal grapple benefits (as if it wasn't grappling) in order to hitch a ride on the victim (being carried when it moves) and attempt an immediate Hide check opposed by the victim's Spot modifier. If successful, it hides in the victim's clothing/carapace/scales/don't ask, and can't be found.

    No Hands: Instead of forcing custom armor sized for a giant tick, which is really rather silly, just state that licids can't wear armor and give them a carapace which offers a substantial natural armor bonus (say +3 or +4) and an available racial feat or two which would increase it to say, +6 or +9, but at the cost of acquiring a permanent armor check penalty (as the warforged).

    Inhuman Voice: A race that cannot learn to speak Common is not playable. Let the poor bugs speak Common. Likewise, the arcane spell failure for a funky voice should go - not only is it illogical (why does their voice only interfere with arcane spellcasting and not divine?), but it's a terrible way to nerf spellcasting: if you don't want licid spellcasters, simple don't let them take spellcasting classes. If you do want licid spellcasters, don't make it a stupid idea for them to take spellcasting classes. If you're really attached to the built-in ASF, at least attach it to the natural armor concept I recommended above; again, you can borrow from what's already been written for the warforged.

    Latch On: The passing out thing when the host is killed thing is excessive: supposed you remain attached to your host for six months? Will you be in a coma for 6-12 months thereafter? Typically parasites suffer nothing more than inconvenience when their host dies, so I'd recommend you just skip this. I'm also not so sure about the chance of accidently hitting the wrong target. Typically only DMs are entertained when players hit the wrong thing. Players typically find it frustrating, since there are no powers or abilities they can use to mitigate these "wrong target" penalties.

    Parasitic Feeding: You need to specify how long it takes the licid to feed, what happens if he fails to feed, and the maximum amount of Con he can drain per hour/day. Also, it's silly to restrict the licid to feeding on a given host no more than once per day. This means that, for example, he could drain 10,000 commoners of 1 Con each, but couldn't drain a single commoner of 2 Con.

    I like that many of the feats scale with your HD, improving as you level up so that they remain relevant. This is how all feats should work.

    Gliding Licid Feat: Where do these things come from? What are they made of? How do they grow so quickly? Where do they go when they vanish? If they come from the target's mass, my brain struggles to understand what would happen if the licid repeatedly grew the wings and allowed them to fall off -- you could cannibilize the target in minutes and leave nothing but a pile of cast-off wings behind.
    Last edited by jiriku; 2010-01-15 at 06:35 PM.
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    Default Re: Symbiotic or Parasitic [3.5 Race PEACH]

    I woulda just stated licids out as monsters and have the feeding a function of the injection

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Symbiotic or Parasitic [3.5 Race PEACH]

    Quote Originally Posted by Agi Hammerthief View Post
    tiny creature would call for +4dex/-4str as adjustment from medium
    Thanks, I'll fix that. Not quite sure where I got the +6 Dex/-6 Str from.

    Quote Originally Posted by jiriku View Post
    Overall an interesting idea, but I'm not sure many campaigns would support a giant tick as a playable race.
    Well, they aren't for every campiegn

    Quote Originally Posted by jiriku View Post
    Racial feats are a good, but 25 is too many. No character will be able to take more than a handful, and it feals like you're trying to build a 20-level monster class, but using the race and feat mechanics instead. I think you should slap some racial hit dice on this thing and make it a 2-4 level monster class, perhaps one that could be exited early for players who want a little less licid and a little more of traditional PC classes. A lot of those feat abilities would make good class features.
    Not making a monster class, just providing options. It isn't intended for any character to take more than a handful (but I might make it so taking licid feats grants bonus licid feats, such as the first time you take 2 licid feats, you gain 1 bonus licid feat. Each time the number of required licid feats to gain a bonus 1 increases by 1). The selection is based on the source. I may think about merging a few of the ones other than host feats (which are all based on the source). I might also consider giving 1 extra licid feat. I don't plan to make it a monster class either.

    Quote Originally Posted by jiriku View Post
    A tiny creature has no reach, which is a great hindrance. Consider making it small and granting it the slight build feature introduced for the kobold in the Races of the Dragon web enhancement. Additionally, I'd recommend a racial bonus to Move Silently checks of +2 or +4.
    Actualy, I stated in the size part that due to it's long feelers it does have 5 reach.

    Quote Originally Posted by jiriku View Post
    Light Form: I agree with Draken. Light form is excessively punitive, especially in conjunction with a Con penalty + zero reach + racial abilities that require grappling. The Con penalty is enough - just dispense with all the other hit point penalties (but keep the reduced falling damage).
    I think I'll take away the HD size reduction, but I'll likely keep the other parts. I'd initialy had it as I was worried the race might be too strong. As stated above, it has 5 ft reach.

    Quote Originally Posted by jiriku View Post
    Body Crawler: the +4 bonus should be marked as a racial bonus. Rather than converting everyone else's grapple bonuses into a penalty, which is counterintuitive (you're better at grappling an elephant than an ogre), simply make the licid better at grappling. For example, you can allow it to use Dex instead of Strength when grappling (which is a +6 swing considering racial modifiers alone) and grant it the Improved Grapple feat (which it needs anyway). This moves the default Str 4, Dex 16 licid from a net -7 in grapple modifiers to a net +3, and allows it to avoid an opportunity attack that it curently doesn't have the hp to survive anyhow. A small licid with slight build would have net +7 modifiers.
    Darn, I did forget to mark that it's a racial bonus. Anyways, for the grappling thing, it is intentional that it be that way. That is because you aren't trying to grab and hold the opponent, but move on them. A elephant would have a much harder time preventing that than an ogre (even if it did have arms, the greater bulk would make it easier to elude capture while remaining on it). I forgot it needed improved grapple. I'll add that on.

    Quote Originally Posted by jiriku View Post
    I'd also suggest that Body Crawler should allow a licid that grapples against a creature 3 or more size categories larger than itself to waive the normal grapple benefits (as if it wasn't grappling) in order to hitch a ride on the victim (being carried when it moves) and attempt an immediate Hide check opposed by the victim's Spot modifier. If successful, it hides in the victim's clothing/carapace/scales/don't ask, and can't be found.
    I might add that, but as a separate ability for convenience.

    Quote Originally Posted by jiriku View Post
    No Hands: Instead of forcing custom armor sized for a giant tick, which is really rather silly, just state that licids can't wear armor and give them a carapace which offers a substantial natural armor bonus (say +3 or +4) and an available racial feat or two which would increase it to say, +6 or +9, but at the cost of acquiring a permanent armor check penalty (as the warforged).
    I intend to actually have armor available. Also, I'll note that there is a feat that grants AC. Read Transmogrifying Licid (there are also 2 other feats that improve it).

    Quote Originally Posted by jiriku View Post
    Inhuman Voice: A race that cannot learn to speak Common is not playable. Let the poor bugs speak Common. Likewise, the arcane spell failure for a funky voice should go - not only is it illogical (why does their voice only interfere with arcane spellcasting and not divine?), but it's a terrible way to nerf spellcasting: if you don't want licid spellcasters, simple don't let them take spellcasting classes. If you do want licid spellcasters, don't make it a stupid idea for them to take spellcasting classes. If you're really attached to the built-in ASF, at least attach it to the natural armor concept I recommended above; again, you can borrow from what's already been written for the warforged.
    The race can learn common. It just can't speak it. It is able to understand, read, and write it however. If you prefer you can just think of it as being mute (unless one of the other players decides to learn licid or a language the licid actually can speak). It also is able to communicate mentally with it's host (removing all language barriers). It isn't too difficult to just say "I write _____ on the ground and chitter to get my allies attention." As for the ASF, I'll likely reduce it to 10%. Also, I would have it effect divine, but I hadn't realized there was such a thing as divine spell failure. The reason for it is to prevent them from being great spellcasters. The benefits being Tiny grants to casters is why it normaly grants an LA.

    Quote Originally Posted by jiriku View Post
    Latch On: The passing out thing when the host is killed thing is excessive: supposed you remain attached to your host for six months? Will you be in a coma for 6-12 months thereafter? Typically parasites suffer nothing more than inconvenience when their host dies, so I'd recommend you just skip this. I'm also not so sure about the chance of accidently hitting the wrong target. Typically only DMs are entertained when players hit the wrong thing. Players typically find it frustrating, since there are no powers or abilities they can use to mitigate these "wrong target" penalties.
    First, a licid shouldn't be attached to a host for such a prolonged period (though I may set a max length of 1 day). The penalty is also much better than in the source (where the licid was killed if the host died). The rational I'm going with is that the licid integrates with its host. The longer it remains attached, the more intigrated it becomes. Thus when the host dies, it causes a sevear shock to the licid's system. Also, I'd point out that if it looks like the host is about to die, the licid can just detach as an immediate action.

    For the miss chance, it's supposed to be hard to hit the licid when it's on the host. However, I'm thinking of making it just add to the licid's AC, and make it only have a chance to hit the wrong target if you miss the attack on the licid (would likely be 50% chance to hit host if aiming at licid and miss, 10% chance to hit licid if aiming at host and miss).

    Quote Originally Posted by jiriku View Post
    Parasitic Feeding: You need to specify how long it takes the licid to feed, what happens if he fails to feed, and the maximum amount of Con he can drain per hour/day. Also, it's silly to restrict the licid to feeding on a given host no more than once per day. This means that, for example, he could drain 10,000 commoners of 1 Con each, but couldn't drain a single commoner of 2 Con.
    It takes a licid 1 round to feed, but I'll change it to a half hour to avoid combat potential. The penalty for not feeding is the same as if a normal race doesn't eat long enough to gain penalties. As for why it can only feed from a person once per day, when it feeds, the licid injects an enzyme into the host. This enzyme is required to break down the nutrition needed, but has the unfortunate side effect of rendering the host immune for about 24 hours while the enzyme works itself out of their system. As such the licid is unable to feed again until the enzyme is gone, put simply, the next day.

    Quote Originally Posted by jiriku View Post
    I like that many of the feats scale with your HD, improving as you level up so that they remain relevant. This is how all feats should work.
    That was why I did them like that. They are the main reason to play a licid, and it would make licids suck if they were only playable as first level.

    Quote Originally Posted by jiriku View Post
    Gliding Licid Feat: Where do these things come from? What are they made of? How do they grow so quickly? Where do they go when they vanish? If they come from the target's mass, my brain struggles to understand what would happen if the licid repeatedly grew the wings and allowed them to fall off -- you could cannibilize the target in minutes and leave nothing but a pile of cast-off wings behind.
    The use the mass of both the target and the licid. They grow that fast due to epic and slightly magically enhanced growth hormones. The mass is taken back into the ones who gave it. You couldn't kill a host with it.

    Also, a licid could also work well as a fighter, possibly a barbarian, an maybe a ranger or druid (could also go some of the casters).
    Some examples for how they could build:
    Rouge: Focus on Dex. Get weapon finesse, the tail feats, the long legs, and lunge. Then fight by jumping on enemies to grapple them, and take advantage of the fact you can sneak attack them as long as your on them. Likely would also get the transmogrifying licid feats.
    Fighter: Focus on getting dominating licid, transmogrifying licid feats, and other buff feats (such as regenerating licid, quickening licid, maybe enraging licid, etc.). Get a few instances of multiple injection. Then have an ally or catch an enemy and buff them, while controlling them. When you control them you use your own abilities and such so could if using an ally get different moves and take advantage of that.
    Ranger/Druid: Get a strong animal companion. Focus on magic that buffs that companion. Get dominating licid and other buffing host feats as a fighter would and use your companion as your host.

    Quote Originally Posted by Latronis View Post
    I woulda just stated licids out as monsters and have the feeding a function of the injection
    I thought of doing that, but thought it would be more fun to actualy be the licid and play being careful about choosing hosts, deciding to buff/debuff, etc. As for the feeding, I figured they shouldn't get to go without some kind of thing they need to do to feed that isn't beneficial to the party normally.

    Last edited by Owrtho; 2010-01-16 at 01:10 AM.
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    Default Re: Symbiotic or Parasitic [3.5 Race PEACH]

    yea i suppose that works too, it's just not how I'd imagine them working

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    Default Re: Symbiotic or Parasitic [3.5 Race PEACH]

    I was worried the class might be too strong
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    Default Re: Symbiotic or Parasitic [3.5 Race PEACH]

    Quote Originally Posted by Temotei221 View Post
    That was a typo. I've only been working on classes recently.

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    Default Re: Symbiotic or Parasitic [3.5 Race PEACH]

    Feats, feats, more feats... Any character playing this would be pretty much stuck with playing their race, not their class... Fighter would me mandatory just the get enough feats to be able to do it well. I say make some of these inherent racial abilities and gve it LA or RHD. Just makes it so much simpler...
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    Default Re: Symbiotic or Parasitic [3.5 Race PEACH]

    another option would be to make several different varities of base licid

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    I'd point out none of the feats are mandatory. A rouge could play the class just fine, and unless you want to just play a licid, odds are you'd only take a few of the licid feats. As a sorcerer or wizard you could just take the two feats to remove penalties to casting and play a caster as normal (well, mostly, you would be smaller and maybe have a harder time making purchases and the like, but otherwise could play as normal). A rouge could play without any of the feats, though as mentioned above some could be useful.
    The idea isn't to get all the feats, but to choose a few that you want and just use those ones (likely a host feat or two, and maybe some of the ones that hand aren't host feats).

    That said, for those that do want to get more of the licid feats, I'm thinking it might be better to combine lunge with long legs, and make the Multiple Injections require at least 3 host feats, but grant you the ability to use an additional 2 actions granted by host feats in a single standard action instead of one.
    Alternatively, I could just make a single host feat and make it let you get 2 of the current host feats each time you take it (maximum of 6 times for all 12).

    In other news, I reduced the Int requirement for the two mystic feats (I'd initially planned to give +2 to int and had forgotten that I took it off when I typed those up).

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    Default Re: Symbiotic or Parasitic [3.5 Race PEACH]

    Quote Originally Posted by Latronis View Post
    another option would be to make several different varities of base licid
    I like that idea. A dominator, a manipulator, a booster, a drainer... Maybe a bloodletter variety for rogues/fighters? I could see this working.
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    Default Re: Symbiotic or Parasitic [3.5 Race PEACH]

    There are definitely some nasty nasty feats intended for gnomes and halflings that a licid rogue can use even more effectively.
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    That generally what the idea already is. I just made the varieties be feats and gave each licid 1 free. It also lets them be more versatile if they want. Just because there are racial feats doesn't need they need to be taken. The idea was originally to just take a couple to augment your character.

    The way I see it, if I made several base licids, all I'd be doing is making them all have 1 of the host feats automatically and not have a bonus licid feat. I'd also end up removing the multiple injections feat (since you'd only have 1). If you want to, you can run them that way, it just cuts down on what they can do (and I'd expect that almost all rouges and those that wanted to fight as a licid would just take the transmogrifying licid for the bonus AC and attack). Those that wanted to fight as people would just take dominating licid. A healer might take regenerating licid, but other than that the different types would be unlikely to see much use.

    Also, I completely missed Latronis' post there. It would be nice if the forums notified you of if you'd been nija'd.
    Edit: kinda like just now, but this din't realy effect my post. Anyways, please note a few of these feats of which you speak.

    Last edited by Owrtho; 2010-01-16 at 02:27 AM.
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    Default Re: Symbiotic or Parasitic [3.5 Race PEACH]

    Quote Originally Posted by Owrtho View Post
    That generally what the idea already is. I just made the varieties be feats and gave each licid 1 free. It also lets them be more versatile if they want. Just because there are racial feats doesn't need they need to be taken. The idea was originally to just take a couple to augment your character.

    The way I see it, if I made several base licids, all I'd be doing is making them all have 1 of the host feats automatically and not have a bonus licid feat. I'd also end up removing the multiple injections feat (since you'd only have 1). If you want to, you can run them that way, it just cuts down on what they can do (and I'd expect that almost all rouges and those that wanted to fight as a licid would just take the transmogrifying licid for the bonus AC and attack). Those that wanted to fight as people would just take dominating licid. A healer might take regenerating licid, but other than that the different types would be unlikely to see much use.

    Also, I completely missed Latronis' post there. It would be nice if the forums notified you of if you'd been nija'd.
    Edit: kinda like just now, but this din't realy effect my post. Anyways, please note a few of these feats of which you speak.

    You COULD however rework it in ways not covered by the feats, or combine several feats into a package deal. Say, a boosting licid would have the abilities of quickening licid, transmogrifying licid, and possibly nurturing licid available. Or it could be as simple as granting a +X bonus to natural armor, strength, dex, con, and land speed. You sacrifice the versatility of the base race to make each package more powerful in their specialized function. I think this would make it a lot easier to grasp and manage than the massive wall of feats.
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    Default Re: Symbiotic or Parasitic [3.5 Race PEACH]

    Well, that might be true, but I could also just split the feats up and use spoilers to avoid a massive wall. I could divide it into normal licid feats, host feats, and feats that augment licid feats. The sub divide the host feats into ones that buff, ones that have benefits and penalties, and debuffs (instead of alphabetical order). That way it would no longer seem like a huge wall of feats, and you could just look in the category that you wanted to use.

    Also, I'm not sure what you mean by methods other than feats. I could make a class I suppose, but that would make it more limiting than the feats. I could also make it some kind of racial progression, but that would likely end up setting a specific order which I hope to avoid. The package idea could work but would be much more restrictive (part of the idea is that as it is you wouldn't have to be only buff or only debuff). Then again I could just say "You get three licid host abilities" and make them not be feats, thus making it so you choose 3 on character creation and get no more (but that seems like it could possibly be over powered or result in other issues).

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