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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Troll in the Playground
    Drolyt's Avatar

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    Default Boss Monster Templates (3.5; PEACH)

    Here are described three templates: Enchanted, Divine Champion, and Evolved. They are still in the experimental stages (have not been tested) and are intended to make single monster encounters more challenging, particularly against parties that are extra effective against single monsters (as opposed to groups of monsters). They are not, however, intended to deal with highly optimized characters. They should be interesting challenges for tier 3 or below (or unoptimized tier 1 and 2) characters and can be used in one of three ways:

    1. As a normal encounter. When used this way these template increase the monster's CR by four. This is useful if your monsters have trouble due to being outnumbered.
    2. On an NPC. When used this way the NPC becomes a challenge of it's character level (otherwise NPCs are horribly under CR).
    3. To make a boss encounter. This single monster still counts as a monster of its normal CR but is expected to force the party to use resources equal to four encounters and grants XP as if it were four monsters.

    First off, Enchanted:
    Enchanted are creatures who have undergone arcane rituals to increase their speed and power. Although they are supernaturally tough and strong, the main power of an enchanted is it's extraordinary speed augmented by supernatural powers and defenses. Powerful arcanists might grant this template to one of their minions or even use it on themselves.
    Size and Type
    Same as Base Creature.
    Hit Dice and Hit Points
    Enchanted Creatures always have max hit points per hit die.
    Same as Base Creature, but see feats and abilities below.
    Double speed for all movement modes.
    Armor Class
    Same as Base Creature, but see abilities below.
    Base Attack/Grapple
    Same as Base Creature, but see abilities below.
    Attack and Full Attack
    Same as Base Creature, but see abilities below.
    Same as Base Creature, but see abilities below.
    Same as Base Creature.
    Special Attacks
    Spell Like Abilities: At-Will: Dimension Door, Fly, Haste. 3/Day: Time Stop. Caster Level equal to base creature's CR. Save DCs 10 + spell level + Charisma Modifier.
    Special Qualities
    Damage Reduction X/-. X is equal to 1/2 the CR of the base creature (round down).

    Energy Resistance X/- against Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, and Sonic. X is equal to twice the CR of the base creature (round down).

    Immunity to all death spells, magical death effects, energy drain, any negative energy effects, all mind-affecting spells and effects, poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, ability damage, ability drain, and critical hits.
    Spell Resistance X/-. X is equal to the CR of the base creature +14.

    Supernatural Speed (Su): An enchanted creature rolls initiative 4 times and acts in all four places in the initiative order. In other words an Enchanted Creature may act four times every turn. For example, an Enchanted creature might make four full attacks in one turn. However an enchanted creature may only act once per turn when under the effects of a time stop spell (including one granted by a spell-like ability) or similar effect.
    Base Saves
    Same as Base Creature, but see feats and abilities below.
    Strength +8, Dexterity +8, Constitution +8, Intelligence +8, Wisdom +8, Charisma +8.
    Same as Base Creature, but see Abilities above.
    Enchanted creatures gain Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, and Lightning Reflexes as bonus feats.
    Same as Base Creature
    Solitary or under the command of its creator.
    Challenge Rating
    +4 or Unchanged; see above.
    Quadruple Standard.
    Same as Base Creature or same as creator.
    Same as base creature.
    Level Adjustment
    I have no idea?

    Divine Champion and Evolved to come later, along with possibly other boss templates and clearer rules.
    Last edited by Drolyt; 2010-02-15 at 08:20 PM.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Barbarian in the Playground
    Dante & Vergil's Avatar

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    Default Re: Boss Monster Templates (3.5; PEACH)

    This seems pretty cool.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Boss Monster Templates (3.5; PEACH)

    Wow. That is a really cool template. Very appropriate for a boss I think. *looks left then right* Yoink.
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  4. - Top - End - #4
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Boss Monster Templates (3.5; PEACH)

    My only trouble with it is that I feel like I would have to run it way below its intelligence, or else it would slaughter a party of equivalent CR. See, when I'm running an encounter with four monsters, they can't all be in the same place at once, and they all have different motives and HP counts and such. This guy acts four times in the same place, and has a way high Intelligence; why on earth wouldn't he dimension door next to the wizard and take three hasted full attacks on him, very possibly killing him outright? The party would have to kill him almost immediately, or else lose at least one party member.

    I mean, obviously it works fantastically if you just do the standard HIAWDIMDSILTUTPHLHPIWCIAT1 maneuver.

    1. Have It Attack Whoever Dealt It the Most Damage Since Its Last Turn, Unless That Person Has the Lowest Hit Points, In Which Case It Attacks the Tank.
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  5. - Top - End - #5
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Boss Monster Templates (3.5; PEACH)

    Quote Originally Posted by DaTedinator View Post
    My only trouble with it is that I feel like I would have to run it way below its intelligence, or else it would slaughter a party of equivalent CR. See, when I'm running an encounter with four monsters, they can't all be in the same place at once, and they all have different motives and HP counts and such. This guy acts four times in the same place, and has a way high Intelligence; why on earth wouldn't he dimension door next to the wizard and take three hasted full attacks on him, very possibly killing him outright? The party would have to kill him almost immediately, or else lose at least one party member.

    I mean, obviously it works fantastically if you just do the standard HIAWDIMDSILTUTPHLHPIWCIAT1 maneuver.

    1. Have It Attack Whoever Dealt It the Most Damage Since Its Last Turn, Unless That Person Has the Lowest Hit Points, In Which Case It Attacks the Tank.
    That should only really be a problem if all it's initiative rolls are next to each other. Hmm... maybe I should have a clause that when fighting multiple opponents it's actions have to come in between those of it's opponents? How would I word that?

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Boss Monster Templates (3.5; PEACH)

    I had npc templates once. Minor ones, mind you.

    Lesser Npcs;
    Hit Dice: Half All.
    Abilities: -2 to any three.
    Feats: 1 at 1st level, additional feat for every 4 levels possessed.
    Skills: -1 skill point gained for each hit dice, minimum 1.
    Saves: -1 to all saving throws.
    CR: -1

    Moderate Npcs;
    Hit Dice: Max 1st level, half all additional.
    Abilities: Unchanged.
    Feats: Unchanged.
    Skills: Unchanged.
    Saves: Unchanged.
    CR: Unchanged.

    Greater Npcs:
    Hit Dice: Con Score + Class Hit Dice for 1st level, maxed, and half all additional (using con modifier for bonus hp beyond 1st level).
    Abilities: +2 to any three.
    Feats: 1 at 1st level, additional feats every 2 levels thereafter.
    Skills: +1 skill point each level.
    Saves: +1 to all saving throws.
    CR: +1

    Major Npcs:
    Hit Dice: Con Score + Hit Dice for 1st level maxed, max all additional (using con modifier for bonus hp beyond 1st level).
    Abilities: +4 to any three.
    Feats: 2 at 1st level, additional feats every 2 levels thereafter.
    Skills: +2 skill points each level.
    Saves: +2 to all saving throws.
    CR: +2

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Boss Monster Templates (3.5; PEACH)

    Quote Originally Posted by Jane_Smith View Post
    I had npc templates once. Minor ones, mind you.

    Lesser Npcs;
    Hit Dice: Half All.
    Abilities: -2 to any three.
    Feats: 1 at 1st level, additional feat for every 4 levels possessed.
    Skills: -1 skill point gained for each hit dice, minimum 1.
    Saves: -1 to all saving throws.
    CR: -1

    Moderate Npcs;
    Hit Dice: Max 1st level, half all additional.
    Abilities: Unchanged.
    Feats: Unchanged.
    Skills: Unchanged.
    Saves: Unchanged.
    CR: Unchanged.

    Greater Npcs:
    Hit Dice: Con Score + Class Hit Dice for 1st level, maxed, and half all additional (using con modifier for bonus hp beyond 1st level).
    Abilities: +2 to any three.
    Feats: 1 at 1st level, additional feats every 2 levels thereafter.
    Skills: +1 skill point each level.
    Saves: +1 to all saving throws.
    CR: +1

    Major Npcs:
    Hit Dice: Con Score + Hit Dice for 1st level maxed, max all additional (using con modifier for bonus hp beyond 1st level).
    Abilities: +4 to any three.
    Feats: 2 at 1st level, additional feats every 2 levels thereafter.
    Skills: +2 skill points each level.
    Saves: +2 to all saving throws.
    CR: +2
    I'm not sure the changes you have there warrant the CR increases. For example the +2 CR one might give about double HP and increase all important rolls for that creature by +2, but that's not very powerful. The only really nice thing is the extra feats, but I still don't think that's worth +2 CR especially with NPCs always having their CRs too high to begin with.
    Last edited by Drolyt; 2010-02-17 at 03:16 PM.

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