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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default BleachITP Reborn: Discussion & Setup

    There was discussion of a reboot for the BleachITP-verse. A new beginning, more structured and with an overall lower power level. Similar deal to Ultimate Marvel.

    This thread is for discussing that, to keep it out of the main thread.

    Important stuff so far:

    Character Registry


    Quote Originally Posted by Zarah
    We need a clearly directed plot in order to keep things trucking along without getting stalled, and I had a thought of a way to help accomplish that. Basically, we come up with some central themes for this game. This isn't a revolutionary idea, and some people were already doing just that in the previous game, but I'm saying we all come up with and agree on two or three major themes for this story. Ones that will continue to appear again and again across many of the plotlines throughout the entire game. It'll help direct the plot and could potentially give some good ideas for other characters. Not to mention, it'll give much more of a satisfying payoff in the end once the themes are fully realized.

    Whatever they are, they should be fairly general, so they can be adapted to as many of the plots that we have going. Of course, we can expand to include as many motifs and themes as we want in our own stories, but if we have a set of continuous themes to draw from, then it'll really help make things much more connected. Even more coherent.

    Obviously, the one I'm gunning for with Kujo is "Law vs. Chaos," and Bleach in of itself has tons of themes we can pick from. "Inner Conflict" is a big one, for example. But hey, I'm open to other suggestions. Any thoughts?
    Quote Originally Posted by KnightDisciple
    I think "Law vs. Chaos" is good.

    I'd like to play off of strawberryman's suggested faction, as well as off of what we've seen in our current game, and suggest something dealing with the question: How far do you go to accomplish something? Do you do evil in the name of a greater good? (Sorry. I couldn't help myself.) Or do you make sure to never compromise your principles, large and small, no matter the cost?

    Not sure how to compress that into a pithy phrase, but there we go.
    Quote Originally Posted by KnightDisciple
    The following came about in a discussion about the nature of various Shinigami and Arrancar hybrids and such.

    The Hougyoku is a substance used to perfect the hybridization of hollow and shinigami. It might have been created, or not. If it has, the creators were most likely vanquished by the powers of the Seireitei and Las Noches, who then sealed the thing off into some forsaken spot of some forsaken demiplane, with only the Ghost King and the Commander General being aware of its location. Both factions had problems with mad or power-hungry Artificial Arrancar and Stable Vizards, deciding that it better to forget the thing.

    Shinigami Hybrids:

    Unstable Vizard
    An unstable vizard is a shinigami who, through some sort of accident or other means, has gained minor hollow powers.
    An unstable vizard has access to a personal hollow mask, but does not have any unique powers and his hollowfication never progresses sufficiently to make a resurreccion or segunda etapa possible, and the unstable vizard gains access only to cero and garganta.
    Becoming an Unstable Vizard is dangerous and hardly ever intentional, as the name implies, most accidents that would result in an unstable vizard result in a dead shinigami or a hollow, instead. Unstable Vizards must fight off their inner hollow and hollowifcation fully, to prevent the being from overcoming them utterly, but this is a fight that never truly ends.

    Stable Vizard
    A stable vizard has been created through use of the hougyoku. They do not have to fight off the hollowfication or an inner hollow, which is melded into their person completely.
    A stable vizard has access to all hollow powers (cero, bala, sonido, garganta and hierro), and their masks might grant them a unique power, they also have the power to achieve resurreccion and even segunda etapa.


    Hollow Hybrids

    Natural Arrancar
    Natural arrancar are hollows who arrancarised themselves, or with the help of other hollows who know how to speed up the process. The arrancar gains an arrancar zanpakutou, which has no spirit, and is merely most of the arrancar's unique powers sealed into sword shape.
    Natural arrancar have access to resurreccion and may develop segunda etapa. But do not have access to shinigami abilities.

    Artificial Arrancar
    Artificial arrancar are created through the Hougyoku. They have the potential to sunder off one of the souls that forms their colective and form it into a second zanpakutou capable of granting shikai and even bankai. Artificial arrancar have the potential to learn shinigami techniques such as Hoho, Kido and Hakuda.


    Mortal/Hollow Hybrids

    Living Vizard
    A Living Vizard is a mortal with a hollow mask, the mask comes with an innate, unique power, and when on, it gives the normal boosts and hollow abilities. Living Vizards can, eventualy, achieve resurreccion. A vizard mask cannot ever be lost, and if broken it can be resummoned almost instantly.

    Living Arrancar
    A living arrancar gains an arrancar zanpakuto (no spirit), hollow abilities (sonido, cero, hierro, bala) and the power of resurreccion. Resurreccion relies on the zanpakuto, which, unlike the vizard mask, can be broken (in which case it needs awhile to regrow).

    A hollowing is a mortal who gains the power to turn some body part into a hollow-like version with greater strenght, speed and resilience. The powers in this hollowlike limb can be bolstered through training, but only up to a limit. As this limit is reached the hollowing must, in order to increase her powers, absorb hollow reishi, either form the atmosphere of hueco mundo or through the cannibalization of hollows, which allows even more of the Hollowing's body to turn into hollow-like parts.
    The powers of the hollowing come at a risk, for, when enough of the hollowing's body becomes hollowlike, he risks becoming trapped into the monstrous shape.

    Shinigami/ Mortal Hybrids:

    Substitute Shinigami
    This should be pretty basic and obvious.

    Living Shinigami
    Living shinigami are mortals with access to a shinigami zanpakutou while still in their mortal bodies.


    Quote Originally Posted by Zarah
    Also, I'm reposting my Central 46 idea, since it got lost two OOC threads ago, and it's far more relevant here. So once again:
    Anyway, we've been going on about all of this and that in the Bleach universe, but I came to the realization that we completely forgot about a little group of people hiding away in Soul Society: The Central 46. Probably because in both canon and our game, they've done next to nothing other than... Well, die. However, I felt that if we were going to go with a new setting, why not actually make them practical?

    Here's what I suggest: We nominate three or four trusted players to act as the Central 46. Any of these people can post as the entire body, and essentially act as an administrative organization both in and out of character. You might think that doesn't make sense, but in actuality, the duties would cross-over a lot more than you might imagine. For example, say a player wants his character to be promoted to a captain at some point in the RPG. The Central 46 would be the ones who analyze the situation and make a decision, but they'd have to look closely at both the character and the player to see if they're ready for the responsibilities. As another example, imagine that a group of rogue Shinigami appear in the mortal world and start causing trouble. The 46 would decide whether or not Soul Society goes to war with them, and thus whether or not any of the more powerful characters get involved in the plot. Think of them like a set of unofficial moderators for the RPG, who keep things in check both ICly and OOCly.

    I think it could also add a whole new layer of role-playing opportunities. Let's say a group of low-powered academy students are training in the mortal world when one classmate decides to do something reckless and ends up getting them into dire straits. They make it back to Soul Society alive and in one piece, but now they have to answer to the Central 46 and explain their actions. Having actual players behind the council instead of just mindless NPCs (or corpses) makes it a bit of a nagging threat in the back of people's minds, and could even indirectly prevent players from going overboard. Since I know that if I were sitting on the council, I would not be a gracious host.

    EDIT: I forgot to mention. I wanted to do something with the central 46 that wasn't "kill them all," and this seems like a pretty practical application of them.
    Quote Originally Posted by Shades of Gray + Frozen_Feet
    Gotei divisions and their tasks:
    1) Administrative.
    2) Ninjas.
    3) Execution?
    4) Healing+Hospitality.
    5) Messengers.
    6) Reinforcements.
    7) Logistics.
    8) Internal Police. Tactical planning
    9) Recon.
    10) ? Internal Police.
    11) Fight.
    12) Science.
    13) Patrol.

    Hollow, Arrancar and Las Noches

    Originally Posted by Draken
    Now, on to other matters, we need to decide how a few things work. For instance, the menos fusion. When first someone asked what happened to the souls that form a menos, we decided, back then, to have it so that they remain separate (which means when the menos is destroyed all souls are released). But I think it is best if (save exceptions) we have it so that they all permanently fuse.

    This has two benefits:

    1. It adds a depth of moral doubt to the destruction of an arrancar. They aren't mindless monsters like hollows, they can be argued with, and destroying them won't fre thousands of innocent souls. Just erase their memories.

    2. It creates a good "soul number check". We assume that, along with the reincarnations, new souls are, indeed, created. But then... There are only means to increase the number of souls in place. None to reduce them (save awful, vile acts and stuff). The menos "singularity of souls" would be a decent means of keeping the soul population under control.
    Originally Posted by Draken
    On Las Noches, I was thinking of this organization:

    The King of Hollows: The King of Hollows, duh.
    The Espada: Captain/Nobility Equivalents.
    Fraccion: The liutenants, officers and close persons to the Espada.
    Numeros: The soldiers of Las Noches.
    Rest: The rest.

    I perceive Las Noches as a city in Hueco Mundo, a city governed by arrancar and open to shinigami, mortal and hollow alike. A city where all beneath the artificial sun is under scrutiny of the law enforcement of the city, but where the shady alleys are hive to scum of the worst sort, criminals, traitors, traficants. A place where the Commander General and the Big Bad can look face to face and not be expected to try to kill each other on the risk of losing free access to this (mostly) safe haven.

    The idea here isn't that arrancar and hollows are friendly.

    The idea is that one vasto lorde decided to open his domain to other spiritual beings. Mainly because rational menos actually have very little reason to fight shinigami except spite, this is because your average menos won't ever leave Hueco Mundo unless goaded out by some other force. Menos have no interest in plus or living souls, they eat other hollows.
    Originally Posted by Draken View Post
    1. I will be assigning the Espada, most likely.

    2. I will also, probably, not keep the numbers strongly tied to the power of each character.

    3. The Ghost King will not be the primera.

    4. My main arrancar character (King's gonna stay in the background) will be the Queen of Hollows, and she will not be an espada either. I will keep those positions for other players.
    Originally Posted by Frozen_Feet View Post
    About Aspects of Death: it's established that once a Hollow has destroyed things that were dear to it, they wander into Hueco Muendo and seek out other Hollows to ease their pain / to forget about their lives. I propose they instinctively seek out others who died in the same way, and thus their suffering condenses into their Aspect. Arrancars gain power when the ascended personality realizes this and works around / with it.


    Okay, I think I now have enough to bring this for discussion.

    The Fae
    The State of the Afterlife of the British Isles
    Britain’s afterlife is stable – just. Long periods of internal strife between the psychopomps of Britain, known to themselves as the mac Lir or fab Llŷr, and to others as the Fae, left ample time for Hollows to develop and grow. Now, Britain faces a deep-rooted infestation of well-hidden Menos, but the Houses of the British Isles are united in their desire to rid the islands of these threats.

    Annwn – the Afterlife
    The British afterlife is called Annwn, a place that reflects the most untouched corners of the British Isles in its geography. The four courts of monarchs are located in a roughly central location within a few hours journey of each other by normal walking speed. Passage between Annwn and the mortal world is achieved by passing through thick banks of mist that function as the Fae equivalent of Senkaimon. The mac Lir make use of ravens, rather than butterflies, to guide them through the misty realm between Annwn and the mortal world.

    The Organisation of the Fae
    The British Isles are ruled by four monarchs – one each for Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales. Each of these monarchs governs passage of souls into Annwn in the country they are tied to. They each possess three Houses under their command, each ruled by a Tiarna or Pennaeth, individuals equal to the captains of Soul Society. A Tiarna or Pennaeth is directly supported by their Dara or Ail, equivalents to the Japanese Vice-Captains. The rest of the House is made up of thirteen mionn cheangal or lw rhwymo, equivalents to seated officers, plus any other Fae who are members of the House but deemed unworthy of the distinction of the upper ranks. The specialisations of each House vary depending on the current Tiarna or Pennaeth, but it is very rare for their not to be at least one House dedicated to combat in each country at any given time. The ranks of the Houses are held for life, unless the bearer of a rank forfeits it. A House member is usually given a title and land in Annwn upon forfeiting a rank. These titles are hereditary, and their bearers and their family often become the British equivalent of the Noble Houses of Soul Society.

    Every year, a randomly selected twenty members of each House are chosen to leave Annwn and go out into the mortal world and deal with Hollows as they see fit. Fae on such leave from their House are known as Fianna, and are exempt from all laws of their lords until the end of their sojourn and return to Annwn.

    Each monarch also rules a small Royal House. Tiarna or Pennaeth who truly distinguish themselves are promoted to this rank to serve as the monarch’s guardians and personal champions.

    Alongside the House structure exists the Aois-dŕna, a loose affiliation of bards and druids that serve as advisors to the lords of the Houses, historians, genealogists, legal specialists, and experts in Ealaín, the British form of kido.

    Capabilities of the Fae
    All abilities the Fae possess are mirrors of the abilities of shinigami. They can walk on air like their Japanese counterparts, and focus their training on Scileanna Laochra (Zanjutsu), Ystwythder (Hoho), Gan a Arm (Hakudo) and Ealaín (Kido).

    A Note on Language
    Whilst most of the terminology for the Fae is based on Celtic languages, some, particularly the specifics and names of Ealaín, were brought to Britain from elsewhere. These use Ancient Sumerian.

    In addition, every Fae possesses a Treoir Anam, their equivalent of a zanpakutou. These possess the potential for a Rhyddhau (shikai) and a Nerthol Rhyddhau (bankai) as a zanpakutou does. The only notable difference between a Treoir Anam and a zanpakutou is that the former are quite likely to take a shape other than a sword even when sealed, spears and axes in particular being quite common, and no small number of Aois-dŕna druids possessing sickles.

    The mystic arts of Britain function identically to kido, the spells of a given path and number function the same as their foreign counterpart.

    Silakus: “Way of Destruction”
    1, Taka (Push)
    4, Sagir (Pale Lightning Flash): Balor! Unlid the third eye that graces your brow, and let forth the spite of clouds!
    11, Nuhuš Gír (Tamed Lightning)
    31, Urinti (Blood Arrow): Balor! Unlid the third eye that graces your brow, and let forth the tide of chaos!
    33, Nissati (Blue Arrow): Balor! Unlid the third eye that graces your brow, and let the west crash forth!
    54, Su-luh Izi (Cleansing Flames): Balor! Unlid the third eye that graces your brow, and empower me to remove impurity from your sight!
    58, Imiuru (Windstorm)
    63, Anurimiriu (Threefold Storm Roar)
    73, Erim Nissati (Host of Blue Arrows): Balor! Unlid the third eye that graces your brow, drown out the sun, and call forth the sundering west winds!
    88, Aralimiriutil (Apocalyptic Threefold Netherworld Storm)
    90, Gitil (Black Ending)
    96, Ašgir Mŕnu (Single Sword Immolation)

    Girserusu: “Path of Shielding Arts”
    1, Šaga (Captive)
    4, Sigulul (Golden Chain)
    8, Tamšen (Reflecting Mirror)
    9, Eda (Paralysis): Balor! Lid your third eye, call up the hounds of Annwn, and grace us with the living death!
    21, Urinimi (Blood Cloud)
    26, Zah Bu (Hiding Light): Balor! Lid your third eye, turn your gaze away, and put the sun in their eyes!
    30, Ešhu Ulul (Three-Bird Restraint)
    37, Ulgu (Star Net)
    39, Senbu (Shielding Light): Balor! Lid your third eye, turn your gaze to me, and guard me with thine wrath!
    58, Igisar Lasar (Seeing the World, Knowing All): Balor! Lid your third eye, extend your sight forth, whisper in my ear, and let me see thine sight! The sun and moon are my eyes, the trembling ground my ear!
    61, Asni E-kurbu (Six-Body Prison of Light): Balor! Lid your third eye, gift the sun unto to me, and let its halo trap them!
    62, Űšukur (Hundred Spear Fence)
    63, Gisigulul (Locking Golden Chain)
    73, Išibalsig (Rotated Mountain Wall)
    75, Aš Barzilba-an (Five Adamant Pillars)
    77, Kadigir (Mouth of the Gods): Balor! Lid your third eye, and gift me with your voice! The clouds are as my mouth, and the skies are as my lungs!
    81, Barů-la (Splitting Nothingness)

    Unlike shinigami, the Fae bear an additional restraint upon their power: geasa (sing. geis). These are taboos for the Fae in question that they must not commit, or lose access to spiritual power or suffer some other misfortune. Anyone can bring a geasa on a Fae, though the Fae in question must willingly accept it. Treoir Anam spirits often require their wielder to agree to a geis before granting Rhyddhau or Nerthol Rhyddhau. They also pay a part in Fae society, geasa often being included in oaths to one’s lord or in marriage vows.


    Originally Posted by Innis Cabal View Post
    As far as the plot is concerned. Here is my contribution, or at least, hopefully. The Samsara plot, and reasoning for their dark activity.

    As much as I personally loathe the name of our new city, I figured it could be incorporated into the plot. With a little brain storming with Callos, and a look at the set up of the new game, I’ve noticed there are –a lot- of spiritually aware children. This led to me thinking –why- that might be the case. Its not a normal occurrence. So, here me out.

    Phoenix Town () is a center of reincarnation, both out going and inbound to the spiritual world. This inundates the area with spirit particles, thus leading to the relatively high number of the spiritually aware. The Samsara’s main plot in the first game, and the carry over here, is to rebalance the passage of souls, destroying the Valley of Screams, and removing the Blanks from the Cycle of Reincarnation. Thus fixing the balance of the spiritual world. To do this, their plot is to flood the city with Blanks, and over time detonate them once a certain number of highly aware mortal souls are collected. This puts them in direct conflict with the mortal characters for several reasons.

    1. The humans –are- those souls, thus making them prime targets for the Samsara to go after.
    2. This will blow up the city, killing off the whole area. That’s bad for those living inside the city, with family and friends. Making this a plot that –all- mortal characters can get involved in early on.

    Well, that’s my idea for the Samsara plot. Innis tested, Callos Approved. Now, to the playground, think it’ll work?
    Originally Posted by Innis Cabal View Post
    The Samsara

    Leadership: “The Boss”
    Second in Command: Go Nagi
    Mortal World Relations:

    Primary Grunt Force: Blanks (Augmented Blanks)
    Physical Location: The Valley of Screams

    Overview: The Cycle of Reincarnation is not a simple or perfect thing. Souls traveling between the worlds sometimes fragment, their memories fading into some unknown location, the soul falling into a realm that should never exist. These are the blanks, souls without memories, lost forever from the Cycle of Reincarnation, unable to return for they cannot remember how. It is unknown how, but when a number of these memory less shells accumulate, a separate realm, the Valley of Screams, is created to house them. This real, lies between Soul Society and the Mortal World. But the memories of these creatures are not destroyed or lost forever. The swirling mass of memories and experience’s coalesces into an object known as the Memory Rosary, the accumulation of all memories lost between Reincarnation and the journey there in.

    The Samsara

    The Samsara are akin to Arrancar in that they are an artificial creation, Blanks granted the copies of memories from the Rosary itself. The likeness between themselves, Shimigami, and Arrancar end at this small analogy, not truly meant to exist the Samsara are the thinking force behind the Valley of Screams, the heralds of those cast out by an imperfect system.

    Standard Powers of the Samsara
    Blank Manipulation: Every member of the Samsara is capable of utilizing Blanks for various purposes. They may duplicate Kido (if their memories contain such information), create weapons or simple items, duplicate flashstep or sonido (again based purely on their memories), or fly. Samsara may also heal with the power of the Blanks, capable of restoring even lost limbs if given proper time and concentration.

    Individual Powers

    The powers of a Samsara depends entirely on his or her memories, granting each a highly individualized level of capabilities and powers.

    What this is, is a simple dolling up of what seems to be the first Villian team of the Reborn game. We're looking for member's currently. So, if anyone's interested, roll a character up and lets see where it goes


    Originally Posted by strawberryman View Post
    ...Okay, well, I assume because there was little reaction it would help if I actually explained what the faction I was planning is.

    It's more or less like the Men In Black... It's a multi-national secret organization that deploys agents to clean up after the various mishaps that Soul Reapers can't. As such, the various Soul Reaper organizations usually leave them well enough alone.

    ...That's their cover op, though. What they are really trying to do is make Mortals able to fend for themselves, and be self-sufficient on the matters of the spiritual. Which meshed pretty well with Ran's goal during the last cycle... but, that's an aside. They track and recruit various spiritual humans: Quincies (in fact that may possibly be a large base of their agents), Living Vizards, various anomalies, just plain spiritually aware humans, or maybe even Bount.

    ...As for why they may be considered villainous or antagonistic to the Enclave is their willingness to do literally anything to achieve their ends; assassinations, theft... etc. And it's likely that the various runes they possess will be like their Holy Grail. For reasons I don't feel like fully explaining, I would like to keep some secrets.
    Originally Posted by Zarah View Post
    Well, I was under the assumption that Phoenix Town was going to be another spiritual hot spot, which explains why so many mortals are developing their own powers. Of course, the introduction of outside forces will help as a catalyst, but it's mostly just the fact of where the people live more than anything. The same abundance of spiritual power in the city would also explain why there might be various factions vying for power in the region even from the beginning.

    Also, about the idea of the cold war turning hot, I like that plan. I like it a lot. It fits perfectly with Kujo's intentions, and is more or less what I was planning to work toward anyway, so I'm giving it a hearty thumbs up.
    Originally Posted by Innis Cabal View Post
    Well, here is what I was thinking for the over all "History". Its diluted yes, and I'll extraploate more on it when I can sit down and really pound it out.

    The Quincy Bloodlines, as they were, are connected to the ancient Ninja Clans of the Sengoku Jidai, now far removed and interbred with the general populace of Japan, the Quincy themselves would retain lasting familial alliances, hatreds and pacts with other blood lines
    Last edited by Prime32; 2010-04-02 at 01:42 PM.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: BleachITP Reborn: Discussion & Setup

    Well, first off, I think its been made quite clear that the tone of the game should be lighter. Enough people complained about the darker parts of the previous RP that we should definitely take this into account.

    Second: what factions do we wish to have in this game? The current villains suggested so far seem to not be tied to Arrancar in any way, so do we want Arrancar in or not? What about foreign afterlives like the ARC and the Fae (which would be heavily modified from their current incarnation if they were to be included - and I by no means assume they would be)? What about the Bount? The Enclave?

    I believe we should deal with these larger questions first. But hey, that could just be me.

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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: BleachITP Reborn: Discussion & Setup

    Well. I was considering the following, a rework from the suggestions Imade back when I said that medieval stuff (minus the medieval part).

    Base factions:

    Seireitei: Soul Society et all. The Shinigami, the center guys, in many ways.

    Arrancar: I feel we have to keep them. But no longer as main antagonists. Perhaps just as the less mindless citizens of Hueco Mundo. In fact, I wanted to bring Las Noches back as a sort of "Sigil" of the planes. A vast city where all can mingle with reduced risk of being attacked on sight by others, as per the edict of the Ghost King of Hollows. Of course, the rest of Hueco Mundo remains pretty much no man's land.

    Bount: Hmm... Dunno what to do about their story.

    Quincy: Reduce the number of Quincy Wars to one, in the distant past, make it so that they are fairly decently numbered (for a singular mortal bloodline, that is).

    Fae: edge's call if the larger group decides to keep them.

    Olympians: I... Recommend we scrap this one.

    Enclave: I recommend we use this one now.


    Now, on to other matters, we need to decide how a few things work. For instance, the menos fusion. When first someone asked what happened to the souls that form a menos, we decided, back then, to have it so that they remain separate (which means when the menos is destroyed all souls are released). But I think it is best if (save exceptions) we have it so that they all permanently fuse.

    This has two benefits:

    1. It adds a depth of moral doubt to the destruction of an arrancar. They aren't mindless monsters like hollows, they can be argued with, and destroying them won't fre thousands of innocent souls. Just erase their memories.

    2. It creates a good "soul number check". We assume that, along with the reincarnations, new souls are, indeed, created. But then... There are only means to increase the number of souls in place. None to reduce them (save awful, vile acts and stuff). The menos "singularity of souls" would be a decent means of keeping the soul population under control.

    There are other things that need discussing, mind you.



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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: BleachITP Reborn: Discussion & Setup

    On the menos fusion... I actually agree completely on this.

    It makes it a lot more morally dubious whether an Arrancar is, in fact, evil.

    Quote Originally Posted by Revlid View Post
    And so it was that Zaeed, Aang, Winry, Ezio, Sadoko and Snow White all set out on their epic journey to destroy The Empire.

    God I love Exalted.

    Gold Dragon avatar by Serpentine

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: BleachITP Reborn: Discussion & Setup

    That change would make Elder even funnier case then. I second it.

    My opinion of factions:

    • Keep Las Noches, but as a much more neutral place like Draken suggested. Maybe the King of Hollows, in this incarnation, is a beneficial entity to the shinigami, keeping the stronger hollows in check?
    • Bount: make them "special cases" like Chad and Orihime in the canon; not a real faction, but a species whose members can join the other ones.
    • Enclave & Quincy: Eventually, fuse the two into one organization. Maybe one was off-shoot of the another before timey-wimey ball happened?
    • Fae: I actually like them, and I'd be sad to see them go completely. Maybe keep them as background / rumours; Kujo (Zarah's bad guy) seems to move around a lot, so consider adapting them if the story wanders into Britain?
    • ARC & Samsara: Keep as background / rumours, but not as an active party.
    • Olympians: I'm with Draken here, one time was enough.

    Also, should we move all future character sheets to this topic, or create a tentative character registry for Reborn.

    Good choice on the name, btw.
    "It's the fate of all things under the sky,
    to grow old and wither and die."

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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: BleachITP Reborn: Discussion & Setup

    Not so much beneficial. I was actually thinking of neutral. He accepts all in his city and forbids violence within the halls. And those who break the rules feed his hunger or something.



  7. - Top - End - #7
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: BleachITP Reborn: Discussion & Setup

    I wasn't thinking "benecifial" as "friendly", but as "killing him would cause more problems than having him around".
    "It's the fate of all things under the sky,
    to grow old and wither and die."

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: BleachITP Reborn: Discussion & Setup

    Paramonos. Numero #24


    (Picture not up-to-date)

    Paramonos is an arrancar of average height and complexion. His hair is short, spiky, and red. It is tied up with a headband made of bandages. The bottom of his feet are also scarred and calloused, probably from not wearing shoes. His wardrobe consists of a skirt that goes to his knees and a belt of similar bandages at his waist. His forearms and shins are also bandaged. He wears a white scarf and a gold pendant as well. On his chest is the tattooed image of a moon and a comet, and on his back a tattoo of the sun. Interestingly enough, the edge of these tattoos are scarred. He is seen carrying a parasol, the tip of which is bladed. His mask fragment is crescent-shaped, going from the back of his head and wrapping around to almost his eye. His hollow hole is through his right shoulder.


    Paramonos is honourable almost to a fault. The words of the espada are law, and he does not strike without provocation, and never against an unarmed or downed foe. In addition, he is also terrible at reading others' emotions, especially when they deal with matters outside his moral code. He has a strong sense of personal improvement and discipline.


    As a whole Paramonos is a melee combatant, his bala and cero being nearly useless to him. His sonido is average for his rank, but when traveling he for some reasons prefers to walk. He says it builds character. He would pride himself on his swordsmanship, if he believed in things like pride. His Hierro is nothing to scoff at, although it can be broken by most combatants in shikai. He has never been seen using garganta.

    His fighting style consists of focusing on blocking his opponent's attack and quickly going for a counter. His goal is to whittle down his opponent this way. If his opponent tries to attack him from a range he uses sonido to pursue, blocking or avoiding the attack and striking at them.

    Zanpaktou: Eclipse

    Tenebrosidad takes the form of a shortsword with a red wrap on the hilt. Paramonos keeps it in his closed parasol, which serves as the blade's sheath. When he fights he uses them in unison, either blocking with his sword and stabbing with his parasol or deflecting attacks with the parasol and slashing with the sword.

    Ressureccion: (Burn away all that holds you back,) Eclipse!

    The parasol glows white and the blade glows golden briefly, and the various bandages he wears burn away. Paramonos himself undergoes little change in his appearance. His forearms are covered in bladed white gauntlets. He gets several crescent-shaped blades on his collar and shoulders. White plates of armour shaped like the sun appear on his elbows and knees. His right gauntlet is much larger, and its width makes it like a shield. His left gauntlet, on the other hand, has a much larger blade; being roughly a foot and a half long. In addition to these changes he can now cover parts of his body in fire; when he does this the scars on his chest and back begin to burn.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: BleachITP Reborn: Discussion & Setup

    On Factions:

    -Soul Society: No need to really speculate further.

    -Las Noches: I think Draken's idea is good.

    -Quincy: I like the "1 war a long time ago", as well as them being less rare than, at least, in canon. I don't want them fused with the Enclave. Do the Quincy have to be European, even? I mean, Japan, and Asia in general, have a strong tradition of archery. No reason Japan couldn't be the homeland for the Quincy.

    -Enclave: Looks like this is where they'll get to play. I suppose I can even import my character...

    -Fae: I'd...really rather not. Or at least, nothing like this incarnation. Perhaps a few scattered beings of mischief.

    -ARC: I think that in some ways, it was a good idea. Essentially, it's Soul Society, but in North America. I vote we just have it so that every region has their own. That lets us even throw in a few mythological inspirations. But that's something that's like walking on glass.

    -Samsara: Callos said it wouldn't work. So it won't.

    -Olympians: I'd say I'd rather not. In any way.

    -Bount: Honestly....I'd like to retire them for this iteration. They've been such a big part of the current game, especially Hollow_Zaraki basically having shaped the faction...I don't know if it would be the same at all. Why don't we just...not have them. Not too hard; all it takes is 12th Division not having an accident while researching immortality.

    Edit: I just realized, I didn't spell out who should actually be in the game.
    I think it should be the following: Soul Society, Las Noches, Quincy, Enclave for formal factions. Then throw in various unaligned Hollow and spiritually empowered humans and such.
    Last edited by KnightDisciple; 2010-03-19 at 10:02 AM.
    BitPRR Characters: Entries Masaru, Chuck, Thomas, Turiel, and Masamune

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: BleachITP Reborn: Discussion & Setup

    Shades, I like your character. I think his personal flaws will make for much interesting interaction.

    For future reference, characters I wish to use in the upcoming RP:

    Joakim Morris

    Rank: Enclave Warden and Quartemaster

    Background: One of the older surviving members of the Enclave, the mission which led to their jump in time Joakim intended to be his last. While considerably skilled and experienced, his grumpy and brooding attitude combined with a questionable past made him generally not well-liked and distrusted among the previous knights and grandmaster, and thus he was never considered for promotion; after the time travel incident, he turned such offers down with "I'm too old for this crap". Nowadays, he's more than happy to serve as a quartermaster, the man whose stone-cold glare hapless recruits have to face if they want to have snazzy new toys.

    Appearance: Joakim is a tall, burly man with pale and scarred complexion. His shaggy hair is steel grey with few persistent black strands here and there, and his wrinkled face bears uncanny resemblance to aged Clint Eastwood ("Who?"). His eyes are silver grey and very bloodshot. He's usually seen wearing a traditional Circassian outfit, sans the dagger when foolish modern laws prohibit it. In his chest pockets he carries three silver bells, which decorated handles are always visible.


    Joakim has several weapons bearing this glyph, including a longspear and a crossbow. Most notable is a masterwork dagger he attempts to carry wherever he goes.

    Glyph of Warding:
    Inscribed upon Joakim's clothes, when activated this glyph burns spiritual creatures who try to touch him. It also increases his resilience against their attacks manyfold. There are rumours that the users skin will turn into steel if the glyph is kept up long enough.

    Glyph of Recollection: Engraved upon first one his bells, this glyph makes the sound of the bell return lost memories. It's intended effect is to revert hollows to their human personalities, making them want to be purified, but failing that, their momentary confusion offers a good oppurtunity to cut them down. The glyph works best on recently formed hollows, who haven't yet been stained by foreign hakus and evils committed as a hollow; as it relies on sudden remembrance, hollows who already remember their past won't be effected. It can also recover memories lost due to trauma or brainwashing, though this is not always a good thing.

    Glyph of Exorcism:
    Engraved on the second bell, when activated the sound of the bell forces out spirits possessing bodies not their own. It is meant to drive away hollows possessing mortals, but it can also drive a Shinigami out of a gigai, a spirit out of another spirit or interrupt a hollowfication process.

    Glyph of Holding:
    Engraved on the third bell, when activated the bell's sound stops everyone who hear it on their tracks. It's only safe if the user and his companions have plugged their ears; otherwise, the battle is decided by which party breaks the spell first.

    Notes: If Enclave enters play, using this character should be no problem. He was desgined low-power, and his biggest abilities are outside combat anyway.

    Sato Hachirou

    Gender: Male
    Age: 313
    Height: 5'10"
    Weight: 160
    Reiatsu: Feels like hot desert wind, accompanied by faint orange luminescence.
    Rank: 13th seat of 13th division

    Appearance: Hachirou is a fit man, seemingly nearing middle-age. He has light brown hair and rugged, light complexion. His eyes are greenish blue, with mild heterochromia as the left one is notably darker than the right. He usually wears thin-rimmed angular eyeglasses due to slight nearsight; they tend to tilt to left due to the shape of his nose. His gaunt face seems permanently stuck in a strange half scowl, half smile, which indicates he's listening to your business but would rather be strolling in the park feeding pigeons or home with kids (if he had any). Otherwise, he has the bearing of an ordinary, boring office clerk.

    Despite his vocal opinion that Gotei should modernize its uniforms, on-duty Hachirou is usually content to wear a traditional Shinigami outfit, only unusual thing being that he tends to carry two swords. Off-duty, especially when in gigai, he can be seen wearing anything from modern military outfits to clown suits.

    Personality: Generally deadpan, with snarky tendencies. Strives to be helpful and easy to deal with, but is prone to ranting when he knows a lot about something. Keeps his distance from his co-workers when off-duty; regarded as bit of a hermit. Likes to take long walks in the mortal world in gigai whenever he has free time. When sufficiently annoyed, will go wildly off the rails, often making everyone around deeply ashamed, for one reason or another.

    General Abilities:

    Hakuda expert - Unarmed combat is Hachirou's greatest area of expertise; especially now that his own sword is broken, he much prefers punching and kicking to using a sword. When unseated require hakuda training, he's one of stock persons to get the command.

    Bakudo expert - While generally well-versed in Kido, Hachirou excels in bakudo; he can use them up to level 80, and can use eishohaki with lvl 40 and below spells without notably diminishing their power.

    Poor Zanjutsu - Bluntly put, Hachirou sucks at using a katana; while this is partly because he's used to a shorter weapon, it's also known that lately he's been neglecting his sword training. This has netted him some nasty glares from his superiors.

    Zanpakuto: Jin (ジン) - Djinni

    Currently, Hachirou uses a standard katana-shaped asauchi. His own Zanpakuto's unsealed form is that of a falchion, but it's currently broken; he still carries a sheath containing the pieces wherever he goes. The blade got broken when Hachirou fought a gillian few years back; why he hasn't bothered to fix it, or why the blade hasn't fixed itself is anyones' guess.

    Inner World: A vast desert scorched by a black sun dangling above. A vast mountains are looming in every direction, though trying to reach them is in vain. Hachirou surmises there might be oases hidden somewhere, but he's yet to find any that aren't just mirages.

    Zanpakuto Spirit:
    Curiously absent. If asked about it, Hachirou will generally answer that he's "not in speaking terms with the bastard".
    Jin is a mischievous spirit made of smokeless fire; it can take almost any form it desires, but prefers the figure of attractive young human of ambiguous gender (Think Envy from FMA). Hachirou currently has the it sealed inside an oil lamp and buried deep under the desert of his mindscape, thus forcing it to communicate by whispered words carried by desert winds or a low voice reverberating from deep underground.

    Shikai: Not available.

    "Spirit them away, Jin!"

    Powers of Hachirou's release are rather obscure and hard to pin down at a glance, as neither him nor his blade undergo any readily visibile changes. Those who've witnessed his shikai in action generally think or say it shoots blasts of hot air, but truth is much more complicated than that.

    When Hachirou releases Jin, the blade of the falchion becomes a two way portal to his inner world. Should someone pay attention to reflections of the blade, he'd notice that it doesn't mirror the reality around it, istead displaying the desert of Hachirou's mindscape. A particularly curious or weakminded person might find himself accidentally whisked into the barren realm, though no-one has fallen for this trick twice. Hachirou can also let other Shinigami visit his inner realm if he feels like it. To the outside world, beings trapped in Hachirou's mind seem to disappear into thin air; while getting back is usually a matter of wandering around for a while, or just asking Jin or Hachirou to be let out (much stronger beings can just will themselves out), it is possible to get lost and theoretically die from thirst or starvation.

    Obviously, this also lets Jin out to cause commotion; outside the falchion, it is wholly visible and tangible only to Hachirou. It's presence can be felt as a breeze of hot air or seen as a faint flicker, and it can talk with barely audible whispers if it wants to; it can also be sensed by pesquisa and similar methods with some effort. It won't suffer lasting damage from attacks, though sudden shock or pain can scare it away. Bakudo can be used to halt it, but due to its slippery nature vigilance and layered spells are recommended - this is part of the reason why Hachirou is so good with that branch of Kido. While it can't exert pressure with enough focus to cause deep stabbing or slashing wounds, Jin is very strong and fast - it can knock back, halt, punch or otherwise affect physical objects. Against physically weaker opponents, its favorite tactic is to pick them up and carry them, which to outside observers looks like a sudden gust of wind blowing the hapless victim away. Jin can also travel between 'real world' and Hachirou's inner realm at will, sometimes taking people with it.

    Unfortunately, beyond spoken words Hachirou has little control over it. With their personalities contrasting each other, their team dynamic is often a bit strained; their current schism is due to Jin trapping a Hollow in Hachirou's inner world, just because it "felt lonely". As you should see, he didn't exactly appreciate that.

    Notes: This character was designed low-power as well, and I sincerely hope he's good to go in the new RP as is. To substitute aspirants: I'm gonna have Hachirou wander in the Mortal World a lot and end up in all sorts of unwanted trouble (13th seat of the 13th and all that jazz). So I wouldn't mind seeing him act as a "Rukia" for this game.


    Best way higher ups of Seireitei can describe Elder without using excessive profanities is "long running problem". It was first spotted in Central Europe some two thousand years ago, where it served as a harvest god to several small settlements, providing boons in exchange of human and animal sacrifices. It found a way to lurk solely in Mortal world early on in its existence, and has since resurfaced several times in other places, spreading its diabolical trade where ever it goes. Ousting it from hiding has fallen from priority list many times due to more imminent threats; during those intervals, it has slowly but surely grown in power to the point where direct confrontation is generally not considered worth the costs.

    Due to its ability to possess people, Elder can have variety of appearances; however, any human body he's inhabiting will look sick. Bloodveins become pronounced and black, which is especially notable in and near the eyes; their skin will wrinkle and their hair will grey out, like they were aging prematurely; finally, their nails and teeth will elongate, harden and become razor sharp, with nails becoming black as well.

    Elder's spiritual form is that of a tall humanoid covered in triangular scales, with expection of its head and parts of its back. The scales are bone white expect for a faint grey, eye-like pattern on each one. There are some bony protrusion along its spine, suggesting there were once wings and a tail there. Its face looks like it was skinned from nose down, leaving a skeletal grin to greet anyone who meet it; above the nose, its face looks like that of an old androgynous human, with pale skin, grey hair and pitch-black eyes. Its hands and feet have long and extremely sharp black claws. A hole size of a fist goes trough its abdomen.

    Elder is fiercely territorial towards other hollows, consuming or otherwise disposing of any that stray within its defined sphere of influence. This behaviour does not, curiously, extend to other spiritual creatures; it gives much leeway to local psychopomps, never offending them unless threatened and letting them purify hollows it deems unworthy of attention or too dangerous to attack alone. It's not uncommon for it to actively give advice to Shinigami who it knows can't hurt it. It has also tricked other powerful hollows to traps that were originally meant for it.

    What makes it even more curious is its relation with humans. In exchange for having departed souls to eat, Elder actively tries to improve the conditions of humans around it, often going out of its way to make known it's doing the work. While this might seem chivalrous, it's really rather twisted survival tactic and one-being-mafia of sorts; destroying Elder is problematic because area it's in is often better for its presence.

    Elder has somewhat hazy memory, and thus Shinigami often know more about its past than it does. Face to face, it always feels a bit sleepy or lost in thought. It does not bear grudges and can't be bothered with revenge; once a threat is safely out of sight, it's out of mind as well. While it acknowledges that it's a bastard, it still holds that it's better in some vague sense than other hollows and even some Shinigami. It has tendency to hold back against weaker non-hollow opponents, but whether it's a matter of sense of honor or a scheme to lull enemies to false sense of safety is anyone's guess.

    It's widely accepted that Elder is a natural arrancar, but it's never seen carrying anything resembling a soul cutter or resurrecting itself. Some theorize it has somehow lost it, and rises from obscurity every once in a while to look for it.


    General abilities:
    Elder can use Sonido, Pesquisa and Cero with great aptitude. Its Hierro is either laughable or non-existent, because unseated Shinigami can reportedly wound it; it counters this by being a tough hand-to-hand combatant and good at disarming its opponents. It probably knows Garganta, but has never been seen to use it.

    Gelatinous Reiatsu: Elder's reiatsu is very thick, and moving trough it feels like going trough pudding. More notably, it assumes solid qualities when hit with enough force. Walking trough it is relatively easy, running against it is like pushing against a rubber wall, and if someone is stupid enough to shunpo against it, the result will be like ramming into a thick steel wall. This forces slower and restrained movements near Elder when it's manifesting its power.

    Instant Regeneration: Elder's spiritual form heals with absurd rate. Anything short of its head being obliterated can and will be healed. It can't keep this up indefinitely, however; in longer battles, if it's constantly damaged, its regeneration will slow down and evetually seize. Time seems to matter more than extent of injuries; Elder has survived its torso being blown away several times during a battle, but has been forced to flee after losing a limb after suffering enough nicks and scratches.

    Gonzui: Another reason why ousting Elder is such a difficult thing. Elder can suck out and eat souls of spiritually weak humans en masse to greatly increase its size and power. As Elder favors densely populated areas, full use of this ability might kill thousands of mortals at once. This is one big factor why Soul Societies won't send their strongest members after it, because Elder would cause horrible casualties if he caught on it; similarly, Elder can't use this ability to great extent, because that would break their unspoken "truce" and bring their full wrath on him.

    Possession: Elder can take over a body hollowed with Gonzui. The body goes trough some cosmetic changes and gains an aura that frightens mortals, but gains no other powers. When in a human body, Elder's reiatsu and reiryoku are very hard to spot or measure. Elder can stay in a body and function as a mortal untill old age renders the body useless. If a possessed is mortally wounded, Elder's spirit will detach from it; if the finishing blow was landed by a spiritual weapon, it will suffer some nausea afterwards.

    Spawn: To some extent, Elder can recall personalities and powers of those he's eaten; if he wants to, he can release them as hollows by removing part of his body. For example, droplets of his blood can become weak, single soul hollows; a severed finger would become a standard, unintelligible Gillian; a whole hand would become a personalised one. Something akin to a complete limb would make an Adjuchas. Body parts used this way can't be regenerated unless Elder absorbs his constructs back, or otherwise eats enough souls to replace them. The creations are independent beings; they won't be concerned one bit if Elder is destroyed, and it often has to force them down if they're feeling disobedient.

    Notes: As noted before, meant to be a recurring villain; strong enough to not be immediatly eradicated, weak enough that anyone can have a shot at him.

    Hannibal Magellan

    Height: 6"
    Weight: 185 lbs
    Age: 666
    Reiatsu: Steel grey, reeks of blood and sulphur
    Rank: former captain of 11th division


    Hannibal is a stoutly build male with bronze skin. He has light brown hair and purple eyes. His face is angular and ugly, resembling a troll from some fairy tale or another. White, spiralling tattoos surround his eyes, and similar designs can be found everywhere on his body. He wears an uniform similar to those of other Shinigami but it's crimson rather than black; this is supposed to be a warning sign. As a foreign soul, he doesn't quite get japanese footwear and uses a pair of military marching boots made of black leather instead.


    During "old good days", when 11th was just a bunch of bloodthirsty of madmen, Hannibal was noted for being maddest of them all. Despite his insolent and violent nature, he was generally tolerated because he did more damage to enemies than friens, and he was strong enough to keep the other madmen in line. On one dangerous mission, he fought a powerful Adjuchas one-on-one, suffering grievous injuries as a result. He was victorious (for a certain value of victory), but instead of being carted off to the 4th division, the 12th wanted to try some "experimental" healing techniques on him. And healed he was (for a certain value of healing), but the drawbacks were so bad he went on a rampage and destroyed a whole wing of the research building before being restrained.

    Central 46 considered executing him, but 12th divisioners persuaded to let him live a while longer so they'd see what after-effects their method had. Seeing that Hannibal was safely locked up at that point, they went "Sure, why not", and the former captain was sent to Maggot's Nest, where he has remained to this day.


    While a jerk through and trough, Hannibal has had lots of time to "mellow out" while rotting in prison. He's had far mre time for introspection than he would've liked. He still revels in the thought of wanton violence and destruction, threatens and curses at people for little reason, but seldom goes from words to deeds. It might help that all plans of freeing him, even temporarily, include rigging his skull with explosives...

    Rautapilvi - Iron Cloud

    Rautapilvi's sealed shaped is straight two-handed sword with a long, green wooden handle; the pommel has Hannibal's personal seal on it.

    Inner world: A vast cavern illuminated by faint light from rivers of lava running trough into a large crevice. The floor is soaked in blood and various armaments, ranging from swords to catapults, dot the landscape. It's the kind of place you find a picture of in dictionary, besides "Hell".

    Zanpakuto spirit:
    Rautapilvi takes the form of a cloud of thick, superheated mist rising from the crevice where the rivers of molten rock flow down. It sometimes approximates humanoid figure, but by nature it's shapeless.

    General Abilities:

    Out of Date, Out of Shape:
    "I've been rotting in prison for two hundred years. Give me an effin' break here!"

    Hakuda & Zanjutsu Master:
    Give Hannibal a weapon, and he'll kick your sorry ass. Don't, and he'll rip you a new one for being stingy.

    Hoho Expert: Hannibal isn't the fastest guy around, but for his size he's very agile and can be very stealthy if he so wants to.

    Abysmal Kido:
    Hannibal can release his reiatsu as a massive burst to break some weak bakudo and intimidate enemies... that's about it.

    Shikai: "Choke and imprison, Rautapilvi!"

    In shikai, Rautapilvi's blade dissolves into mist. At will, Hannibal can change it back to a sword, or axe, club, bow or chain. Arrows shot or blows struck with the weapons are all burning hot. However, each weapon only lasts for few blows or parries before dissolving again, though even the mist can be dangerous if inhaled. There's a small pause between forms before Hannibal can give Rautapilvi a new shape.

    Not achieved, never will be. When Hannibal became 11th's captain, he simply strongarmed the position from the previous loon holding it, no fancy (well, fancier) superpowers needed.

    Future plans:

    Inner Hollow:
    Orcus. A being of pure, mindless rage and slaughter. Lacks even a hint of restraint, fear, respect, remorse. Obeys only brute force. Hannibal threw him into the crevice of his mindscape years back, and is hoping the thing will never crawl back from there.

    Hollow mask:
    A leering, three-eyed oni head with golden horns and crimson markings. When he puts his mask on, Hannibal's reiatsu becomes extremely opressive; one can almost hear the death screams of enemies he's slain.

    This. In resurreccion, Hannibal's already considerable strenght increases tenfold, and if he wants to, he can keep Rautapilvi in one form as long as he likes. He also gains extremely potent Hierro, and can keep functioning after sustaining injuries that would be lethal to other beings. Once he leaves it, his body will suffer all the pain he ignored in this form, possibly knocking him unconscious for weeks.

    Question: For pity's sake, why Vizard? Why resurreccion?

    Answer: It's about theme. This character is about forced realization and redemption; he's put against a mirror to see how much of a monster he is. To that end, I felt inner hollow would be a good way to adapt his powers from the previous incarnation.

    Notes: In absence of Hell faction, this is what Orcos would look like; the original bio can be found from my sig. I hope he isn't too grimdark for the new game, and I feel there's potential for some humour here - I'm amusing myself with a notion of a petite 4th divisioner following him around, watching his bloodpressure doesn't rise to levels high enough to set off the bombs he's carrying.
    "It's the fate of all things under the sky,
    to grow old and wither and die."

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: BleachITP Reborn: Discussion & Setup

    - Soul Society: No need to change them.

    - Hueco Mundo: Although they should not be fighting that often, individual arrancar can still be antagonists to the lower-level characters.

    - Quincy: They should still be a race, with the possibilities of clans. No comment on original nationality, as they have existed for a loooong time. So much so that there can be quincy of any nationality.

    - Enclave: They are A-OK.

    - Fae: Ummm... Perhaps not.

    - ARC: While the idea of multiple soul societies is interesting, and one that I endorse... The ARC should not be in the RP. Or any other nationality. I'm not saying "don't make foreign reapers." I'm just saying that no other nationality should play a significant role as a whole.

    - Samsara: Nope. Following the Callos.

    - Olympians: Ditto. Except for the Callos part.

    - Bount: I'd prefer to actually keep them in. Perhaps as not a full-fledged faction, but even a small group of 3-6 could exist.

    Sereitei, Hueco Mundo, Quincy, and Enclave as factions. Bount and Foreign Reapers as strictly minor. Spiritual mortals and such are in the same boat as the bount and foreign reapers; to be kept in small groups.
    Last edited by Shades of Gray; 2010-03-19 at 10:07 AM.

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: BleachITP Reborn: Discussion & Setup

    Here's another thought.

    I don't think we should have a "Rescue from Execution" plot.

    I want to forge new ground with this one. The whole plot of someone being set up for wrongful execution is...I dunno. It only kind of worked, in retrospect, in this current game. Perhaps Reborn should avoid it entirely.
    BitPRR Characters: Entries Masaru, Chuck, Thomas, Turiel, and Masamune

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: BleachITP Reborn: Discussion & Setup

    Las Noches: I concur on the Neutrality department. Perhaps instead of really powerful enemies intended for the Soul Society the Espada can instead be the "Nobles" of Las Noches?

    Quincy: I also concur.

    Enclave: Still good. I guess I'll have to port Valeria over... I'll have more on this later.

    Fae: I have to agree with KD, and to an extent Hadrian here even if he isn't really going to be involved in this incarnation. We should stick to source canon concepts, there's plenty to use in those alone.

    ARC: Not sure. While they can still exist, I don't think their getting involved with the Japanese SS will be necessary.

    Samsara: Well, Callos answered this, so...

    Olympians: I'm going with an absolute and emphatic no.

    Bount: ...I don't know about nixing them altogether, but I agree that maybe they shouldn't play a major role in anything... I dunno.

    That cleared up... I did actually have a faction planned up myself for the Mortal World that would possibly slotted to be against the Enclave, but I want to know if people are okay with that. ^^;

    Oh, right, on the name of the MW base city... I have to agree on the one suggestion I heard of calling it "Phoenix Town".
    Last edited by strawberryman; 2010-03-19 at 10:15 AM.
    My Homebrew
    Sick props to Akrim.elf for the rockin' Chouko-tar!

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: BleachITP Reborn: Discussion & Setup

    Indeed. Everyone wanted to be on the moral high-ground of rescuing Shirubaru. And so we were left saying "Well all of the high-level shinigami want him free... Who exactly is the opposition in this execution?"

    The rescuers were supposed to be a minority. Unless we flat-out make the execution-ee a villain who for some reason is getting saved by the normals... It won't work as an arc or plot.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: BleachITP Reborn: Discussion & Setup

    I always thought the idea of an execution arc was silly in the manga. It was pretty much just there to give the readers an introduction to the powers/personalities/archetypes of the characters and a way to make Aizen look smart. We can simply read character profiles if we want to know what they can do and are like.

    That said the character I plan to play could actually support the people that are for the execution.

    I barely just got into the original version of this freeform recently but I plan on being in this one from start to finish.
    Last edited by nothingclever; 2010-03-19 at 11:06 AM.

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    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: BleachITP Reborn: Discussion & Setup

    @Berry: First, definitely interesting in at least hearing about Mortal faction.

    Second, I agree on "Phoenix Town".
    BitPRR Characters: Entries Masaru, Chuck, Thomas, Turiel, and Masamune

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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: BleachITP Reborn: Discussion & Setup

    Quote Originally Posted by strawberryman View Post
    Samsara: Well, Callos answered this, so...
    I'm going to brainstorm with Innis and others actually. The Samsara's original plot may be difficult to salvage without certain elements from the first game, but I'm willing to give it a shot for those who wouldn't mind a temporary villainous faction.
    Warriors & Wuxia: A community world-building project focused on low-magic wuxia/kung-fu action using ToB.

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    Ettin in the Playground
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    tongue Re: BleachITP Reborn: Discussion & Setup

    Quote Originally Posted by KnightDisciple View Post
    I don't think we should have a "Rescue from Execution" plot.

    I want to forge new ground with this one. The whole plot of someone being set up for wrongful execution is...I dunno.
    I can see Hannibal being set up for his belated and well-deserved execution, but I can't imagine anyone in their right minds saving the bastard. Well, expect for villains.

    I third the "Phoenix Town" suggestion. You do realize it was in incredibly lame pun on Phoenix Down, don't you?

    I wouldn't mind Samsara returning as temporary villains.

    What about "player Central 46", in-game moderation idea proposed some time back? Should we go trough with it? I liked the idea when it was presented; maybe the Espada could serve a similar role to Hueco Muendo? That would go well with them being nobility of Las Noches.
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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: BleachITP Reborn: Discussion & Setup

    Right. Firstly, I agree with Pheonix Town.

    Secondly, the Fey... probably shouldn't be present.

    Third, thank you, KD. No Execution Rescue Arc this time round. A rescue arc of some sort? Maybe. But not an execution arc.

    The Samsara... I wouldn't mind them returning this time around, either.

    Quote Originally Posted by Revlid View Post
    And so it was that Zaeed, Aang, Winry, Ezio, Sadoko and Snow White all set out on their epic journey to destroy The Empire.

    God I love Exalted.

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    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: BleachITP Reborn: Discussion & Setup

    I definitely support the "Central 46" idea that was outlined by Zarah a while back.
    BitPRR Characters: Entries Masaru, Chuck, Thomas, Turiel, and Masamune

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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: BleachITP Reborn: Discussion & Setup

    Michiko Inagawa-kai, Spiritually Anomaly/Human

    Age: 17

    Height: 5'7"

    Weight: 135 pounds

    Reiatsu/Speaking Color: Purple/Orchid

    While many would consider Michiko to be 'attractive', there are few who have acted on such a thought because of the little clues that are in her appearance. The left side of her hime-cut is dyed a deep shade of purple, even during the school years when students usually return to their normal un-dyed hair color, though no teacher has troubled her about this despite punishing some other students for it. As well, her seifuku foes against the normal regulations as if to pointedly remind people that she considers herself above their rules. The scarf is unknotted, her top knotted beneath her almost famously endowed assets, and most curiously of all she wears a longer skirt then the standard school uniform would allow. Or at least, that's what she is seen wearing at school which is where most of her class-mates ever see her.

    Michiko can almost be considered an ice-queen by her fellow students, rarely engaging them in conversation despite attracting a bevy of talkative followers, always seeming to have this cool disdain in her eyes, and most air of menace whenever someone offends one of her posse or (rarely) herself. She's obviously intelligent (the reason most assume the teachers don't pester her about her uniform), an active and valued member of various martial arts clubs (but only hand-to-hand fighting), and has donated large amounts during school sponsored charity-drives. Which is...all anyone knows about her really.

    If they knew what Michiko was like out of school or her after-school activities then they'd likely freak out or worse. As a hobby, Michiko is the hidden leader of a small time gang of delinquents that harass local shop-keepers and cause some property-damage and the like, which she views as practice. Her father is one of the family heads of the third largest yakuza family and despite the male-bias of the family, Michiko has determined she'll succeed her father instead of his lieutenants or sons. To this end she tries to exhibit a laser-like excellence in school to learn as much as she can about making good decisions, an aptitude for martial arts to keep herself fit, and has experimented with building a band of like-minded (including the spiritually aware when she spies them) students and vagabonds to do her dirty work for her. But underneath of the ice queen persona and the yakuza princess exterior...there's a compassionate girl with a love for puppies who rarely gets to slip out past Michiko's perceived sense of purpose.

    Closely held secret.

    Powers: Another closely guarded secret. (But one that must be seen)

    Lotus Barrier: Michiko can form a hexagonal barrier out of reishi that forms along the surface of the palm of her hand. These barriers are quite durable and wide enough to cover Michiko's body from one direction, but only visible to the spiritually aware as a light purple hexagon. She can form one with each hand or use both hands to create a single barrier of deep purple with stronger defensive power. Obviously she can only create two of these barriers at a time so far (only having two hands and not learned yet how to create them without the use of her hands), but with practice (OOC Note: as in down the line, possibly far down it) Michiko could, in theory, construct a spherical barrier around herself of varying strength. As is, the only other use these barriers have is that the edges bear some sharpness, enough that she can slam one against a wall, climb atop it, stick another in, etc until she can at least scale a building. Or attempt to cut an opponent with them, though she finds this distasteful.

    Geometric Construction: A, mostly, non-combat use of the above ability, Michiko is capable of constructing basic geometric shapes (squares, rectangles, etc) out of the same material as her shields up to about the size of a large person. Unlike her combat shields, these ones don't require contact to maintain them or her hands to form them initially but take longer to set up and are quite easy to break from the outside. The inside is a different matter. Down the line, Michiko may learn to make more complex shapes, faster, or even alternate uses for them..but that depends on what happens to her. ((The utmost extremes of her abilities and way way down the line would likely be that house that Hachi made, but making something like that (and it being useful) won't happen for some time))

    Additional Abilities:
    Michiko is well known as one of the best martial artists, in her school's clubs anyway, but takes this further by practicing in street bouts or fights with her gang. While it's not of a similar style to shinigami hand-to-hand, nor could she claim to be a master of hand-to-hand, she is quite proficient and with her powers can even hold her own against a weapon wielding opponent. To further this skill, she focuses on being quick and hard to hit rather then on raw strength.

    Possible Connections!
    • Fellow classmates at school?
    • Fellow delinquents in her gang?
    • Others who are spiritually aware?
    • Others from her yakuza family?


    How does that look for a minor villain at the beginning turned friend? Also, let it be known how difficult it is to phrase wordings for barriers so they are reasonable for the current level of the game. (In other words, I mean 'strong' compared to the people she'd normally hang out/fight with, not 'strong' according to everyone) Thoughts?
    Last edited by Callos_DeTerran; 2010-03-20 at 12:57 PM.
    Warriors & Wuxia: A community world-building project focused on low-magic wuxia/kung-fu action using ToB.

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    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: BleachITP Reborn: Discussion & Setup

    I'll post him here, since there exists a strong possibility the Enclave will get migrated.

    Name: Josiah Kane

    Profession: Fifth Knight of the New Enclave (Formerly a Hunter)
    Speech Color: Indigo

    Josiah has long dark red hair that he keeps in a ponytail to about mid-shoulder blades. His face is clean shaven. His eyes are a deep blue. His overall build is the very fit and muscular side of "average". He is about 5'11" tall, and weighs in at 165 lbs.

    When dressed "casually", he'll be wearing black or dark colored pants, with a white, light gray, or blue shade shirt. He's not a fan of the fancier styles, so he can often blend into a crowd with some success so far as his clothing goes.

    When "working", he will wear a suit of well-crafted half plate armor. This armor was custom made by smiths in the Enclave; it is lighter than most traditional alloys (approaching titanium in its weight/strength ratio), as well as being able to at least marginally resist spiritual attacks on its own. At minimum, the armor can provide the same protection from spirit entities as it can mortal enemies, even without the rune active.

    Josiah also has, inevitably, several belts and pouches on his person when in full "combat readiness", to hold his various weapons, as well as supplies he thinks he may need in the field. Including a crude "ghillie suit" that he made himself.

    Josiah is, first and foremost, a hard worker. He constantly strives to do what is required and asked of him, and often to take it an extra mile or two. He does this out of a combination of wishing to help his fellow man, and a desire to live up to his legacy. Josiah is one of the few (now the only) Americans in the Enclave at all. He and his countrymen entered service with the group in hopes of starting a branch in the United States itself. Josiah's family has something of a legacy to maintain in his efforts, stretching back to an ancestor from old Colonial times who fought back the darkness with strength of will and his own meager talents. Josiah heard many tales of this ancestor, and hopes to one day surpass him. If he gets to slay a few monsters in the process, all the better.

    Beyond this, Josiah is a very reserved, but generally personable fellow. He is quick to lend a friendly hand wherever he can, and treats everyone with respect by default. If someone does something enough to earn his disfavor, respect does not exist for that individual. He's a bit of a charmer with the ladies, but it's mostly due to his polite mannerisms.

    Josiah is his group's version of the modern battle tank. Thus, one of his primary pieces of equipment is his high-quality armor, which allows him to still match his fellows as they move across terrain on foot (aided by the fact that he is in incredible physical conditioning).

    His primary weapon is a modified Baker Rifle (pictured with sword). This rifle has been modified to have slightly smoother lines, as well as darker metal and wood (both varying shades of dark grey).

    Next up is his sword. Thought technically capable of being attached as a bayonet, Josiah never does so. When not being used, he carries it on his left hip, to be drawn across by his right hand.

    Strapped to each thigh is a blunderbuss pistol, sharing the same smoother lines and darker tones as his rifle.

    Finally, wrapped around his waist and held in a specially designed sheath is his chain whip. This particular weapon is about 4.5 feet long, not counting the handle, which adds about 10 inches. When stored, the handle rests at the small of his back.

    As well, Josiah's packs and pockets contain a couple dozen feet of rope, some basic medical supplies, simple climbing equipment, several sets of lockpicks, and a few other miscellaneous pieces of gear that he thinks he might need. He prefers "over-prepared" to "dead" any day.

    Reconcilio - The standard-issue Enclave Glyph is inscribed upon his rifle, sword, pistols, and whip.

    Munimentum: This rune engraved on Josiah's armor allows him to greatly enhance the protective value of the metal, multiplying it several times. However, he needs to actively concentrate for the full power to stay for any length of time. After an activation, a slight charge will stay in the armor due to secondary rune engravings, but it essentially only gives about twice the protectiveness of the plain metal.

    Multi Propero Arcus: This is one of three runes engraved on the rifle besides Reconcilio (only one of which will ever be active at one time). As this rifle was passed down to Josiah, he does not know the full potential of this rune, or the others. He does know that it allows him to fire small, magical bullets as if they were regular ammunition, but without the need for gunpowder or additional bullets. As well, he can fire more rapidly than normal, with no true loss of accuracy. (Eventually, it will allow true rapid fire, or a "magic missile barrage" effect from a single trigger pull.)

    Candidus Spiculum: The second of 3 runes on the rifle. Currently, as well as giving the "magic bullet" ability, this rune allows Josiah half again the range and accuracy from his shots. (Eventually, it will allow the firing of small-scale beams; ranging from Hado 3 power and size, to a beam not quite as large in area as a Hado 88, but only the power of a 40-level Hado.)

    Tantus Ignus: The final rune of the set of 3 on the rifle. Again, this rune duplicates the "magic bullet" ability. Currently, Josiah's shots do about twice the normal damage when he uses this rune. (Eventually able to fire a "grenade" type shot, which explodes with the force of around a 40-level Hado in a decent-sized radius.)

    Multi Arcus: This less powerful version of one of his rifle runes is inscribed on Josiah's pistols. It gives them a "magic bullet" supply, although Josiah is able to fire either single shots, or small spread shots (similar to a small caliber shotgun). (Eventually, it will allow a weaker version of the similar rune on the rifle; about half the rate of fire, or half the number of missiles).

    Glacialis: This coats Josiah's sword in a hazy mist. Right now, it simply grants an added freezing effect to his sword strikes (read: "cold damage"). Eventually, it might allow a few simple tricks, such as freezing bodies of water, or "cold blasts", but Josiah has not reached that level of skill and power yet.

    Aeris: This rune currently brings the edge of Josiah's whip to a razor keen state, making it even more deadly. As well, it allows the whip to move more quickly through the air. Eventually, it could allow it to move incredibly quickly, as well as firing slicing blasts of air.

    I realized I haven't set an age for him yet. I might try to make him young enough to reasonably interact with the other spiritually aware human characters we've seen thus far.
    BitPRR Characters: Entries Masaru, Chuck, Thomas, Turiel, and Masamune

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    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: BleachITP Reborn: Discussion & Setup

    ...Okay, well, I assume because there was little reaction it would help if I actually explained what the faction I was planning is.

    It's more or less like the Men In Black... It's a multi-national secret organization that deploys agents to clean up after the various mishaps that Soul Reapers can't. As such, the various Soul Reaper organizations usually leave them well enough alone.

    ...That's their cover op, though. What they are really trying to do is make Mortals able to fend for themselves, and be self-sufficient on the matters of the spiritual. Which meshed pretty well with Ran's goal during the last cycle... but, that's an aside. They track and recruit various spiritual humans: Quincies (in fact that may possibly be a large base of their agents), Living Vizards, various anomalies, just plain spiritually aware humans, or maybe even Bount.

    ...As for why they may be considered villainous or antagonistic to the Enclave is their willingness to do literally anything to achieve their ends; assassinations, theft... etc. And it's likely that the various runes they possess will be like their Holy Grail. For reasons I don't feel like fully explaining, I would like to keep some secrets.
    Last edited by strawberryman; 2010-03-19 at 03:12 PM.
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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: BleachITP Reborn: Discussion & Setup

    Quote Originally Posted by Callos_DeTerran View Post
    How does that look for a minor villain at the beginning turned friend? Also, let it be known how difficult it is to phrase wordings for barriers so they are reasonable for the current level of the game. (In other words, I mean 'strong' compared to the people she'd normally hang out/fight with, not 'strong' according to everyone) Thoughts?
    ...needs Noblewoman's Laughter in the trope list.

    Really, looks good to me; I'm confident she'll be interesting as early arc villain and future protagonist.
    "It's the fate of all things under the sky,
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    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: BleachITP Reborn: Discussion & Setup

    Cross-posting this in the other OOC, but...

    Perhaps everyone who posted their BleachITP Reborn characters in the current OOC should repost them here? So we have everything in one place?
    BitPRR Characters: Entries Masaru, Chuck, Thomas, Turiel, and Masamune

  26. - Top - End - #26
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: BleachITP Reborn: Discussion & Setup

    Quote Originally Posted by strawberryman View Post
    ...Okay, well, I assume because there was little reaction it would help if I actually explained what the faction I was planning is.

    It's more or less like the Men In Black... It's a multi-national secret organization that deploys agents to clean up after the various mishaps that Soul Reapers can't. As such, the various Soul Reaper organizations usually leave them well enough alone.

    ...That's their cover op, though. What they are really trying to do is make Mortals able to fend for themselves, and be self-sufficient on the matters of the spiritual. Which meshed pretty well with Ran's goal during the last cycle... but, that's an aside. They track and recruit various spiritual humans: Quincies (in fact that may possibly be a large base of their agents), Living Vizards, various anomalies, just plain spiritually aware humans, or maybe even Bount.

    ...As for why they may be considered villainous or antagonistic to the Enclave is their willingness to do literally anything to achieve their ends; assassinations, theft... etc. And it's likely that the various runes they possess will be like their Holy Grail. For reasons I don't feel like fully explaining, I would like to keep some secrets.

    I would personally say hold off on side groups, outside the ones we're carrying over. At least untill the game and its plot gets set up. While making

    Saying that.

    Go Nagi (Yes, I am reusing the name, because I adore it)
    Faction: The Samsara
    Reiatsu: Clear(Blank)

    Appearance: Go Nagi is rather non-descript in his tight fitting trench coat and glasses. A massive satchel is slung over his one shoulder and across his waist, appearing quite heavy as the slight and slender young man seems to bend slightly. Despite his rather clean and manicured appearance, Go Nagi’s hair is long, falling almost to the floor were it not held up in a high pony tail, stray locks falling freely out. A gracious smile almost constantly flits about his face

    Personality: The researcher and scientist of the Samsara, Go Nagi has a deeply analytical mind, a deep intelligence belayed in his eyes. Acting as the shoulder and second leader of the Samsara, Go Nagi is often the first in the line of command other Samsara must deal with.

    Powers: Go Nagi posses a powerful manipulation over the Blanks his world is filled with. He can use these much like any other Samsara, to fly, duplicate spells and to create simple items such as rope, tools and simple weapons. These items and powers are stronger than typical Blank Manipulation by a noticeable degree, items being far more durable. Outside of these standard powers, Go Nagi can augment, shape and reform blanks to suit particular roles for combat, recon or mundane tasks. Blanks manipulated this way do not simply fade when struck, having far higher survivability, and in some cases general intelligence. Bount manipulated in this way only heed the call of Go Nagi, being unusable to other Samsara.

    Flight of the Centipede Dragon: Go Nagi’s most powerful transmutation, the creation of a massive serpentine Lung dragon. This dragon uses all Blanks in Go Nagi’s current possession. The Dragon itself has a small array of abilities, limited to flight, enhanced strength, health and intelligence and the ability to produce a massive breath weapon that appears as a leaf filled tornado.

    Other Powers

    Blank Manipulation: As stated above, Go Nagi posses powerful manipulation abilities over Blanks.

    Tactical Reasoning: Due to Go Nagi’s memories, he has a highly tactical mind. While a weak physical combatant, he is more than capable of aiding others in training, battle field support and spatial reasoning.

    The memories that make up Go Nagi are in fact the memories and thoughts of several zanpakuto’s. While Go Nagi is a typical member of the Samsara, he retains not just fragments of memories, but several lifetime’s worth of experiences. Sadly, any combat experience he would otherwise gain from these memories does him little good, his body being simply to weak for direct physical conflict

    Koshi Matsuya
    Substitute Shinigami
    Reiatsu: White

    Appearance: A boy of around 17, Matsuya is rather plain, with short black hair and a somewhat pale complexion. Due to a childhood accident, he grew up with the inability to his left arm. Matsuya often wears his school uniform, though outside is fond of hoodies and baggy cargo pants.

    Personality: Matsuya is typically considered easy going, with a kind and giving nature. He carries a ready smile and a strong shoulder for his friends, and a powerful right hook for anyone who attempts to hurt those he cares about. Somewhat of a delinquent, Matsuya is out for fun over hard work, but maintains a rigorous training regiment to keep up the strength in his right arm.

    Zanpakuto: ∀- ∀ appears as a simple Odachi with no tang. He carries it across the small of his back for easy drawing with one hand.

    Shikai: ∀ is a constant release Shikai, appearing as a massive two handed straight edged blade. While in Shikai, Matsuya’s Shinigami Uniform changes considerably, a large section of the left side of his clothing tearing away as if bitten by a giant beast, exposing his left arm, completely wrapped in bandages. His uniform undergoes several other changes, the collar growing up to just below his nose, concealing his lower face and neck. The sleeve of his right side also grows tattered, hanging loosly just past his knuckles. Of note, Matsuya gains the ability to use his left hand as if it were fixed completely, this seeming to be a lasting change, as he is slowly regaining the use of his left arm in his mortal form.

    Constellation Serpent Fist: A powerful high speed punch that launches a scattering shotgun like burst of energy a short distance in front of Matsuya. Highly devastating in close quarters, though quickly loses its power over even moderate distances.

    Save the King: Matsuya can produce a mighty yell, either imbuing friends with fighting spirit, knitting wounds for a short duration and giving them a boost of physical energy, or emitting a powerful sound burst that can stun or even knock foes unconscious. Allies “healed” through this method retain the energy for only several minutes, falling immediately unconscious after such a time

    Zanpakuto Spirit: ∀ appears as a young woman wrapped in bandages (not unlike a living mummy) with only her mouth exposed, her long raven black hair hanging out in clumps , her bangs the only uniform section. The word Denied is scrawled across the bandages, the letters seeming to move as if pushed by some unseen wind.

    Edit: These will be my only characters for the time being. As a general statement to the player base. I will be moving literally across the country in May, as early as the 2nd. I will be repeating this announcment further down the road when the date gets closer. But, my involvement in this game will sadly have to take a back seat while I make the trip and settle in to what I hope to be my final home destination. I -WILL- be returning, and my participation with this game will return as soon as its possible.
    Last edited by Innis Cabal; 2010-03-19 at 03:30 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serpentine View Post
    Also I'm pretty sure you're GLaDoS now.

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    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: BleachITP Reborn: Discussion & Setup

    I'm not saying I'll introduce it right away. I am wondering what people think of it, regardless of when I introduce it, or if at all.

    Also, characters:

    Tsukada Ryouichi, Candidate for Commander General
    Age: 520

    Height: 5'9"

    Weight: 152

    Reiatsu: Steel/Silver.

    Ryouichi is fairly young for his position, not looking to be past his 40s (maybe even later 30s). He wears his black hair long and messy, and usually has to go to lengths to make sure it doesn't cover his green eyes. His facial features are fairly sharp, while still managing to be friendly: he sports a fairly wide scar across the bottom-left of his chin running up his cheek, which might add to his image if he didn't usually have it covered with scruff. His Captain's Haori is loosely worn on his shoulders, with his "three" zanpaktou always at his side. His form is well-toned, which is easy to tell even with the haori obscuring the fact; and his skin-tone suggests someone who isn't afraid to get out of the office once in a while. All in all, one might call him marginally attractive.

    Ryouichi seems to flip between three personas, depending on his situation.
    As Commander General, he is quick to decision, strategic, cold and detached, and generally making himself as suited to the tough jobs he has before him. He makes as many decisions as possible to ensure his subordinates' safety first.
    As a combatant, he's overly cautious, always taking defensive steps before offensive ones (luckily his zanpaktou caters to that); one would think, given the base of his abilities that he would be among the "honorable" type, but they would be sorely mistaken. While chivalry in protecting his allies is certainly something he strives for, he will take no disadvantages from taking the honorable road when it comes to defeating an opponent. If the choice is available, he will fight an opponent on fair terms, but rarely will a true enemy afford such niceties.
    Off-duty... Ryouichi tends to be lazy, easy-going, and prone to partying. Some might call him a lech in his attitude towards women, but he has, to date, never forced himself upon any girl. Though there are gears ticking under the surface, it's hard to tell, since he tries to be enjoyable and "fun" as possible.
    In his spare time, when he isn't partying, Ryouichi takes joy in reading stories of chivalry and knighthood; he also studies a fair degree of lore of Mortal Samurais of old.

    Ryouichi came from humble beginnings; he grew up in the 70th West district, always looking up to Soul Society with hope. Naturally, when he began to manifest the signs of a shinigami, he was overjoyed, instantly making off for the academy at the age of 112. A mere 8 years later, he was full and ready for service in the 13 Court Guard.
    The young Soul Reaper started off in the 13th division, the closest any squad got to frequent Hollow encounters. For around 40 years, he made his reputation as a fairly skilled and competent unseated. It wasn't any contest when the 5th seat opened up: he was also assigned his own squad to look after for patrols in the Mortal World.
    It was about then that his Zanpaktou, which he had only just gained the shikai of, split into three: an odd omen to some, a sign of a unique individual to others.
    What really made him stand out, however, was his complete devotion to his clutch that made his reputation. In the many battles they saw in 115 years, Ryouichi never lost a single man of that squad. So naturally, though the farewells were hard, when he was offered a position in the 1st squad, he took the offer, as a chance to demonstrate his administrative and true leadership skills.
    For 120 years he served in the 1st Squad before moving up from the position of 3rd Seat, to Vice Captain under Commander General <name>; It wasn't until another century and a score later that he became Commander General himself. It has been 2 years; despite his prowess, the general peace of the time hasn't given a chance to display his proficiency as a leader.

    Zanpaktou: Kishido (騎士道) (Knight's Code)
    Sealed Form:
    Kishido is unlike many zanpaktou, in that it takes a "split" form, both in sealed and release states. In its sealed form, Kishido takes the shape of three seperate katanas, each of different design; The first is battle-scarred, blood-stained, and of vicious design; "Restraint" (自制) is engraved on its blade in kanji. The second is made of blue-colored steel, with an elegant, ever-pure shine about it; "Courage" (勇気) is engraved upon its blade. The third is white as snow, with an otherworldly glow; "Compassion" (慈悲) is engraved upon its blade.

    Zanpaktou Spirit:
    As the surface nature of Kishidp is threefold, so is it's deeper aspects. The "spirit" of Kishido is effectively three spirits: A red-armored being with a large, black greatsword, the kanji for "Restraint" on the fore of its armor; a blue-armored being with no weapon, the kanji for "Courage" on the fore of its armor; and a white-armored being with a shield, the kanji for "Compassion" on the fore of its armor.

    As explained, Kishido is unique: It has three seperate "release" forms, though they are all functionally part of the zanpaktou's release. For each blade, there is a seperate release command, and seperate abilities. As each ability of the "shikai" diverts damage in some way, the appropriate part of the release begins to glow (Red for Jisei, Blue for Yuuki, White for Jihi). The more it diverts, the greater a glow it gives.

    "Strike against my enemies, and teach them the pain of war, Jisei!"
    Jisei straightens out into a straight longsword made from red steel. When it strikes a foe, the kanji for "Restraint" appears upon the site of the wound; from then on, when they intentionally attack someone, they suffer the same injury to a lesser degree. Only when Jisei wounds another foe will they be released from this effect.

    "Give me the strength to fight on, Yuuki!"
    Yuuki dissipates, forming a set of form-fitting, aqua-colored Ō-Yoroi. The armor is particularly difficult to break through, thereby providing a fair bit of defense; yet, still providing full mobility as if it weren't even there. In addition, when struck by a physical, energy, or some other type of attack from an enemy, from that point in that instance of release on, when struck by another attack of the same type, Yuuki deflects a small portion of the damage upon the attacker. If another enemy strikes with some sort of damaging attack, the focus is shifted to them.

    "Defend my allies, Jihi!"
    Jihi dissipates, forming a large, flat, rectangular white shield with the kanji for "Compassion" emblazed on the front, fastened to Ryouichi's left arm. Functioning as a normal shield, Jihi can also create a temporary barrier of sorts when touched against another. When struck with an attack, Jihi can divert any degree of the damage from a person defended by the barrier to Ryouichi.

    Bankai: "Stay thy hand, fight against strife, defend the weak, know no fear! Tenkishido!"
    To enter Bankai, several conditions must be met:
    • All three "releases" must be active.
    • All three unique abilities must be active; Jisei and Yuuki need not share the same target.
    • A certain amount of damage must be diverted between all three abilities.

    In Bankai, several changes take place. The armor fully encompasses Ryouichi, becoming a deceptively large set of Ō-Yoroi; Ryouichi is around 9 feet tall in the armor, with accurate proportions; Jisei and Jihi increase in turn, as well. Finally, a large set of feathered wings sprout from the back: upon closer inspection, they are also made of steel, and engraved with various kanji that encompass various facets of honor. The feathers periodically disappear as time goes on, and when they are all gone the Bankai immediately ends.

    Ryouichi's strength, speed, and endurance are increased, and the toughness of the armor increases as well as granting the ability to fly. In addition, multiple targets may be affected by the effects of Jisei, Yuuki, and Jihi, and they are all perfectly integrated.

    Battle Stats (for my amusement):

    Possible Connections!
    • Former Patrol members from Squad 13 (Captains of other squads?).
    • Former girlfriends?
    • Drinking buddies.

    Fukui Kyou, 6th Division Unseated
    Age: 126

    Height: 6'0"

    Weight: 152

    Reiatsu/Speaking Color: None?/Deep Sky Blue

    Kyou is tall for her gender, standing taller than all the females and even some of the males of her graduating class from the shinigami academy. Her long hair is a slight white, and when she can get away with it, it is usually let free instead of tied back; leaving a few strands of hair to hang between her red-tinted eyes. Her assets are well-endowed, if hard to tell under her shihakusho. While her body is lean and muscular, the most notable aspect of it is her left hand; it's tinged an unearthly shade of red, with claws at the end. It always seems to be unusually warm to the touch. She always has a pair of runed gold bracers around her wrist and the end of her forearm.

    Kyou, while while generally respectful to superior officers, is very outspoken, and what one could call "rowdy". Perhaps it is the influence of the Hollow possessing her arm, but she has a knack for getting into trouble at times, but it usually only borders on the mischevious. When it comes to a fight, though, she's all business, striking with calm efficiency.

    Kyou started as many shinigami do, as a youth in the Rukon. Her upbringing was average, her inception as a shinigami was average... however, during a freak accident trip to the Mortal World in her 2nd year in the academy, a parasitic hollow latched onto one of her arms out of nowhere, beginning to slowly spread along her body. Luckily they were close enough to a Senkai Gate to bring her back to the 4th, where they managed to suppress the transformation, being at a loss of how to remove it. It didn't take long for 12th to procure a set of suppressing bracelets, which kept the hollow from consuming any more of her body. Though her left arm was essentially part hollow from that point on, she tried to not let it get in the way of her advancement. She finished in the normal range of about 5 years, and is one of the most recently assigned unseated to the 6th division (a couple weeks to a month).

    Zanpaktou: ???
    Sealed Form:
    Kyou's sealed zanpaktou is a standard length katana with a black thread hilt, and a red sheathe with a black ribbon tied around it so as to easily wrap to her waist.

    Zanpaktou Spirit:
    Kyou has not contacted her zanpaktou spirit yet...

    Shikai: Not Achieved.
    ...Depending on how she develops, Kyou could develop one of four shikais...

    Rakurai (bolt of lightning):
    The blade of Kyou's katana reforms into a blade of pure energy, increasing its cutting power, and making it lighter, and therefore much easier to wield for quick strikes. In addition, her hollow arm changes color to pure white.

    Onryou (revengeful ghost):
    Kyou's blade straightens out, glowing with a purplish light, and yellow runes glow from her arm as well. While Kyou's weapon doesn't improve in any meaningful way, she can summon one of several helpful spirits through a seeming combination of both her zanpaktou and hollow powers to assist her in different ways...
    • Kazan: This spirit emanates a beneficial reiatsu that increases the physical strength of Kyou and any of her allies within about 20 feet of her.
    • Hazy-Eyed Bremen: This spirit emanates "sticky" spiritual particles that attach to Kyou's foes within 20 feet of her, slightly increasing the effects of kido.
    • Rhasa; Carrier of the Plague: This spirit sends harmful spirits at foes within 20 feet of Kyou, inflicting them with a short-lived virus that debilitates the use of their arms and obscures their vision slightly; the affliction lasts for about 10 seconds, after which they can be affected again.
    • Kalla of Dark Flame: This spirit imbues Kyou's weapon with black flames that cling to opponents with each physical strike she makes against them. The flames burn for a few seconds (3) before burning out.

    Herubentaa (hellbenter, ヘルベンター):
    Kyou's katana blade grows in size, weight, and mass, becoming a zanbato made of rusty, blood-coated iron. Her sclere turn completely black while in this release, similar to a Hollows' eyes. By sacrificing a portion of her own blood, she can make a blade around the size of a short-sword made from blood which she holds in her hollow arm. Stikes with this blade are deadly, causing bleeding, and absorbing some of the enemies essence to heal Kyou.

    Ashura (asura, 阿修羅):
    Kyou's eyes are covered by two leather straps crossed over her face. Her Katana straightens and widens, emptying a hole out near the handle. While Kyou is effectively blinded by the straps, her reiatsu detection skyrockets, creating a sort of sonar sense, as well as having the benefits of making her immune to visual effects such as illusions, hypnosis, etc. In addition, she gains a few energy-based zanpaktou abilities:
    • Spirit Crescent: Kyou slashes into the air, creating a neutral wave of energy that flies straight forward.
    • Ice Pillars: With an upward slash, Kyou summons a wave of icicles that stab upward along the ground.
    • Fire Wave Sword: Kyou swings, flinging an explosive ball of fire at an enemy.

    Bankai: Not Achieved.

    Additional Abilities:
    The physical strength of Kyou's hollow arm is about twice compared to her normal arm... however, swinging a weapon in it is dangerous, as sometimes she loses control, which can lead to unintentional harm of an ally. No other abilities have been discovered... yet.

    Battle Stats(...again, just for fun):





    Possible Connections!
    • Fellow classmates?
    • Former Teachers?
    • Fellow Squad members?
    Last edited by strawberryman; 2010-03-19 at 03:39 PM.
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  28. - Top - End - #28
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: BleachITP Reborn: Discussion & Setup

    I echo Hadrian, which oddly is quite surprising in most of what he had to say, in that we should stick to the cannon forces, and work on them. Not saying "NO! I HATE IT!" just, as a general rule, all but the Enclave and the Fey for the new game are based on cannon stuff. Even the Samsara has connection to the show, merely given -much- better fluff. Which, I personally think is what we should be doing. Improve the story, fluff and interactions of the cannon stuff. Look how well the Bount turned out?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serpentine View Post
    Also I'm pretty sure you're GLaDoS now.

  29. - Top - End - #29
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: BleachITP Reborn: Discussion & Setup

    Quote Originally Posted by strawberryman View Post
    ...Okay, well, I assume because there was little reaction it would help if I actually explained what the faction I was planning is.

    It's more or less like the Men In Black... It's a multi-national secret organization that deploys agents to clean up after the various mishaps that Soul Reapers can't. As such, the various Soul Reaper organizations usually leave them well enough alone.

    ...That's their cover op, though. What they are really trying to do is make Mortals able to fend for themselves, and be self-sufficient on the matters of the spiritual. Which meshed pretty well with Ran's goal during the last cycle... but, that's an aside. They track and recruit various spiritual humans: Quincies (in fact that may possibly be a large base of their agents), Living Vizards, various anomalies, just plain spiritually aware humans, or maybe even Bount.

    ...As for why they may be considered villainous or antagonistic to the Enclave is their willingness to do literally anything to achieve their ends; assassinations, theft... etc. And it's likely that the various runes they possess will be like their Holy Grail. For reasons I don't feel like fully explaining, I would like to keep some secrets.
    Just a thought; since QuinShin relations are a little better in this game, since there's only been one war, and that's a long while ago, maybe this MIB organization could actually be the Quincy? Or at least an offshoot thereof?
    My Unitarian Jihad name is Brother Rail Gun of Sweet Reason. Get yours!

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  30. - Top - End - #30
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: BleachITP Reborn: Discussion & Setup

    I like the idea, and I think it could provide interesting foil to both Kujo & Co and Elder. Maybe the idea will find home later in the new plot, once we have some idea what our new villains will actually be doing.
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