Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales: Now available in PDF format from Gumroad
Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales is now on sale in PDF format from Gumroad - with 6 never-before-collected bonus comics!
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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Halfling in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Combat Chemist (Base Class 3.5)

    Combat Chemist

    Hit Dice: d6

    Skills: Int modifier + 4
    Appraise (Int); Concentration (Con); Craft (Int); Decipher Script (Int; Trained Only); Escape Artist (Dex; Armor Check Penalty); Knowledge (Int; Trained Only); Search (Int); Sleight Of Hand (Dex; Trained Only; Armor Check Penalty); Tumble (Dex; Trained Only; Armor Check Penalty)

    {table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

    |Recipe Book; Explosive Experience; Recipes; Knowledge of Components

    | Grenadier

    | Additional Recipe

    | Insightful Aim; Recipe Usage

    | Evasion; Mettle

    | Additional Recipe

    | Wreak the Line; Recipe Usage

    | Combat Expertise

    | Additional Recipe

    | Scavenger's Boon; Recipe Usage

    | Blindfight

    | Additional Recipe

    | Strong Concoction; Recipe Usage

    | Escape Clause

    | Additional Recipe

    | Potent Blend; Recipe Usage

    | Shaped Splash

    | Additional Recipe

    | Recipe Usage

    | Master Chemist[/table]

    Proficiencies: The Combat Chemist is proficient with light armor and all one handed simple and martial weapons.

    Recipe Book: A Combat Chemist is adept at using concoctions and chemical reactions to combat her foes. A Combat Chemist carries a book of recipes with her at all times from which she puts her concoctions together. Every day, the Combat Chemist prepares a recipe from his book for each recipe slot he has. To use one, the Combat Chemist makes a ranged touch attack with a pouch filled with the concoction. Treat this weapon as a splash weapon the Combat Chemist is proficient with. The
    spell casts on impact, with the pouch as the center of the spell. Treat your Combat Chemist levels as the level of the appropriate class and intelligent as the casting stat.

    At levels 1, 4, and every third level up to 19, the Combat Chemist gains an additional 3 recipe slots.

    At levels 1, 3, and every third level up to 18, the Combat Chemist gains an additional recipe scribed into his book from the following list:

    Name of the Recipe
    Spell being Mimicked

    Illuminatis Compund | Light
    Slipwood Leave Extract | Grease
    Ghastfog Mix | Obscuring Fog
    Shinwend Dust | Hypnotism
    Kingsfoil Light | Mass Cure Light Wounds *
    Kingsfoil Compound | Mass Cure Moderate Wounds **
    Kingsfoil Extract | Mass Cure Serious Wounds ***
    Kingsfoil Essence | Mass Cure Critical Wounds ****
    Okyren Washing Compund | Erase
    Spiderwick Extract | Web*
    Sparklestrike Mix | Mass Hold Person***
    Mintfrost Compound | Sleet Storm**
    Burnrog Extract | Fireball*
    Bangshot Mix | Soundburst*
    Acidbreath Dust | Cloudkill**
    Magekill Compound | Antimagic Field
    Deathkiss Extract | Circle of Death***
    Dazzlespray Dust | Glitterdust*
    Saltspite Extract | Horrid Wilting***
    Fearseeker Dust | Weird****
    * Can only be taken at level three or higher.
    **Can only be taken at level six or higher.
    ***Can only be taken at level twelve or higher.
    ****Can only be taken at level eighteen or higher.

    Explosive Experience (Ex)
    : The Combat Chemist has dealt with the explosive weapons she uses all her life, and has gotten good at avoiding them. A Combat Chemist may add her intelligence modifier to her saves against effects produced by her concoctions or another Combat Chemist's concoctions.

    Knowledge of Components (Ex): A Combat Chemist's knowledge of the uses of the world around him is sublime. If a skill check involves identifying or knowledge about plants or other chemicals, the Combat Chemist may add her intelligence modifier to those checks.

    Grenadier: A Combat Chemist gains Grenadier as a bonus feat at level 2.

    Insightful Aim (Ex): The Combat Chemist is adept at aiming with her knowledge of physics. A Combat Chemist of level 4 or higher may add her intelligence modifier to ranged touch attacks.

    Mettle (Ex): See the knight ability of the same name.

    Evasion (Ex): See the rogue ability of the same name.

    Wreak the Line (Ex): The Combat Chemist is an amazing tool in large scale battle. A Combat Chemist of level 7 or higher may treat all concoctions used as effected by Enlarge Spell.

    Combat Expertise: A Combat Chemist gains Combat Expertise at level 8, regardless of prerequisites.

    Scavenger's Boon (Ex) A Combat Chemist learns that the land is bountiful for components. A Combat Chemist of tenth level or higher may make a Knowledge (Geography) or Knowledge (Nature) of DC 20 once a day to replenish one recipe slot.

    : A Combat Chemist of level 11 has grown used to combat in smogs, usually of his own creation, and gains the Blindfight feat.

    Strong Concoction (Ex) You have become a master of powerful concoctions. A Combat Chemist of level 13 or higher may treat all concoctions used as effected by Empower Spell if possible, and if not, the spell gains +2 to it's DC.

    Escape Clause (Ex)
    : A Combat Chemist is a master of fighting in smog. If a Combat Chemist of level 14 or higher is fighting in an area without complete visibility, her concealment goes up one step and she may add her intelligence modifier to her AC.

    Potent Blend (Ex): You improve your ability to strengthen your blends. A Combat Chemist of level 16 or higher may add an additional 3 dice to the damage of a concoction, or give the concoction +3 to it's DC.

    Shaped Splash: A Combat Chemist gains Shaped Splash as a bonus feat at level 17, regardless of prerequisites.

    Master Chemist (ex)
    : You are a paragon of chemical understanding. A Combat Chemist of level 20 may add his intelligence modifier to the damage rolls and spell penetration of concoctions. You may also prepare an additional 5 concoctions a day.

    Please criticize and review!

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Orc in the Playground
    Scorpions__'s Avatar

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    Default Re: Combat Chemist (Base Class 3.5)

    Woah, at first level you only get to use your main class ability 3 times a day... That seems a little harsh. Perhaps you should consider upping both that and the variety of concotions one can make, the list seems slim. Much like the Dragon Shaman`s aura list.


  3. - Top - End - #3
    Barbarian in the Playground
    IcarusWings's Avatar

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    Default Re: Combat Chemist (Base Class 3.5)


    a class where it actually makes sense to use the Vancian system.

    looks quite cool but needs a bit more variety.
    You gotta' let me know, are we human,
    Or are we dancers?
    My signs are vital, my hands are cold,
    And I'm on my knees, begging for the answer,
    Are we human, or are we dancers?

    - Human, The Killers

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Barbarian in the Playground
    Zom B's Avatar

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    Default Re: Combat Chemist (Base Class 3.5)

    Really, just a little nitpicking here.

    Hit Dice: 1d6
    We know what you mean, but should be "d6."

    Escape Artist (Dex; Armor Check Penalty); Escape Artist (Dex; Armor Check Penalty)
    I'm sure you see the error.

    Recipe Book: [...] The pouch casts the spell when it hits the ground or on impact.
    The wording here is a little weird. As written, since the pouch casts the spell, and its caster level is 0, this makes for some weak spells.

    Knowledge of Components (Ex): A Combat Chemist's knowledge of the uses of the world around him is sublime. If a skill check involves identifying or knowledge about plants or other chemicals, the Combat Chemist may add her intelligence modifier to those checks.
    Most checks of this type are going to be intelligence-based. Knowledge (Nature), Craft (Alchemy), etc. It seems a little redundant to add intelligence twice.

    Combat Expertise: A Combat Chemist gains Combat Expertise at level 8, regardless of prerequisites.
    Not sure of the reasoning on this one.

    Evasion (Ex): Same as Rogue ability.
    Seems like they should get this one a lot earlier, seeing that they are supposed to be good at dodging explosions. In fact, I'm not sure why you gave them good Fort saves instead of good Ref saves.
    Zombitar courtesy of Djinn_In_Tonic.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Halfling in the Playground

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    Default Re: Combat Chemist (Base Class 3.5)

    Quote Originally Posted by Zom B View Post
    Really, just a little nitpicking here.

    We know what you mean, but should be "d6."

    I'm sure you see the error.

    The wording here is a little weird. As written, since the pouch casts the spell, and its caster level is 0, this makes for some weak spells.

    Most checks of this type are going to be intelligence-based. Knowledge (Nature), Craft (Alchemy), etc. It seems a little redundant to add intelligence twice.

    Not sure of the reasoning on this one.

    Seems like they should get this one a lot earlier, seeing that they are supposed to be good at dodging explosions. In fact, I'm not sure why you gave them good Fort saves instead of good Ref saves.
    Will fix those.

    I meant it to say that the spells are centered on the impact of the pouch.

    It was mostly there for Survival or such. They are masters of plant knowledge.

    They are the intelligent fighter, so combat expertise seemed to fit to me.

    I was thinking of moving it and mettle lower, but didn't want to make it overpowered. Also, the fort is because they would most likely have a healthy immune system from all the dealing with chemicals and herbs. You think I could get away with all good saves with this?

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Combat Chemist (Base Class 3.5)

    I'd like to note that this class gets Antimagic Field as a Recipe at level 1. While obviously not a cure-all for magic, level 1 AMFs is a little wacky. Perhaps you meant them to get that a little later?

    Also, the very low number of available Recipes is a bit disconcerting. I assume you'll be adding to this list?

    All that I say applies only to myself. You author your own actions and choices. I cannot and will not be responsible for you, nor are you for me, regardless of situation or circumstance.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Halfling in the Playground

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    Default Re: Combat Chemist (Base Class 3.5)

    Quote Originally Posted by arguskos View Post
    I'd like to note that this class gets Antimagic Field as a Recipe at level 1. While obviously not a cure-all for magic, level 1 AMFs is a little wacky. Perhaps you meant them to get that a little later?

    Also, the very low number of available Recipes is a bit disconcerting. I assume you'll be adding to this list?
    This is made specifically for the setting in my signature, which lacks dedicated spellcasters. If in a different campaign, it would make sense to make it require ~level 12 or so.

    I lack any sourcebooks, but basically aiming for any AoE spells that make sense.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Halfling in the Playground

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    Default Re: Combat Chemist (Base Class 3.5)

    Update: Added heals. Feel free to suggest added spells for the list.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: Combat Chemist (Base Class 3.5)

    Is there a reason Craft is not on the class list?

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Halfling in the Playground

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    Default Re: Combat Chemist (Base Class 3.5)

    Quote Originally Posted by Iferus View Post
    Is there a reason Craft is not on the class list?
    Wow... I thought I had written it,,,, making the change. :)

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Titan in the Playground
    Lix Lorn's Avatar

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    Default Re: Combat Chemist (Base Class 3.5)

    Me and my lack of experience and knowledge approve of awesome. ^_^
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    It's like the feng shui version of an orbital death laser.

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