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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default (3.5 Base Class, PEACH) The Ghostblade

    ’Well, the fight was going fine. We were well into the dungeon, and the sorceress we were after was bound to turn up any minute. Then this guy comes through the wall, drops the spellcasters with a bolt of force, hits me THROUGH my armour with an axe, and promptly collapsed on the floor from spiritual drain. By the time I came to again, the sorceress was feeding the guy a healing potion and our entire party was chained up in the corner. That was a bad day.’

    Background-The Ghostblade is a warrior, but one with a unique talent. They siphon off their own spiritual energy, to produce often spectacular effects, at the cost of their own health.
    Races-Though a member of any race can be a Ghostblade, it is most common among the more martial humanoid races.
    Other Classes-Ghostblades get on well with most classes. Their martial skill gives them common ground with Fighters, their dedication kinship with druids, and their unique abilities tends to make them favoured subjects for Wizards. Sorcerers tend to find them aloof, and Barbarians commonly believe they overthink their plans.
    Role-A Ghostblade is primarily a combatant, but their Spirit Share ability can have them serve as a healer in desperate situations. They can be used as spies or even assassins, their ability to assume an incorporeal form allowing them unparalleled infiltration abilities.
    Ghostblades in the World-Ghostblades are a rare, but reasonably well known group of beings who seek power through awakening the abilities of the mind and spirit over the body.
    Inspiration-Uh. No idea. I wanted an idea, and this was the first good one. XD

    Hit Die-d12
    Starting Gold-As Fighter
    Starting Age-As Fighter
    Class Skills-Ghostblades class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Hide (Dex), Move Silently (Dex), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Knowledge (The Planes), Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Psionics), Spot (Wis), Listen (Wis)
    Skill Points at 1st level-(4 + Int Modifier) x4
    Skill Points per Level-4 + Int Modifier

    Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special
    Spirit Bolt
    Ghost Weapon
    Spirit Share
    Ghostform (1/day)
    Incorporeal Nature
    Improved Spiritbolt
    Greater Ghost Weapon, Ghostform (2/day)
    Versatile Spiritshare
    Greater Spiritbolt
    Ghostform (3/day)
    Mighty Ghost Weapon
    Ghostform (4/day)
    Greater Ghostform
    Mighty Spiritbolt
    Ghostform (5/day),
    Grand Spiritmarch
    Mighty Spiritshare
    Ghostform (6/Day)
    True Incorporeal Nature, True Spiritbolt

    Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: Ghostblades are proficient with all simple weapons and one martial weapon of their choice, and with light and medium armour and shields.

    Spiritbolt (Su): A Ghostblade may project their spiritual energy as a bolt of almost invisible power. However, this ability drains their own vitality. As a standard action, a Ghostblade may sacrifice any amount of hit points to launch any number of Force rays, dealing total damage of (1d8 plus Cha Modifer) for every 3 hit points sacrificed. A Ghostblade may only sacrifice a total of 3 hit points for each class level they have.
    Each ray is treated as a ranged touch attack, with range equal to 100ft plus 10ft/level.
    (EG: A Ghostblade sacrifices 6Hp, and fires two rays for 1d8 damage each. Alternatively, they sacrifice 9 hp and fires one ray for 2d8 and another for 1d8.)

    Alternatively, the Ghostblade may add a spiritbolt to another attack he makes as a standard action. If he does so, it deals both Spiritbolt and weapon damage, and uses the weapon's range, but is not a touch attack. This ability can also be used with higher level variants.

    Ghost Weapon (Su): Starting at 2nd level, any weapon wielded by a Ghostblade is treated as a Ghost Touch weapon.

    Spiritshare (Su): Starting at 3rd level, a Ghostblade may gift some of their own vitality to others, though this is a dangerous technique and the transfer is regularly uneven. They may sacrifice 4 hit points to heal one being of 1d8 + the Ghostblade’s Charisma Modifier hit points. This effect has a range of touch and cannot be used on the Ghostblade themselves, and takes a full round action. A Ghostblade may not heal more hitpoints in one day than a quarter of their total HP times their Charisma modifier.

    Ghostform (Su): At 4th level, a Ghostblade gains the ability to transform themself into an incorporeal state once per day. They gain all bonuses and deficits from this subtype. They remain in this form for up to one round/class level, but may end it at any time. All equipment, weapons, clothing and armour they wear at the time the ability is activated become incorporeal with them. This ability drains their vitality slowly-for each minute they remain in this form, they lose one hitpoint. They always lose at least one hit point when using this ability.
    At 7th, 10th, 13th, 16th and 19th level, they gain the ability to use this form an additional time per day. (Twice at 7th level, three times at 10th level...)

    Incorporeal Nature: Starting at 5th level, the Ghostblade’s spiritual abilities begin to affect their physical body. They gain DR/Magic equal to their class level, and add their class level to the DC of any listen check to hear them. They also gain a Deflection Bonus to AC equal to their Charisma modifier, and they take ¾ damage from falling. At 12th level, this is decreased to ½ damage. Finally, they gain the ability to float one foot above the ground. When doing so, they are treated as if they were walking normally, and may still run, charge, or perform any other action, although they will not trigger pressure plates. These abilities may be removed as a standard action, and reinstated as a free action.

    Improved Spiritbolt (Su): Starting at 6th level, a Ghostblade can deal more damage with his spiritual bolts. He may now deal a total of (3d8 plus Cha modifier) force damage for each sacrifice of 5 hit points. It is otherwise identical to the Spiritbolt class feature.
    Note that you can combine this ability with the Spiritbolt ability. (Pay 3 points for 1d8 + Cha Modifier and 5 for 3d8 + Cha Modifier for 4d8 + 2(Cha Modifier) total damage)

    In addition, these attacks can now damage the targets mental abilities. Any target dealt damage by a spiritbolt must make a will save, with DC equal to 10 + half your class level + your charisma modifier. If this is failed, they suffer 1d2 points of ability damage to Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma per five dice of damage dealt. (Minimum one per bolt)
    (EG: A Ghostblade sacrifices 5Hp and fires three rays for 1d8 damage each. Alternatively, they sacrifice 10Hp and fire one ray for 6d8 damage.)

    Greater Ghost Weapon(Su):Starting at 7th level, a Ghostblade gains the ability to enhance the abilities of their weapon. As a standard action, they may count their weapon as having any magical or psionic quality that they could wield without penalty. These abilities last for a number of rounds equal to the Ghostblade’s class level plus their charisma modifier. This ability is highly draining: For each point of enhancement bonus an ability is worth, it costs two hit points to apply to their weapon. This ability may not raise a weapon to a total bonus higher than half their class level.

    Versatile Spiritshare(Su): Starting at 8th level, a Ghostblade can better control the fluctuations of their energy when transferring it. Their spiritshare ability now heals the target of 2d6 plus the Ghostblade’s Charisma modifier damage.
    In addition, they are capable of draining health from others. This may be used in two ways. If the other character is willing, it works as the above ability, in reverse. (The other character loses 4 HP, and the Ghostblade gains 2d6 plus their character's Charisma modifier) On a nonwilling character, this is considered a touch attack dealing 2d6 plus the Ghostblade's Charisma modifier damage in negative energy. The Ghostblade regains hit points equal to the damage dealt this way.
    The total hit points that can be healed using any form of Spiritshare is now increased to one half of their maximum HP times their Charisma modifier.

    Greater Spiritbolt(Su):Starting at 9th level, the Ghostblade’s Spiritbolt is capable of dealing a total damage of (5d8 + Cha Modifier) for each sacrifice of 7 hit points. Note that you can combine this with the Spiritbolt and Improved Spiritbolt abilities.

    In addition, you may now use your Spiritbolt with any number of other attacks in a round, without the limit of only adding Spiritbolt damage to attacks made as a standard action.

    Spiritmarch (Su): Starting at 11th level, the Ghostblade can warp themselves and their allies through space at an almost instantaneous pace. This functions as the Spell Dimension Door, except where noted here. The maximum range is equal to 50 feet times the Ghostblade’s class level. This ability is highly draining; it deals 2 hit points of damage per creature transported per 100 feet transported. (With a minimum of 2 damage per creature) This ability may be used once per day/every three class levels the Ghostblade has.

    Mighty Ghost Weapon: Starting at 12th level, all attacks made by a Ghostblade are treated as touch attacks.

    Improved Spiritmarch (Su): Starting at 13th level, a Ghostblade is capable of transporting himself and his allies far further. All ranges specified in Spiritmarch are now in miles rather than feet.

    Greater Ghostform: Starting at 14th level, a Ghostblade is so attuned with their spiritual abilities, they may use their Ghostform ability without suffering damage. In addition, their limit to remain in this form is now minutes/level, as opposed to rounds/level.

    Mighty Spiritbolt (Su): Starting at 15th level, a Ghostblade has consummate power over their spiritual assaults. For each sacrifice of 11 hit points, they can now deal a total of (7d8 + Cha Modifier) damage. Note that you can combine this with the Spiritbolt, Improved Spiritbolt and Greater Spiritbolt abilities.

    Grand Spiritmarch (Su): Starting at 17th level, a Ghostblade may use their Spiritmarch ability to transport themselves and their allies to another plane. Once per day for each 8 class levels they have, they may sacrifice 3HP for each creature they wish to transport, and imitate the effects of Plane Shift.

    Mighty Spiritshare (Su) Starting at 18th level, a Ghostblade can aid multiple allies at once. By sacrificing 6 hit points, they may heal a number of creatures equal to their level/4 of (3d8 + Cha modifier) hit points. In addition, when healing a single creature, they now heal (4d8 + Cha modifier) hit points.
    When using Spiritshare offensively, they can drain every creature within 5 feet per class level of (2d8 + Cha modifier) hit points, and gain hit points equal to the total daamge dealt. Any hit points over their total starting hit points are gained as temporary hit points. When using Spiritshare to drain a single creature, it now deals (4d8 + Cha Modifier) damage.
    The total hit points that can be healed by any form of spiritshare in one day is now increased to the Ghostblade's total hit points times their Charisma modifier.

    True Incorporeal Nature: At 20th level, a Ghostblade truly becomes their spiritual self. They gain the incorporeal suctype permanently. Their Ghostform ability now works in reverse; it removes the incorporeal subtype. This ability superceds the Incorporeal Nature ability. (When using Ghostform to become corporeal, they may lose as many or as few of the benefits of Incorporeal nature as they desire.)
    As a final benefit, their Ghostform ability's duration is now measured in hours/level.

    True Spiritbolt (Su): At 20th level, a Ghostblade can launch a devestatingly powerful assault at the cost of their own health. A Ghostblade may, as a Full Round Action, drop themselves to a stable state at -9 HP. If they do, they can fire Spiritbolts dealing total damage of (1d8 + Cha modifier) for each hit point lost. This may only be done once per day.

    Spectral Study
    Prerequisites: Spiritbolt ability
    Benefit: Your Ghostblade class abilities are based on Intelligence.
    Normal: Your Ghostblade class abilities are based on Charisma.

    Vital Spirit
    Prerequisites: Spiritbolt ability
    Benefit: Your Ghostblade class abilities are based on Wisdom.
    Normal: Your Ghostblade class abilities are based on Charisma.

    Spirit of Nature
    Prerequisites: Spiritbolt and Wild Shape ability
    Benefit: Your levels from Ghostblade and the class that grant you wild shape stack for the purposes of enhancing your spiritbolt, wild shape, and any animal companions you gain, to a maximum effective level of your ECl.

    Vigorous Transformation
    Prerequisites: Spirit of Nature
    Benefit: Whenever you regain hitpoints from using Wild Shape, you may retain any extra hitpoints over your maximum as temporary hp that last for (con modifier) rounds, and may only be used for fuelling Ghostblade class abilities.
    Normal: Excess hitpoints are lost.

    Comments, please. (Bows, braces self)
    Last edited by Lix Lorn; 2014-04-04 at 11:14 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    It's like the feng shui version of an orbital death laser.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Titan in the Playground
    PairO'Dice Lost's Avatar

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    Malsheem, Nessus

    Default Re: (3.5 Base Class, PEACH) The Ghostblade

    Interesting concept; it's like the Psion Uncarnate, but for fighters. I like it. Mechanically, a few issues:

    Class Skills-Ghostblades class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are (Dex), Move Silently (Dex), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str)
    Skill Points at 1st level-(2 + Int Modifier) x4
    Skill Points per Level-2 + Int Modifier
    No. No no no no no. Even assuming the first (Dex) has a skill attached, a list of only 6 class skills is far too small. Even the fighter gets 7, and he should have several more than that. On top of that, no class should really have fewer than 2+Int skill points; yes, quite a few classes do, but you're homebrewing already, so you might as well correct that oversight.

    Given that a martial character capable of becoming incorporeal is probably pretty sneaky by default, I'd suggest using the rogue or ranger skill list with a few modifications and upping skills to 4 or 6 plus Int.

    Spiritbolt (Su): Starting at 2nd level, a Ghostblade may project their spiritual energy as a bolt of almost invisible power. However, this ability drains their own vitality. As a standard action, a Ghostblade may launch any number of Force rays, dealing total damage of 1d8 plus their Charisma Modifer for every 4 hit points sacrificed. In addition, these attacks can damage the targets mental abilities. It deals one point of ability damage to Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma per dice of damage dealt.
    Each ray is treated as a ranged touch attack.
    (EG: A Ghostblade sacrifices 8Hp, and fires two rays for 1d8 damage each. Alternatively, they sacrifice 12 hp and fires one ray for 2d8 and another for 1d8.)
    Is it (1d8+Cha) per 4 points, or 1d8 per 4 points, plus Cha? I'm guessing the former, but the example and phrasing make it less clear.

    Other than those two points, I don't see any mechanical problems with the class; the ability progression is smooth, everything seems balanced, and the flavor and mechanics support each other nicely. The only thing I'd suggest would be to find some abilities for the two dead levels, and it would be complete.
    Better to DM in Baator than play in Celestia
    You can just call me Dice; that's how I roll.

    Spoiler: Sig of Holding

    Quote Originally Posted by abadguy View Post
    Darn you PoDL for making me care about a bunch of NPC Commoners!
    Quote Originally Posted by Chambers View Post
    I'm pretty sure turning Waterdeep into a sheet of glass wasn't the best win condition for that fight. We lived though!
    Quote Originally Posted by MaxiDuRaritry View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by PairO'DiceLost View Post
    Where are my Like, Love, and Want to Have Your Manchildren (Totally Homo) buttons for this post?
    Won a cookie for this, won everything for this

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: (3.5 Base Class, PEACH) The Ghostblade

    Quote Originally Posted by PairO'Dice Lost View Post
    Interesting concept
    Thank you.

    No. No no no no no. Even assuming the first (Dex) has a skill attached, a list of only 6 class skills is far too small. Even the fighter gets 7, and he should have several more than that. On top of that, no class should really have fewer than 2+Int skill points; yes, quite a few classes do, but you're homebrewing already, so you might as well correct that oversight.

    Given that a martial character capable of becoming incorporeal is probably pretty sneaky by default, I'd suggest using the rogue or ranger skill list with a few modifications and upping skills to 4 or 6 plus Int.
    (nods) Okay; I'll go trawl the skill lists for some more that fit.

    Is it (1d8+Cha) per 4 points, or 1d8 per 4 points, plus Cha? I'm guessing the former, but the example and phrasing make it less clear.
    It was meant to be the second... but on reflection, the first makes far more sense. I'll clarify that.

    Other than those two points, I don't see any mechanical problems with the class; the ability progression is smooth, everything seems balanced, and the flavor and mechanics support each other nicely. The only thing I'd suggest would be to find some abilities for the two dead levels, and it would be complete.
    Wow. Only three things.
    More abilities... I toyed with something where you could sacrifice 4 HP to gain d8 back, but it seemed a little chaotic. Maybe something that gives you a bonus on saving throws? Sacrifice any amount of HP to count yourself as half that many levels higher for the purposes of saving throws?

    And thanks again.

    EDIT: Done. And I also added a bit to Incorporeal Nature about floating, because... well, it's cool. XD
    Last edited by Lix Lorn; 2010-04-05 at 11:34 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    It's like the feng shui version of an orbital death laser.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: (3.5 Base Class, PEACH) The Ghostblade

    Quote Originally Posted by Lix Lorn View Post
    More abilities... I toyed with something where you could sacrifice 4 HP to gain d8 back, but it seemed a little chaotic. Maybe something that gives you a bonus on saving throws? Sacrifice any amount of HP to count yourself as half that many levels higher for the purposes of saving throws?
    Counting as a higher level would make getting a Fort bonus more expensive than a Ref or Will bonus, which may not be what you intended. I'd suggest something that works like an Elan's resistance ability using HP instead of PP, i.e. sacrifice X HP as an immediate action to gain a save bonus equal to X/3 (or some other fraction of X) for 1 round. Call it Spirit Barrier or something like that.

    For a second ability you could provide an improved version of Spiritmarch, since that's the only existing ability that doesn't get an upgrade at the moment. Perhaps an ability that transfers you and allies to the Ethereal Plane?
    Better to DM in Baator than play in Celestia
    You can just call me Dice; that's how I roll.

    Spoiler: Sig of Holding

    Quote Originally Posted by abadguy View Post
    Darn you PoDL for making me care about a bunch of NPC Commoners!
    Quote Originally Posted by Chambers View Post
    I'm pretty sure turning Waterdeep into a sheet of glass wasn't the best win condition for that fight. We lived though!
    Quote Originally Posted by MaxiDuRaritry View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by PairO'DiceLost View Post
    Where are my Like, Love, and Want to Have Your Manchildren (Totally Homo) buttons for this post?
    Won a cookie for this, won everything for this

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: (3.5 Base Class, PEACH) The Ghostblade

    Good point.

    How about one functioning as Plane Shift, and another for some form of Teleport?
    Recent Homebrew: The Socialite | The Crystalline: Memory Altering Construct Race | Sanguine Hand, a ToB Discipline of blood and cruelty
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    Thanks to all my avatar artists, especially to Paisley for my avatar of Vivian, cowardly cryophoenix.
    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    It's like the feng shui version of an orbital death laser.

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: (3.5 Base Class, PEACH) The Ghostblade

    wow, i like it. really. it would cost you a fortune in potions (or half the spell slots of your cleric) but it would be cool.

    anyway, a couple of questions.

    first, since this guy spends life for all his skills, it would be better to make him fight in the BACK row...'cause i mean, after i spend half my life points on a spirit bolt i really don't want to be in the middle of the enemy fighters...
    what i'm saying is, noone would risk much life points when there's good chance the enemy is gonna land a big hit on you...
    what if instead, the Ghostblade fights with a bow and the spiritbolt ADDS damage to his arrows?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lix Lorn View Post
    Spiritmarch (Su) Starting at 11th level, the Ghostblade can warp themselves and their allies through space at an almost instantaneous pace. This functions as the Spell Dimension Door, except where noted here. The maximum range is equal to 50 feet times the Ghostblade’s class level. This ability is highly draining; it deals 5 hit points of damage per creature transported per 100 feet transported. (With a minimum of 5 damage per creature)(Bows, braces self)
    it works only in the short distances, and anyway even assuming you're just transporting the party for a short distance in a dungeon, you get at least 20-25 damage, which is considerable.
    Transporting people for longer distances is almost impossible.
    and another thing, you spend the same energy to transport a dragon and a cat?

    Edit: uuh, last thing.
    i don't see why anyone would ever take any more levels after level 15.
    but you could fix that adding cool skills (as someone suggested) for the other levels
    Last edited by Gandariel; 2010-04-05 at 02:55 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by actual quote from this forum
    So yeah. your wrong.
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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: (3.5 Base Class, PEACH) The Ghostblade

    Two Ghostblades in the same party could really mess stuff up. They both blow almost all their HP to kill the encounter, then just heal each other back up (provided they both have a CHA of at least 18, which guarantees at least 5 HP gain with spiritshare). They could just go nova every fight, heal up to Max hp, and max-5 hp, then do it again.
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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: (3.5 Base Class, PEACH) The Ghostblade

    Quote Originally Posted by ForzaFiori View Post
    Two Ghostblades in the same party could really mess stuff up. They both blow almost all their HP to kill the encounter, then just heal each other back up (provided they both have a CHA of at least 18, which guarantees at least 5 HP gain with spiritshare). They could just go nova every fight, heal up to Max hp, and max-5 hp, then do it again.
    i didn't figure that out...
    you can fix it saying "you can use this skill max x times/day" or making the skill only give temporary hp...
    Quote Originally Posted by actual quote from this forum
    So yeah. your wrong.
    Check out Camp Archimedes, a (slightly homebrew) mercenary camp full of interesting units. A great addition to any campaign (in my very biased opinion)

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: (3.5 Base Class, PEACH) The Ghostblade

    Interesting. Definitely a unique concept, and realized effectively too.

    If I were to offer feedback, you could improve it by addressing the following concerns:

    1) All of the hp costs are a little bit high for the benefits provided. In a sort of weird corollary to that, even though the hp costs are high, I don't think the class is well-balanced. The powers are limited by hit point total, rather than caster level or base attack or something similar, and with heavy optimization the class's power increases exponentially. I'll explain (long, spoilered)


    At the basic, unoptimized level of play, a ghostblade has only a few, costly powers to use, and an unskilled player is going to constantly be red-lining on hit points and sucking the party's healing resources (or simply misjudging how many hp need to be held in reserve and getting killed). It's easy for the character to be weak and ineffective, sucking resources and contributing little.

    However, under moderate optimization, the ghostblade is dramatically more powerful. Say the party cleric casts a persistent mass lesser vigor to give everyone fast healing I can stay in ghostform for an entire adventuring day and recover from a ghostmarch within a minute or two.

    Under heavier optimization, the power of the class becomes explosive. For example, say I pick up a greater ring of spell storing and have an allied caster cast necrotic empowerment into it. You activate the spell, gaining 100 temporary hit points. Walking into your first encounter of the day, you sacrifice all the temp hp and 10 of your own hp to throw off a nova of mighty spirit bolts, dealing a total of 70d8+70*Cha+70 Int, Wis, and Cha damage. You can clear a room with a single standard action.

    2) Looking at the powers line-by line:

    Ghost Weapon: While flavorful, this ability is specialized and contributes little to actual gameplay, especially since from levels 1-3, parties typically face few if any incorporeal opponents. Once the Ghostblade acquires ghostform at level 4, this effect becomes more relevant, allowing the ghostblade to deal weapon damage while incorporeal without having to go through any shenanigans.

    Spirit Bolt: A useful ability, but easy to exploit if you can acquire large numbers of temporary hit points. I'd suggest a cap of 1 die per ghostform level. Hp cost is a bit high. Same holds true for the improved and greater spiritbolt.

    Spiritshare: As mentioned, two ghostblades in the same party can generate arbitrarily large healing, given sufficient time. If that seems unlikely to you, also remember that some classes have the ability to emulate the class features of others, so mind the implications. A useful limit might be a per-day cap on the amount of healing, say by limiting it to the ghostblade's normal maximum hit point total. The same holds true for Greater Spiritshare. I'd suggest setting healing at 2d8+Cha for Spiritshare and 4d8+Cha for Greater Spiritshare, otherwise the ability won't be even marginally useful in combat.

    Ghostform: This ability is better than you think it is, and is really too powerful to be granted at 4th level. Incorporeality means the ability to fly, bypass doors and walls, ignore most traps, and absolute immunity to monsters that lack magic weapons. That's a lot of different types of encounters that the character can ignore, and the again, the hp cost only limits the ability until the character finds a renewable source of hit points. If you mean this ability to be used only occasionally, rather than constantly, its duration should be 1 min/level rather than 1 hour/level.

    Incorporeal Nature: Helpful at low levels of optimization, this ability becomes irrelevant with higher levels of player skill because the character will stay in ghostform all the time.

    Greater Ghost Weapon: Is this a standard action to activate? If so, you should specify. I actually like this ability a lot; it's going to add considerable versatility and choice and give a character a variety of options in combat. As with the other powers, the hp cost is too high, and you need a hard, scaling limit on the level of enhancement, say by limiting the total bonus to 1/2 class level (which lays a path for epic advancement by allowing an epic enhancement at level 22). Tracking it on a per-round basis is sorta tedious with the bookkeeping; I'd suggest that you give it a flat duration of 5 minutes, which is long for one combat but usually not long enough for two.

    Spiritmarch: This ability is horrible. At the level where other casters are teleporting across continents and even planar boundaries, the Ghostblade is half-killing himself just to transport the party a couple hundred feet. Again, though, with a source of fast healing, this abillity becomes effectively unlimited-use. The hp cost on this should be much lower. If you want to limit it, set a cap on the maximum number of creatures transported or the maximum daily distance traveled.

    Mighty Ghost Weapon: I'm not sure exactly what power this ability grants, since the character is already able to be incorporeal. I guess I need to brush up on those rules.

    Greater Ghostform: Nice, but really just a minor frill.

    True Incorporeal Nature: flavorwise, this is nice, but with greater ghostform, the character is already pretty much incorporeal all the time anyhow. You need a better capstone, maybe the ability to go ethereal at will or affect corporeal objects when desired. Or both. Both would be good.

    3) Big issue: You really don't gain ANY significant abilities at all from 13th-20th level. Needs more dakka. A lot more dakka.
    Last edited by jiriku; 2010-04-05 at 07:15 PM.
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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: (3.5 Base Class, PEACH) The Ghostblade

    Right. So, in conclusion: Lower the HP costs, put some other limit on them, weaken Ghostform slightly, heighten Spiritshare a little, improve Spiritmarch a lot.

    Maybe change Spiritmarch to a distance of miles, more like Teleport, and make it five HP per 50 miles per two medium characters transported? (Two small = one medium, two medium = one large etc?)

    Make True Incorporeal Nature allow you to switch between Corporeal and incorporeal at will?

    (Oops, I meant to specify standard action for Greater Ghost Weapon)

    A Touch Attack ignores Armour. Irrelevant while in Ghostform.

    Alright, I'll change the Ghostform to rounds rather than hours, but for the rest I could really use some help. To be completely honest, I don't really know what I'm doing. Help would be appreciated on exact numbers for HP costs and other balancing points, such as the things above.

    Also, are there any ideas for nice abilities to fill the empty levels/capstone slots?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    It's like the feng shui version of an orbital death laser.

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    Default Re: (3.5 Base Class, PEACH) The Ghostblade

    Quote Originally Posted by Lix Lorn View Post
    Right. So, in conclusion: Lower the HP costs, put some other limit on them, weaken Ghostform slightly, heighten Spiritshare a little, improve Spiritmarch a lot.
    You summed it up rather nicely, yes.

    Maybe change Spiritmarch to a distance of miles, more like Teleport, and make it five HP per 50 miles per two medium characters transported? (Two small = one medium, two medium = one large etc?)
    Perhaps you could break it out into a tiered power. Spiritmarch 1 works more like dimension door, while Spiritmarch 2 resembles teleport, and Spiritmarch 3 (high level) is like etherealness.

    Make True Incorporeal Nature allow you to switch between Corporeal and incorporeal at will?
    That can work...but if you have a ghost touch weapon and ghostform 6/day, how often would you even need to switch? Note that if you're cutting the duration on ghostform down to rounds, howeve, the ability to become permanently incorporeal is quite good, as it becomes the only avenue remaining for all-day ghostliness.

    A Touch Attack ignores Armour. Irrelevant while in Ghostform.
    Ok. An infrequently used ability then, but hugely good when it's used. It's gained at a level where hugely good abilities are appropriate.

    Alright, I'll change the Ghostform to rounds rather than hours, but for the rest I could really use some help. To be completely honest, I don't really know what I'm doing. Help would be appreciated on exact numbers for HP costs and other balancing points, such as the things above.
    If I were to throw out some numbers, I'd say reduce the cost of spiritbolt and spiritshare by 1. Set ghostform to a flat cost of 5 per use. Reduce the cost of greater ghost weapon and spiritmarch by 3. Others might disagree.

    Other tweaks to suggest:
    • If ghostform is limited to rounds/level, increase the cap to minutes/level with greater ghostform.
    • You need to specify a range limit for the spiritbolt.

    And don't be so hard on yourself! This is excellent work, and uses some clever mechanics. It's one of the few non-spellcasting base classes I've seen homebrewed here that have the potential to be useful in a variety of roles.

    Also, are there any ideas for nice abilities to fill the empty levels/capstone slots?
    Let's see....
    • There's a feat in Libris Mortis that lets incorporeal creatures handle physical objects. You could provide it as a bonus feat.
    • Etherealness, ethereal jaunt, and swift etherealness as supernatural abilities with a hp cost would be good.
    • Ghosts get some interesting abilities that might make useful features like draining touch, malevolence, and telekinesis.
    • An improvement to the Spiritshare ability allowing mass curing would be nice. Even with the extra dice I've suggested, the ghostblade's healing is greatly inferior to a cleric's cure wounds spells, and they're ...rather lacking. You could also reduce the healing to a standard action to use, or even make it usable at close range instead of touch.
    • Grant worn armor and shields the ghost touch enhancement, and perhaps even pay hp to enchant armor with a variety of enhancements (you'd need to place careful restrictions on this, however).
    • FYI, I'd recommend swapping the levels at which Spirit Bolt and Ghost Touch Weapon are gained, since GTW is probably useless at 1st level and SB is definitely not.
    • The ability to drag foes into the ethereal plane would be kind of cool, especially if you could leave them there.
    Last edited by jiriku; 2010-04-05 at 07:11 PM.
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    (nods slowly)
    Right... It's too late for me to do this now, So I'll hope you or someone posts before tomorrow to remind me. Thanks muchly.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    It's like the feng shui version of an orbital death laser.

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    I really like it! And for a first attempt at homebrewing, this is incredibly good. Sweet flavor, good mechanics, great idea.

    As for suggestions, I think jiriku covered everything pretty dang well. Although, if you could get your hands on Ghostwalk, it would likely give you a few ghostly ideas, too.

    Keep up the great work!
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    (nod, blush)
    Thanks. Ghostwalk? Is that a sourcebook?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    It's like the feng shui version of an orbital death laser.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lix Lorn View Post
    (nod, blush)
    Thanks. Ghostwalk? Is that a sourcebook?
    Please feel free to PM me any thoughts on my homebrew (or comment in the thread if it's not too old).

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    I have...nothing constructive to add (I'm no good at Homebrewing) but I feel obliged to say:

    This? This is cool.
    Last edited by Danne; 2010-04-06 at 03:37 PM.

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    YOU realise I say that all the time?
    I'm going to hide under my table now...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    It's like the feng shui version of an orbital death laser.

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    Default Re: (3.5 Base Class, PEACH) The Ghostblade

    I love vaguely psionic classes! There are a lot of new and cool abilities, but I'm not really sure where to place them power-wise. Part of me feels that you really should cap that Spiritbolt; might get a little crazy if you have a reckless (and very lucky) player using the Ghostblade.

    What kind of weapon/armor proficiencies these guys getting?

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    Oops. Thought I forgot something. DXD
    Simple, I think... maybe Martial? Simple and one martial, light and medium armour.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    It's like the feng shui version of an orbital death laser.

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    Changes done.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    It's like the feng shui version of an orbital death laser.

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    Default Re: (3.5 Base Class, PEACH) The Ghostblade

    True Spiritbolt.
    at 20th level the Ghostblade (assuming a +3 con bonus) will have about 200 hp (but probably more, including buffs and ability improving items. but let's say 200).

    now. cha bonus: with a +6 ability increasing item, assuming a base 20 cha we have about 26 ... so bonus +7? +8?

    1 d8 => 4,5 damage +7= 11,5

    11,5 x 200 = 2300.

    mmh... isnt' it a bit... too much?
    Quote Originally Posted by actual quote from this forum
    So yeah. your wrong.
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    Well, the problem is, if I make it 1d8 for every two HP, it's marginally worse than Mighty Spiritbolt.
    Would it be better if it dropped you to -1 not stable? Or how about it just does damage equal to the HP lost?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    It's like the feng shui version of an orbital death laser.

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    You forget that they're also literally killing themselves to do that. At 20th level, that's not an unlrealistic amount of damage, especially for the sacrifice they make to do it. And it is once per day. And each of those spirit bolts needs to actually hit to do damage...
    Last edited by Melayl; 2010-04-07 at 04:40 PM.
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    They put themself to one hitpoint from death. It looked good on paper, but considering that would clear away pretty much anything, I don't know if it's balanced.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    It's like the feng shui version of an orbital death laser.

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    Default Re: (3.5 Base Class, PEACH) The Ghostblade

    Quote Originally Posted by Melayl View Post
    You forget that they're also literally killing themselves to do that. At 20th level, that's not an unlrealistic amount of damage, especially for the sacrifice they make to do it. And it is once per day. And each of those spirit bolts needs to actually hit to do damage...
    Actually you get one attack roll per target, regardless of how many dice you stack on it.

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    Spiritbolt (Su): A Ghostblade may project their spiritual energy as a bolt of almost invisible power. However, this ability drains their own vitality. As a standard action, a Ghostblade may sacrifice any amount of hit points to launch any number of Force rays, dealing total damage of (1d8 plus Cha Modifer) for every 3 hit points sacrificed. A Ghostblade may only sacrifice a total of 3 hit points for each class level they have. In addition, these attacks can damage the targets mental abilities. It deals one point of ability damage to Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma per dice of damage dealt.
    Each ray is treated as a ranged touch attack, with range equal to 100ft plus 10ft/level.
    (EG: A Ghostblade sacrifices 6Hp, and fires two rays for 1d8 damage each. Alternatively, they sacrifice 9 hp and fires one ray for 2d8 and another for 1d8.)
    According to this, it is a separate attack for each. Lix will have to tell us which is correct.
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    Spiritbolt (Su): A Ghostblade may project their spiritual energy as a bolt of almost invisible power. However, this ability drains their own vitality. As a standard action, a Ghostblade may sacrifice any amount of hit points to launch any number of Force rays, dealing total damage of (1d8 plus Cha Modifer) for every 3 hit points sacrificed. A Ghostblade may only sacrifice a total of 3 hit points for each class level they have. In addition, these attacks can damage the targets mental abilities. It deals one point of ability damage to Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma per dice of damage dealt.
    Each ray is treated as a ranged touch attack, with range equal to 100ft plus 10ft/level.
    (EG: A Ghostblade sacrifices 6Hp, and fires two rays for 1d8 damage each. Alternatively, they sacrifice 9 hp and fires one ray for 2d8 and another for 1d8.)
    Emphasis mine.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Krazddndfreek View Post
    Emphasis mine.
    I missed that part. They still need to roll at least 2 attack rolls,then.
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    If they're attacking two different creatures. I think you can stack all 200 some odd dice onto one attack against one creature.

    On another note, I think this class should probably only have average bab, as its main mechanic uses a touch attack. I know he won't always be using it, but it still makes him pretty powerful already.

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    It would be a seperate roll for each, yes.
    Medium BAB? Do you think so?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
    It's like the feng shui version of an orbital death laser.

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