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Thread: The Big O d20

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default The Big O d20

    Alright everybody, say it with me! Shooooowwwwtiiiiiiime!!!!!
    Now, before everyone gets all excited, this isn't finished yet. Theres still plenty of room for balancing and tinkering. And before anyone makes any objections, its not nearly as unbalanced as it sounds. Yes, the character has a giant killer robot, but I'll explain how this is ok later.
    As always this meant to be more in line with Pathfinder rather than standard 3.5

    A Dominus is the chosen pilot of an ancient construct known as a Megadeus. These metal behemoths were created in ages past, either by the gods or by people and technology long forgotten. They choose their Dominus, not the other way around, and as the two grow more in sync the Dominus is able to unlock the construct’s hidden weapons and abilities.
    Role: The Dominus himself operates as a group’s face, scout, and problem solver. His Megadeus is a literal tank, primary damage dealer, and problem “solver”.
    Alignment: any
    Hit Dice: d6
    Base Attack: Average
    Good Saves: Reflex and Will
    Proficiency: A Dominus is proficient with simple weapons and firearms, but not with any armor
    Class Skills: Acrobatics (Dex), Appraise (Int), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Local, Nobility,Technology) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Slieght of Hand (Dex), Stealth (Dex), Swim (Str)
    Skill Points per level: 6 + Int mod
    Lvl Special
    1 Negotiator, Showtime! 1/day, Unarmed Strike 1d4
    2 Gadget
    3 Detective, Uncanny Dodge
    4 Gadget
    5 Showtime! 2/day
    6 Gadget, Unarmed Strike 1d6
    7 Bonus Feat
    8 Gadget
    9 Evasion
    10 Showtime! 3/day
    11 Gadget
    12 Bonus Feat, Unarmed Strike 1d8
    13 Gadget
    14 Improved Uncanny Dodge
    15 Showtime! 4/day
    16 Improved Evasion
    17 Bonus Feat
    18 Unarmed Strike 1d10
    19 Gadget
    20 Ye Not Guilty
    Class Features
    Wristwatch (Su): As part of his backstory, the Dominus comes into possession of a watch. This watch is his link to the Megadeus and is needed to call it unless the robot is within shouting distance. He can also integrate many of his gadgets into the watch, though this is not necessary. Otherwise it functions as a normal masterwork time-keeping device.
    Negotiator (Ex): The Dominus receives a +2 on Diplomacy, Bluff, and Sense Motive checks.
    Unarmed Strike (Ex): While not as skilled as a Monk, a Dominus is able to hold his own in hand-to-hand combat. When attacking with an unarmed strike, he does not provoke an attack of opportunity and deals 1d4 damage instead of the usual 1d3. This damage increases as he advances, as shown above.
    Showtime! (Su): At 1st level, the Dominus can summon his Megadeus; a massive monolithic construct. The robot is partially sentient and has a will of its own. When called, it will obey its Dominus to the best of its ability, but only for a short time: 1 minute per class level. After that time, the construct will stop obeying commands, go to sleep, or simply wander off. The Dominus can summon the construct one additional time per day at 5th level and every 5 levels after that. The actual summoning process is simple; the Dominus simply calls its name (the battle phrase is optional) into his wristwatch and the Megadeus arrives within 1d4 minutes. Most often it bursts from the ground, the sea, or flies down from the sky. It can be assumed that the Megadeus follows its Dominus at night, by burrowing through the earth, or some other means, thereby being nearby when needed. If the robot is known to be much further away, or is somehow detained, this time may be significantly increased or halted altogether.
    Gadget (Ex): The Dominus can select a gadget from the following list. Most often the device can be linked to his wristwatch. Once known, he can build any number of the same device so long as he has the time and materials:
    Grappling Cable: This thin cord fires out to 10ft per class level and latches onto nearly any surface. When using the grappling cable to climb, the Dominus is considered to have taken a 10 unless he would prefer to roll.
    Laser Cutter: This small device produces a laser beam that deals 1d4 fire damage/4 class levels (minimum 1d4). It has a short range of 5ft. The laser is not an effective combat weapon and provokes attacks of opportunity.
    Remote Control: This gadget allows the Dominus to remotely activate and control one other device (such as a Rocket Anchor), designated at the time of construction. It is not complex enough to fully operate his Megadeus, but can allow the Dominus to make it walk and use its Slam attack without being in the cockpit.
    Tracer: This tiny tracer bug can be shot like a dart or attached by hand. It allows the Dominus to track a target using the display on his watch or Megadeus. The Dominus can automatically follow a subject stuck with a tracer without needing to make a survival check. The detection is not perfect, however, and a subject can still attempt hide, though it cannot conceal itself from the tracer without removing it or using magic.
    Detective (Ex): The Dominus receives the Track feat and Trapfinding ability. He can use Gather Information checks to track targets in an urban environment.
    Ye Not Guilty (Su): At 20th level, the Dominus is fully syncronized with his Megadeus. He can summon the robot as often as needed each day and it stays and obeys his commands for as long as necessary. However, the two are still separate beings and the Megadeus may still act on its own in unusual circumstances.
    Ye Guilty (fallen Dominus): Should the Dominus repeatably or grossly violate his alignment, the Big may become uncooperative or completely ignore his commands until he atones. If his alignment changes and he continues to try and pilot the Megadeus, it will forcibly merge with him, taking over his body and mind. The Dominus must succeed on a Will save DC 24 or be consumed.

    A Megadeus appears archaic enough to be from the distant past, but advanced enough to be from the distant future. Its design is stylish and regal rather than practical. The Megadeus seeks out a Dominus, perhaps to achieve goals it cannot accomplish because of its own physical and mental limitations.
    The Big progresses at the same rate as the Dominus, much like a special mount or familiar (though in reality the relationship is reversed). When it is not being piloted by the Dominus, the Big is under the control of the Gamemaster. Though it is loyal to the Dominus and his allies, it has its own agenda and spends most of its time in a dormant state.
    Alignment: Neutral
    Hit Dice: d12
    Base Attack: Best
    Good Saves: Fortitude and Will
    Proficiency: The Megadeus is only proficient with its own weapons and armor.
    Class Skills: Climb (Str), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (technology) (Int), Perception (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis)
    Skill Points per level: 2 + Int mod (minimum per level)
    Lvl Special
    1 Slam, Shield, Cast in the Name of God
    2 Big Power
    4 Big Power
    5 Mettle
    6 Big Power
    8 Big Power
    10 Big Power
    12 Big Power
    14 Big Power
    16 Big Power
    18 Big Power
    20 Final Stage
    Class Features
    Giant Robot (Ex): A Megadeus is considered a Colossal Construct with 42 Strength, 6 Dexterity, and 14 natural armor. It is made of adamantine and receives 80 bonus hit points for its size at 1st level. Unlike most Constructs, it is partially sentient and has an Intelligence score of 2, a Wisdom of 10, and a Charisma of 18. It is immune to magical mind-effects but can still be fooled by mundane tricks and bluffs.
    Slam: A Megadeus has two Slam attacks that each deal 2d8 points of bludgeoning damage and have a x3 critical.
    Shield (Ex): The Big’s massive arms and legs provide additional protection when it is not attacking. When taking the partial defense or full defense actions, the AC bonus provided is doubled.
    Cast in the Name of God: The Megadeus is almost impossible to destroy, and it gains the Great Fortitude and Toughness feats for free.
    Big Power: The Dominus selects one of the following powers to unlock when piloting his Megadeus:
    Rocket Anchor (Ex): The Megadeus has rocket propelled chains housed in its skirt. Four times per day it can launch one of these anchors out to a range of 50ft. The impact alone deals 1d12 piercing damage with an 18-20 critical threat range. On a critical hit, the anchor catches in the armor or flesh of the target. A captured target is considered grappled by the Big, though it can still move and attack within the reach of the chain. It can escape by taking a full round action that provokes attacks of opportunity to remove the offending object, or by succeeding in an opposed strength check with the giant robot (*snicker*). The Dominus can release the chain as a free action. This power can be selected multiple times (maximum of 4). Each time it is selected, the range of the chain improves by 50ft and it can use 4 additional anchors per day.
    Transformation (Ex): The Big can change its form slightly as a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity to allow it to gain one of the following movement modes: It can gain a Burrow equal to half its land speed, a Fly (Clumsy) speed equal to its land speed, or a Swim speed equal to 1.5 its land speed. The Megadeus uses its arms to facilitate this movement, usually by sprouting propellers or drills, and cannot use its slam attack while moving.
    Sudden Impact (Ex): This weapon involves a massive piston in the Big’s arm. It requires a move action to lock the piston in place, and then a full round action to deliver a single slam attack with a 19-20 critical threat range. If the attack connects, the Megadues adds twice its Strength modifier to the damage.
    O Thunder (Su): Hidden within the Big’s arms are four gatling lasers.
    Optic Beam (Su): The Big can fire a laser ray out of one or both eyes as a standard action. The beam deals 1d6 fire damage per two class levels and has a range of 100ft.
    Cromebuster (Su): (Prerequisites: Eye Beam) The Big’s helm opens to reveal a larger laser cannon which can fire a more powerful beam as a full-round action. The attack deals 1d10 fire damage per two class levels and can deals half damage on a successful Reflex save DC 10 + 1/2 lvl + the Dominu’s Dex mod.
    Cannon Party (Ex): The Megadues has a number of powerful machines guns located in its chest or arms.
    Missile Party (Ex): The Megadues can fire rockets and heat seeking missiles from its body once per encounter. The barrage deals 1d8 bludgeoning damage plus 1d4 fire damage per two class levels and covers a 60ft area. A successful Reflex save can reduce the damage by half.
    Plasma Gimmick (Su): The Megadues can project an electric force field that blocks damage and harms attackers. The shield blocks 5 damage per level from any source and requires a full round action to activate. It can remain activate for 1 round per level or until its damage pool is depleted. These rounds need not be consecutive. Alternately, the Gimmick can be activated to deal 1d4 electric damage per 4 levels to anything striking the Megadeus.

    Balancing Options
    Repairs & Upgrades: A significant portion of the character's wealth each level should go toward the maintenance and upkeep of the Megadeus. The bare minimum should be at least ¼ to ½ of the character's wealth gain, though this can be raised in a lower power game (though why this class would be allowed in a low power game...)
    Giant Size: The Big's massive bulk makes it nearly impossible to use In most traditional dungeon encounters, and most players will not want to call their Big in situations where it would cause too much collateral damage or simply bring too much attention to the party. Also remember that most low level encounters (bandits, orcs) will simply flee the Big rather than engage in combat.
    Smaller Size (variant): The Bigs in the show are quite clearly colossal in size. However, this may be too much for most Dms (and players) to deal with early in the game. An optional rule would be to start the Big at Huge or Large size and have it grow as it advances. Gargantuan at 9th and Colossal at 19th, for example. Simply adjust its Strength, Dexterity, and Natural Armor with the appropriate size modifiers.
    The Griffon (variant): As an alternate to a giant mech, the Dominus could instead summon the Griffon, a vehicle comparable to the Batmobile. The Dominus class remains unchanged except for reflavoring. The car advances much like a Megadeus, excpet that it is smaller and has weapons and gadgets like those found on classic spy-cars and super-hero vehicles.
    Other Classes: Compared to other characters, the Dominus himself can't hold a candle to an actual Monk, Rogue, or Ranger. The Megadeus, on the other hand, has attacks that are roughly on par with the average spellcaster's spells, but it can't match those augmented by metamagic.

    Coming Soon!
    More Gadgets: Because Roger is a homage to both Batman and James Bond, all manner of tools and gizmos are fair game
    More Big Powers: Along with completing the ones listed here, I'll be adding more abilities related to Big Fau, Big Duo, and other robots in the show. I also intend to add level limitations on what powers can be chosen.
    Feats!: Feats related to the anime and piloting in general, along with an Epic Destiny related to Big Venus.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Big O d20


    The Last Episode [EPIC]
    You understand what the Hell was going on in the last episode.
    Prerequisite: Insanity, abstract thinking, possibly an addiction to Acid
    Benefit: You get what happened in the last episode of the Big O. Seriously, made total sense to you. You grasped just watching it the first time. How are people not catching this? Honest. It's not that hard. And we don't mean you 'get' it like you 'got' End of Evangelion where you just threw up your hands in defeat and shouted, "**** it, Hideaki Anno is just giving us the middle finger." No, no, this was easy, this was an actual solid ending. You could probably course through 'Sound and the Fury' in a heartbeat. This grants you a +2 Diplomacy bonus against people who didn't catch the last episode.

    Like, everyone. Because really, WTF?

    (Love Big O. Been one of my favorite animes since it popped up on Toonami. The end was just a bit of a curveball for me. )
    Last edited by The Tygre; 2010-03-30 at 10:49 AM.
    My Characters
    According to this test, I am a LN Half-Orc Cleric, Lvl.2.
    "And in the layer of the Deep Ones, we shall dwell amidst wonder and glory forever." - H.P. Lovecraft

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Big O d20

    Quote Originally Posted by The Tygre View Post
    (Love Big O. Been one of my favorite animes since it popped up on Toonami. The end was just a bit of a curveball for me. )
    Man, I wish I could have gotten that far into it. Freakin' loved that show.

    Needless to say, I think this is a great idea. Having played Zeta Kai's wonderful Final Fantasy X d20 that featured the Summoner (capable of bringing out an encounter-ending outsider), I know first hand that this sort of thing can work out wonderfully in a game if done right.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Big O d20

    Quote Originally Posted by The Tygre View Post

    The Last Episode [EPIC]
    You understand what the Hell was going on in the last episode.
    Prerequisite: Insanity, abstract thinking, possibly an addiction to Acid
    Benefit: You get what happened in the last episode of the Big O. Seriously, made total sense to you. You grasped just watching it the first time. How are people not catching this? Honest. It's not that hard. And we don't mean you 'get' it like you 'got' End of Evangelion where you just threw up your hands in defeat and shouted, "**** it, Hideaki Anno is just giving us the middle finger." No, no, this was easy, this was an actual solid ending. You could probably course through 'Sound and the Fury' in a heartbeat. This grants you a +2 Diplomacy bonus against people who didn't catch the last episode.

    Like, everyone. Because really, WTF?

    (Love Big O. Been one of my favorite animes since it popped up on Toonami. The end was just a bit of a curveball for me. )
    I'd say I understand the ending, or at least I understand it better than 90% of people who've seen it. It really helps if you watch the Truman Show. To me it actually was a decent way to end a noir anime.
    .....I thought I'd at least get a +1 on Will saves vs WTF?
    I'm one of those guys who wasn't bothered by the ending of Paranoia Agent. It was just easy to accept after everything that had already happened. Meanwhile my buddy won't even talk about the ending.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Big O d20

    base attack best?

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: The Big O d20

    Quote Originally Posted by CannonAlchemist View Post
    base attack best?
    Think he meant Full.
    My Characters
    According to this test, I am a LN Half-Orc Cleric, Lvl.2.
    "And in the layer of the Deep Ones, we shall dwell amidst wonder and glory forever." - H.P. Lovecraft

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Big O d20

    And what is full BaB?
    Last edited by The_Admiral; 2010-05-29 at 10:17 AM.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    DragoonWraith's Avatar

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    Default Re: The Big O d20

    +1/level is full BAB.

    Anyway, I've never seen this show, and so was very confused about how you were going to make an RPG out of a method for calculating the running time and resource use of computer algorithms...

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Big O d20

    First, I will address the actual topic. The class itself looks cool, although as with Rich Burlew's Champion class, I'm incredibly iffy about giving such a short duration at level one to what is the class's main gimmick. Other than summoning the Big, the Dominus is basically a Rogue-lite, so it needs something to consistently bring the awesome. On the other hand, I don't want to go overboard. Maybe something like 3 + Cha mod minutes at level one, plus an additional minute per class level past the first?

    The pilots also have major differences in what they do outside the mecha; though I'd say the same saves and medium BAB are fine for all of them, I'd still like to see about three "paths" representing the way the three major pilots work outside the Megadei, and interact with their mecha. They wouldn't need to be so different as to be different classes, since all the pilots seem to pretty much rely on Charisma as their primary stat outside the Bigs, but Roger is a Neutral Good(ish) type who relies on negotiation (as his title suggests) and only brings out Big O as his last resort, Alex is a firmly Lawful Evil megalomaniac who wants to be worshiped as a god and uses Big Fau to that end, and Schwarzwald is a psychotic Chaotic Neutral bordering on Evil anarchist who commands Big Duo by sheer force of crazy. I'd like to see that reflected in the class features; a negotiator path Dominus gets stuff that helps him be a better diplomat and detective, and maybe something like Bardic Knowledge, the tyrant path Dominus gets a bunch of fear effects and things that synergize with them (possibly only usable while s/he is in the Megadeus, depending on how strong they are), and the mad visionary Dominus gets something similar to the insanity score granted by the Madness cleric domain, and/or something else that goes along with the whole "gone mad from the revelation" shtick. Alignment requirements are any ethically neutral for negotiator, any lawful for tyrant, and any chaotic for mad visionary. Changing alignments on the law/chaos is possible, but you need a month to reexamine yourself and your reasons for piloting the Megadeus before you try to pilot again, otherwise Ye Guilty.

    Begin TL;DR essay on possible ways to handle giant robots in D&D:

    The main problem I have with the class so far though, is the way the Megadei themselves are handled. The Megadei are clearly Colossal (as you've said) and made of some sort of square-cube law defying supermetal (like admant, as you've said), so why do I have to worry about someone handing four level one characters magic swords and having them wreck my 300 foot tall robot? I know we've got the bonus HP, but still, that just ain't right. Giant robots, as far as most series that involve them go, are created to fight things that people without them simply can't fight. To use another mecha series as an example, I'm pretty sure Shinji Ikari was only level one when his dad strapped him into a psychotic flesh colossus and sent him out to fight a considerably advanced colossal cherub solar. In Big O itself, looking at the titular mecha would give one the impression of an epic threat, not something any group of four low level adventurers could take out with the right gear or a clever trick.

    I think there are two ways to go about doing the concept justice from an RP perspective. The first way is to forget about matching the size and power of the Megadei from the show. Have them start out at large size, and advance to huge and then gargantuan over the course of 20 levels. In game the justification for this can be that hidden "memories" or subconscious communication with the Megadeus gives the pilot knowledge of how to upgrade and perfect his/her mechanical partner. This solves the mechanical disconnect of a thirty story death machine only having 95 HP. You lose the sheer scale of the battles, but the pilot's connection with his/her robot, the mysterious lost technology, and noir aspects can still be played up.

    The second way is truer to the original series, but comes with balance problems, and it is this. Make the Megadei epic right off. Start with the stats for an iron colossus and modify them as needed, probably keep the extra HD per level and Big Power advancement as you had them. Now you can have games in which Roger the Negotiator, an otherwise normal guy with no real reality-warping powers, can get in his thirty story death machine and lay waste to what is almost certainly an epic level monster. There are two obvious problems here: multiclassing and making the other party members feel useful when they can't contribute to the battles the Dominus is fighting.

    If taking Dominus as a dip is allowed, than everyone and their venerable tomato-farming father will have one level in Dominus as a dip and be full casters otherwise, so require that 4/5 of the character's levels be in Dominus, or a class declared compatible with it (such as a specially made PrC, and maybe other classes that fit with the aspect of the character's personality that allows them to pilot). If the Dominus breaks this rule, Ye Guilty. If you as DM feel so inclined, characters who want to take up the path of a Dominus late in life can retrain levels until they meet this prerequisite, if not, well, too bad. This may serve as a meta justification for why mecha shows love young protagonists; they haven't taken levels that count against their limit for other classes yet.

    The second problem is that giant robots fight giant threats, and people without giant robots do not unless they are epic or the giant things are way more pathetic than they look. Solving this problem is actually pretty easy if your players like the RP aspect of the game and/or you're clever with encounter design. As you pointed out, the Bigs can't be summoned everywhere, since they result in massive collateral damage and simply don't fit in many environments. The Dominus also has to contend with the fact that she has a max of 7-8 minutes to 27-28 minutes to rampage with his/her giant robot per day, and then, Roger was a bard without spells or music. Who dies horribly if he runs across a dude with enough levels in monk.

    The Dominus needs an entourage to protect him when he's not smiting daikaiju for great justice, because without his robot buddy he's hanging out with the low Tier 5s. A rogue-type takes care of the perils in dungeons the Big can't fit in, a tank or ToB melee class acts as a bodyguard for the fairly squishy Dominus outside the Megadeus, other skill-monkeys take an alternate focus to complement the Dominus, and full casters break the game in half like they do everywhere else. The non-Dominus players can't do much about the bastard child of King Ghidorah and Biollante, but they can be much more effective than the Dominus is at fighting smaller scale threats, due to the natural limitations that come with the Big's massive scale (e.g., using a Megadeus to stop a regular bank robbery would result to more money lost due to property damage than the robbers would have taken, and summoning a Big anywhere there are a lot of people is going to result in huge casualties). If the player doesn't care about collateral damage due to being evil or neutral-in-name but actually evil... well, don't let those players take this class. Unless everyone takes it and the game turns into a D20 version of Rampage, which might be fun.

    If you go with "epic to begin with" Megadei though, I advise giving the Dominus some way of shrugging off mind-affecting spells and abilities while linked to the Megadeus, even if it's as simple as a mere bonus to Will saves. Storywise, this is because though Roger was subjected to many effects that obviously required a Will save, he always shook them off and came back to triumph in the end while affirming his mastery of his own mind; the metagame reason for this is to spare the other players having to fight off their own team's Megadeus.

    End TL;DR essay on possible ways to handle giant robots in D&D:

    TL;DR: Playing with epic giant robots right off would be a very different experience, but in the hands of a good DM and players who liked the campaign concept, it could be done.

    Quote Originally Posted by Real Sorceror View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by The Tygre View Post

    The Last Episode [EPIC]
    You understand what the Hell was going on in the last episode.
    Prerequisite: Insanity, abstract thinking, possibly an addiction to Acid
    Benefit: You get what happened in the last episode of the Big O. Seriously, made total sense to you. You grasped just watching it the first time. How are people not catching this? Honest. It's not that hard. And we don't mean you 'get' it like you 'got' End of Evangelion where you just threw up your hands in defeat and shouted, "**** it, Hideaki Anno is just giving us the middle finger." No, no, this was easy, this was an actual solid ending. You could probably course through 'Sound and the Fury' in a heartbeat. This grants you a +2 Diplomacy bonus against people who didn't catch the last episode.

    Like, everyone. Because really, WTF?

    (Love Big O. Been one of my favorite animes since it popped up on Toonami. The end was just a bit of a curveball for me. )
    I'd say I understand the ending, or at least I understand it better than 90% of people who've seen it. It really helps if you watch the Truman Show. To me it actually was a decent way to end a noir anime.
    .....I thought I'd at least get a +1 on Will saves vs WTF?
    I'm one of those guys who wasn't bothered by the ending of Paranoia Agent. It was just easy to accept after everything that had already happened. Meanwhile my buddy won't even talk about the ending.
    I'm totally not sure as to why people didn't get End of Evangelion. Of course, I am smarter than your av-er-rage college student, but seriously, what's hard to get about "crazy cultists want to make humanity 'better' by merging it into a borg-like quasidivine hivemind, and whoever's in the driver's seat of the process they're using could theoretically hijack the process to become a God and remake the world in their own image." It's not even a middle finger added to the movie, since NERV's resident mad scientist explained the first part James Bond villain style in Episode 25, and the second part was sort of implied.

    Big O on the other hand...

    Three options:

    One, Paradigm City is a simulation run by sadistic watchers, Truman Show style.

    Two, Paradigm City is a simulation, but it isn't run by anyone. The people who made it are dead, killed in an actual world-shattering war (probably involving the Bigs), and Paradigm was made shortly before the end of their civilization as a record of their existence and warning to others.

    Three, Paradigm City is actually real, but something (which is probably what Lovecraft would have called "eldritch") is toying with the inhabitants for its own amusement. The stage lighting, etc... is a metaphor extended to the point of actual hallucinations by the characters' steady loss of SAN. Angel is Satan, Nyarlathotep, or something similar (seriously, ripped off wing scars, pilots a mecha that uses an alternate name for Lucifer, herald of the world's death and rebirth... it fits).

    Option two probably has the most support from the show, but it doesn't fully explain Angel and I've seen good arguments for one and three as well. It could be a combination of the three explanations. I won't say I know for sure, because if I did I'd probably be smote for hubris or something.

    ETA: As you can see, despite whatever misgivings I have with the class proper (and the class isn't bad at all for a WIP), the idea inspires me. If you can get this thing finished and polished, I'll be the first in line for a game using it. Good luck.
    Last edited by CN the Logos; 2010-05-30 at 03:33 AM.

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Big O d20

    Okay, I just nostaliga'd. HARD.

    I would watch this show every morning and every night I could. I had totally forgotten about it until now. I can't wait until this is completed, balanced, and ready for play.

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Big O d20

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoonWraith View Post
    +1/level is full BAB.

    Anyway, I've never seen this show, and so was very confused about how you were going to make an RPG out of a method for calculating the running time and resource use of computer algorithms...
    Its an Anime

    And what is average BaB?
    Last edited by The_Admiral; 2010-05-30 at 08:09 AM.

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Big O d20

    Quote Originally Posted by CannonAlchemist View Post
    Its an Anime

    And what is average BaB?
    To be slightly more descriptive for the people who for some reason click on this link without knowing what The Big O is, it's a giant robot anime set in the middle of an ontological mystery encompassing the entirety of what used to be New York City, and the main giant robot pilot is Bruce Wayne. I think that sums it up pretty well.

    And I would wager it is cleric/druid/monk/rogue/bard progression, +15/+10/+5 at level 20.

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Big O d20

    You might consider looting some ideas from Animed20, particularly the Mecha Pilot class. I can make no assertions to the balance of this material though.

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Big O d20

    Wow, I wasn't expecting anyone to dig up this thread again, but I'm glad you did.

    Thats quite a list of grievances. I'll definitely work on it again when I get the chance, but I just started up on one of my bigger projects again.
    The paths thing occurred to me pretty early on, but I never got around to developing it very far. As for multiclassing, I unfortunately have the habit of assuming other DMs are responsible and will call shenanigans if everyone starts taking levels in Dominus.
    I'll definitely have to consider the classes' place in a party and if it should be epic or not, or even if it should be a base class at all.
    Last edited by Real Sorceror; 2010-05-30 at 04:17 PM.

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Big O d20

    Bigger projects?
    Please say it is PokemonD20

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Big O d20

    Quote Originally Posted by CannonAlchemist View Post
    Bigger projects?
    Please say it is PokemonD20
    As a matter of fact, it is!

  17. - Top - End - #17
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Big O d20


  18. - Top - End - #18
    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Big O d20

    one thing i would recomend would be to table your classes, copypaste this into the text, then put in abilities and stats where the X is

    {table=head]Level|Base Attack<br>Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability

    |Class Ability[/table][/HTML]
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